42times5 ago

Just reading through all the recent 'suicides' the following people kept popping up in my mind: [Michael Hutchence] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Hutchence)) and by extension [Paula Yates] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paula_Yates)) and then [Bob Geldof] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Geldof)), poor [Peaches] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peaches_Geldof)) and then finally [Jim Morrison] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Morrison)) because his death was so similar to Paula and Peaches and he looked like Michael.

Rambling but possibly relevant.

pbvrocks ago

Folks..real easy in the "submission info" portion of your screen...(look up and right...) to check anyone submission history...swordfish69 has contributed numerous times and has been writing about EXACTLY what his post claims he has info on...love the shills on here "take it down.." bahahahahahaha.....go @swordfish69 and drop it!

ASolo ago

[–] swordfish69 33 points (+33|-0) 8 hours ago No. Not the official leaks.


Wow I could think of a dozen threads this guy has deleted that observed VOAT rules much more concise than this psyop and MilFalcon even CORRECTS AND REPOSTS THIS GARBAGE.

Swear to God dude you got some loose screws or something how the hell are you even still a mod. Please recuse yourself .

remedy4reality ago

I've been calling for MF to resign since December. He is a pedo apologist, or worse.

ASolo ago

Yeah he's gone down in my good book as someone who has stymied some great minds in this forum and has prevented others from pursuing important leads they felt they could convey but were dissuaded by turdbirds hairpin trigger modding. I don't wish physical harm on anyone but hope some sprite of conscience keeps him up at night, which I'm sure it does, or will sometime soon. I'm not sure how to gauge his actions. Sometimes it seems he knows what he's doing by weeding out harmful spam and obvious disinfo, yet at other times his gauge of discernment seems so particularly odd that it suggests a confusing panopticon of contradictory possibilities - is he trying to hard, retarded, or intel? Ugh.

And to be such a dickhead and have such a cool iconic space vehicle as an avatar. What a bummer.

remedy4reality ago

he's intel, imho

ClueRecluse ago

Please take this down has swordfish has said these aren't official.

AuthenticatedAutism ago

@ThePuppetShow You don't understand that @swordfish has been famous on 4chan for years.

@2b1ask1 will confirm this. /b/

ThePuppetShow ago

I call bullshit.

silverbug ago

swordfish, where are you dropping this info? VOAT? I and many others are excited and skeptical at the same time can you tell us if you have VIDEO proof? I only ask this because I just do not think anything else will work in this day and age

MaybeLogic ago

So let's review. In these alleged official leaks, a day early by the way, we have learned:

  1. Entertainers know each other and rib each other on British television.
  2. Phil Collins wrote a memoir.
  3. Lady Gaga was nobody before a girl in a cover band died.

Oh, and all the posters have super clever spy names. Why am I not on the edge of my seat?

Now that the man himself has weighed in and we know it's not his work, what is it? A deliberate effort to muddy the waters before real information arrives, pedophiles having a laugh, or some anon assholes playing dress up on the internet...again. Or maybe THIS time it's for real, guys. /s


thelandofchocolate ago

These are clues. Piece it together.

MaybeLogic ago

You spelled "red herrings" with different letters than I would have.

quantokitty ago

Hell, yeah!!!!!

UPVOAT!!!! I never save links, but I did these.

Go, @swordfish69!!! I believe you did it!

carmencita ago

Can you DM me those links please? I don't have them.

quantokitty ago

They're the ones in this post. Just copy them.

MF took down the original posts and consolidated all three into this one post.

I know. It's getting confusing.

carmencita ago

Good God! OK. Thanks.

ThePuppetShow ago

You can delete those links..


quantokitty ago

No way .... things have a way of disappearing.

ThePuppetShow ago

Just pointing out they aren't the swordfish69 leaks. The proof is in the link.

quantokitty ago

I understand that these are aren't SF69's leaks, but I want everything.

At this point, I don't know what's important and what isn't.

ThePuppetShow ago

Correction.. They aren't the swordfish69 leaks.

quantokitty ago

Yes, it was a typo. I understand that these aren't SF69's leaks.

BlissNarwhal ago

He's a great guy obviously.

quantokitty ago

Yeah, well. I think so now. We'll see if he delivers.

DonKeyhote ago

Someone explain why Hollywood pedo revelations will be a breakthrough when its ALREADY A KNOWN HUB OF PEDOS?? People DEFEND MICHAEL JACKSON TO THIS DAY!!

pedodestroyer ago

because michael jackson is innocent. he was one of the elites that used to protect children. they didn't like that. then he named the jew in his song "They Dont Really Care About Us", the uncensored version... so they slandered him, called him what they were (a pedophile) and eventually killed him.

all you have to do is watch this, where he begs people to wake up and tells them that theyve been lied to, and that the history books lie:


and the song where he names the jew, one of the things that started his downfall , lyric excerpt:


I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame

They're throwin' me in a class with a bad name

I can't believe this is the land from which I came

You know, I do really hate to say it

The government don't wanna see

But if Roosevelt was livin'

He wouldn't let this be, no, no

Beat me, hate me

You can never break me

Will me, thrill me

You can never kill me

JEW me, sue me

Everybody do me

Kick me, KIKE me

Don't you black or white me

ChanceofRain ago

MJ's last speech in London:
"We can't let them get away with what they are trying to do..."
"I am leaving Sony a free agent... owning half [of the company]... they are very angry at me... but I just did good business."
"Tony Mottola is a Devil." crowd goes wild
"please don't videotape what I'm about to say... never mind go ahead."


Banki ago

The Jacksons were more than likely a monarch family. Cory Feldman stated that Cory Haim stayed with Jackson while he was being abused as it was the only place he was safe. It's so fucked up.

angry_mob ago

mj innocent.

Jobew1 ago

While i dont think mj was innocent, its hard to ignore this and other info that he was brought down (then possibly murdered) for bucking his handlers/the industry and then being worth more dead than alive. And tho he may have been a pedo he was likely groomed into that by the same types he later ran afoul of

DonKeyhote ago

Meh and his neverland ranch??

Atticus182 ago

From Tom Delonge fb yesterday...


I now believe that theory that Tom is miserably misled or used, and "fake alien invasion/disclosure" is coming to sweep out pizzagate. This came pretty much instantly after swordfish's 48h thing surfaced

I said it months ago, timelines with Tom match, ive been following this guy for a decade. He might be totally ignoring and off from pizzagate tho

SoldierofLight ago

Wasn't Podesta his "secret" source for Tom's novel Chasing Shadows (Sekret Machines #1)?

He spells Sekret the same way that MK Ultra victims substitute "c" with "k." My theory is that MK Ultra = Mind K(C)ontrol Ultimate, or Ultimate Mind Control, as in German it would be written with the adjective after the noun. And K instead of C. (And it's the Nazis who first developed mind control to manipulate the populace.)

As you know, some of Tom's correspondence with Podesta is in the Wikileaks. Linda Moulton Howe, UFO researcher, follows very few people on Twitter. Two of them are Podesta and Tom.

I've been wondering if Delonge is a mind control victim being used by Podesta and others to advance their bullshit narrative about aliens coming here to save us. Project Blue Beam.

What do you think?

Jem777 ago


ProudTruther ago

Yeah, if you want how Pizzagate connects with outer space and if is see how the Germans figured out antigravity in wwii and they are out there living, slaving and speaking German to this day along with other break away programs. NASA just straight up denied having a child slave colony on mars when usually they try to ignore "whack job conspiracies"

BlissNarwhal ago

Whoops there goes, another rubber tree @DonutofShame

reemwhal ago

You have filled my eyes with tears.

dooob ago

Looks promising, leak one is creepy as fuck

ThePuppetShow ago

Can anybody verify if these are actual leaks from @swordfish69. The initial thread was 22 hours ago and it said 48.


2b1ask1 ago

swordfish69 is an imposter.

swordfish (without the 69) is the original poster.

Swordfish69 is probably Alefantis himself.

ocdnig ago

That's what I was thinking @2b1ask1

ThePuppetShow ago

You have some proof of this? @swordfish69 posted the original thread. You sound like another shill pushing bullshit with no proof.


2b1ask1 ago

Swordfish posted the original thread - not swordfish69.

ThePuppetShow ago


ocdnig ago

@2b1ask1 The leak actually started on 4chan by @swordfish

ThePuppetShow ago

@swordfish69 has been here for 8 months. How would someone know that far in advance to pick that name if they aren't the same person? Use some common sense.

ocdnig ago

@swordfish has been here far longer. 2 years

and if you look at the third leak, it's 2014, 3 years.

MaybeLogic ago

We have to accept the possibility that, regardless of @swordfish69's post or integrity, today's half ass leaks are somebody's idea of a joke. There is possibly nothing more pathetic or contemptible. Let's hope it's just an awkward start, but we've all seen enough fanfic to take a dim view without solid material.

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

ME is the same mod that deleted my Monauk thread and didn't know what a magnet link was. And I'm not the only one who has had that happen. Then swordfish saying these are not his leaks, ME needs to go. Probably a fucking kike.

edblings ago

they are trying to discredit, distract, and derail

MaybeLogic ago

This guy gets it.

swordfish69 ago

No. Not the official leaks.

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

M_F looking shady as fuck as usual posting this BS thread Thank you for being a real thorough mofo though.

google_is_useful ago

i will be so surprised if you're not full of shit

what you're claiming is a smoking gun, indisputable proof.

how many of you would bet me $100 that swordfish69 is telling the truth and will release what he claims here: https://imgtc.com/PQJpdHV

i'd bet $1000 that he's lying. just trying to stir attention for some fucked up reason.

remedy4reality ago

i'll take that bet right now

ocdnig ago

We know you are a fraud.

[–] ocdnig [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 3 minutes ago (edited 2 minutes ago) @2b1ask1 The leak actually started on 4chan by @swordfish

Jem777 ago

Just got the Marfa understanding more in depth @swordfish69

redditsuckz ago

Any comment on why David Seaman changed his profile to a pic of John Travolta of Swordfish before he vanished off the internet...again....?


Is this just another coincidence and you have no connection to David Seaman?...

Whattheheck321 ago

Stay safe please check in. I hope you have something for all of us. Take care.

MaybeLogic ago

Thank you for coming forward.

jangles ago

Could you comment on why these now?

edblings ago

listen man, people are worried for your safety and believe you have true information. please check in at least every few hours or less would be better, but at least check in more than once in 24 hours. you have people worried and that's not cool

AngB23 ago

Agree on this. @Swordfish69 hopefully had this planned out in advance and does have a few trusted people they are checking in with.

BlissNarwhal ago

Have faith in God.

ThePuppetShow ago

Thank you for the clarification! I though something smelled bad.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Glad to see you are ok.

ThePuppetShow ago

Just a heads up.. You replied to the wrong post =)

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Oh shit! Well glad to see ur Ok😛😉

ThePuppetShow ago

Haha thanks!

SayWhatNOWAY ago


ben_matlock ago

This ☝

reemwhal ago


I suppose the best way to determine that would be to look at what the three links contain and make up your own mind, if you think they qualify as leaks or not.

ThePuppetShow ago

No.. The best way to determine that would be @swordfish69 endorsing these. I'm not saying they aren't, just that the shilling has been pretty relentless lately and we need to verify. Swordfish69 clearly said 48 hours and these are coming in less than 24.?.

reemwhal ago


The element of surprise.

ThePuppetShow ago

So... Who the fuck are you? New account obviously pushing this bullshit LARP like you're privy to some inside knowledge.


reemwhal ago


ThePuppetShow ago

Or, the element of bullshit. Shills/ LARPers do this shit all the time.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Thanks Kevdude you fucking pedo harboring SRS faggot. The users in this sub need to move to a sub and repost important stuff that is outside of your control, and heygeorge, and the rest of you SoapBoxBanHammer faggots

Pizzagaters, do not put up with this shit. They are making unnecessary rules to dissuade people from being comfortable and speaking their mind.

dooob ago

You are an idiot, the rules are simple, only a nigger cant follow simple rules.

PedoStomper ago

simple rules

Everything gets deleted.

dooob ago

After watching through the submission removals log, first page all rules are enforced like they are imposed. No clickbait titles, detail what you are posting in the fucking title, thats why the link submissions are getting rid. People are not even reading the sidebar.

Plus, you really believe Mossad boy and his brother solved Seth Rich's murder? Why not call Hannity, ping him over twitter or something, go on air? That is why the rewards were offered...

You_are_a_bitch ago

People are not even reading the sidebar.

Then maybe you should take a fucking hint you kike censorship faggot

dooob ago

U idiot, people were spamming (and still are, look at posts with clickbait titles) there. It is not censorship if u follow the fucking rules. They arent even SJW rules, wtf is wrong with you, the rules are made to leech out newbie posts and to incise post quality.

Rules are broken by newbies and shills.

All subverses have the right to enforce their rules, rules like "no hate speech" and "no spam" are usually disliked because they can be abused.

You_are_a_bitch ago

keep trying, im willign to wager the majority of this sub knows the mods are pedo shills and you cannot hide behind alts

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

This sub was vibrant and had better discussion before SRS and ProtectVoat trolls spammed stupid shit making it unusable, which led to those same people now moderating this sub.

I have a frame of reference and anyone who has been here before pizzagate got here does too so it's obvious when you 5 day old shills come out of no where and try to proclaim rule-fagging is necessary to catch pedophiles. It stifles discussion and gives incentive for mods to constantly patrol the sub getting rid of meta discussion or dissent against them

dooob ago

Sigh, i am gonna catch a lot of shit for being a new account... I deleted my main after the DDoS, 7 month old account + 1month of lurking before making it.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

That's nice. Care to address the point I made?

dooob ago

Its the same repeated sbbh is srs? allegations backed by no proof.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

lmao. Clearly you have no idea where the fuck you are or what is going on, you are a distraction. Anyone who has followed the pedogate, censorship and shills knows SBBH is SRS.

dooob ago

Based on what? Am i asking for too much?

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago




They all overlap with each other and they even used the same names on reddit until people called them out for it. If you have questions ask me, but there is no honest person making an argument for SBBH not being SRS that isn't a total shill.

dooob ago

This is where ur narratives falls apart.

Link 1:


He uses this shitpost as a proof of their shady behavior? Reddit chat CCP limit was made because of SaneGoat's spamming.

https://voat.co/v/whatever/1978689 quoting him??? Bahahahah

http://archive.is/pO3Df what does this prove? Maybe that it was a bad joke?

Your whole post is circulating around the fact that they called out using discord is a bad idea.

Using discord IS a bad idea, voat has its own chat... You spout same bullshit but no actual proof to back it up, now that i FINALLY got you to post something, your first link looks like something CNN would do.

Beetlejuice is a an autistic troll that is provoking you.

SBBH doesnt care that u and your alts call them SRS. If users fall for your shit, then they are sheep and not goats.

Link 2: some real CNN material, your second proof is another baseless accusation.

Link 3: So they start spamming you because you keep spreading ridiculous conspiracy theories without any proof, no grounds whatsoever, even the Russian meddling has a tiny bit more legitimacy.

Every goat should read what this faggot posted and see why the whole SBBH is SRS story is a lie spread by real SRS members who are angry they cant spread censorship and spam here so they spread crazy conspiracy theories.

You_are_a_bitch ago

He uses this shitpost as a proof of their shady behavior? Reddit chat CCP limit was made because of SaneGoat's spamming.

Wrong. The actual SaneGoat never spammed a single time. It was this account @SaneGoatsISwear, which is not sane. In fact, it was a recently banned user @BeatlejuiceX3 and his alt @Zyklon-B that was imitating sane and spamming scat porn and copy pasta, which he immediately tried to do in our new chat but there is more optimization in the Voat discord. This narrative that SaneGoat is responsible for the censorship is an outright lie (not trying to defend the faggot blindly).

what does this prove? Maybe that it was a bad joke?

The most blatant and obvious pedo was bot brigaded and the top commentors are all SRS users, top being a picture of a child. Posted to a pedo.

Your whole post is circulating around the fact that they called out using discord is a bad idea.

These are 3 i found on the fly. there are plenty of documented instances showing the manipulation. Outright proof is difficult to provide for those curious because it's behind lock and key and SRS has the key. They frantically and desperately made false claims about the most widely used voice and chat service in the world to keep the people who were censored in the Voat IRC from communicating. They wanted to trick the site so people can't find real information that isn't curated in their subs or with their vote brigades. It's a big issue because the admins sided with SBBH and banned the entire discord domain site-wide because the admins don't want people talking freely either.

Using discord IS a bad idea, voat has its own chat... You spout same bullshit but no actual proof to back it up, now that i FINALLY got you to post something, your first link looks like something CNN would do.

Voat's chat is dead, only SBBH shows up there, and all the people who were put below the restrictions have left that shitty chat and now uses Voat discord, which by the way the discord is completely free of SRS influence which is exactly what we wanted and exactly why they are pissed. We talk about the important things.

Beetlejuice is a an autistic troll that is provoking you.

He has done so much more shit than i bet you are even willing to admit judging from you biased opinions. Him and a handful of his buddies are gaming every major sub on this site. TraditionalWives, Idenitarian, Politics, OccidentalEnclave, and many many others. His mains are banned for manipulation but he still uses alts which i have noted.

SBBH doesnt care that u and your alts call them SRS. If users fall for your shit, then they are sheep and not goats.

Now we are down to the reason you are shilling. You are part of the SBBH demographic. You are a fucking faggot.

Link 2: some real CNN material, your second proof is another baseless accusation.

#34: "Demand impossible levels of proof. Find one thing your opponent could not possibly prove - even if it's totally irrelevant to their core argument."

So they start spamming you because you keep spreading ridiculous conspiracy theories without any proof, no grounds whatsoever, even the Russian meddling has a tiny bit more legitimacy.

I simply observe then relay what i see. Nothing I say can be proved to be a lie. Also noted the JIDF conspiracy theory shill line.

Every goat should read what this faggot posted and see why the whole SBBH is SRS story is a lie spread by real SRS members who are angry they cant spread censorship and spam here so they spread crazy conspiracy theories.

If you want to get down to it, SRS created this site in anticipation for the purges of users they didnt want to lose traffic from those former redditors. They used this site to study and the admins are ghosts and the whois for this site shows nothing. Everything you believe about this site cannot be verified technically without legal action.

dooob ago

The hecho thing is the only smear that has any grounds. You think everyone who uses voat knows who that pedo is? People saw someone donated a shitton of money and upvoted, the guy made a stupid joke that they consider shitposting and because of that one comment SBBH is a pedophilic SRS club? Where to they operate, on secret chats? Who are the users who are getting downvoted to hell because i went by 7 months of commenting and submitting without reaching the zero, you are just angry your alts are blocked and restricted.

Your last text alludes to the SaneGoat's theory that Puttit is conspiring with sbbh and putting restrictions on users with a negative amount of upvotes. That rule angers nobody except shills.

You are selling us Die große Lüge.

edit: and please, dont insult me, if i was srs, surely i would call my sbbh "buddies" to come and downvote brigade you. I didnt downvote you intentionally because i want other users who are not informed on the topic to read through all of this and decide for themselves what the truth is.

You_are_a_bitch ago

Yeah this isn't going anywhere. Good luck defending SBBH, SRS, and all the pedos involved.

Your last text alludes to the SaneGoat's theory that Puttit is conspiring with sbbh and putting restrictions on users with a negative amount of upvotes. That rule angers nobody except shills.

Despite the fact none of the shills have been affected and in fact benefited from regular users having their voice silenced. This site is supposed to be anti-censorship yet some of the best and genuine users have been silenced and harassed off the site by SRS, including /v/OffTheGrid community, @Elegon (Evalion also known for these videos and none of them have came back. It's been a successful tactic and efficient censorship while keeping the community oblivious to how blatant it is.

I'm done having an exchange with you, shill. Let lurkers decide for themselves.