justice4kidz ago

Oh Lord. don't y'all know it doesn't matter who the messenger is, just that the message gets out? quit focusing on David Seaman? what difference (at this point) does it make? let him move on to the next buzz, we already know the facts and dots on pizzagate. Please just move on. It's really pointless to focus so much time on David Seaman when there really are corrupt a$$holes out there. At worst, he's an opportunist. but he DID do a lot to get pizzagate out. his name is on widipedia along with Brittany and Mike C. is your name on there? if not, please be quiet.

MissT ago

Does David live in Colorado? I am wondering why different names pop up with him.Google David George Seaman,it takes you to his book also to Open Public Records. If he does live in Loveland I might have some info - do you all remember when he deleted a video titled Trump Prosecute or Lose Support? I think he didn't want to lose support so he took it right down. He's not right.

roundhouse1776 ago

Sent you a PM :)

Touchdown50 ago

But at least he's putting his neck out there , basically breitbarting podesta on Youtube. Ill give him credit for that. If hes really that much of a threat to these elite pedos they will take him out. With character assassinations or a suiciding or heart attack or whatever. Seaman has a large following ans keeping PG relevant in the public eye.

PizzaGate711 ago

My bet is you're being paid to be 'stubborn'. As for you being 'conned' - not so sure about that.

Vindicator ago

Or someone who fell asleep with a lit cigarette.

I wasn't a mod then, sorry. Nor am I a Seaman fan. Or a fan of click-bait, Seaman-style headlines the author does not provide evidence for.

Endeffekt ago

D-Splooge is legit journalist. He wrote an article about pizzagate, here it is in its entirety: Pizzagate is real!

Kingrealboss ago

Seaman to me is not a shill but simply another faction in this whole game, the world is not that simple as good guys vs bad guys, as in there are multiple factions (think planetside2) fighting each other for control. His connections to SOROS and his level of influence in that gold company needs investigating, it may not be too much of a big deal, SOROS spreads his money everywhere because his ops are so risky

DarkMath ago

"shilling for Soros"......Hawking Gold isn't shilling for Soros. It's shilling for Goldmoney. David Seaman and George Soros are on totally opposite sides of the Pizzagate debate.

Vindicator ago

@roundhouse1776, you are going to hate me, but I have to remove this and ask you to repost. This is a really well done, sourced analysis of Seaman's history. It is a valuable contribution to the investigation. Unfortunately, you make a bold claim in your headline that you provide no evidence for, or even discuss in the body of the post: that he is "Likely a Mossad Asset." Please repost this with a title that accurately reflects the content. Removing per Rule 2; all claims must be sourced.

roundhouse1776 ago

Will do.

AgainstTheNWO ago

Steals? Come on, it's open public investigation. Or is he hacking pc's to get info? No he reads and talks about it. In his last video he said multiple times "investigators found" so he is giving the investigators the credit and not says he found it.

lawfag123 ago

Yawn. Go to sleep shills

FriesischShipping ago

You're telling me that the first reporter of child sex scandal is a guy with the last name "Seaman"? Suuuure, next you'll be telling me that the first female reporter has the last name "Pettabone".

did-i-say-that ago

he was so hated and reviled that Jezebel ran a hit piece on him, describing him as a "self-promotional whore" and then fired him

Fired by Jezebel is a point for him, not against him.

LA_Trump ago

Personally, I like David Seaman and feel he is genuine, and mostly helpful to Pizzagate, but possibly losing his mind. However, I did come across this picture of ping pong on Goldmoneys instagram... https://www.instagram.com/p/99r3kmnDTk/?taken-by=goldmoney

awakenaware ago

Hes very VERY pro Israel.. I saw this in a recent video. It didnt make any sense. He supports the Israel government and settlements in Palestine. When I saw how angry he was at people who dont support Israel.. I thought hhhmmm something strange about this zionist jew ;) I got suspicious about him jumping on the bandwagon, and yes by the way he talks and rants in the camera.. he just stinks of self importance and self aggrandisement. So yea im calling him out. Total con man.

redditsuckz ago

If you are familiar with Seaman's Youtube channel, then you're aware that he is constantly shilling for Bitcoin and Goldmoney. Here's some info on Goldmoney:

"Goldmoney Inc has its headquarters located in Toronto Canada and in Saint Helier Jersey.[6] The company is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and has a market capitalization of $312 million as of February 27, 2016. GoldMoney Inc. investors and backers include Eric Sprott, Albert D. Friedberg, George Soros, Adam Fleming, and Canadian Banks Canaccord Genuity."


Yes that's right, one of the principle investors in Goldmoney is none other than George Soros! David Seaman can not claim ignorance on this subject either, because in an article on the Huffington Post he writes, "The company is funded by a number of savvy financial elites including precious metals entrepreneur Eric Sprott and the legendary Soros family."


nomorepepperoni ago

I've become weary of DS's BS, BUT source for your claims Goldmoney bought his Super Bowl trip? Quite the sourced write-up to forget that little nugget.

roundhouse1776 ago


DavidSeaman recently won the #Supergold contest and got to go to the Super Bowl!

nomorepepperoni ago

I see the mods are getting trigger happy again. I suggest when you repost that you include that reference where you mention his Super Bowl trip.

roundhouse1776 ago

I have already reposted btw


nomorepepperoni ago

I would suggest editing your posts since they're already up to include that link, if you aren't doing that as I write.

Also, since this very technically isn't a matter furthering investigation of pedos, etc., the mods will probably keep nuking it. Drop a copy of it at pizzagatewhatever, so it's still out there somewhere.

nomorepepperoni ago

Saw. Cool beans.

roundhouse1776 ago

Good idea, thanks.

Freemasonsrus ago

Why is Brittany Pettibone a shill? I don't follow her but haven't heard that before. Seaman has always been off putting to me. He seems bipolar at best, calculated at worst.

bvdon ago

The problem with your post about DS is that his videos on GoldMoney, Bitcoin, Ethereum and the like were back when he was still working for HuffPo. It was when he wrote a piece about Hillary's health and subsequently lost his position at HuffPo that he started to get into the anti-Hillary politics, which led to the Podesta Wikileaks. The point is, when he was talking about a 'Soros' backing, he had no clue about the pedophilia stuff... it simply wasn't part of his universe. I know this because I started listening to him for his Ethereum information and still follow him today. I will admit, he has gone ballistic on this PizzaGate stuff, and while I do think there is something to it, I really don't put much weight to the 'code word' thing in the emails. But the Comet Ping Pong Instagram stuff is sick and all the other things being discovered as well. Also surprised he has not been sued for defamation by Podesta.... he is being uncareful about his attacks on Podesta.

roundhouse1776 ago

He's still shilling for GoldMoney, and recently went to the Super Bowl on their dime. He's knows all about Soros' evil deeds now, and he also knows about Soros GoldMoney connection. Inexcusable.

Vindicator ago

As a former journalist, I agree: very questionable ethics.

jordankelly ago

This truly is an amazing smear lol well done, pedos

GeorgeT ago

Why doen't he do a hit piece on our hero Alex Jones. I know more about Alex than anyone, I followed him since 2002. Do you see me doing a hit piece on Alex. Never. I understand, Alex has three children, he can't rake that risk. He was told to shut up about pizzagate and he did. No need to smear him, which I can do with flying colours. I can post a video that would make Alex a joke, about him being a zionist shill and all that but I will never do it (despite having info) because I respect him for the good things he has done. Forget the messenger, look at the message, David keeps it out there, he had credentials, over 150 000 subscribers. His voice counts. The ones 'exposing' David are suspect.

2BuckChuck ago

Whaaa? So supposedly David is "safe" because he doesn't have any kids!?!? Um....Andrew Breitbart wasn't so "safe" now was he?
Forget the messenger, he's a sham artist. a gonging cymbal, making a lot of noise, but not saying a goddam thing worth listening to. His 150,000 subscribers are NOT an example of his validity. They are an example of his operation,. His scam.
subscribers = $$, on YouTube. Period. He will continue to prey on the religious beliefs of his followers, and continue to rehash the same nonsense and link anything that remotely resembles anything related to subjects that sound like child trafficking, and take credit for all of it. AND, his followers are willing dupes who WANT something to occur. who WANT pedophiles to get caught and prosecuted. They want what HE wants them to want, and HE is cashing in on it all.

GeorgeT ago

At least he does not invite crisis actors the way people's 'hero' Fake Jones did. I reached for my barf bag when I saw. David may be unhinged but he has followers, he keeps it out there unlike Fake Jones.

2BuckChuck ago

All he is doing is rehashing other people's work. He's not "keeping anything out there". He's preying on the religious beliefs of people. And making money doing it.

kekistocrat ago

I call it the 'Seaboogey.' -- whenever he's trying to hijack the pizzagate movement or playing the 'woe is me' card or whatever else... He's doing the 'Seaboooooooooooggggeeeeeyyyyyyyy'

SilenceDoGood ago

I've made a post about seaman being a shill, but that being said, a red flag jumps out at me from this post. If you gather all this information for yourself, this must have taken forever to gather so much information and references. The shear amount of information and the way its laid out screams hit campaign to me. Like all of this was gathered and organized by a focus group to slander. This was either written up by a group specifically to hit seaman or you have an unhealthy level of hatred towards him and too much time on your hands. I'm torn between which you represent.

justice4kidz ago

totally agree. in a common fight against corruption- this level of hatred is absurd. if Seaman is an opportunist, so be it, move on and keep trying to do the right thing. I have met Seaman and he is rather understated and calm. please people just move on and let's focus on the alleged fact that child porn was found on comet pizza's website. that is HARD EVIDENCE, that cannot be admitted into court bc it was obtained illegally. if we can get someone to obtain it legally, then we have somewhat of a case. then just let the others fall away. #moveon

GeorgeT ago

I don't know about other stuff, but on pizzagate he is genuine. He did tell us that high profile arrest was comming - it did. Sendudsky's son. Nonody is perfect. This looks like a hit piece to me. No reason to believe that he is a shill. Now, Alex Jones on the other hand, had a crisis actor on his show, that clown who witnessed the hoax shooting with that other clown - IMDB actor. Alex had been given gag orders. People are risking their lives by talking about pizzagate. Take look at what they did to Michael Flynn. David Seaman was the one who kept pizzagate alive after all the fake news attack by the fakestream media. Let's give credit where credit is due.

Rigg5 ago

While I agree that David Seaman isn't the ideal spokesman, this post is entirely a smear campaign. It's filled with suggestion. I went through it myself and overall I came out neutral. Everyone lives a different life and David is just trying to "be somebody." I find it very NON PROMOTIONAL, however, to associate with Pizzagate, given how humongously censored it is pretty much anywhere. No smart advertiser with give you dollars to talk about Pizzagate. This imperfect man has a genuine agenda like any of us. Case closed.

roundhouse1776 ago

I assure you I am one person who is just trying to protect the credibility of Pizzagate. I had already discovered some of this information in my previous Seaman post. Shout out to @FartOnYou @Ramona @cantsleepawink @DavidSeamanIsAFraud @GonnaNeedMorePrisons for finding some of the information I used in this piece.

jordankelly ago

This is quite an amazingly coordinated smear campaign. Very impressive

DarkMath ago

Half of youtube "journalists" do that. It's tacky and annoying but there's also a nugget of truth there somewhere. I think David's heart is in the right place even if his journalism is still a work in progress. If you don't like him just don't watch his videos. No one's holding a gun to your head.

Vindicator ago

Not from this mod. Seaman is NO journalist. He's a sensationalist and a profiteer. Plus he is not very bright.

SilenceDoGood ago

interesting a mod feels the needs to chime in on that with a personal attack, i'm skeptical about seaman but this entire thread screams focus group hit piece, a red flag is going off in my mind

save_thechildren ago

The original code words were from an official FBI document that was posted to Reddit.

BackAgain ago

Dude, So he's the creator of Pizzagate.com then too. It just so happens to have a Buy Gold tab which I found incredibly odd

He's like fucking George Soros in the way he trades different currencies too and its just a conicdence he promotes one of Soros Gold companies?

wtf He's unhinged. He says he's going to be assassinated. He lies about "Big time arrests coming" multiple times now and yet.............he's the most famous pizzagater.............fuck

DarkMath ago

It's a little weird you would go after David Seaman so vociferously. David is far from perfect and he's shilling for Goldmoney for sure. He also likes to fill up a lot of his videos with rants. But you can't blame a guy for trying to make a buck. CNN, FoxNews any MSM outlet sells advertising don't they? Their stories are often puff pieces driven by ad revenue. So what if David does the same thing.

You're tearing David a new ass-hole in this post. That's weird. David hasn't done anything that would deserve the total character assassination you've got going on here. Just sayin'

GeorgeT ago

I wonder what the motivation is? To discredit David is to some way discredit pizzagate. The moment Alex labled pizzagate fake news, was the moment I labled him a shill. Pettybone sisters's are shills? Are you serious?

DarkMath ago

GeorgeT: "what the motivation is".............All these anti-David Seaman posts from last night were from shills. I think David is getting a larger and larger audience everyday. And if he's proven right about PizzaGate he'll probably be the next Walter Cronkite or something. That freaks them out.

roundhouse1776 ago

He's jeopardizing the Pizzagate investigation, he deserves every word of this and then some. Think about the horrific crimes that are being committed, and now how can you defend a guy who is threatening justice just for his own fame and fortune?

DarkMath ago

"who is threatening justice just for his own fame".......I didn't get that impression at all. You're implying he's only interested in Pizzagate for money. That's just plain wrong.

GeorgeT ago

For money? Why doesn't Alex talk about pizzagate, he will get 5 times more views. Subscribers were demanding he make more videos. Because Alex was given a threat - Alex don't even go there!!! Just like Michael Flynn.

roundhouse1776 ago

You're right, he's also out to completely discredit it. What a great guy, he's barely less despicable than the pedophiles.

DarkMath ago

"out to completely discredit it".......Your point is David's shilling for Goldmoney discredits Pizzagate? That's just plain wrong. David is discrediting HIMSELF with all his shilling for Goldmoney et. al. That's different than fabricating false leads. Do you see the difference?

Beaucephus ago

What a cunt. Do we know if his friend actually got stabbed to death? Do we know if he was even friends with the girl who got stabbed to death if that did happen?

roundhouse1776 ago

Your guess is as good as mine.

Beaucephus ago

Well you did a good job spelling this out here. I never really felt comfortable with DS but this sealed my opinion on him.

za-throwaway ago

he spends most of his time pushing goldmoney and bitcoin shit, and none of what he says in regards to PG ever comes true - so there's basically no reason to listen to him at all anymore. We don't need him.

roundhouse1776 ago

WAKE UP PEOPLE. He's constantly shilling for a company that has George Soros as a principle investor. Seaman knows this, as I have detailed above, and is proud of it. This same company paid for him to go to the Super Bowl this year.

If he's so disgusted by Hillary, Podesta, and other pedophile criminals who have deep ties to George Soros, why does he himself have ties to Soros?

I can't believe anybody would still defend this obviously fraudulent con man.

Kingrealboss ago

He needs to be spammed until he addresses this clear conflict of interest, I more inclined to believe trump is real and he is not because I know there was a large effort by Brock and the gang to get trumps base to abandon him. I think this was what seaman was supposed to do, try and play this side but it Totally backfired in a way

PizzaGate711 ago

Look, you sound awfully scared of Mossad. If you're not David Brock, or John Podesta - do tell them they should very rightly be very concerned with Mossad's intelligence. They've got the lot apparently. Plans were to release it earlier but they're holding back. Time being of the essence.

Touchdown50 ago

I got that vibe from him that he could be a shill but I think he's pretty ballsy to attack podesta publically and call him a pedophile. Im surprised pedosta hasn't sued him for defamation yet.

GeorgeT ago

David is for real, nobody calls out Podesta the way he did. Is he mentally not all there, maybe. But then again, to risk your life you have to be mentally not all there. Guys, think about it, do you think Hillary sits all night and tweets at 1am. It was the satanic, child murdering deep state sending a warning - back off pizzagate. JA of Comet is a super high level CIA asset who has ties with some of the most powerful people in the world. For chrissakes the guy is operating in plain sight and laughing about it. This is a consolidated network. Only public awakening can help us. David Seaman is doing his part. As for Soros connection, did you know that Soros has 160 million invested in Trump building project? Look it up. Things are complicated. Does that mean that Donald and Soros are on the same team, not in the least!

justice4kidz ago

why are all the posts defending David being deleted?

GeorgeT ago

Things are complicated. Never know.

2BuckChuck ago

At first, I believed David was legit . As the weeks went by, and his claims continued on the same path, nothing happened. Nothing he said would happen, happened. THAT, is not his fault, per se . What happened in the interim, IS his fault . (stay with me) HE claimed that his accounts were "frozen", by YouTube and Paypal. HE claimed to be getting "assaulted" online, by "those people". The logical (programmed ) response by the people he was trying to reach, was perfect. He continued to parrot OTHER people's findings, took credit as THE "journalist" breaking news on the Pizzagate story, and LOTS of people were now flocking to his site. And by flocking, I mean donating. the election happened......The A.G. (who was supposedly going to "go after " Hillary, Podesta, and co.) was nominated and appointed, and.....crickets. Nothing. Weeks go by. David is STILL rehashing others stories and taking credit for keeping the story alive, AND taking in MORE money than he's ever seen in his life. And still.....nothing. To the point we are at today, where he makes a video of himself at the super bowl, grinning like an idiot, 2 fucking weeks after he stated online "my funds were frozen....My accounts are seized...Help me!!" 2 fucking weeks. And he continues the sham of being a reporter, reporting NOTHING, preying on the religious beliefs of people who KNOW shit like Pizzagate IS in fact going on throughout the world. He USES those beliefs against his followers, to perpetuate their support in this scam of an operation.
I'm no "paid shill" like he is claiming all those who disbelieve him are. I'm just a fucking shmuck who USED to believe in him, but now I see him for what he is.
YouTube is full of people like him.
I wait anxiously to be proven wrong. I will apologize and credit him for any and all accomplishments he may have in the future, IF I am wrong.
But sadly, I know I'm not. He is a scam artist, and I'm not sure he's the brains of the operation.
and as far as "calling out John Podesta.....you said "nobody does that". Yeah, well...........Andrew Breitbart did that. HE got what happens to people who say things like that. In One fucking day.

GeorgeT ago

At least David keeps it out there. We have to go after those who claim pizzagste is fake story

PizzaGate711 ago

You are sooooo desperate now.... Why are you still persisting to try and destroy David Seaman's credibility. So see through!!!!

derram ago

https://archive.is/yjhXJ :

Self-Promotion Guru David Seaman Totally Got Our Memo, Shat All Over It

https://archive.is/UIYVf :

In Which We Get Closure With Self-Promotional Whore David Seaman

https://archive.is/HZhAY :

What Happened to Bitcoin And David Seaman? | The Huffington Post

https://archive.is/gNhRs :

"Ethereum Classic," Another Bitcoin Scam | The Huffington Post

This has been an automated message.

roundhouse1776 ago

Let's move onto Pizzagate. Seaman started "reporting" on Pizzagate as early as November of last year. He owes the large following he has on Youtube and Twitter to the Pizzagate investigation, so you would think he would show some love for the hardworking Pizzagate investigators, right? WRONG. He's constantly taking credit for other peoples' work and has done exactly ZERO research on his own.

He has not evolved his covered of Pizzagate one bit in over 3 months, it still consists mostly of "Hillary is evil, lock her up" "Podesta is a pedophile, lock him up". This guy is not a journalist, he's an anti-journalist.

There has been a lot of evidence discovered during the Pizzagate investigation, and there has also been a lot of stuff that has been proven to be fake. Seaman is constantly latching on to the most sensationalist, fake parts of Pizzagate and reporting it as fact and ignores all the valuable evidence that has been found. This has a huge negative effect on the credibility of Pizzagate.

He's repeatedly made claims that his life was in danger and "they" are out to get him. At one point he even claimed that 2 police cars were stationed outside his home for his protection. He claims to be so frightened for his life that he sleeps with a gun next to his bed. Of course, no one has ever been able to corroborate any of these claims.

Seaman has been an ardent supporter of Donald Trump, but just yesterday tweeted this: Was @realDonaldTrump's election just a brilliant head fake to give the potbellied pedophiles in the Deep State another 4 years of survival?


Today, he is back to being a Trump supporter and hashtagging MAGA on his tweets. He can't seem to keep his story straight for more than a day at a time.

He's repeatedly claimed that his work regarding Pizzagate is done and his place in the history books is secure, because the authorities are going to arrest everyone, and he won't speak about it anymore. Each of these claims has lasted about 5 minutes, until he starts talking about it again. In fact, he can't shut up about it, it's all he talks about.

A little over a week ago, Seaman went on an epic Twitter rant about Antarctica, Flat Earth theory, Mandela Effect, and aliens. This was an obvious attempt to lump Pizzagate in with fringe conspiracies. He then deleted his Twitter account. And then he reactivated his Twitter account. He then claimed Twitter deleted all his followers, except they didn't. This guy needs help.

He claims to have insider "sources". Every single time he's made a prediction based on his "sources", he's been wrong.This past Sunday, February 12th, he sent out this tweet: Pizzagate is real. I was told arrests by midnight or early tomorrow, if that is not so, my source's confidentiality might dry up. Oops!


He was obviously trying to capitalize on the questionable claim by Youtuber Titus Frost, who made a video saying that child porn was found on Comet Ping Pong's website and that the police have been given all the evidence.

He was dead wrong, as usual. The next day, as people are questioning him and wondering if he will give up his source as he claims, he has another Twitter meltdown. His evidence that there should have been arrests is "Look at Tony Podesta's eyes". That's some quality journalism there, David. Constantly pressed to reveal his source, he says "My source is Wikileaks.org". Indicating that he has no source other than the Podesta emails that we've all read. He continues calling anyone who questions him shills, trolls, and David Brock employees for the rest of the day.

Later in the day, well past the timeline from his "source", he tweets a link to an article about the arrest of Jerry Sandusky. He claims this is a high level, high profile arrest and that his "source" was right all along.


During this same rant on February 13, he claims he was set up to be a fall guy


In this tweet, he throws the hardworking pizzagate researchers under the bus in an attempt to save his own credibility


If you've seen Seaman's YT videos, he's constantly talking about how Paypal and Youtube are out to get him by shutting off his income and trying to destory him financially. This of course leads to begging his fans for money via Patreon.

He's on pace to make $55,000 per year from Patreon, which he claims goes toward "legitimate production expenses."

In a tweet on 2/13/17, which is probably deleted because I can't find it, he claims he has $60,000 saved up and doesn't need money from his fans. So why are you constantly trying to get their money?

On February 14, in response to Hillary Clinton's Pizzagate tweet, he goes on yet another insane Twitter rant. He starts demanding justice and that people should take to the streets to protest. He sends crazy tweets directed at Hillary calling her evil bitch, a monster, a child rapist, and all sorts of other things. He calls for all the pedophiles to be hanged. Of course he provides no evidence for any of this like any sane Pizzagate investigator would do, he just screams about it like a lunatic.

He then starts tweeting falsities about Donald Trump, even though he claims to support him.


In this one, he claims Trump was planted by the Deep State to protect the pedophiles:


Go to his twitter page here: https://twitter.com/d_seaman to see all the ridiculous and demented things he is tweeting because frankly there are just too many to list. This is coming from a "respected" "journalist".

As you can see, all the information and evidence shows that David Seaman is clearly a fraudulent con man. He has been deceiving Pizzagate truthers from the very start, in an effort to boost his own fame and fortune. His intentions are not merely for personal gain either, he has been out to intentionally discredit Pizzagate by painting all investigators as unstable mentally ill lunatics. He has also had a massive negative influence on the credibility of Pizzagate, and he's reported it dishonestly and poorly the whole way and has repeatedly taken credit for other peoples' work.

If you are serious about Pizzagate and wanting to see the perpetrators held accountable for their crimes, you need to spread the word about the charlatan David Seaman, who claims to be on our side, but is clearly not.

GeorgeT ago

Alex Jones went as far as saying that pizzagate was a psyop, a fake. David Seaman keeps it out there. Who is a shill? Can't brainwash me mate, no chance. You know who the shills are, all of those who call it fake news. David was the first to praise Ben Swann's coverage. This is no place for personal vendetta. We have children worry about.

redditsuckz ago

This whole thread should be reposted everytime someone posts a link to David Seamans twitter or youtube account on here.