sentryseven ago

Looks like he or his soros agents are shutting down other youtubers who question his motives.

User2060 ago

Huffington Post article:

"The trolls and narrowminded Bitcoin bagholders pushing Ethereum “Classic” on an unsuspecting public are not the ultimate reason I’m selling off much of my Bitcoin tonight - that’s just another indication to me that Bitcoin is in a weak position. Ultimately, however, my decision is grounded in economic self-interest. I see optimism and amazing ideas being built out in Ethereum, and I don’t see anything close to this level in Bitcoin at the moment. Shortly after I file this story, I’ll be selling off 80% of my personal Bitcoin holdings; or more accurately, converting them into Ether, on Coinbase."

LOL, it's now worth more than gold since a week, which is kinda great but not that great where the sellers take 15-20% commission and my currency is the CAD which sucks since 2 years... Thankfully I had what was worth 8 USD of btc in my wallet, now it's worth 21. I watch it grow every 2 days by 1.50 or so. It's also a bad sign....get all your cash from the ATM or an actual teller out of the bank and fast....just wait and see and if there's no strange economic problems showing up until next winter (nov 2017) or so, then you can put money in the bank again, but right now I'd consider buying btc and silver certs, not using all your paper (well in Canada it's plastic now, impossible to make fake CADs, they haven't found anybody able to replicate them anyway since they came out in late 2012.

VieBleu ago

roundhouse1776 is a discredited shill as of this thread -

roundhouse1776 ago

Yep, money in the bank will be the first to be wiped out, they can do it with a few strokes of the keyboard. Next vulnerable is cash, because people will stop accepting it as currency, aftet that crypto currency. Precious metals will hold value the longest in an apocalyptic event, but the ultimate currency is goods and food and ways to create those things.

User2060 ago

Agreed, but people have been saying that DA COLLAPSE would happen since Nixon...still waiting for it, like the gun grabbing...I don't think it's there yet at all, the money that makes the fiat system works still because, just imagine the dark budgets of trillions of dollars we know exist and such, the army being 30 years ahead everyone, at least often in prototypes of stuff. Here in Canada it would be fine if the money was all printed by the Bank of Canada, but a Prime Minister we had for a short time but who was the Minister of Economy for almost 20 years says it would create inflation so unnacceptable that blah blah blah, meanwhile, the bank of canada prints 2-3% of debt-free money, and the rest is printed by a German company at interest every year. People should ignore when they speak of the "debt", it's impossible to pay, don't pay, fuck them, even if my country is one of the western country with the lowest debt in the G20. I gotta say muslims have something right about Banking.

But here is where a few Economy students interviewing our ex prime minister and mostly ex economy minister getting caught in his circular logic about how it would be bad if the Bank of Canada printed all of its money debt free :

Former PM of Canada Paul Martin - Where Does Money Come From?

VieBleu ago

FYI roundhouse1776 is a discredited shill that works with armyseer, as of this thread -

roundhouse1776 ago

I've been reading a lot lately that the banking cartel actually want to get back on the gold standard.

They are well aware of the fact that a debt - based fiat currency economy always ends in complete collapse eventually due to hyperinflation and unpayable interest payments.

They want to reset the whole cycle. First in their ultimate greed, they're inflating the stock market to ridiculous heights creating fake wealth. All the insiders will pull out, and then they'll pull the trigger on the collapse. Every company that is left in financial ruin, they will buy up for pennies on the dollar, exactly like the Great Depression and every other recession. This is how they consolidate wealth and power.

User2060 ago

Unless you got an undetectable bug (which can be done easily) in Jacob de Rotshchild's livingroom, I wouldn't make too broad projections. There's been so many of these collapse imminent blah blah videos...Did you watch the video, it's an excerpt from a documentary and the man who controlled Canada's economy for 14 years is making a fool of himself. You can make paper money that doesn't create debt without causing inflation that's insane. The fact the nazis basically won by controlling even Canada's economy what with them printing 95% of our plastic money..with I think 0,80 cent on the dollar....we're getting screwed and gold bullion would be useless, this artificial debt has to get the fuck out. Anyway, getting way too off topic, but I suggest just for the comedic effect of him almost having nuts and bolts and him going "inflation and money lie program is experiencing extreme pressure and his head explode, just from questions 2 guys ask him and when he finally gets to it, his explanation of why the bank of canada can't print all the money is total BS. No wonder Germany is unsinkable, at least they know we tend to pay our debt every year easily here. I'll get worried when those crooked agencies give Canada a note under AAA credit rating and if the dollar goes down all the time, it went down from quasi parity/parity with the USD for basically 15 years, but in 2015 it lost 5 cents every month and it ended up stuck at 0,75-0,76 USD. Which makes it even more expensive to get bitcoins, goddamn resellers taking their 13-20% commission on the dollar. I looked for other ways recently and unfortunately the less crooked way means paying directly from a credit card, and pre-paids aren't accepted, there's been quite a change in prepaid visas or mastercards, they used to be their own thing but now there's only those Vanilla One Mastercards or Visas...they are not directly Visa or Mastercard like the previous ones, I tried to locate some like that and nope...those cards are barely accepted by anyone online.

I got 80k of credit margin so if I hear of even one issue causing me to panic, I'll be pulling out 10 000 (the most an ATM will give away here) 8 days in a row (I'm actually finally on top and in the positive in my bank account, took a year of quasi abandoning a hobby which costs money (record collecting) and I did fine, just barely used a low rate (14.9%) credit card with a small limit of just 1k, and I got everything in order. They can't do like what they did/still do? to Greeks (who I think are being done this because they voted against Israel showing up in the neighbourhood back in 48 when they just self declared themselves independent...I didn't know you could do that, but if it's a plan the Nazi/Zionist International is okay with, then Joseph P. Farrell is even more right than he is and has been.

CipherPuppet ago

I think we now have hard evidence Seaman is a con. Look at these comments. Note that all the ones urging people to "donate" to Seaman's Patreon account were posted in the same 3 minute time period. In other words, Seaman is paying for comments. The next stage of his con is to start a "Find David" campaign and take in more loot!

ImPissedDude ago

David doesn't exist on twitter anymore. He was talking about "arrest the Rothchilds, Clintons & Podestas"

dannonyme ago

THIS. This shithouse butthurt post is the total FRAUD.

THIS. This completely unfounded post just confirms that Voat is totally whack.

Voat = censorship = rigged biased BS

Screw You Voat

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Are you a Seaman minion? Stop defending Seaman. He's a con artist.

roundhouse1776 ago

Seaman's posts were deleted because he didn't follow the submission rules. He's completely lying about the photo ID stuff. It's laughable that Seaman didn't even have an account and didn't know the rules at the main pizzagate forum on the internet. It just goes to show how much of a "researcher" he is.

cakeoflightylight ago

I am glad someone cared enough to take the time to look into him some more. I googled his name plus HuffPo and found his history on their website spanned two months. Since I had never heard of him before Pizzagate that alone made me suspicious because everyone said he got fired from HuffPo for talking about Hillary's health. 1) Anyone who wanted to work for either HuffPo or Jezebel is not a trustworthy source on their face. 2) He apparently works for Soros. What more do you need?

cakeoflightylight ago

Good post. Thanks.

Dauphin ago

Enough about this guy, let's get back to research

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Define "we."

Seaman deserves to be exposed. You don't approve of this for some reason.

Why is that?

IlluminatiKing ago

Nope. David Seaman is not going to take all the credit for PizzaGate. There are many great people here who spent their great blood, sweat, and tears to bring this to light. Nothing what I said is not true.

cakeoflightylight ago

Agreed. What has he even done, at all? Made Youtube videos where he rambles a lot calling people pedophiles? I come to voat for good info and leads and to contribute. He takes to the internet to make money. Which is fine, but his videos fall flat and contain almost no information whatsoever. The people who contribute here, I have long suspected of being actual FBI agents leaking info, with the amount of new information posted daily from seemingly nowhere that always turns out to be correct. Well not always but you get my point.

Honeybee_ ago

David is an opportunist and a self proclaimed independent researcher. He was a writer at Huffington Post and got canned for writing incendiary articles relating to Hillary's poor health Then he was an intern at Gawker, was repremanded for self promoting his ideals and starting a protest out front of the building, he quit before he was fired. Prior to Pizza gate he was pushing Bitcoin HARD Then it was off to being the mouth piece of Pizzagate, taking credit and lifting himself above countless citizen researchers as a prophet and claiming that the victory of Pizzagate is a done deal now he is all about Mandela Effect

He uses the momentum of his following to exploit trending news to promote himself into the lime light, I'm sorry, not a fan...

CipherPuppet ago

Honeybee, I completely agree. Seaman is an opportunist.

shachalnur ago

david had an idea something was wrong,even a year ago.

Now he really went red pill ,head first down the rabbithole,vertigo is setting in.

That's why he seems all over the place sometimes,happened to most who woke up..

He's already too big to snuff,unless he does something stupid.

Don't think he will,he's a weapon now ,and will be protected.

He's doing good,waking up people,that's what hurts TPTB more than anything. ,

Anybody who has a problem with that might have something to hide.

shachalnur ago

I feel there's something new going on,and those heroes of the early days did not die in vain.

All those new 'woke' warriors don't even come close to the heroism displayed by those who spoke out ,when nobody listened.

David will be fine ,I think ,unless he flipps and does something stupid.

The cat is out of the bag.

All those who died for defending children ,and the truth will be remembered as heroes.

shachalnur ago

Check his twatter you'll find a link to his thread,since deleted.

and if you care so much about children ,I'm not sure that attacking David Seaman,or people defending him, will serve that purpose.

unrealisthenewreal ago

I am aware of all that. I'm just merely addressing the frustration that other voaters seem to have which is that he's a journalist, but has yet to uncover/ do any of his own research to contribute to this community. Thus far, he's only spread the word which is a great contribution.

cantsleepawink ago

Precisely why I'm here, night and day, even though it's destructive to my pocket and relationships. The stakes are too high.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm not arguing against you, I'm pointing out flaws in reasoning, it's that simple.

I think you're confused by my use of "we." When I said "when we want to stamp out dissent, we follow a similar pattern." You think I mean, if we as a collaborative group of individuals in this pizzagate investigation want to stamp out dissent. I'm not for censorship and never have been. I was walking people through the exact thing you described, actually. I would certainly refer to what we're dealing with as a cult, thanks for making that a little more plain than I could have.

I think you had the wrong idea throughout the post. Might want to read that another time.

My point in mentioning the types of ad hominem was to show people that we need to be careful about how we approach the argument. As I stated, I saw several places where people were simply making logical fallacies. This isn't me backing anything up or trying to persuade anyone, except maybe a persuasion to not be persuaded.

And just as a final note, that was purposefully elementary. ;)

shachalnur ago

is it true this site removed david seaman's reply to this thread?

I'm new here,and if this site functions(sic) like this ,there's no need to ' venture deeper into Voat'.

But I do know more or less what you are and what you do.

i wish you happy hunting,eventhough I think you work for the wrong branch.

alanowhere ago

Jesus Christ... The butthurt from OP is just out of this world. That is a really long and drawn out post.

JamesGhost ago

Man. I fully agreee all of us need to keep our heads on a swivel and realize when a person who seemed to be an asset is no longer. I agree that David has ceased being relevant to any real researcher as he just repeats the same information over and over. But it's also dangerous to start discrediting any and all quasi - celebs ironically because they agree with you. You will have no support at the end of this train of thought. It is important to have front men out there talking to the general public. Is seaman useful to a reasearchet? No. But someone needs to be talking about it in laymens terms to the public. If you think he is controled opposition than start your own you tube. Somebody has to. Also! Not everyone has the same talents. Some are good researchers and some are good at turning that reasearch into a funny joke that will get public attention like Mark Dice (who people also think is controled opposition). It's insane to call everyone with a following "controled opposition" because it dismisses the absolute need for outward facing public speach about these issues in a manner that is palpable to the public. Is David Seaman just out for numbers and doesn't actually believe any of this? Maybe. MAYBE! but let's not create an environment where anyone who is willing to put thier face out there gets condemned as "controled opposition". Who isn't then? I've heard condemnation of all of them. Alex Jones, mark dice, even Russel Brand... really ? Who is there that has a recognizable name, is speaking truth , and isn't suspected as some kind of double agent ? Really?! It has to exist and if it doesn't then it's because the honest people are too scared of being called liars by the rest of you. Stop complaining about Alex Jones and David Seaman and everyone else. If you think there isn't an honest face out there speaking truth than YOU need to become that face or keep your nose down and stick to important research that may take down the pedos not the possible profetiers. we are here to end the deep dark violence hidden in our culture. Not wine about who gets the credit.

shachalnur ago

Can I trust this site?

I'm new here,and I saw today that David Seaman's thread as an answer to this thread ,was removed by Voat.

This made a very bad impression on me.

So can this site be trusted in your view?

My feelings now ,after 4-5 days are to leave this site.

ThePuppetShow ago

No, you can't trust this site.

alanowhere ago

Most of this website is just fine. However, in every major website there are a few people in key positions to manipulate and control the narrative. Be mindful.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

I've watched every single video and while he promotes his bitcoin and other agendas he's only repeating LOUDLY what we are all trying to uncover.

This thread is great research, nonetheless, but I support his participation in PG.

Note to David Seaman: please change up your tone a bit and address some of the things in this thread. show more humility and continue to be vocal. You have my support. cheers!

Melitica ago

What difference does it make if he takes all the credit and makes a shit load of money? Do you want to be the guy with your face on it?

The fact is that he's so fucking noisy, people can't help but hear and the people who hear, just might out. Those that wont...wouldn't anyway. But even one more person believing is a plus

I have been hearing about this shit for over 10 years...from Alex Jones (who does believe, no matter what he says...he is scared), jack blood, Frank Whelan and a bunch of other people on paranoia radio. I heard it, but I didn't really believe how bad it is.

Even after the FBIANON threads this summer, I didn't really believe until I personally looked into cheesybay. Spent the whole day...and was sickened.

I don't watch any seaman videos...or anyone else's because I spend hours every day looking at this and it is irritating to hear "breaking news" that you knew last week...but the Vids aren't for me. I already know.

Truthfully, if seaman makes a bunch of money...I'll be jealous. I should have, could have done that and would have done a better job...but I havent. He has. I have kids and am already sure that everything I do is tracked and screwed with. My husband has been noisy about the corruption for a long time so...

I won't watch, won't donate but I'm not going to complain about seaman or any others who are exposing corruption.

Maybe after its over, I'll write a book. But for now...just lurking here, there and everywhere. ..throwing a few things in when I can.

Rhino7682 ago

I started to have my doubts about him when i found out hes a zionist,fuck,em theres a ton of people around here tht are doing this for the right love and keep the fight goin

BerksResident ago

Disagree he has continuously put himself at risk to create awareness.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

I have been saying it for over a week now and I got shit on.

birthdaysuit11 ago

He brought attention to pizzagate where there already was attention. He signed on only to discredit it and self-maximize and promote himself. He's done zero research and often tries to compartmentalize Pizzagaters w/ flat earthers, etc. It's so obvious. I support real researchers over here at Voat, not this opportunist con man.

Womb_Raider ago

@David_Seaman, what say you to this?

shachalnur ago


Most free intelligent people read and educate themselves without having to "follow' someone on Fbook,Twatter or whatever.

Off Topic: .Gurgle: "Happy Merchant" in case you don't know what this racist anti-semitic meme looks like and means.

I'm surprised you are allowed to post on this site under that name.

NotHereForPizza ago

Stop being so simple, goats.

I might be new here, but I'm not new to ad hominem.

Here we see a listing of variants of ad hominem. I'll outline them below.

"[He's] a mentally unstable con man." Basic - abusive ad hominem. Every time, I mean every time a political campaign is done against an individual, the first thing you do to discredit them is say "mentally unstable." This is, in fact, basics.

We've attacked Seaman's intent. We threw around the possibility of him being a "self-promoting asshole." This is circumstantial ad hominem. Hell, the first comment I read was onto that. Trump became president because he knows how to play the game, just like Alex Jones. They have characters they have to play while they're live, but they're dependent on those characters to garner money/influence in order to achieve their goals. You HAVE to promote yourself in order to be heard.

This persuasion post is actually littered with guilt by association. We see mentions of Michael Moore, Bill Maher, George Soros, etc. all to attack the ethos of Seaman. Just because he's been around these people, or has had some absurd opinions recently (Hell, i know I have, and they changed really quickly. It's okay to admit you're wrong, and that's just what he might do if asked about it.) doesn't mean the shit he's talking about isn't factual.

God, this is poorly done. Ad hominem is your first sign, and should always be noted.

When we want to stamp out dissent, we follow a similar pattern:

  1. Dismiss

  2. Discredit

  3. Deny/Distract

First, we dismiss them. Remember all those times we heard, "oh, it's just some bullshit consipracy." Well, firstly, that lead us in to stage two. Anyway, the point of this step is to try and reduce the noise about it. A few years ago, no one gave a shit about 4chan, or the few more radical subreddits, and other similar sanctuaries for free speech. I'm sure you can come up with more examples.

Next, we use character attacks on the loudest or the most likely to cause a commotion in order to discredit them and make them seem like they're full of shit. We saw this happen with Fox news, info wars, etc.

Finally, we use a plethora of methods to deny access to given information. This can be done in a multitude of ways, the easiest, yet messiest method I'm sure you're all familiar with is the popular "oops they killed themselves." A few more things we can do are limit the flow of information, ie. infiltrating IC and disrupting actual data transfer in the way of networking holds and the like. This would also be the ideal time to utilize distractions such as a dam breaking or the Kremlin being implicated in just about everything (which utilizes basic ass emotional appeals).

So, I guess what I'm saying is, this is clearly persuasion. I won't go so far as to say I agree or disagree with what's we're being persuaded to believe, but we're fools to not realize that people have a metric fuck ton to gain by convincing us that things like this are true.

Looking4hope ago

Don't let the haters bring this post down,its good to question and assess where we get our info from. I like david ok. James Corbett from is better

JoJoVoat ago

I never really believed him to begin with... couldnt understand his cult following..

Exern ago

lol, so I thought I would share this on a FB group, and the backlash is incredible. Not like it is here, at least people will give reasons for not agreeing with the OP instead of just a simple FU.

cantsleepawink ago

If you want to study mind control, FB is a good place to go. Lol.

Exern ago

I've noticed

ArthurEdens ago

Even if Seaman is a fraud it doesn't make those podesta videos less real or clintons connections to pedophiles upon pedophiles not true or that the clinton foundation keeps 99 percent of their donations or that....

SpikyAube ago

This makes me feel very uncomfortable - none of the things you've said about him are awful heinous things that he's done or anything. He promotes himself to make a living, like billions of people. 8 years ago a couple of people he did an internship with when he was in his early 20s decided to get rid of him and then mock him and write nasty articles about him - I think that actually says more about them!

Just, don't do this black and white things with people its horrible- how do you know he is some bad person, how do you know it's not that he's really struggled with shyness all his life and then someone told him he should fake it til he makes it or something, so he started going over the top and got it all wrong and felt humiliated. You just don't know anything about his actual personal life or background, and so it seems really mean to cherry pick a few things from his life (a tiny section of his life that is accessible on the internet, and therefore most likely not complete or unbiased info) in order to assemble an argument against him to try and make people dislike him. It's just so horrible - if you don't like the guy don't watch his videos, but don't go digging up whatever negative stuff you can find on him from years ago and try to trn people against him, it's just really wrong! :-(

Makingspace1 ago

If this is not a well crafted shill post...its just petty infighting. Bottom line, David as an individual has done as much if not more than the collective investigative effort to raise awareness about Pizzagate. He promotes things that work and have a proven track record, and he is trying to grow as an independent media source. I use Goldmoney because it is an ingenious way to own gold in smaller quantities or large...I have had it since mid 2000, and a lot of people using it use it because it is really the best digital gold resource to independently own. I don't knock him for trying to monetize on his notoriety. If you are spreading awareness of PG and providing thoughtful analysis on it, I reallly don't care if you are making money doing to keep the message going, because the enemy sure as hell is making money as well. The difference is the enemy makes money by TRAFFICKING CHILDREN...BILLIONS IN FACT! Get off your high horse and cut the petty infighting.

cantsleepawink ago

You may not agree with the sentiment of the post and that is your right. But I will take issue with undervaluing the effects of the collective citizen investigation. I agree that Seaman is useful for the Koolaid soaked snaffling idiots but he barely scratches the surface presenting the mountain of information the research community has gathered.. I would argue that it is this mountain of information that creates the real pressure for people like Trump and Sessions to act. It has been documented that the good elements of the intelligence services who are working to get this information out, and who sometimes drop pieces of information to lead us to gather our knowledge base, need online researchers to find and bring forth information, they cannot at this point in time do themselves. Also, the web of corruption is so broad, that it actually needs eyes (globally) to pull the threads together. Do not underestimate or devalue the heavy lifting of the many people here who are working hard to get this moving. And, I might add, not able to cover themselves in glory or benefit financially from doing so. My own life has been greatly impacted because of this..and I can't even really explain to those close to me everything I know.

Aphoticamy ago

Nah, I'm still cool with Dave and you can type any long wall of text you want. In all seriousness, if Jezebel didn't like him that just makes most of us like him more.

Forgetmenot ago

Why is this not posted on pizzagate whatever? This does not apply to pedofile elite or government corruption, or victims? Does anyone know if the comments added automatically add some voats to the op? I am not sure but I don't like the idea of the investigative forum getting slid like this when there are so many arrests taking place with real leads! Please move this to pizzagate whatever.
Edit: we must be really on to something that this dribble is allowed to remain. The new information coming out is so damning they are just trying to slide and derail. It is clear the pizzagate investigation is on the right track.

VictorDaniels777 ago

Thanks. It is hard to understand some researchers who can't see the value of David Seamans effort. If it's not sourced research it has no value. Such small minds.

DawnofTruth ago

I couldn't handle him anymore. He injects so much personal emotion and minutiae into every single video. I haven't seen one video on Pizzagate that didn't include the words: "I, me, mine or my". That's the ONLY personal spin he puts on his videos because David is NOT a reporter. He's a repeater. Then when he had the hubris to ask for money?.......I called him out. I mean, I was failing to see the cost of using a webcam, a laptop and a pair of eyes to scrub the web!

David Seaman, like him or loathe him.

Tanngrisnir ago

Since when is being hated by Jezebel a bad thing anyway?

Devious1 ago

Seamans a fake, I just like the new julianassange wikileaks account assange is kill.

V____Z ago

You're obsessed. You really should seek help rather than display this for all to see. We are trying to stop child abuse here, you seem focussed on something else entirely.

On another note, it is very clear David has a team trolling him. I wonder why him, and I'm faced with the reality that Podesta and Hillary can't go after him directly. But they are known to use Brock's services. Brock runs a team of trolls. Hillary hired him to troll anyone tweeting against her last year.

It makes sense those David is trolling, like Podesta, would send that team to destroy David's reputation, if not shut him up completely.

B3nder ago

THANK YOU !!! this was long overdue - I agree 100 %

as I said earlier :

attention narcissist

dindonufin ago

Eat a dick, nigga.

BlueBloodNate ago

Rogan is a dick and David is, well, David.

Marthvedderette ago

I've repeatedly stated that this guy is bullshit. He was a nobody until he saw an opportunity to jump on pizzagate, or either he was put on YouTube to discredit the legitimacy of pizzagate, by the perpetrators of pizzagate.

dancemonkey ago

I thought he was the England goalie with the ponytail tbh...

dancemonkey ago

TIL there are a whole two British football fans on pizzagate. Good to know!

Ushil ago

What do I smell? Smearing?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Fucking disgraceful, self absorbed little cunt.

VictorDaniels777 ago

Is this David Brock trolling D. Seaman? The arguments seem to suggest so.

VictorDaniels777 ago

OMG David didn't follow thru on running naked in Time Square. He is a liar and can't be trusted. I can only see binary outcomes and can't handle complex emotion or thought OMG OMG. Fucking joke.

VictorDaniels777 ago

Not everyone is a OCD autist binary thinker who is incapable of multiple possibilities of thought and action. Go take your medication and fuck off back to mommy.

VictorDaniels777 ago

Who care about a book in 2008. WTF does that have to do with PG coverage in 2017. You are a flimsy thinker. No substance.

VictorDaniels777 ago

Who cares if he called Joe Rogan a liar. Your moms a liar. Wow that is so telling. You are a troll of a thinker. Complete idiot. Your points suck ass.

VictorDaniels777 ago

You can be bullish on a proposition after being bearish. You have 0 skills in logic. Hilarious. How long have I been here. Fucktard.

gangpressorliber ago

He's a renegade.... a more devious Ayn Rand philosophic subscriber.... Funny as crap this douche hahaha

VictorDaniels777 ago

George Soros owns shares of Netflix and I watch Netflix, OMG I am a traitor. Fucking idiot

VictorDaniels777 ago

And,and David Seaman breathes air and so does Hillary Clinton. You are a fucking moron. But at least you provide sources.

quantokitty ago

WTF? Eight years ago, he wrote a book on self-promotion and got his publishing rights revoked instead of being fired even though most of us would equate not being able to publish anymore as being fired. The rest? Wah-wah-wah-wah-wah. Have no idea what this about, but if it's the promised hatchet piece, FAIL. Nothing to see here except troll splatter. Don't see how having a life when you get out of college in any way invalidates someone from commenting on pizzagate. Pssst: you don't need credentials to be against children being raped.

SmokinDave73 ago

While its a good thing to keep this as perspective because it is grounding that you can not simply trust someone so easily on the internet and I indeed agree with a lot of points you make in your post especially about certain contradicting issues of Seamen's past. The one thing that sticks out the most for me is that there are not very many people out there making videos and personally talking to people on camera about pizzagate and putting there asses on the line publicly.

It is concerning that David has made some questionable posts/decisions and tweets that does put in to question some of his motives and own agenda behind it all, but in the nature of this whole public investigation there are actually a lot of trolls and nasty people even paid shills/misnfo "bots" out there putting out disinformation and direct slander, defamation, threats, and attacks to not only him but many others in the community so its not surprising that he has been on the defensive lately and acting out of character on twitter a bit to much. He is only human and one can only take so much abuse until they start to waver which impacts on judgement and integrity.

I ask everyone openly this though, where are all the people making the awesome breakthroughs and putting in all the "work" they are anonymously posting on forums reddit/voat 4chan ect and expecting someone else to then get the information to a journalist or someone else to make a video about it. Its very easy to say this guy is a fraud(which I am not ruling out) whilst not actually stepping up and either making videos themselves or publicly protesting/handing in evidence to the FBI/Police departments themselves.

So while I am glad this information has been brought forward because I want justice just as much as everyone else does that has seen how terrible these crimes are, I would like to ask people not to dismiss someone that is sticking there neck out and being vocal about this when not many others will. I personally think Alex Jones and Joe Rogans podcast is one of the best "public service information" videos to date on pizzagate and other "conspiracys" and yet so many people in the pizzagate community still attack Alex Jones for many of the same reasons presented here. Alex is outspoken and is not afraid of talking about "fringe" subjects if they are the truth and he is a patriot to his county and wants the best for all of humanity.

cantsleepawink ago

Just want to say, I also think that it is good that there are people on the internet willing to put their face to a cause in order to get publicity for the corruption that we are uncovering. Those people are very necessary.

There is also another level of investigators who have chosen to remain anonymous (relatively) as that is also necessary for deep research and the ability to bring uncomfortable truths to the surface. Being anonymous is a choice that I personally made a long time ago because my personal skills lie in that deep research. I post on a number of different platforms, so my online footprint is fractured. Deliberately so.

It is healthy to discuss anyone's presence, but in a respectful manner. One thing a person learns when delving into dark corners is to question everything. Doing so is giving us traction as we learn the 'games' and strategies used to subvert grassroots movements. Questioning everything now is imperative as we have an opportunity now to uproot this particular tree and awaken people on a large scale.

SmokinDave73 ago

I agree whole heartedly there is a place for everyone in this investigation public or anonymous that is genuinely wanting the truth to get out there so we can save all those innocent people out there getting hurt by this. Unfortunately we do need to question so much because of the dark nature and constant cover ups of this subject but in a respectful unbiased manner like you said which the OP is lacking.

Oldno7 ago

I told everyone talking about bitcoin to buy physical gold and silver instead in 2011. Had I spent a fraction of what I spent on silver on bitcoin instead I'd be a millionaire.

Bitcoin and Goldmoney are sound money alternatives for the US dollar and all other currencies controlled by central banks. I can't definitively prove the Federal Reserve is linked to pizzagate, but I do think most here would agree that central banks and the world elite go hand in hand. If we break their control of the money supply, we break their control on the world.

So in that sense, I am voting with my wallet by using bitcoin and goldmoney.

You can call me greedy all you want, but greed is constant. Have you ever turned down a raise? Greed is a good thing.

looking4truth ago

He was probably genuine at first but then he turned into a fame whore. How come he didn't make any research of his own though, he's a journalist. That's supposed to be his job.

cakeoflightylight ago

He reminds me of every precious little daddy's boy tool I knew in law school who came to class in preppy collared polo shirts and khaki pants with belts every single day for all 3 years and talked about how good their own grades were and paid tuition with a check written by dad and wanted to be on law review and then graduated talking about what a good job they were getting after graduation, then you talk to them a year later and they're still single and at home masturbating every night laughing at the internet. me me me me me me me me oh look I saved 60k from my lack of ever going on a date with a woman.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

He has experience in yellow journalism being formerly employed by the feminist propaganda outlet Huffington Post.

V____Z ago

He was employed by Huffington Post? My understanding is that, based on what he said, he had a column there that was taken from him right after he questioned hillarys health. But I'm sure you'll find something wicked about that too.

Newfind ago

I was always a bit suspicious of him because he always failed to mention JA, until well into the later videos. Thanks for the well sourced article.

SchlangeHatRecht ago

Seaman is a slime ball, self-promoting whore.

tinytank ago

I got tired of his videos pretty quick because he spends more time talking about himself than anything else. Lots of emotional rhetoric, very little facts and details. But when he started talking about his 'sources', that's when I knew he was lying. He doesn't have any sources.....aside from VOAT, reddit and 4chan.

crazimal ago

Youtubing as a self styled talking head news provider is rather fraudulent per se. There is some element of deception, narcissism and bullshit about nearly every one of the people who do it. If nothing else they typically seem mentally ill, stupid,or just wrong

David seaman cannot escape this, he too is fraudulent. YouTube freaks and losers seem pretty popular here. Waste of time in my opinion. 90% of the videos just rehash material covered elsewhere without wasting time and MB.

cantsleepawink ago

I am quietly concerned about Seaman, roundhouse. Either he is genuinely unstable as his history of breakups with every organisation and cause seemingly points to, or there is another more insidious reason for his self appointed placement (perhaps with some help) as the face of pizzagate (in some people's minds). I watched his complete OTT rant at both Clinton and Trump yesterday and thought that he seems to feel he's untouchable with his public meltdown. He also is quite casually promoting violence in a way that should make people uncomfortable. Does he seem to have inside information? I would say yes. And I think we should ask ourselves why, given his history.

I just want to add a couple of observations to your findings:

The first mention I can find of Seaman within the public eye is via a CNN transcript (the video is no longer on the web)..where he was interviewed in 2008 as the lead organizer of Free Paris Hilton Now.

This was shortly after he had been 'fired' from Jezebel. A couple of commenters in the two articles printed by that outfit on him indicated that maybe there was more to that particular story.

Within this particular article

The saga of me and David Seaman started in April, when I hired David, a young Hunter College student and the compiler of a book on the, ahem, "meaning of life," as a Jezebel intern.

Free Paris, he explained, wasn't an endgame; it was more like an experiment. His next stunt would be more sophisticated, and multilayered, and he gave me the date on the condition I didn't reveal it. I suggested he read Bill Wasik's Harper's story about how he invented the flash mob, and why. "It's right up your alley," I said. "I don't really remember his reasoning, but it's very well-written."

Remember, 2008 was an election year. The start of the Obama administration, and he was now touting himself as a hip liberal. In the following 3 to 4 years he was all over alternative media, talking about CISPA and other tech bills, being introduced as a tech expert - even though he has an English Literature degree from Hunter College.

(For anyone interested, a list of his earlier videos as a 'tech guru' can be found here )

His book "Dirty Little Secrets" on Amazon got many positive reviews. I did find this particular (negative) review interesting because it reveals his political stance at the time:

Just finished reading this book from cover to cover. I learned the author LOVES Bill Maher and Michael Moore, HATES Anne Coulter and Bill O'Reilly, and loves to ridicule Conservative talk radio. Oh, and by the way, "Superbad" was hilarious, but he NEVER would have gone to see a movie like "The Passion of the Christ" if it weren't for the marketing.

So I ended up asking myself, "Is this a book or a blog?" It's disrespectful to sell folks a book and then give them page after page of ones own political views.

Or, to put it another way, "Why is he telling me this stuff?" I bought a book on buzz, not a book of political satire. "Stay in your league and give people what they bought, not what you want to shove down their throats," would be my advice to the author.

In 2012, he ran for Congress. That was another fiasco. When he changed his mind at the last minute, he left behind a lot of disillusioned followers, wondering what had happened to his ideals and their money.

Here is a reddit thread at the time where he is responding to fans and critics on why he is running for Congress. The confusion will sound familiar:

Here is a later reddit thread where he discusses his reasons for not running:

I noted that he stopped running a couple of days after Aaron Swartz was suicided.

And we all know the story of how he jumped ship, in an election year, to the Conservative camp. Perhaps it would be wise to follow Seaman's Trump Adventure with gratitude for helping to bring this to the attention of the public but with some wariness too. We don't know where this journey is leading us but we should be expecting a few surprising twists and turns along the way.

roundhouse1776 ago

What do you think his "sophisticated" stunt was? Was it running for Congress? Or maybe something that he decided not to do?

cantsleepawink ago

I'm not sure but I found that comment interesting.

Markzila ago

WOW a flood of <2month old accounts overwhelmingly agree with this hit piece!

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

It isn't a hit piece if it's true.

Truth fears no investigation.

Markzila ago

There is nothing in it except the trials and tribulations of a young journalist find his way in the world. You mad he got fired from Jezebel? You mad he got removed as a contributor from Huffpo? Really? I find that to be a plus! You mad he is interested in and promoting bitcoin at one point? Like most people paying attention to Bitcoin have done at some point... Or you mad the one of the richest most powerful men in the world also took interest in bitcoin... like countless investors... so they must be connected? You mad that he has tried to analys how to get the most views using social media platforms? What exactly are you mad at bro? What are you investigating? This shit is an attempt to portray him poorly, something that could be done to almost any man in this time, which at the end of the day IMO this is an attempt to shine a negative light on Pizzagate as whole. Like I said Hit Piece, Divide and Conquer, it's a tried and true tactic that works best on the weak minded.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

I don't approve of individuals who intentionally deceive/exploit gullible people that are interested/intrigued about pizzagate research for monetary gain and notoriety.

He's a charlatan like Alex Jones.

Seaman should be ashamed of himself.

Markzila ago

How do journalist get paid again? Do you want him working for a propaganda machine or do you want him independent? Asking for donations while ruining his career chasing #pizzagate is not an issue. #HitPiece

Edit: spelling

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

He can work as a freelance journalist somewhere.

Markzila ago

Which unbiased media is airing/publishing freelance reporters associated with Pizzagate? Crowd Sourcing is an acceptable option for modern journalism.

Oldno7 ago

Look, do your own research on Goldmoney. Owning gold is a good thing. Banks backing their money with gold is a good thing. It's the only 'whole reserve' bank that I know of. Fractional reserve banking is a scam. Goldmoney is real.

Boycotting services based on political beliefs is foolish and bad economics. You should buy things where they are cheapest, and provide the most value to you so you have more money to buy more things. We're all better off that way. Everyone loves to hat Wal-Mart but the truth is that Wal-Mart enriched all of our lives and made the world a better place by saving people money.

David Seaman's past as a liberal and his promoting Goldmoney does not make him disinfo or a fake agent or anything like that. I also don't understand why so many here are more worried about investigating Seaman than Podesta

islandofdelight ago

OP - roundhouse1776

Do you not hide your face and name behind a screen? All of you hypocrites who complain that David is gaining notoriety are all hiding behind your anonymity. Maybe there is something in your past that could get dragged out to discredit you with... David is a reporter. That's fine. He has brought in a lot of new people to the cause. He wants the pedos locked up as much as anyone obviously. Let everyone do their own part. Don't be a hater. Put your energy into more productive things that trying to shut down people who are trying to help. I see a lot of new accounts getting behind this attack. You're only helping create a tool of division for this investigation. You are the fraud if you claim to care about getting more attention on the subject.

The only think Seaman hurt in this investigation was your feelings when he make a stupid declaration about when the 'big' arrests would happen. But the arrest have been happening all week. By continuing to write about him you are only giving me more exposure.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

You are hiding behind a keyboard too.

Seaman is Alex Jones 2.0...a con man preying on individuals to support him financially.

Fuck him.

Mooncutter ago

This thread is just pure trash. The trolls are going crazy on Seaman for a reason. He's 100% LEGIT, that WHY he's getting attacked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MrrHandsome ago

I honestly wholeheartedly believe the guy is hoping he gets assassinated Breitbart style so that a new media outlet opens in his memory, something like "The Seaman" and that his legacy will live on as the saviour of real news.

Oldno7 ago

A good service is a good service. Saying Goldmoney is a fraud because Soros invested in it is like saying Amazon is a fraud because Bezos owns the Washington Post.

Bezos is a shitbag but Amazon Prime is still fucking awesome.

I didn't share my referral link. I didn't say the OP was wrong

YingYangMom ago

You had me at George Soros. Period.

QuestionEverything ago

Nice hit piece. Seaman has helped put some spotlight on Pizzagate though, so all is forgiven.

Keep reporting David!

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

I agree.

I am a new poster here. I don't like to sign up on forums usually, but you guys are doing such great work in researching PizzaGate, that I signed up. I found out about PizzaGate.through Twitter.

I've listened to David's videos. At first, I thought I was going to learn new stuff, but gradually realized he wasn't saying anything new.

The research above is well done and the connection to Soros and others is very troubling. Soros would love to control PizzaGate info. We have to be careful of those that might sell out the PizzaGate community.

People are here for a reason. I bet many were abused or know someone who was abused by an older adult. The research here is very important.

iamthepizzanow ago

To the fucking top!

Oldno7 ago

Honestly his advocating for Goldmoney and Coinbase was something that made him seem more credible to me. I clearly remember calling all the bitcoin guys crazy and telling them to buy silver in 2011 on the dailypaul. Bitcoin has turned out to be the revolution in money they promised it would be, and I love Goldmoney even if Soros is in it. It's a bank account that's backed by and redeemable for physical gold. That's cool, they also only charge .05% on deposits and withdrawals, but allow you to send any amount of gold to any other goldmoney account holder for free.

I don't know if Seaman is 100% legit or not, but when he talks about the Rothschilds and the Federal Reserve banking scam and tells you to put your money in gold, silver, or bitcoin he's trying to help you. The Federal Reserve does steal your wealth through inflation is the biggest scam in modern day history.

BackToBlack ago

I'm on the fence. On one hand what you suggest here is reasonable, and might be that you connected the dots well. On the other hand it's a little unfair to judge someone based on one book he did about self-marketing years ago. Also we really don't know if he's not a researcher. I, like many others have published some pieces about pizzagate and never mentioned I was also a researcher, even though I'm on it from the time it started on 4chan. And even if he was only a reporter, not an investigater so what? Both are crucial to getting it out to the public. If it was just researchers then #pizzagate would be limited to our online echo chambers. We also NEED people to translate it into writing, memes and videos, so that normies can understand what pizzagate is about. I agree that he does seem emotionally unstable, but he might also be under a lot of pressure, and maybe he's getting a little paranoid about his safety - which let's be honest here, is not unsubstantiated. I had moments I got scared even though I'm just a small ant that nobody at the top knows about. If he's not shilling then he does have every reason to be scared for his life.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

This is a post I can get behind!

Dense info, pertinent, sourced and aligned with my already held suspicions.

Yuke ago

21 downvotes, I guess that's 21 of the gullible people that obviously paid into his Patreon!

AgainstTheNWO ago

So you can't just not agree? You shill callers are the shills and ruining the whole movement with all this infighting and name calling imo. Who thinks he couldn't make more money making movies/stories about bitcoin/gold is out of this world imo.

And, he did had it right with the arrest couple of days back when it came in all big news outlets.

Just like Milo's "Yet" also DS can be asked not to talk about some part of the investigation or even placed on a gag order.

Yuke ago

It's OK, you don't have to agree, but it's been clear from the start that Seaman was full of some of us at least.

Somevoatguy ago

Even if he is, who cares if he's actions are what we want journalists to do, regardless if he has ulterior motives he's massively spreading awareness of pizzagate and lobbying to get pedophiles arrested.

He uses us, we use him.

Hobgobbin ago

Most of this stuff just seems to prove that David is just an independent working journalist. Nothing here negates anything that he's been saying. You'll have to do better boys.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Shill confirmed.

Markzila ago

says 4 hour old account...

Piscina ago

The shills are out.

Gorillion ago

TBH I've never looked at a single video of his, but some PGers seemed enraptured wit him and if his involvement was keeping them keen and energized, then I didn't mind. PG won't be brought down by individual nuts or show-boaters.

I think his biggest claim to fame was trying to take the Daily Show up on their offer to turn up and answer questions on camera. He seemingly fucked them around quite a bit, so again, I don't mind as their own clear intentions were extremely underhanded anyway. Let him troll shit-holes like the Daily Show. And, you have to understand, like Jezabel. Jezabel is another "progressive" shit-hole, and if he fucked them too? Good.

So let "him do him". Just don't don't rely on him to do more for PG than gum up the works of the MSM and it's "progressive" ctrl-left social media cronies.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

He's a member of the 13th tribe. Not one of the original 12 tribes.

neurofluxation ago

"I would protest gravity if I thought it was going to get me buzz"

And that's why I have unsubscribed from him... Petty fucking greed.
David Semen. Fuck off... Muddying the waters helps no one except yourself...
Perhaps that's the fucking point eh?


0fsgivin ago

It's called controlled opposition.

aaallaboard ago

Sadly, yes he is an attention whore and manipulator for personal gain. I actually gave $50 to his paypal back in December. He was the first guy I heard talking about Pizzagate so I owe him that, but ever since he has been putting up videos everyday with clickbait titles and talking of himself as a victim. Once a week he will say something outlandish that can't be verified or proved (police outside my house right now! My friend was -possibly- murdered etc).

In his defence, he is a constant presence on twitter talking loud and clear about pizzagate, he has a strong and growing presence and that is useful. His self promotion is obnoxious but I think he is narcissistic rather than cointelpro or pushing black propaganda.

I think he truly wants to break pizzagate, to see these sick fucks prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. In that sense he is honest and transparent. But he is not a leader of our community or our cause.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to separate what is true, honest reporting and what is the intelligence agencies doing what they do. This voat community is a very different animal to what it was November - January.

So I would ask each of you "true" voaters out there to not lose faith, hang in there. When my friends tell me trump is a fool or a madman or dangerous I always reply the same way - Trump is the saviour of Western Civilization. And I really mean it.

Stay strong brothers and sisters, good will triumph over evil.

roundhouse1776 ago

Nice post, this is a good take.

I disagree with you on one thing though. I think Seaman wants this scandal to break because it will make him semi-famous. He'll take credit for everything, he is after all, obsessed with self promotion. Seeing justice served to evil pedophile monsters seems like a secondary goal for him.

aaallaboard ago

My guess is it is a 50/50 split. I have also signed up to his newsletter, nothing of import and value in the first two posts, just him trying to get you to buy gold. I assume he is taking a commission to plug it. Right now, anyone talking about pizzagate is an ally, no matter how distasteful it is.

But yes, once it breaks, he will define himself as a "leading light" and will profit off it as much as he can. In an ideal world everyone on "our side" would be altruistic but that's not the world we live in.

At least he is pulling in the same direction as us. Once the wave breaks and it's all out in the open, who cares where the chips lie? Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and despite his long list of faults (longer than Trumps?), we need all the allies we can get. The enemy of your enemy is your friend.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Damn. It's too bad you can't get your money back from this con artist.

Remain skeptical of pizzagate researchers asking for money. The authentic ones do pro bono work.

cakeoflightylight ago

Yep I agree. I have done pro bono work for over 10 years now. I have a donate button on my website but I don't promote it and it's brought in around $200 in 10 years and that was when my friend whose website I paid for made a donation in return through the button on my website so she could pay me back online and not mail me a check.

ThePedoHunter ago

The drama.....get over it...he's on youtube twitter calling out Podesta et al....coping serious flack and dont like him, so what....i do see honesty and a high level of integrity....why does he need to tick every box and condition you think he does...he's doing a solid job of exposing child rape and torture, ie PIZZA GATE

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Is he a fraud? I dont know. I admit some of the stories make him look like the betting money is on a fraud. But I still am not totally sold.

DustyRadio ago

Thank you for this post. This guy is garbage and takes away from legitimate PG investigators like George Webb with his unhinged tweets and ripped off "research". I don't understand why so many have defended him.

roundhouse1776 ago

I really wish George Webb would post like a couple big videos each week instead of 3 repetitive videos every day. He's doing such amazing work but people don't like his presentation style. He deserves to have a massive following for all the great research he's going.

NotThe77th ago

If he didn't put everything out as soon as he gets it, He may well have had an 'accident' by now.

DustyRadio ago

I agree.

sunnydaylemons ago

brittany is a larper and shill?? is she also a white nationalist?

roundhouse1776 ago

The shill accusations seem to have started because she fell for the Fake Comet menu and pushed it. Any additional evidence of shilling was hosted on, which shut down so I can't view it. I have edited my original post and removed the section about her.

sunnydaylemons ago

@juddlegum falsley called her out as a white nationalist and tweeted at gofundme and they removed her gofundme campaign. pos called her a white nationalist without evidence and was so arrogant about it and everyone went along with it. im sick of arrogant libtards who do this shit, thats why i was just wondering if there was any truth to it. thanks

sunnydaylemons ago

serious question, someone link me to refernces

sunnydaylemons ago

ive followed david since he got fired from huffpo and always thought it was super weird he never provided any proof of it or update on any resolutions about that. he kept going on and on about how he got fired for writing about Hilary's health and censorship so when he started covering pizzagate as it unfolded, it made me believe pizzagate was real but i always took his info with an extra grain of salt. i thought he was a CIA shill or something cuz it all seemed to be orchestrated but it looks like hes just unstable.

madmanpg ago

Been thinking this for a while. Thanks for all the work you've done to demonstrate. His former work at Jezebel alone should be an enormous red flag.

Oldno7 ago

As far as I know David Seaman and Ben Swann are the only two people with MSM credentials to cover pizzagate fairly at all. Everyone else just screams fake news.

sentryseven ago

Look, I think Seaman is just a blowhard phony for sure, but Pettibone? Since when is she a shill?

roundhouse1776 ago

The shill accusation seems to have started because she pushed the Fake Comet menu. Any additional potential evidence was hosted on which shut down so I can't view it. I edited my original post and deleted the section about her.

roundhouse1776 ago

I'll look into it her more closely. If I cant find solid evidence, I'll delete my claim.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Brittany might be another wolf in sheep's clothing with an ulterior motive like Seaman. She seems genuine but remain skeptical of these pizzagate researchers selling books, looking for donations, etc.

jbooba ago


Besides the fact this is complete offtopic.

You have a product. You designed it, developed it love it etc and want to sell it. You fail. Why. Cuz youre Woz and not Jobs.

The reality is, most here are Woz. Good researchers, bad PR people. To sell #pizzagate you need facts AND pr. You need to have people shouting out in the public #pizzagate.

Is DS making money off pizzagte? I bet. Is this forbidden? No. Just because most of you cant, why shouldnt he? You think Greenwald didnt make money out of Snowden? In what kind of fantasy land do you live in? Be happy someone with that many followers pushes your agenda. Who else is doing it? Fox? Alex Jones?

Get a good PR book and learn how to sell #pizzagate. Our little community here doesnt. Its just for few thousands. MILLIONS need to know. not thousands. DS is the 1st step. Flynn was a major help that´s why he got removed. Think of that. We´re fighting here against a massive warmonger/human trafficing establishment decades of years old. Do you get it? Don´t be naive

Sorry if my post was too long, but dont lose track. #1 priority is to bring all the people involved in #pizzagate to justice. The more - let´s say it - prominent help we get the better. We need PR. The more the better. Even HRC is helping us as you have seen in her last tweet ;-)

Just my 2cents.

23eulogy23 ago

David seaman is the Alex Jones of Pizzagate

jbooba ago

Agree. Be glad for it he´s your voice out there.

nowiknow ago

Ty for writing this up. I've seen the rise of Seaman, and its ugly. I was worried when he was invited on the daily show-- of course they would invite the useful, unhinged, idiot. He will glady take all the credit for breaking pizzagate. He's done nothing but take old research and spews "PIZZAGATE IS REAL I MIGHT DIE"


Weightstone ago

You have any idea how damaging it is to have something you want people to know about attached to a complete and utter nutcase. Eg: David Icke is accurate about a sneaky underhanded behind closed doors group out to fuck everything up. BUT, because he has some wild out there nonsense stories that he himself doesn't really believe (check out body language experts opinions on his talks), credibility goes out the window. This isn't a case of 'ALL publicity is good publicity', we're not trying to sell a fuckin music cd.

V____Z ago

Please tell David Brock he can fuck right off. Is the pay good tho?

virtuous_pedophobe ago

Agree on David Icke, but not on Seaman.

In fact Seaman explained in his "flat earth" video how that nutcase theory is being used to discredit PG.

And it's true, I have seen shills accuse Seaman of pushing flat earth even thogh he not only rejected it but also explained it how it's used.

Azagthoth ago

We arent talking about Limp Bizkit at Woodstock here lol

Drnoway ago

From everything I've read about him I'm pretty sure he is a narcissistic asshole who wants to cash in while ranting about PG. But still he is doing some good work for PG, like calling Podesta pedophile constantly. If Pedosta were innocent he would sue Seaman..

anotherdream ago

If Seaman is somehow involved in a circle that loops with Soros, then it is possible he's been leading everyone astray, and that his foreknowledge of recent events was given to him for the express purpose of dissemination on social media. - Shit is really heating up these days.

Jakestr ago

I never trusted him not for a moment and I'm glad that you have exposed and thank you for that

Chatman ago

I never watched seaman cause people seemed to be sceptical of him in the comments, seems like i made a good choice

draegspir ago

Great post, and great sources.

Flat_Truth ago

And this has to do with the Pizzagate investigation how? David Seaman brought many eyes onto the subject. Could care less if his intentions were less than noble. The attacks on him are most assuredly less than noble....but thanks for your opinion, will consider it.

cakeoflightylight ago

He didn't have a following before Pizzagate. Pizzagate brought him the followers and not the other way around. Had you ever heard his name before?

Flat_Truth ago

Nope never heard of him before. But what I said was he brought a lot of eyes to Pizzagate....I know I shared his videos and that's what got people interested. Will give him credit for that. Will also agree that he used this story as he would have used any big story to gain fans....and can't blame a journalist for doing that. :/ Am not going to be hard on the guy....I think he did good...not need to bash him for anything.

SoonerJJ ago

Sounds like a good Wikipedia post.

VitaminC ago

David brought many people to Pizzagate who might never have known. There are many actors in a play, each with different roles. You admonish him for self-promotion - yet in our modern world self-promotion is the only way to rise. I'm thankful he took up the cause, grabbed the limelight and screamed PIZZAGATE from the rooftops. And if he self-promotes himself to the top of the social media stinking heap then MORE POWER TO HIM. In this battle we need the diligent and the brave, the con-man and the saint, the martyr and the mayhem. We need to bring the pedos down - not each other.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Alex Jones also brought many people into the truth movement. Jones and Seaman are opportunists and gatekeepers. Remember, the best way to control the opposition is to lead it.

ArthurEdens ago

There are easier ways to make a buck than pizzagate

Dauphin ago

He's bring people here for the WRONG reason and that will only cause us HARM.

ArthurEdens ago

Harm to pedophiles and satanists? I agree with you

Forgetmenot ago

Go away you are more concerned with protecting podesta by attacking david seamen, than protecting children. Get out of here you evil troll!

Dauphin ago

Oh no, PodestaMolesta is going DOWN... Seman has nothing to do with Podesta getting caught. He needs to focus on RESEARCH and not focus on calling everyone his "fan." That is NOT why I am here... I am here to save children and expose this evil... I am not here to stroke egos. THIS IS ABOUT THE KIDS!

justanotherpizza ago

I think the main takeaway is that PIZZAGATE must AVOID being co-opted by external promoters. our claims have a validity that is INDEPENDENT of who speaks of them. Promotors will push PG for their own reasons, some might help us, some might hurt us. it is out of our control. But we can avoid being played, by not taking sides. if you tie your boat to someone elses, you will go down with them. this applies to anyone, right up to Trump. I know a lot of people are hoping that he will drain the swamp, and I share that hope. I want the pedos and corruption purged from our government, but that goes for both blue and red. otherwise it is no better than bloods taking out the crips so they own the block.

Dauphin ago

I agree... it's NOT about US or "getting famous." It's about FUCKING SAVING THESE CHILDREN and taking down the peds... Seman calls everyone his "fans." THIS IS NOT A GAME! He is making this a game and this is VERY REAL. I have nothing against the guy and think he started with good intentions... but mark my words... I am NOT HIS FAN. This is about the KIDS people...

Poot_McGarvey ago


micha_ ago

One one hand it's good, if such an attention whore is making people aware of pizzagate/pedogate. On the other hand, with the knowledge from above, one should not believe, that he has any honorable motives. He helps spreading the knowledge, therefore he is useful. But buying a used car from him? Never.

Riva ago

Glad this is the top comment. Doesn't really matter that he's a self promoting that to Johnny Boy and $hIll, i think we've got someone we can work with.

Don't let these obvious tactics turn us against each other. Seaman's still promoting the cause. The more he is talked about the more it's spread. These people have no idea what they're dealing with.

Disgusted-Lurker ago

I just wish his role was the "martyr" at this point so we can focus on more important things...

awakenaware ago

i agree and yep hes likely woken many to pizzagate, and hes a buzz guy, he invented the buzz meme himself.. and now hes doin it.. milking it for all its worth, hes been deliberately provocative and abusive/show man to get attention/subscribers.. yep hes in it for the $.. he wrote the book on this stuff! you cant get more in your face milking it for the cash.

In 2008, Seaman wrote a book called, Dirty Little Secrets of Buzz: How to Attract Massive Attention for Your Business, Your Product, or Yourself. In this book, you can advice such as "Always be controversial and outrageous in everything you do" and "Enemies are more important than friends."

TabiCatTwo ago

I would say he has turned just as many people away from pizzagate due to his unprofessionalism

awakenaware ago

quite possibly yes his style leaves not much to be watched for long

V____Z ago

Is that just a wild guess or do you base this on anything tangible?

520patriot ago

Yeah we dont need david seaman anymore. D-splooge needs to get cleaned up

unbiased_researcher ago

So who wants to be the new leader?

Forgetmenot ago

Edit: ny original comment was meant to OPnot dark math I will repost in a sec.

DarkMath ago

Forgetmenot. Fair enough, but indulge me for a second. Please tell me we're here put child rapists in jail right? Agreed?

We're here to help expose the horrible crimes the Clinton Foundation committed right? Can we just agree on those two things?

Forgetmenot ago

See my edit.

Forgetmenot ago

Darkmath, I was not talking to you in fact I upvoated every comment that you made in the entire thread and downvoated anti David seamen nonsense. Not you, we play for the same team. I also requested that the thread be mov d to pizzagate whatever it does not add to the investigation of elite pedofiles or helping children at all. I am so sorry for the confusion! We are here for those purposes exactly! I think the op is using the same tactics used to create fear and doubt about alternative news sources. Have another upvoat!

DarkMath ago

"sorry for the confusion"........No problem. It's all good. We're all new to the whole crime investigation game. Who'd a ever thunk our government could completely implode so quickly. I definitely didn't see this thing coming. Silly me.

Forgetmenot ago

Very well said: seems to be due to all of this doesn't it? Scary times, these evil scum are going to see their day in court, I will find a way to personally attend the trial even if I have to stand outside on the steps!

DarkMath ago

Have you seen any of the George Webb videos?

Forgetmenot ago

I have. I will check this one out thanks!

Forgetmenot ago

You are not stopping pedofile by wasting space on this forum discussing petty bullshit about David seaman. This is clearly a team of shills who think that come here expressing venom on a journalist who has attached his name and professional reputation to this cause. Whatever the case your rants against David seaman and opinions contribute nothing. Don't come here with innuendo and nonsense. NOONE CARES!

matheasysolutions ago

I understand some of the criticism that David Seaman is receiving but I think he does serve a role in all of this. I personally decided to look further into PG after seeing how a former HuffPo writer was putting everything on the line in even just talking about PG. After his Wiki page was deleted after mentioning PG, I was even more intrigued into PG. While I agree that he doesn't provide much more research than what is already shared here, he does do a service by pushing PG daily to his large audience. That is what I view his role is in all of this, and I may not have started my PG video tutorial series ( if it were not for someone like David Seaman even willing to talk about PG, regardless of what I view about his character...

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Seaman wants others to fund him so his sorry ass doesn't have to support himself.

To defeat the beast, one must stop feeding the beast.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

With him following Pizzagate he cant get any other media to fund honestly he has to pass the hat around. Still he might be full of shit I cant tell. If he wasnt talking about Gold and Bitcoin all the time it would be harder to question him. If he honestly isnt getting money from it he should stop hawking it immediately.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

I discovered Gold Money headquarters are located on the Isle of Jersey. Isle of Jersey happens to have some connections to pizzagate.

Isle of Jersey happens to be a known tax haven as well.

Also, Godlikeproductions is hosted out of the Isle of Jersey. It is a Tavistock creation funded by Soros.

I pointed this out to Seaman on Twitter and he blocked me.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Weird I grant you. And knowing the tactic of controlled opposition it stinks.

redditsuckz ago

David Seaman threads get the most upvotes on here;

Over 500 upvotes is a huge anomaly on v/pizzagate and reeks of shilling.

roundhouse1776 ago

I'm actually somewhat convinced that his fans are an organized shilling effort. They are fanatical and cult-like in their devotion to him.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Seaman has been outed as a charlatan like Alex Jones. He's obviously in it for monetary gain and notoriety.

Fuck this Soros shill.

Oldno7 ago

Alex Jones is still the guy that showed the whole world the elites doing satanic rituals at bohemian grove.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Alex Jones is an interesting case. I think he has been warned off Pizzagate but he cant help himself so he still yells about Pedophiles every other day or so. I kind of think Jones is letting the Justice Department lead on this subject which should be eye opening for people who know Jones.

Oldno7 ago

It really is hard to tell what's going on with Alex. My personal opinion is that a lot of the crazy things he publishes and says are a combination of confirmation bias and his sources giving him disinfo. I also think it's possible that Seaman is being lied to.

Honestly, we're probably all being lied to about some of this stuff. One thing we do know for sure is that paid disinfo trolls do exist and they muddy the waters of any good conspiracy theory online.

I think Seaman is legit, but I'm not sold 100% one way or the other. It's a crazy world, and crazier things have happened.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

David Seaman sock puppets will down vote this thread.

awakenaware ago

Im a wooly hat, sock puppets blow Seaman conman x10

haggl ago

Member for 1.7 hours haha

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

I have been a long time lurker and finally chose to sign up. Got to start from somewhere.

Pizzagate -- pedophile entrapment/extortion rings run by the Jesuits is real. But Seaman is a fraud.

DarkMath ago

BNA2, they're raping poor black Haitian throw away children. And you're shilling for the perps and the pedophiles. Karma is a mother fucker BNA2.

Payback's a bitch.

archons ago

You shills are so pathetic. Keep panicking, the walls are closing in you sick fucks.

DarkMath ago

Thanks BNA2 who made his account 18 minutes ago and is lecturing me on "finding evidence".

You're a shill BNA2. Go do something good and stop trying to protect Pedophiles.


Azzipdoe ago

Kys, darkmath. BNA2 might only be 40mins or so old but he's certainly more welcome here then you.

DarkMath ago

"more welcome here then you"......That's odd because I thought we were here to find evidence of pedophiles raping children not determining which Pizzagate reporter is trying to make a little money to pay their rent. Which isn't really a big deal in the grand scheme of things because THE MSM DOES THE SAME THING AND YOU DON'T SEEM TO MIND.

153sdsd ago

Seaman is a hero, your efforts to discredit them are futile, but please continue wasting your time, this way you ill never be effective stopping pizzagate

Azzipdoe ago

Kys, inbred.

SilenceDoGood ago

WTF is this. You repost the same thing claiming inaccurate title and take out he is a Masad asset after I question the authenticity as it seems like a focus group gathered and wrote this all up. Then there are LITERALLY THE SAME exact comments in the comment section from the SAME EXACT PEOPLE. Like I said, I wrote up a thread claiming Seaman was a shill, but this post raised a red flag for me with the effort clearly needed to gather all of this and organize it the way it is. This post is a crock of crap, and I'm someone skeptical of Seaman, but the intentions and motives of this is highly questionable. Also, to the moderator known as Vindicator who commented with the personal attack of Seaman out of left field in the previous deleted version, my eye is on you sir!

Free_Radical ago

Then there are LITERALLY THE SAME exact comments in the comment section from the SAME EXACT PEOPLE.

That is a red flag for me. A handful of accounts are spending way too much energy in the comments. There's no need to state the exact same reasoning to multiple people in the thread. There's a big difference between organic communication and pushing the narrative.

Seaman's motives are irrelevant. Only data and logic should be examined.

Queen_Puabi ago

Seriously...The whole post and comments are ridiculous. If we wanted this much drama we could just go to FB lol

SilenceDoGood ago

and then my comment gets downvoted into the abyss, bottom of page, this moderator vindicator needs to be reviewed

FriesischShipping ago

Haha, excellent point, this is what is known as "controlled opposition". They start a discussion of their own choosing and comment on their own discussion themselves creating the illusion of a dialog that projects concern about a topic that really doesn't matter and is designed to distract and lead and investigation astray.

dawgfan ago

I just have to say that DS looks like Jeff Goldbloom

CannuckBatman ago

Hey, let's just all remember that there are fucking children being raped, murdered, tortured and... no, fuck 'and'. That's enough right there, in my opinion, to cast some responsibility on people to keep their heads on straight.

Nothing should ever be assumed, the lives of humans that don't even understand the evil they're being subject to depend on this mantra.

The moment any single person on this site makes an assumption, harm is caused.


All I am saying is that double post does not equal shill, and if you continue to argue, I'll continue to point out that vying for anything other than an understandable grey area, rather than assuming black and white, is pointless.

DeathToMasons ago

Upvote. This is the Seaman that has been revealed to me through his self promoting behavior. He didn't seem to know many details about PG outside the code words pizza and hot dog, Podesta's art and a few other very old early investigation material. He also has tried to paint himself as a brave investigator that they were spying on, might poison or silence, and were trying to freeze his funds. All the while I thought, for what? He has not created any research material or wroe any articles. He has simply talked about repeated very basic early investigation evidence on his youtube and twitter freeds. Then his back to back major arrest by midnight or in 24 hours nonsense was the last straw. He followed that up with saying he has done more than enough "research" and it was somebody elses turn. He has done about as much research as me, you know, none. On top of all that he says the Sandusky son arrest proved he was right with his inside information. The guy is a real tool. This article spelled out the Seaman method of self promotion and he should be shut out of this community for good. Back to the investigation.

unrealisthenewreal ago

I agree. For a journalist, he hasn't done any ground breaking research to connect the dots. However, I'm wondering if he's not putting out the research here on Voat due to the fact that it can't be corroborated and most of it is circumstantial? Don't know. I'm just glad he has a following and is spreading awareness. If he wants credit for exposing it to the masses then fine. It does seem like he wants to make a name for himself and exposing PG would surely do that.

DarkMath ago

I'm sorry you lost. Now go out and find some legitimate evidence. We have much work to do.

huntercel ago

Yea, fuck that guy, all he does is attach his ugly mug to a lot of peoples hard work and honest research.

DarkMath ago

I think so. Repeatedly posting some rant against David Seaman doesn't help us find evidence.

Forgetmenot ago

They are trying to gain upvoats as well as plant seeds of doubt with new people who are trying to learn.

EndThePizza ago


lude ago

bring this to the top and keep it there for a bit for everyone to see. this guy is a fuckin joke. a leech off of anything he comes in contact with

DarkMath ago

How does ranting against David Seaman provide evidence that could be used to get a conviction against a Pedophile in court?

Pipebomb ago

Agreed. There's so much to fucking discuss everyday and he puts out dogshit videos with no information, just name-calling.

V____Z ago

Do you know how ridiculous you look spending this much effort trying to kneecap an irrelevant YouTuber?


lawfag123 ago

This pathetic thread should be deleted along with all the pathetic shill posters

Queen_Puabi ago

I agree especially after calling Brittany Pettibone a LARPer? GTFOH lol

redditsuckz ago

Do you know how ridiculous you look spending this much effort trying to kneecap an irrelevant YouTuber?


Dont you mean Oy Vey?

CannuckBatman ago

Investigating is a long, difficult process, and not best left for people from all walks of life, as not everyone has the scope of perspective to understand that disproving is the sister of proof. Talk to any scientist.

Knowing what or who not to believe is incredibly, fundamentally important... He's a big name in the community... Where does is strike you as a good idea to receive misinformation, rather than, as you say, 'spending this much effort'?

Too much effort --> Lies are okay? Huh?

FriesischShipping ago

Anyone outright calling Podesta a pedophile on a public forum with tens of thousands of views/viewers is begging to get whacked Gary Webb style. It's a fucking death sentence. You're literally watching a Stasi slow kill in process. He looks unwell because that is the point of a Stasi Zersetzung/Zustörung Program. They are designed to discredit you by making you look sick and act irrational. They torture you with electronic harassment, vandalism, break and enters, sleep deprivation gas lighting tactics, and even going so far as to kill your pets and people around you. It's really awful stuff, and I feel bad for the guy. I know he's afraid to say what's happening to him, because he thinks everyone will think he's crazy if he vocalizes what's going on.

zzvoat ago

Very possibly. The more I learn about the MKUltra, Satanic, gang-stalking, etc. angle on all of this, the more I am open to believing all of that stuff is true.

One thing I've learned is that if they are going to "heart attack" you (Breitbart) they actually do it incrementally. The first time or two you just get heart palpitations that send you to the doctor. Then, when that's on record, they kill you with the big one. People think these folks have been murdered but, gee, he did have heart problems - even saw a doctor for it.

As someone who struggles with mental illness, myself, it's possible that David may, also, in some form. Everyone has a different opinion about David and what's going on but they are not all mutually exclusive. It could be some of the above or all of the above. And, if you had paranoia or a predisposition to it, something like this could really throw you over the edge. I'll bet there are only a few people here that have not, at least at one point, wondered whether someone might be coming after them. It's a mind fk, for sure.

David did a HUGE service to the movement in the beginning. At some point, I felt as though he was going off the rails emotionally/mentally - he just seemed a little unhinged at times (like me!) Every once in awhile I go in and see what's he up to but I stopped following him awhile ago.

Do I think he's a shill or malevolent? No. Do I think something may be happening to him in terms of stability? Yes. I just don't know what that is.

Kingrealboss ago

yeah i actually agree, but if that is so it has backfired like everything they have tried

DarkMath ago

Please explain how a rant against David Seaman provides us EVIDENCE a lawyer could use in a court of law to get a conviction against a Pedophile.

Take your time. I'll wait.

Antonius ago

David Semen is a con artist.

roundhouse1776 ago

I don't know enough to give you an informed opinion. That would take a whole team of people doing comprehensive research going through this forum and Seaman's Youtube/Twitter with a fine tooth comb.

DarkMath ago

Yes, I get upset when I see shills re-posting the same shit over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.


derram ago :

Self-Promotion Guru David Seaman Totally Got Our Memo, Shat All Over It :

In Which We Get Closure With Self-Promotional Whore David Seaman :

What Happened to Bitcoin And David Seaman? | The Huffington Post :

"Ethereum Classic," Another Bitcoin Scam | The Huffington Post

This has been an automated message.

IlluminatiKing ago

Also that Daily Show that he supposidly was scheduled to be on a segment about pizzagate.

AgainstTheNWO ago

He did deliver all proof of that and the name's from Daily Show communicators. If want to discredit that, show proof. Damn infighting promoting shills. Fight the 1% and not each other.

roundhouse1776 ago

Good catch. I had forgotten about that.

Azzipdoe ago

This thread deserves to be pinned at the top. Don't care how many 2day old Seaman accounts disagree.

Markzila ago

Says a 2 month old account...

Melitica ago

95% of the people on pizzagate are 2 months or less. We weren't on voat until reddit was killed. I came from the chans...the day pizzagate started here...but my account is "too new" for you I guess. No doubt, scrutinize new accounts but....really?

Gorillion ago

Don't care how many 2day old Seaman accounts disagree.

A bukaki of alts!

jordankelly ago

Deserves to be pinned to showcase this obvious and pitiful attempt at a smear campaign.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Are you a Seaman sock puppet account or one of his minions?

People should immediately stop donating to this charlatan Seaman.

Real pizzagate researchers aren't voluntarily asking for money. Just the con men.

Poot_McGarvey ago

researchers aren't voluntarily asking for money

He might have mentioned donations but I don't think hes panhandling. I'm fine with Seaman. He's got a pretty big following and introduces the topic and tells people to look at it themselves.

haggl ago

Come on your on v/pizzagate focus on the real problem like the pedophiles.

153sdsd ago

you will never bury pizzagate, never

Azzipdoe ago

Lol. K. Just because I want to bury Seaman doesn't mean I want to bury pizzagate. How dull are you?

Azagthoth ago

I agree with you, and imma let you finish, but burying seaman sounds funny as hell

MolochHunter ago

how dull are you? The paedostocracy must be rubbing their hands together with glee at the infighting you are causing

If David Seaman starts talking down the EVIDENCE then sure tear his balls off. But he's out there talking UP the evidence. You might not like his style, you might not like what he does in other areas of his life. But that doesnt matter shit. What matters is, is he supporting the validity of Pizzagate as a scandal, and thats an unequivocal yes

so learn who your real allies are

153sdsd ago

I think seaman has done a good job spreading pizzagate, he has done so much for the cause he is about to get killed, I'll support with money even if even if it was revealed eating the kids himself, well maybe not if he eats the kids. but you get my point Im sure, you are just playing dum, or you must be dum trying to stop pizzagate by attacking seaman

Azzipdoe ago

"I'll support with money even if even if it was revealed eating the kids himself, well maybe not if he eats the kids. but you get my point Im sure"

No, I do not get your point.

Rhino7682 ago


153sdsd ago

All Im saying is, when the pizzagate story appeared, only a few people put their names on the line, David is one of them, and because of him and his courage, many people woke up, we owe him some thanks, it would be hard to convince me that you cant see that. If you honestly believe that he has done more harm than good I apologize for calling you dum shill, but you are still wrong, he has done all the good even if by accident while trying to get famous

sunnydaylemons ago

"u must be dumb and trying to stop pizzagate investigation by attacking seaman."

this is the problem^ we have to be able to call out bullshit where it is if it is a hinderance to the end goal gtfo of here if you don't understand that

DarkMath ago

Round House my boy,

You're reposting this again? It was already deleted. Your grudge against David Seaman does absolutely NOTHING to help us find evidence of a crime. Right?

You understand you look like a shill when you keep doing this right?

nowiknow ago

shut up bro. hes not saying pgate isnt real. it is.

hes saying that seaman is only about self-promo. takes research then says outrageous un-journalistic things and makes ppl look bad bc he claims to be the leader of pgate. if you have been following his meltdowns, you'd agree.

he has no composure and is a useful idiot at this point.

DarkMath ago

"hes not saying pgate isnt real. it is"......Ok fair enough. But let me ask you the following question which I've found is a reliable method of finding out whether someone is a shill or not:

Is it possible the Clinton Foundation committed any crimes in relation to the Haiti relief effort?

nowiknow ago

The fact that you're worried so much about ppl criticizing your hero worries me. Like I said pgate is real. Yes, its possible.

Even if I was a shill, I could still say yes. What a magical shill-dar you have there. smh

DarkMath ago

"criticizing your hero".......You could argue David is the most well known name aside from Ben Swann to follow pizzagate. Have you heard much from Ben Swann lately? No? Me neither.

David Seaman isn't owned by anyone other than his viewers. It's no accident we don't hear from Ben anymore but David is still putting stuff out. It means TPTB would LOVE to get David to shut the fuck up. David has about 80,000 views on some of his youtube videos. That's veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery dangerous.

You may not know much about math, I do. 80,000 can turn into 800,000 VERY quickly these days. Things go viral due to the message AND the mathematics. It's a tag team. I'll leave it up to you to figure out the rest.


DeathToMasons ago

Nope. He articulated very well what the problem with Seaman is and provided links to all his claims. It is important to distance ourselves from opportunist disinfo types, and that is what we are doing. This thread does not take away from the other threads we will visit and this needed to be said, so either shill for Seaman or leave people alone who are informing each other about a carpetbagger we need to avoid.

DarkMath ago

"need to avoid"......Ok fair enough. But let me ask you the following question which I've found is a reliable method of finding out whether someone is a shill or not:

Is it possible the Clinton Foundation committed any crimes in relation to the Haiti relief effort?

Vindicator ago

Hey DarkMath. He reposted it because I told him to after he removed the click-bait headline. The rest of the article meets the submission requirements. I get that people think this is a smear campaign. I think it helps us be objective to think critically about those who have evolved as "leaders" in the investigation. The way to deal with your concern is to refute what the OP is saying. Robust debate is exactly what we want, here! :-)

Forgetmenot ago

This seems like a post for pizzagate whatever. This is an investigative thread. People can robustly debate David seaman in that section. I have had 2 threads deleted, no problem there are other areas they belonged in. Also it is wasting time and sliding threads that are about exposing elite pedofiles.

CannuckBatman ago

This is a perfect example of what I mentioned above.

Assumption leads no where, but discussion and weighing the possibility of options leads to communication and discovery. In this case, to the 'Discovery' via 'Communication' had been the Voat community that allowed for 'Discussion', leading to truth.

This is not to point fingers at any one, and actually applies to anyone reading this; perfect example of what 5 minutes between one post and the next can do to affect 'truth' if you don't consider the grey areas of all of this.

Assume nothing, we can do this, we can win.

Forgetmenot ago

What are you talking about?

SilenceDoGood ago

i have my eyes on you vindicator

Azzipdoe ago

The only one looking like a shill here is you brudda

DarkMath ago

Really? Roundhouse posted the same exact article twice in about 30 minutes. As soon as the first got deleted he posted it again. I need a laugh, do you mind explaining why he did that?

CannuckBatman ago

How in the world are there people that found this forum, understand what investigating means, know about even the very concept of 'corruption', and are still unable to grasp the fact that there are threads being deleted that shouldn't be?

Either a MOD deleted the thread, which means a figure of authority oversaw public speech, which is exactly what this forum exists to question, though admittedly in the scope of pedophilia, or the author deleted it, and reposted it.

Can you explain how all of the above proof, and your conjecture, adds up to anything other you assuming something without providing a modicum of backup?

If you're not a shill, switch the attitude, because you're coming off as one right now.

stellarcorpse ago

maybe because he is correct and wants people to see the con man DS really is.

roundhouse1776 ago

I had to repost, original post was deleted due to inaccurate title. Re-shout out to @FartOnYou @Ramona @cantsleepawink @DavidSeamanIsAFraud @GonnaNeedMorePrisons for finding some of the information I used in this piece.

sunnydaylemons ago

do we think he has borderline personality disorder

p0ssum ago

Nah, he's a narcissist.

european ago

That's typically in avoidant cluster I think. Unlikely to court publicity.

roundhouse1776 ago

I do not know, I'm not a doctor.

roundhouse1776 ago

Let's move onto Pizzagate. Seaman started "reporting" on Pizzagate as early as November of last year. He owes the large following he has on Youtube and Twitter to the Pizzagate investigation, so you would think he would show some love for the hardworking Pizzagate investigators, right? WRONG. He's constantly taking credit for other peoples' work and has done exactly ZERO research on his own.

He has not evolved his covered of Pizzagate one bit in over 3 months, it still consists mostly of "Hillary is evil, lock her up" "Podesta is a pedophile, lock him up". This guy is not a journalist, he's an anti-journalist.

There has been a lot of evidence discovered during the Pizzagate investigation, and there has also been a lot of stuff that has been proven to be fake. Seaman is constantly latching on to the most sensationalist, fake parts of Pizzagate and reporting it as fact and ignores all the valuable evidence that has been found. This has a huge negative effect on the credibility of Pizzagate.

He's repeatedly made claims that his life was in danger and "they" are out to get him. At one point he even claimed that 2 police cars were stationed outside his home for his protection. He claims to be so frightened for his life that he sleeps with a gun next to his bed. Of course, no one has ever been able to corroborate any of these claims.

Seaman has been an ardent supporter of Donald Trump, but just yesterday tweeted this: Was @realDonaldTrump's election just a brilliant head fake to give the potbellied pedophiles in the Deep State another 4 years of survival?

Today, he is back to being a Trump supporter and hashtagging MAGA on his tweets. He can't seem to keep his story straight for more than a day at a time.

He's repeatedly claimed that his work regarding Pizzagate is done and his place in the history books is secure, because the authorities are going to arrest everyone, and he won't speak about it anymore. Each of these claims has lasted about 5 minutes, until he starts talking about it again. In fact, he can't shut up about it, it's all he talks about.

A little over a week ago, Seaman went on an epic Twitter rant about Antarctica, Flat Earth theory, Mandela Effect, and aliens. This was an obvious attempt to lump Pizzagate in with fringe conspiracies. He then deleted his Twitter account. And then he reactivated his Twitter account. He then claimed Twitter deleted all his followers, except they didn't. This guy needs help.

He claims to have insider "sources". Every single time he's made a prediction based on his "sources", he's been wrong.This past Sunday, February 12th, he sent out this tweet: Pizzagate is real. I was told arrests by midnight or early tomorrow, if that is not so, my source's confidentiality might dry up. Oops!

He was obviously trying to capitalize on the questionable claim by Youtuber Titus Frost, who made a video saying that child porn was found on Comet Ping Pong's website and that the police have been given all the evidence.

He was dead wrong, as usual. The next day, as people are questioning him and wondering if he will give up his source as he claims, he has another Twitter meltdown. His evidence that there should have been arrests is "Look at Tony Podesta's eyes". That's some quality journalism there, David. Constantly pressed to reveal his source, he says "My source is". Indicating that he has no source other than the Podesta emails that we've all read. He continues calling anyone who questions him shills, trolls, and David Brock employees for the rest of the day.

Later in the day, well past the timeline from his "source", he tweets a link to an article about the arrest of Jerry Sandusky. He claims this is a high level, high profile arrest and that his "source" was right all along.

During this same rant on February 13, he claims he was set up to be a fall guy

In this tweet, he throws the hardworking pizzagate researchers under the bus in an attempt to save his own credibility

If you've seen Seaman's YT videos, he's constantly talking about how Paypal and Youtube are out to get him by shutting off his income and trying to destory him financially. This of course leads to begging his fans for money via Patreon.

He's on pace to make $55,000 per year from Patreon, which he claims goes toward "legitimate production expenses."

In a tweet on 2/13/17, which is probably deleted because I can't find it, he claims he has $60,000 saved up and doesn't need money from his fans. So why are you constantly trying to get their money?

On February 14, in response to Hillary Clinton's Pizzagate tweet, he goes on yet another insane Twitter rant. He starts demanding justice and that people should take to the streets to protest. He sends crazy tweets directed at Hillary calling her evil bitch, a monster, a child rapist, and all sorts of other things. He calls for all the pedophiles to be hanged. Of course he provides no evidence for any of this like any sane Pizzagate investigator would do, he just screams about it like a lunatic.

He then starts tweeting falsities about Donald Trump, even though he claims to support him.

In this one, he claims Trump was planted by the Deep State to protect the pedophiles:

Go to his twitter page here: to see all the ridiculous and demented things he is tweeting because frankly there are just too many to list. This is coming from a "respected" "journalist".

As you can see, all the information and evidence shows that David Seaman is clearly a fraudulent con man. He has been deceiving Pizzagate truthers from the very start, in an effort to boost his own fame and fortune. His intentions are not merely for personal gain either, he has been out to intentionally discredit Pizzagate by painting all investigators as unstable mentally ill lunatics. He has also had a massive negative influence on the credibility of Pizzagate, and he's reported it dishonestly and poorly the whole way and has repeatedly taken credit for other peoples' work.

If you are serious about Pizzagate and wanting to see the perpetrators held accountable for their crimes, you need to spread the word about the charlatan David Seaman, who claims to be on our side, but is clearly not.

CipherPuppet ago

Roundhouse, the sheer weight of documentation in your post gives it credibility. Now, I have a question. DHS insider and other leakers have said Mossad/CIA were blackmailing many a politician connected to Orgy Island, and/or have pedophilia secrets to hide. Was Seaman a mere BigGold shill, or was he part of something larger?

roundhouse1776 ago

Sent a reply to your inbox :)

cakeoflightylight ago

THANK YOU for this!!! Mind if I quote your exact words?

roundhouse1776 ago

No I don't mind at all. Spreading the truth is all I care about.

jml1201 ago

Seriously, you are the man. Thank you for saying this.

sawn ago

He's planning to fake his disappearance. That's what all his pleas with his "fans" to picket CPP if he disappears are all about. He'd be well advised to take a look at how the balloon boy story ended, but David isn't one for taking advice from anyone.

Melitica ago

He is definitely unstable. Still doesn't mean he isn't useful.

srayzie ago

You made great points. I see David Seaman have major mood shifts all of the time. Seeing that he wrote in his book to disagree and stuff to get attention makes total sense to me. His arguing and telling everyone off on Twitter all of the time, threatening to delete his account, threatening to stop researching Pizzagate, and acting like police are outside his place seems to me like he's always seeking attention, rather it's good or bad, because it makes him popular. I hope he keeps on focus about Pizzagate and truly cares instead of just finding a story to latch onto that would bring him exposure.

Fatsack ago

Good work, you're right. He's also based in Denver where George Webb says the CIA spy school is, where NORAD is, and where the CIA base under the Denver Airport is.

NikitaVerite ago

shit. I think you make some very valid points, and it's never good to just blindly trust someone. In his most recent video (where he was interviewing a woman who had suffered sexual abuse) I found it really odd that he mentioned Caris James (girl with hands taped to table at CPP) and said "does anyone know who she is? where she is??" etc. This girl has been discussed on voat quite thoroughly. I sent him relevant links via two different channels, incase he hadn't seen all the info yet (but that would be wierd right? He's investigating pizzagate but he's not up to date with all the current research?). Anyway - I never heard back (although it hasn't been that long). I just found it strange is all. Like he's cherry-picking the info he wants to get out there.

Forgetmenot ago

OP AND YOUR TEAM OF SHILLS this is directed at you. You clearly work for podesta and are trying to discredit David seaman. Go tell you boss Andrew breitbart says: what's in your closet podesta? We are getting close and it is coming out! Your post is useless. Keep your opinions to your self you sound like CNN. You think that you can aggrandize yourself by attacking someone else. Just like CNN. Shut up and listen, no one cares about your stupid opinion we deal with facts here. You are trying to derail the investigation. This is about finding pedofiles and exposing them. Find a forum about journalism and expose all the 2 faced prostituting journos you want. In fact start with CNN you won't need such convuluted arguments and long winded dribble that does nothing to advance the investigation.

sugarskull ago

well written!!

witch_doctor1 ago

You have a bigger hard on for attacking Seaman than anything fact, that seems to be your purpose here. I'll stick with Seaman...he's not perfect, nor am I. But at least he is not inciting the good guys to engage in a circular firing squad. HRC and Co. are the enemy..not David Seaman.

shachalnur ago

Well,that's some hitpiece,

And why exactly?

You seem to be missing the point.

Seaman is a member of the Tribe,and he's calling out the names of the Tribe members involved.

Just like non-Tribe member AJ has been doing for years.

Result ; He ,like AJ,is waking up millions of people to facts they never heard about,and will be forced to investigate.

Also keep in mind the consequences for Tribe members calling out other Tribe-members for their Rothschild,Rockefeller NWO connections.

Heard of people like Henry Makow,Dr. Len Horowitz,Anton Chaitkin and others?

If there's anything the Tribe refused to accept ,it's Jews connecting Rothschild to NWO,FED,World Domination,Pedofilia,Satanism,Eugenics etc.

Is David Seaman neurotic,crazy or whatever?

Who cares ;he's Jewish and calling out Rothschild.waking up millions of people ,including Jews.

Anybody trying to attack this guy for waking up millions of people ,might have an agenda himself.

8pinkstars ago

I have to admit though that I too tweet at Hillary calling her evil, a monster and child rapist

cakeoflightylight ago

Yep me too

Melitica ago

I tweet chelsea for being ridiculously ...well, her pretense is shocking. Hillary probably can't open Twitter...someone does it for her so I don't bother anymore. She'll be gone soon.

redditsuckz ago

So David Seaman is funded by George Soros who in turn is funded by the Rothschilds. But David Seaman and Wikileaks was exposing the Rothschilds through the Clinton Emails and Wikileaks is a Rothschilds operation. So who is the shadow group behind the trillionairs the Rothschilds? Who is willing to throw the Rothschilds under the bus? Who is controlling the Jews?

Right around the time of the Spirit Cooking leak by Wikileaks which took the internet by storm the Rothschilds hack went unoticed;

Anonymous has hacked the Bradley Foundation and releases 30GB of documents of the Rothschilds

Those hacked documents would lead us to the shadow group behind the Rothschilds/Jews....So who or what are they?...who are the real controllers of the world?

apostle_s ago

According to Quigley in Tragedy and Hope, it's an alliance of the global banking establishments (JP Morgan, Rockefellers, etc...) that happened starting in the 1700's and has been sort of bringing in new partners over the years. The end goal is a one world government using continental blocks. So this is a plan that's been going on for a very long time. At least, according to Quigley's research at the CFR archives.

Vox_Pacem ago

He had me until he started talking about illuminati and aliens and such... Then he just threw his (and our) credibility out the window. It could be that he's being genuine, but he's still kinda crazy.

IlluminatiKing ago

Considering Seaman took a 4chan anon as his source and all his concern trolling makes me believe this. We don't need someone who isn't credible and keeps on conning us.

birthdaysuit11 ago

That's the point, David Seaman is a cointel pro agent. Nothing but a sly controlled opposition, just like Alex Jones, Mark Dice or Russel Brand. To me and many others its subtle but obvious.

User2060 ago

bahaha Russell Brandt, maybe he's Mi5/6 but he's an idiot. "Maybe if we want to stop hacking we could make computers impossible to hack." (paraphrased). It's like saying, there wouldn't be bad books if only good books would be published. I doubt the dude is more than a CI, not an actual agent, he's too much of a retard.

Azagthoth ago

Mark Dice is not the same as the others. or is he? Have any overly good reasoning?

MolochHunter ago

now waitafriggngoddamn minute

has there been a SINGULAR peice of important damning evidence against the paedostocracy that has had David Seaman come out and deny/distract/obfuscate/falsely debunk

no there fuckn hasnt been.

Whatever his sins in other aspects of life, he's making a higher profile consistent contribution than any other person outside the administration (and those cunts have been pretty tight lipped)

IlluminatiKing ago

I can respect the reporting on PG, but his recent behavior just makes me question his motives and credibility.

Rhino7682 ago

Hes using the work other people do to further his career,we're doin it to try and save some children and lock up scumbags

MolochHunter ago

he's a reporter more so than an investigator. Thats a good thing. We all have a role to play. What happens if we all just investigate, only? We have great conviction in our evidence and no-one else knows shit about why we are so obsessive about pizza. Fucking great outcome.

Hes got his job, you've got yours. Use whatever talents best fit.

european ago

Pseudoanonon sources are credible though?