TweedleDee3000 ago

Paul Joseph Watson, and ANYBODY connected to is a jew satanist shill. 100% STRATFOR disinfo operation.

sound_of_silence ago

The "alt-right" and "truther" communities are being steered by thought leaders using the same tactics the mainstream media uses to steer the masses.

do you think this explains how "violent molestation of children by pedophiles" became "child trafficking for organ harvesting" or more recently how "pizzagate" became "pedogate"?

roundhouse1776 ago

It's certainly possible, it's all about shaping and controlling the narrative. I wish I had the free time and patience to dive deep into researching this right now, but I've been busy lately. It's definitely on my list of things to do.

sound_of_silence ago

i thought it was odd that David Seaman, Titus Frost and Ryan (rants) all released videos supporting the "pedogate" demonstration... the first day i went to the gofundme it was a demonstration for "pizzagate"... next day i go, it's "pedogate" with no mention of pizzagate...

EDIT its just the way the banner shows on the gofundmepage, it cuts out pizzagate so all you can see is pedogate.. david seaman, titus frost and another who promoted it are all going to be there at the demo now.. i'm sure we've all had our doubts from time to time about various faces and voices but coming together to do what's right is what counts at the moment, for the children and to keep pushing for the arrests of the high profile giants of these child-sex abuse crimes.

s2s ago

You need to add Mike Adams to that list. :) And your post is a great way to out the ignorant and/or intentional assholes here.


abortionburger ago

This reeks of misinformation a la armyseer so I'm flairing it "accuracy in question".

roundhouse1776 ago

This action kind of validates armyseer's suspicions about you, don't you think?

abortionburger ago

Showing your true colors there, bub. I didn't delete it, did I?

roundhouse1776 ago

Nope, you just want to influence people to make a negative conclusion about the content of the post before they read it. It's essentially the same thing.

VieBleu ago

@abortionburger, @Vindicator

consider looking at this for accuracy in question flair? Round is buddy of armyseer, both are known shills out to discredit, this post is downvoated by a lot here and shadowbanned elsewhere

abortionburger ago

Yeah this reeks of armyseer. On it.

roundhouse1776 ago

I'm not buddies with him, I don't even know him. I respect a lot of his work. He's doing the job not many others are willing to, because it's a thankless job.

VieBleu ago

WHEN exactly have we argued "on several occassions" as you lied yesterday? I've never heard of you but that was a mistake, because I have heard of you now.

roundhouse1776 ago

You just can't remember because you shill at such a high rate all over the forums.

VieBleu ago

FAIL. There is no contact between us in any of our comment history.

What you mean is I called you out as the shill you so transparently are under one of your many assumed names.

HINT>>>>> don't bother me or lie about me.

VieBleu ago

roundhouse1776 has a comment to armyseer, so they are buddies not the same person. Both are discredited.

@armyseer I need your help exposing this Can it be posted to pizzagateshills? I posted it over at r/conspiracy on reddit but it was shadow-banned immediately.

redditsuckz ago

Hope you notice a (((pattern))) her OP....


(((Roseanne Barr)))

(((Jeffrey Epstein)))

(((Alan Dershowitz)))

(((Steve Pieczenik)))

(((Mark Levin)))

Robert David Steele - (((Probably)))

Roger Stone - (((Probably)))

(((Mike Cernovich)))

(((Stefan Molyneux)))

(((David Seaman)))

(((George Webb))) - So I have been told by voaters.

Titus Frost - (((Nose)))

Paul Joseph Watson on the (((JQ)))

Info Wars/Prison Planet - Alex Jones/Paul Joseph Watson (((sponsors)))

Brittany Pettibone (((?)))


s2s ago

From Hollywood to all the nomenclature within "professions," medical, political, judicial, educational, business, down to trolls, Tribe seems to have role-playing wired into their DNA. And/or it's an outcome and tool as part of trauma-caused dissociation.


redditsuckz ago

Tribe seems to have role-playing wired into their DNA.

Its like they were created to be a bio-weapon to be used against humanity much like the Xenomorphs in the Alien movies.

But you can kind of get an idea why they want to control every movement and piece of reason would be to cover up their crimes against humanity.

roundhouse1776 ago

Yep. People need to realize it on their own though. If anyone starts talking about the Jewish/Israel role in pedogate, they get attacked mercilessly and the disinfo shills come out in full force.

VieBleu ago

You are a proven liar.

archons ago

On another note about David Seaman, it's annoying to see that the shills actually managed to push the narrative that Seaman is some kind of disinfo agent. Only a retarded shill or a moron who hasn't watched any of David's videos would think that. David has only pushed info out to his audience and has been attacked relentlessly. He has done nothing but be a bullhorn for pizzagate and it's amazing you idiots seem to think the guy screaming fire is somehow trying to hide the fact theres a fire.

YingYangMom ago

Here we go again. I'm tired of this "alt-right" movement being shills. I don't care about them. I care about what we're doing here, investigating. Forget about all that 'disinfo BS stuff', Blah Blah Blah. We'll know the truth when we've found all the answers. Stop wasting our precious time.

VieBleu ago

upvoated. This is the truth.

archons ago

So I guess the answer is to discredit anyone with a large fan base who tries to get pizzagate out to the public? We need to keep pizzagate secret and make sure only nobodies on the internet talk about it?

Astrodreamer ago

Looks like you simply can't abide anyone who really gets the word out about PG, alt right or Obama supporter, makes no difference, once they've actually consistently vigorously effectively represented on PG to a large audience, you hate on them. I completely fail to see how Cernovich, Seaman, Watson, Webb have mislead us. They all have their egos, they make mistakes,they are longwinded, I'm tired of their faces too, but still, fy.

roundhouse1776 ago

Lol, roger that.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Not a fan of any of them!

DarkMath ago

Ok let's get right into it shall we roundhouse1776.

I just did a little research given your Trifecta Shill post. First thing I see is: "George Webb Supports Mike Cernovich, Highly Suspicious or Honest Mistake?"

Aaaaaaaaaand you're a shill. You've posted articles attacking the credibility of Mike Cernovich, David Seaman and George Webb.

That's the Trifecta. You're trying to discredit the 3 people who got this whole story going. And you very deceitfully slip in shit like David Seaman is a "self-promotional shill".

Why did you put shill in there ass-hole? Seaman is self-promotional yes. HE'S A JOURNALIST. But a shill is someone who's paid to push an agenda like you've been doing here for the past month as far as I can tell.

Wtf. Yes, what the fuck are you doing here shilling for child rapists and organ harvesters. You concern trolled George Webb? George Webb could very well be the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ for all we know given the CIA wants to kill him.

You're trying to discredit a guy who's PUTTING HIS LIFE ON THE LINE to end the practice of child trafficking and organ harvesting in Haiti. Not to mention the 10 other horrible things he's discovered like Killary Clinton shipping Libya's Sarin gas precursors to ISIS.

You remember ISIS don't you asshole. The CIA, John McCain, Killary Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood thought they do a tag team in Syria and kill a whole fuck-ton of people.

The worst though is your attacking George Webb. You are a disgusting piece of shit.

Jem777 ago

That was a beautiful takedown darkmath

DarkMath ago

"beautiful takedown"

Yes it was. Muahahahahahaha

roundhouse1776 ago

Nobody wants to take down the pedophiles more than people like me. You are using the same logical fallacy that Seaman uses, that anyone who criticizes him is working for the pedophiles.

If the CIA really wanted to kill George Webb, he'd be dead already. The only reason these disinfo agents are getting away with as much as they do, is because there are people like you who blindly believe anything they say.

Seaman is clearly pushing an agenda, first and foremost is to use Pizzagate to attempt to become rich and famous. If you can't see this, then you're beyond help.

DarkMath ago

Shut the fuck up you piece of shit troll shill. You're not fooling anyone. I just want to know why you're shilling for people who think so lowly of poor black people in Haiti they STEAL THEIR FUCKING ORGANS.

I want you to tell my why money is so important to you that you could sell your soul to people who would do that.

You tell me roundhouse. You tell me why you're so fucking important your shill income is more important that getting justice for those Haitian throw-aways.

roundhouse1776 ago

I make no money from this, have never asked for money from anyone, and have never defended any of the pizzagate criminals. You are outing yourself as a disinfo shill.

DarkMath ago

"I make no money from this".......Really? You're trying to discredit the three patriots who uncovered this cluster fuck FOR FREE?

Yeah, I gotta hear this one. Lay it on me roundhouse. Why on earth would you be so fucked in the head to attack George Webb for trying to end the current gang rape of Haiti by some fucking psychopaths in our government.

Tell me roundhouse. Tell me why you're trying to discredit a guy like George Webb.

VieBleu ago

Roundhouse1776 is buddies WITH ARMYSEER- just a fairly inept shill. All comments are condescending and discrediting.


I need your help exposing this

Can it be posted to pizzagateshills? I posted it over at r/conspiracy on reddit but it was shadow-banned immediately.

DarkMath ago

Army and Round,

You're not fooling anyone. In fact your "concern" troll shillery will no doubt make it into a Hall of Fame sometime after the perps in this demonic clown pageant face the justice they so richly deserve.

It's gems like this I love: "My theory is that George Webb's purpose is to ensnare the 'truthers' and other people who are skeptical or see through the agenda presented by the more casual/mainstream thought leaders."

It's so idiotically beautiful it needs its own post just to capture the insanity that lead to its creation.

Holy fuck you two are idiots.

@armyseer @roundhouse1776

VieBleu ago

Yes they are.

roundhouse1776 ago

I'm a truther, I want the truth to be exposed.

George Webb has released a lot of good info, and what is probably more important is the info he doesn't release. Since your reading comprehension is not very good, I'll repeat myself. They know the scandals are coming out, now it's about pushing the version of the truth that they want the masses to accept.

VieBleu ago

Roundhouse1776 YOU ARE FRIENDS WITH ARMYSEER- that's all anyone needs to know about you shill. lol


I need your help exposing this

Can it be posted to pizzagateshills? I posted it over at r/conspiracy on reddit but it was shadow-banned immediately.

DarkMath ago

"pushing the version of the truth that they want".........Really? They're pushing the version that has Hillary Clinton covertly sending Libya's Sarin gas precursors to ISIS in Syria to carry out a false flag attack in Ghouta Syria THAT KILLED 1300 PEOPLE.

George Webb is pushing the story that will put Hillary Clinton in front of a firing squad or hung by the neck until dead?

Lay it on my mother fucker. You tell me why Hillary and the CIA wants to push that side of the story.

roundhouse1776 ago

You're really clueless. It has nothing to do with Hillary/CIA.

DarkMath ago

Fucktard you just said "they" using are George Webb to push the part of the story they want pushed.

Are you fucking on crack? Do you not understand what you just fucking wrote?

This is what you wrote:

"George Webb has released a lot of good info, and what is probably more important is the info he doesn't release. Since your reading comprehension is not very good, I'll repeat myself. They know the scandals are coming out, now it's about pushing the version of the truth that they want the masses to accept."

You're saying since they know the scandals are coming out they're using George Webb to push the version of events that suits "them".

To which I responded by explaining to you how utterly fetid that "version of events" is. Are you fucking drunk?

roundhouse1776 ago

Thanks for all the valuable info, keep up the good work. My theories need some adjusting, but I think I'm on the right track. If the supposed Vault 7 release by Wikileaks turns out to be fake, I'll keep digging into these people tomorrow.

Are you using Palantir?

je-sui-pepe ago

Everyone needs to be careful and there perception and reality. I am not sure what or who to trust either... i do know that those people you talk about are all and have all been working hard on the projects and discovery of what is going on, Pizzagate and Deep State, Alex Jones for decades. Cernovich, i don't know much about him but we shall see. They have all been shut down. All of them. I dont know. no one does, but you are okay to have a hairy eyeball on anyone you like. I think they all believe pizzagate is real but they are also being banned from all venues for talking about it. Why?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

We may have a shill network on our hands with the alt-light

witch_doctor1 ago

David Seaman consistent message from the time when many with a voice were scared to address it until now: "Pizzagate is real"...and somehow he is the enemy?

VieBleu ago

good common sense thinking. agreed.

V____Z ago

Fuck with Podesta and see what happens?

strix-varia ago

What another waste of time here

rwb ago

By your reckoning roundhouse, you're the only one that can be trusted to decide who is good and who is bad. So, kindly get your mug up on youtube like the others you out, and lead the way. If you can't do that, I and most others may have to come to some other understanding of your motives.

Edit, No need to cite your proviso: Keep in mind, this is a theory and I'm not claiming that all of the above is fact.

roundhouse1776 ago

Not true at all, and I have never claimed anything even remotely close to that. There are thousands of people online that have good intentions and want nothing other than the truth and evil to be exposed. The same cannot be said about the people above. They are public figures, and as such, deserve criticism and suspicion when it is warranted. I and others, have found disturbing information about the people listed above and others.

privatepizza ago

Go to hell @ArmySeer --- making threads to talk to yourself on again ? People, ignore the forum idiot, he's well known.

roundhouse1776 ago


Jem777 ago

Sorry but you are wrong about this. They all have a piece to this massive puzzle. George Webb has all the dirt and is releasing them as part of the whole story. He is capturing all the suspects in a large dragnet

Don-Keyhote ago

Whereas small timers like us get banned everywhere huh

roundhouse1776 ago

The are releasing the truth as they want it to be told. Pizzagate and other scandals are coming out no matter what, steering the narrative is the new objective. There is undeniably a hidden agenda at work here.

WatcherWatcher ago

Of all the people you mention, George Webb is someone I have the most faith in. That guy has consistently put out well-constructed, evidence-based theories - AND most importantly - isn't trying to sell me herbal tea, flashlights, or boner pills...

The lack of any visible action based on Webb's stuff is driving me nuts though. Like this Awan brothers thing. How the fuck is this not on the front page of every news outlet?

Julie12 ago

Because every news outlet are the bad guys remember?

roundhouse1776 ago

My theory is that George Webb's purpose is to ensnare the "truthers" and other people who are skeptical or see through the agenda presented by the more casual/mainstream thought leaders.

V____Z ago

Anyone who uses the term "alt right" with a straight face should be viewed with suspicion. The op is the source of the blockbuster submissions "David seaman is as a total fraud" and "David seaman outed as a fraud EXPOSED!". This post is an attempt to lump a bunch of people together with very little evidence for each, in order to smear certain people.

I would recommend taking each person individually and gathering evidence for each, presenting it clearly and succinctly (not just a link to someone else's hit piece on r/conspiracy) and posting to v/pizzagatewhatever. This sub is more for evidence of child trafficking, not so much about any fucking person online who's ever mentioned it.

roundhouse1776 ago

I put "alt-right" in quotations for a reason, shill.

chelseaclinton ago sheds light on why all of a suddent people publicly speaking about PG are being attacked and "discredited". tldr; Mike Adams the Health Ranger and webmaster of many health, Trump, and general news sites bribed then threatened to badmouth Alex Jones or he'll be destroyed. Timing coincides with attacks on Milo and David Seaman. Coordinated effort. Seaman speaks

Updated for tldr; Mike Adams thanks supporters for seeing through the divide & conquer attempt. one of the most aggressive attacks in internet history, by Google. Google backed down. Search results reinstated. Possible CIA op. Opposition intel on Mike compiled and passed around.

Updated (2) for tldr; Styxhexenhammer666 also being attacked by shills. Similar strategies to those being used on Paul Joseph Watson and others. Organized. Picture distortion, character attacks, feigned consensus tactics used to undermine support.

Updated (3) for tldr; Understand how Google's new system Jigsaw is automating internet censorship, thought policing, and attacking alternative news outlets.

roundhouse1776 ago

You just linked to shills as "evidence". Interesting strategy.