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sound_of_silence ago

The "alt-right" and "truther" communities are being steered by thought leaders using the same tactics the mainstream media uses to steer the masses.

do you think this explains how "violent molestation of children by pedophiles" became "child trafficking for organ harvesting" or more recently how "pizzagate" became "pedogate"?

roundhouse1776 ago

It's certainly possible, it's all about shaping and controlling the narrative. I wish I had the free time and patience to dive deep into researching this right now, but I've been busy lately. It's definitely on my list of things to do.

sound_of_silence ago

i thought it was odd that David Seaman, Titus Frost and Ryan (rants) all released videos supporting the "pedogate" demonstration... the first day i went to the gofundme it was a demonstration for "pizzagate"... next day i go, it's "pedogate" with no mention of pizzagate...

EDIT its just the way the banner shows on the gofundmepage, it cuts out pizzagate so all you can see is pedogate.. david seaman, titus frost and another who promoted it are all going to be there at the demo now.. i'm sure we've all had our doubts from time to time about various faces and voices but coming together to do what's right is what counts at the moment, for the children and to keep pushing for the arrests of the high profile giants of these child-sex abuse crimes.