IamQ ago

David semen has done no research He just cashes in on all the real investigative researchers work & passes it off as his own Peace .

IamQ ago

Upvoted :)

TheTruthWorker ago

This fraud really makes my blood rise. I am exposing it and send folks here via https://twitter.com/thetruthworker/status/846267075802869760

TheTruthWorker ago

Currently having twitter war with Seaman, trying to get answers

DarkMath ago

Dipshit, I'm real. The problem is yo fake. Yo a fake roundhouse my boy. You're a shill. Oh it's so disgusting you would shill for these people.

Have you no sense of decency sir? Have you no sense at all?


Sigh....................You'd rather pad your bank account than fix the problem. You're shillin' for the people who gang raped Haiti for Christ sake roundy.

You make me want to vomit.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Good find. I note also that the names of all those accounts follow a 2-word pattern. The data sample is small enough that that might be coincidence, but YT accounts seem (to me) to be more random than that. That all these clone-ish accounts are the first ones commenting makes it clear that somebody is using a bot army to pile replies onto DS's vids.

The only remaining question is, who is doing it?

At this point I'm going with DS and/or one or more parties working with him. If evidence surfaces pointing in another direction, I'd like to see it. But DS lost me with his absurd comment about anti-Zionism where he pretended not to know what it was, and then said it sounded like (prepare to roll your eyes) "anti-semitism" (the trusted semantic refuge of jew ass-hats -- and their cucked goy thralls -- for generations now). He's too old to be that naive.

it's understandable for a jew to be biased toward jews and/or Israel, but that doesn't excuse lying.

roundhouse1776 ago

Seaman did a fine job of discrediting himself, he didn't need anybody's help. That's why his claim that this is all Brock/CTR is such a failure of logic. Also, he was doing such a pisspoor job of representing pizzagate, I don't know why they would want to get rid of him.

I think he buys fake comments, and sometimes they get a little too zealous in their praise. I've noticed a lot of his real followers are older women and more casual types, most of whom would have no idea they're looking at fake comments.

stellarcorpse ago

A fan said he was like Jesus.

huhhh ago

lol. Let's not forget all his constant bible bashing on Twitter. I'll bet that was part of his con too.

ArthurEdens ago

I was wondering if i was a real person or not, guess that settles it thanks

dFrog ago

Wait, wait, wait.

You're thinking that those obvious bullshit accounts are posting on Seaman's behalf? Honestly, it seems more likely to me that those posts are there to justify threads like this one. I wouldn't be too surprised if Seaman himself doesn't even recognize that.

Make bullshit accounts > kiss up to him and get his thanks > "Expose" him for fabricating fan worship

Seaman wouldn't really have to resort to that kind of stuff to take advantage of pizzagate.

TheTruthWorker ago

Deep thought, wow, possible, hmmm

roundhouse1776 ago

Where's the motive? Seaman is not legit, he never had insider sources, and his whole schtick was yelling "Podesta is a pedophile" on Twitter. When he's not doing that, he's making videos asking for money, saying they're out to get him and murdered his friend, and shilling for Bitcoin and Goldmoney. Seaman destroyed his own credibility and is a liability to the Pizzagate investigation. There would be absolutely no motive for Brock/CTR to go after him like he claims. If anything, it's more likely he's on their side.

dFrog ago

The publicity he's giving to pizzagate is enough for him to be targeted. He has pointed people to Wikileaks over and over. Sure, he doesn't dig in deep like The Honeybee, for example, but he does plenty to get people searching in the right directions. He's like an accessible inlet for "casuals," if you will, or the otherwise uninitiated. When I was searching "pizzagate" on YouTube back in November, I'm pretty sure he was the first person I watched who mentioned Voat. I had just previously heard about it on /pol/, so I already knew about it, but that just goes to show that people who weren't on /pol/ or Reddit could have found out about this place through him.

So many people seem to think about him as a guy who spoke up about pizzagate and then started talking about bitcoin and goldmoney rather than that he was already a guy who was into bitcoin and gold money that started talking about pizzagate. As another user said, he's a human being and is allowed to be more than just a guy that talks about pizzagate on YouTube. I have absolutely no qualms about saying this: I find Alex Jones to be a much stronger deterrent from the things he talks about than David Seaman. David is straightforward and while occasionally passionate, he never gets obnoxious. Like I've said, if I were doing videos about this stuff, I wouldn't do them the way he does, but I'm also a filmmaker and have very particular ideas about how this stuff should be done. I find it hard to see a real problem with Seaman. It seems to me like people are either trying to take him for more than he's presenting himself as or they're part of the shill effort.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

While I don't see him the same way you do, your post was well written and intelligent.

rwb ago

The motive has been amply proven.

Ramona ago

That shit better be bots because if that's actual people..... then it's just too scary.

archons ago

Shills in complete panic mode! I love seeing these threads, really shows how pathetic you sick fucks are >:)

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Thank you, OP!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Churches use this scam a lot! You ramp up the religious guilt. Then they claim that they have sacrificed to send $, but have so much faith in it. It is also an old sales ploy. Companies would have back room employees, come into stores to bump into customers and give sales pitches. They also would have employees come in and rush sale items, making real customers think they better hurry or the product will be gone. Scams scams scams Seaman is a scam!

HunkaHunka ago

biggest giveaway was when one female 'fan' said, "oh David, you are ADORABLE' . I mean, come on.

Ramona ago

lol. Disgusting. Wonder if it was a bot, or a bimbo drunk on seaman kool aid?

roundhouse1776 ago

Hahaha yea, he's a total beta cuck.

CipherPuppet ago

Thats irrefutable. I suspected as much. So how do we know its not Hasbara ( Israeli cyber PR) not batting for their boy? It could literally be a Psy op from Mossad to deflect from the Jewish Pedo players like Wiener, Schumer, Epstein. No I am not a anti semite, or anti semenite lol, but if Mossad/Cia are running a extortion racket on our senators and congressmen, they would be backing Seaman and directing him to mention Brock, Colbert. Clinton, Podesta...all non Jewish. Find me one instance of Semen mentioning those names.

roundhouse1776 ago

There are services you can buy that will plant fake comments on Youtube videos, websites, etc. I think that's what it is.

I've also entertained the theory that he's a thought leader planted by Israel to steer the pizzagate conversation away from them, and it makes a lot of sense. The only problem is there isn't much evidence, other than the Goldmoney connection (founded by an Isreali) and Soros and some others were/are investors.

I'm still leaning towards the simpler conclusion, that he's a self-absorbed narcissist that will do absolutely anything to get fame, money, and "buzz". The evidence towards this is overwhelming when you look into his history.

It could also be a combination of these two things.

CipherPuppet ago

Roundhouse, I have yet to hear Seaman mention Wiener, Epstein, Dershowitz, etc, in any of his videos. Now, if I were Swedish, I am sure the Swedes would want to distract any Swedish involvement in Pedogate. Same goes for Israel. There are rumors all over the place that Israel is extorting or bribing many politicians.

roundhouse1776 ago

No doubt, even if Seaman is not a plant, he's still avoiding implicating any Jews in Pizzagate. They are as deeply involved as anyone, so it's certainly disingenuous.

Israel has massive influence over our government, more than any other country. They use powerful lobbyists like AIPAC, Israel controlled think tanks, prominent American Jews who lobby on their behalf, and then also illegal means. Such as the CIA-Mossad pedo blackmail operations.

I'm done with Seaman, i don't pay attention to what's he's doing anymore because he's a waste of time.

CipherPuppet ago

Agreed. Now thats no implication of the people of Israel, but the Government. Yes AIPAC and the Israeli lobby is infested in our political system.

CipherPuppet ago

I hear you Roundhouse. I have no doubt David Brock and the Clintons are dirty as all hell. However, why do he avoid Wiener, Schumer, Epstein, Frank?

Makingspace1 ago

Really burns me that sharia blue can get posts up voated even as low as this post here on the sub. Disgusting.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Are you implying that the upvoats for this are coming from SnoreBlue? What evidence do you have to support that assumption?

I'm just me, and I upvoated it.

huhhh ago

LOL Seaman will be flipping his shit about this post. You've been exposed, Davy boy you fraud! Was it worth it?

MostPostersAreShills ago

Im telling you guys shills are all over this board since earlier today. If you see a user with the name pizza and they registered 3 months ago they are likely a shill. I came here from 4chan because that place is rotten with shills. Use the upvotes to fight them and call them out on their shillery.

Newfind ago

Exactly. Or someone with a lot of numbers after their name

rwb ago

I have a hypothetical question for the David Seaman Bashing Group. If you could effect the arrest of Podesta and Company tomorrow, with just one condition, and that condition is, David Seaman would be credited with bringing about the arrests through research done by others, would you effect the arrest?

I dare anyone of you selfish selfish pseudo-investigators to answer this question honestly. Don't bother with any other tripe, just tell us the truth.

huhhh ago

Is this you David?

roundhouse1776 ago

That's an easy question. The answer is absolutely YES, on the condition that there was real evidence to put Podesta & Co away for their crimes.

Where your hypothetical is flawed, is that Seaman is not helping us to get to that point, he is pushing it in the opposite direction.

rwb ago

The only ones pushing anything in the opposite direction are blood sworn members of the DSBG. Without your repeated distractions to bash, the forum would run much smoother. What should that tell me or the casual observer? You've done your job. Everyone's now on a side, and no one's budging. You've all made your points, over and over and over and over again, so now have some honor and desist. Go do something more useful.

Touchdown50 ago

I swear David dick sucking brock posted this.

Newfind ago

I was curious about his DEEP contest, in which he awarded a winner $600 in bitcoin to whoever had he best video. I suppose it was literally a CON- TEST

roundhouse1776 ago

In this video by Lift the Veil, he says it's a classic example of neuro-linguistic programming. The goal is to get people to tether their deepest thought to David Seaman. It's essentially brainwashing.

Newfind ago

DS referred to Lift the Veil with a thinly "veiled" referrence to a guy with a Siamese cat like Dr Evil.
Now people have said Lift the Veil was a shill or whatever before, although I didn't get that from him. I do remember thinking that Lift the Veil had so much info in his video that someone had to have been helping him. It was a total hit piece against DS. I would think one of them is a shill. I just don't know who is it for sure. DS promotes himself true. But does that mean he's a plant to distract people from real research, or just a self promotional guy like his book implies. Lift the Veil on the other hand had a super slickly produced video knocking DS. I think Lift the Veil seems more sincere, but I feel something is off with him. Especially since he claims he suffers from mental illness all the time, which might mean anyone who listens to him is ill themselves which discredits them.

roundhouse1776 ago

I don't fully trust any news source, media, Youtuber, etc. That's how you get burned. Remember when Bill Cosby was America's favorite dad and everyone loved him? And then it turns out he's a huge rapist. The same applies to news sources, no matter how sincere they look, there's probably hidden motives. The key is critical thinking, take in information from many sources and decide for yourself what is true and what isn't.

In this case, I don't know that much about Lift the Veil, so I'm not going to make a judgement. I know quite about about Seaman, and the evidence against him is massive. Also, when in doubt, follow the money. Seaman is making $5,000 a month off of Patreon alone. That is a ridiculous amount for someone with his amount of subscribers. On top of that, he's making more from direct Paypal donations, Goldmoney commissions, and ad revenue. Completely ignoring Seaman's shady past, the money alone is highly suspicious.

stellarcorpse ago

It worked on me.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Big fan of Jeranism thanks for posting this. I used to not like Nathan, but he seems better here.

OnHoldWithBreitbart ago

Anyone exposing the Rothchilds and Podesta the way David Seaman does is a friend of ours.... Take with a grain of salt anyone trying to "expose" investigators exposing Alefantis, and especially Podesta. Andrew Breitbart was offed because he was trying to expose the way David Seaman is trying to expose.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Seaman never exposed anything that wasn't already out there. Big difference!

HunkaHunka ago

I was skeptical of Seaman immediately , because he had all that support and all those views, and for what?

Starting to think Podesta worked for the Trump side really, and fucked up Hillary's campaign for her on purpose. So Pizzagate could be the Democrat revenge on Podesta, and maybe they DO have some sort of superficially damning shit on him.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

No was Trump would allow that Pedo Satanic Evil into his campaign!

Singleservename ago

He's profiting - selling ads and promoting his shady gold scheme - off our investigation and the crimes against children.

Breitbart wouldn't give a guy like this a second of his time.

Ramona ago

Exactly. Besides, it's only a matter of time before msm uses him to discredit all of us as scam artists. We need to denounce him so that doesn't happen.

rwb ago

I have one last bit of interesting news for the DSBG (David Seaman Bashing Group). Because of the ferocious and unrelenting attacks directed toward DS, I am compiling a database of all repeat DS bashers, and cataloging all their VOAT contributions with the intent to forensically analyze the value of their content contributed to PG at VOAT.

Singleservename ago

Well count me in asshole. DS has at best been a major distraction here.

On a related note, got anything to refute this post exposing Seaman as a viewbaiting fraud and pizzagate profiteering charlatan?

Let's see you coffee mug for starters.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Hello @singleservename! I see we agree on Seaman and Cernovich! What are your thoughts on George Webb?

Singleservename ago

Limited hangout. Interesting but unactionable info. Goes after institutes, foundations and corporations, not individuals where it hurts.

I fear we are on our own here. Every true talking head will be chopped off quickly.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Probably, but I'm still holding out a tiny bit of hope that george is ligit.

Singleservename ago

I think this search for authority figures spearheading the investigation is both futile and risky.

We are legion, but on our own, and the sooner we accept that the sooner we can move beyond it.

rwb ago

Yes, in fact I do. The hatred toward DS from both Podesta/Brock and Company and some who claim to actually care about the kids is so deep, I'd say there is a very strong chance those fake usernames were fabricated by the aforementioned, to use against him right here and right now. Tell me why this is implausible.

chelseaclinton ago

That sounds like the internet censorship scam pulled on this subverse. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1690808 Copy paste:

tldr; Company owns rights to a creative work. Company contracts with a "rights management" company to make sure noone is pirating their work. Rights company sends Google a list of web addresses to remove from its index because they pirate that work, and slip in the Voat Pizzagate verse. Google succeeds in censoring another source of Pizzagate investigation. EXCEPT, @throwaway948238 caught it, and discovered the rights company is linked to the Clintons and Democrat pedos.

Edit: How was including "/v/pizzagate" in a list of pirated anime web addresses "justified"? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1690808/8283374 remembered an ad was run on the subverse 2 months ago discussed in https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1475171/7152536 "Bullshit. It's fucking pedo art. It's a fucking setup." Ty to @podestakilledmyson for the reminder to add this part.

Singleservename ago

Occam's razor cuts that one straight off.

rwb ago

Occam's razor is for people who can't think very well.

Singleservename ago

Your explanation is farther-fetched. Does this clear your thinking a little bit?

rwb ago

On the contrary. All evidence suggests there is a very strong motive for Podesta and Co. and/or DSBG to pull this operation. You're already very used to devoting an inordinate amount of time to destroying him.

Singleservename ago

Again and again I have seen useful posts slid and time eaten up on this sub all because of this narcisstic prick, his self-important shitposting and his thicker-than-shit defenders.

Did not want to do it again after his pathetic personal appearance here, but hoped this would be the last time I'd have to 'destroy him' because frankly, this is pretty damning evidence.

Apparently there will always be useful idiots, shills and profiteers defending him. So I'll go back to ignoring and downvoating you people once again.

rwb ago

Not one of his supporters is starting threads and eating up time, only the DSBG, and this says everything that needs to be said about motives.

chelseaclinton ago

Begin with @roundhouse1776 I did and I could see most of his activity is to bash DS.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Add me! I was iffy on Seaman, but he totally lost me during his Mandela effect. How do you explain the OP's research on his commenters?

CipherPuppet ago

Roundhouse is actually a valuable contributor. Maybe lots of us feel that the concentration should be on the kids, not on Semen..

chelseaclinton ago

Looking at your comments (60% about Seaman) I can see why you think roundhouse1776 is a valuable contributor. https://voat.co/user/CipherPuppet/comments

CipherPuppet ago

Seaman made himself the troll de jour. You do know that Seaman "borrows" his research from Voat and other sources, right Chelsea Clinton? When you reference a piece of research, its always good to give credit. Its good form. Its bad form to accuse anyone not donating to your Patreon account of pedophilia. I have lots of respect for HoneyBee, Victurus, Roundhouse, and many others who do serious research. I do not enjoy showboats who claim they are being poisoned, targeted, etc Imagine how the actual victims feel?

roundhouse1776 ago

Good, please do. You're going to look foolish later on when you realize that you're on the side of the very pedophiles you want exposed.

rwb ago

If you and the rest of the DSBG devoted some of that energy to the real cause, you'd actually be helping, but as it stands you're just more distraction

roundhouse1776 ago

Seaman's shill army is downvoating this post, but I don't care. The real pizzagate researchers see through his scam.

MostPostersAreShills ago

So glad everybody is realizing it. You can tell by his monotonous voice that he doesnt have the autism to be a true pizza gater. I dont mean that as an insult to autistics (I am grouping myself as one). I just feel like pizza gate posters need to seem like they are crazy or socially odd in some way for me to trust them.

roundhouse1776 ago

What gives it way the most is he spends 90% of his videos talking about himself, and shilling for Goldmoney. His pizzagate coverage has not evolved in 4 months, it's still "pizzagate is real blah blah Podesta"

Newfind ago

You didn't enunciate. It's "POE Dez Tah."

huhhh ago

"I've eaten some Pete Za in my time!"

MostPostersAreShills ago

Yeah hes annoying. He doesnt do like other users who show new evidence. Its all just scheme stuff.

rwb ago

See this post from another DS thread.

Justanon - Either you're ignorant or useful in not seeing that letting people who lack credibility attach themselves to your cause can easily destroy its credibility as well.

From "hillary in a pizza joint basement"...to "oh the shit that crazy seaman is always going on about" in a heartbeat.

People who can't see this are the true problem here.

Even if some of the claims about DS were true, the idea that he alone could destroy all PG credibility is laughable. The question is, who gets to define his credibility? So far, it's a minority of posters at VOAT who regularly pepper the board with vitriolic. The majority have a right to play as a team without being inundated with the fatiguing distraction of DS bashing, to elicit the desired outcome, which is arrests. No one seriously interested in seeing arrests would devote even a fraction of the effort to discredit him as seen by people like you, so I am speaking on behalf of many VOAT members when I say we have no other logical choice but to conclude you and a fair number of the others are in fact disinformation operatives, cleverly disguised mind you, but operatives nonetheless. If Podesta and company operated with even a fraction of the disloyalty of the DSBG (David Seaman Bashing Group) did, they'd all be in prison right now. This sentence is as immutable as the gravity Seaman jokingly described arguing against if it would net him media attention.

There is nothing that can destroy the truth. When Seaman says Pizzagate is real, he speaks the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

roundhouse1776 ago

Seaman Swallower detected. If you look at all the evidence against him, it's proven that he rarely speaks the truth. His repeated screaming "PIZZAGATE IS REAL" and "PODESTA IS PEDOPHILE" does nothing to help the investigation. He is a thought leader, and is manipulating people.

rwb ago

He's hung his hat not on the investigator rack but on the media campaign rack, and that bothers you because he's effective.

Don-Keyhote ago

The logical flaw of his defenders is that not all publicity is good publicity. At least ben swann is accomplished enough to be on tv. It was immediately obvious that semens videos would never include real research even though it's super easy research to do.

As someone recently astutely pointed out on steemit, v/pg/new is what comes up on Google and when It's 90% spam semen drama people will get bored real quick and bail. So he's arguably done way more harm than good. Fuck you semen if I see you I'll knock you out and steal your chain

chelseaclinton ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j3ZoPVBkdg sheds light on why all of a suddent people publicly speaking about PG are being attacked and "discredited". tldr; Mike Adams the Health Ranger and webmaster of many health, Trump, and general news sites bribed then threatened to badmouth Alex Jones or he'll be destroyed. Timing coincides with attacks on Milo and David Seaman. Coordinated effort. Seaman speaks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDKLioXY6Es

Updated for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeEMtQfvFW8 tldr; Mike Adams thanks supporters for seeing through the divide & conquer attempt. one of the most aggressive attacks in internet history, by Google. Google backed down. Search results reinstated. Possible CIA op. Opposition intel on Mike compiled and passed around.

Edit: Forgot third link

Singleservename ago

Nice job. Tried to tell people months ago https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1560629/7601575

Now please let this be the last word/thread wasted on this evil prick.

Don-Keyhote ago

Why did people not tune out after the 4th repetitive video tho? Why is it obvious to only a vocal few of us? Too many lurkers here perhaps who don't know shit. One guy I introduced to pg ended up that way

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Shit I knew the first 5mins of his first pizzagate video! He like Beck, they are constantly blinking. Liars blink a lot.

Singleservename ago

As to the reason why, assuming the evidence in this post is solid, his supporters here could very well be paid-for/fake accounts as well.

Lurkers can't voat, right?

Don-Keyhote ago

I didn't even wanna consider that given the sheer numbers. Idk about subcultures I imagine they all have a percentage of poseurs who make the others look like fags.

Which is why I've always said fuck seamen real or fake cuz he advances nothing. Hell the 10min per video takes ultimately hours of research time from idiots

ZalesMcMuffin ago

And if there's one thing we want, it's idiots doing research!

roundhouse1776 ago

I would love to stop talking about this despicable human being, I really would, but there's still so many people being fooled by his con. Hopefully this is the last post I ever have to make about him.

Ramona ago

I know how you feel, but I think we have to keep powering through until his scam ends. I care about pizzagate because I believe in protecting the most vulnerable amongst us. That also includes ppl easily emotionally manipulated out of their cash because they care about children. So long as we don't quit, we WILL win!

pavezi ago

Woah. This is pretty amazing. Controlled opposition/con-man. So sad, really. Because he did bring a lot of attention to this.