Laskar ago

Why is this inane post even on VOAT at all?

PerusingTheOoze ago

Is Becki Percy a shill? She was interviewed by Semen, but that doesn't mean he didn't use her to sell his bullshit. Becki's testimony is barren of details. Maybe she is legit, I don't know.

MolochHunter ago

maybe if youve been raped with satanic contempt you dont wanna go over every detail in public Jesus fucking christ have some decorum

PerusingTheOoze ago

Okie Doke. I meant details concerning how things operated, who she saw, perhaps things she overheard, or saw, when things happened. not sickening details about her abuse that would tickle sickos. No need to blaspheme.

SuperJohnWayne ago

Sorry, Return to Sender. Wrong address, I am not David Seaman.

SecondAmendment ago

Thank you, @FerociousFlower!

SecondAmendment ago

Thank you! I complained about him in the fall and took a lot of grief from people for it. There's a YouTube video called "David Seaman's Pizzagate $cam" ( that apparently was airing in real time when Seaman took everything down. The host invited Seaman to be on this very episode and the little twerp declined the invitation. It's a long video, and I don't agree with everything that it's host says, but I do give the host made props for exposing David Seaman's self-serving duplicity. Ever since Seaman raised funds for a worthless scam in which Seaman claimed to be running for Congress I smelled a rat. Someone should report him to the Office of Campaign Finance to perhaps initiate an investigation into the fundraising he did while masquerading as a candidate for Congress. In my opinion.

strix-varia ago

Did anyone subscribe to his newsletter? Did anyone see the last newsletter that was kinda off the wall? It started to make me wonder when he looked stoned a lot on video. To me, that is totally unprofessional and then there was this....from the latest newsletter:

"Deep - weekend brief For my 31st bday later this month, I was going to go to Paris with someone. When my travel partner backed out, I decided I'd do an ayahuasca journey in central America instead. Costa Rica, to be exact, in the rainforest.

I had it locked in and was going to go March 1st to the 6th, but people close to me have made a convincing - if mundane - argument to stay stateside instead.

It's the first time in my life where people have said "You can't do that, you have too many responsibilities."

That's never really happened before. At least not convincingly! You can always shirk your bourgeoisie responsibilities for a day or two.

"The administration probably wouldn't want to see you reviewing psychedelic teas in Costa Rica."

Everything is so different, and the responsibilities with the network- I want that network to stand the test of time. We're doing everything the right way- the right studio location, the right press passes, the right contributors and co-hosts signed from day one, the right distribution strategy & partners.

So my mundane, overly cautious friends have made a point. I don't necessarily think they are right: I'm sure I'd have an extraordinary time in the jungle, and it'd go off without incident. I enjoy exploring the mind.

But honoring the math, and the low probability that it would make me less motivated, is part of being responsible. I'm on fire at the moment, and we can easily keep this momentum going. The viewers are real. The subscribers are real. The support is real. People have exited MSM permanently, and that creates real opportunity."

And this...

Deep This week should be a big one for my career, and for journalism more broadly. Necessary precautions have been taken. Look out for an extraordinary interview on the YouTube channel tomorrow morning.

Thank you for all your support.

These "newsletters" were not news to me. They were an effort to get my email address, as I found it difficult to unsubscribe from them. Did anyone else get these? If so, what was your perception?

herbsmoke ago

Satanic zionists are the root cause of pedophilia and satanism. anyone investigating pizzagate needs to be talking about jewish invoilvement or they are mossad agent shills like david seaman

jangles ago

This is what was written by him on his last video. "Guess it's my turn to take the heat. Michael Flynn Jr, a good man, took the heat for speaking the truth - as did his father. Ben Swann, a good man, took the heat. Becki and other victims of the cult have taken the heat for a decade or more. Max Spiers and Monica Petersen weren't so lucky to only be harassed and smeared; their lives were taken. My turn to walk in the fire, I guess. God is by my side, and God is always with our country. Joe Bernstein at BUZZFEED's office in New York City: time to lawyer up. What you've done to me is wrong."

dFrog ago

I wouldn't be surprised if he took them down for legal reasons. If he was threatened with legal action and had to hire an attorney, he probably would have been told straightaway to take the material in question down, at least for the time being while an angle for his defense was constructed. Didn't Alex Jones just have a video talking about being sued that he took down?

dFrog ago

Hahahahaha. Okay, cowboy. See you around.

SuperJohnWayne ago

I'm not the one asking for Bitcoin for saying "Pizzagate is real" and LARPing like that used car salesman from True Lies with Arnold Schwarzenneger, that would be Seaman.

naturallyfree ago

still to complicated to understand. I did my best to explain a thinking process. Name calling what you in fact know then. Ok.

naturallyfree ago

. When someone is an opportunist. And Bad smarter people are around, who are not wanting him to do or say what he is, they will take advantage and manipulate that person to their advantage. He becomes a vessel, vassal for them. I recognized him possibly being in that position a while back.(imo concluded that as explaining strangeness) But I want to reread the post of his preamble to a book or something because that makes his actions clearer. Deep into weeds here, It is an unusual mind that compartmentalizes so much that all this manipulating can manage it in a healthy way. Referring to his recipe for fame allegedly wrote. Following that train of thought leads to, draw your own conclusion. Further adding to the confusion I wrote, because I don't find favorable comments about the phenomenal work of Titus Frost I avoided naming him as a superb resource. For example the Part I & II videos he has. Personally I have learned the most from him and Ausbitbank. I do appreciate DSeamans for the enthusiasm and determination to man the cannons and damn the basterds personality of his work.

dFrog ago

That's totally different. Nobody's giving grades for this nor is talking about this stuff something that will earn you a degree. What you're describing is like cheating. Besides, Seaman has mentioned Voat at least a few times.

Honestly, anyone who wants individual credit for their findings needs to check their ego as far as I'm concerned. I'd be honored if he talked about the stuff I put together because it would mean that a bunch of people would get to hear about it.

What's sticking out to me like a sore thumb is that people aren't saying "ignore him" or "he's irrelevant," they're basically saying, "He must be shunned." I'd sooner question the motives of faceless users here than someone who has put themselves out there the way that he has.

CipherPuppet ago

I agree. It is said Seaman was buying comments and views from Fiverr. Shill city.

DeathToMasons ago

Seaman has been exposed.

gt8h65fg ago

As I said I don't care how he executes the outcome. If many people become care about pedoring after they watch his youtube, that's is the fact. If David Seaman didn't create video, buzz or anything, they didn't reach the pizzagate info, and that were fact.

In terms of his book, I personally don't even care if David Seaman wrote porn novel. I don't care Alex Jones put tin foil hat on his head in the steam. It's your issue (I'm not saying you shouldn't care about it), and not our issue.

And considering today's coincident Tweet account verification notice, video removal in several users, tweets and reddit relating Rothschild are censored, it too hasty to determine whether he is drama and mental illness, or defend him completely. So I can't comment on that.

Pipebomb ago

Sorry, but why do so many posts end up being about "David Seaman drama" instead of Pizzagate???

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Because Seaman is a narcissist. He's all about self-promotion and how it benefits him financially.

tehthu ago

After indictments start rolling out, this subverse will be dissected and studied for years on how open-source investigation communities can be compromised, demoralized, dismantled, and dissolved.

In the first few months, this was THE source for valuable information and investigation. This is why it was targeted so heavily.

If you wonder why you get agitated whenever you come here, its because there are paid psychological operatives running circles around everyone on this board.

Really looking forward to the indictments to start so the shills will disappear and flee and the rest of us can start to heal mentally.

Shills and psy-operatives: your day is coming too. Even if you escape justice in this life, God knows.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Very nice. Btw Trump did an AMA on 4Chan tonight. 404d fast _

dFrog ago

Regurgitating information without doing research is not "taking credit." He only takes credit for talking about things which is because he does, in fact, talk about them.

Out of all the YouTubers out there talking about this, he is by no means the worst.

Jem777 ago

You rock David

SuperJohnWayne ago

I heard that if you send him Bitcoin, he will suddenly recover from his current hardship and start making videos again saying "Pizzagate is real."

1984isnotamanual ago

Oh I see you've been a member for two days.

SuperJohnWayne ago

People's iq's increase the longer they are active here?

mrjdouble ago

Did you guys see the comment from a supposed friend of his tonight? He said that he knows him personally and he believes that he's been poisoned. He doesn't know what with, but that he's hasn't been himself and has been throwing up a lot lately. I'm trying to find it, but I'm not sure who wrote and what their motive was.

hashtaggery ago

Good. Pizzagate is real and we don't need that fucker to manufacture bullshit and pick fights. He isn't one of the real victims in this mess.

naturallyfree ago

and by this observation he appears to me to be very vulnerable to planted information, disinformation and used by those wanting to control the narrative. It is as ginormous as his nervousness implies, which requires the steady steadfastness of others who are holding feet to fire and stepping carefully and identifying clearly. This is the time for courage with conviction. A hustler should be nervous and should shut stuff off and on or whatever he is into doing. Peace of mind for him will only come from within him so he must be accountable and responsible for setting himself up to be a victim too. Its not cold to say this. The situation is fraught, full stop.

Evademoney ago

You Want To See NCMEC's Reaction. Watch this guy's videos. He has been recording his findings He saw honeybee's vid and poked the hive lol

equineluvr ago

That guy is a moron.

You NEVER warn your enemy of what you're about to do, what's about to break, etc.

This nobody just gave them a heads-up. Now they have time to plot their response, think of a cover story, etc.

He should have taken his info/evidence to someone with some real authority -- a bona fide investigative journalist would be nice -- so they could catch 'em by surprise.

squirreltruth ago

But he never had new evidence... just published other people's research

Evademoney ago

He has a couple not sure how many. about to go check the phone call he recorded

teefymcteephteeth ago

Apparently his friend and her roomate were both murdered (stabbed) and he was poisoned.

MolochHunter ago

theres certainly an element of conjecture in the poisoning theory, and the killer /motivations of seamans friend are unclear, but it doesnt paint a promising picture overall

party1981 ago

It is just as likely that he deleted it. He has been getting unstable recently.

SickofRedditsShit ago

Good. Seaman is complete shit and probably and shill-a opportunist at best

BackAgain ago

Guys he took down all of his videos and he's taking a step back because Alefantis is going to sue InfoWars for defamation. Seaman would be next in line

He's trying to save his own ass before he gets sued

SecondAmendment ago

My understanding is that a defamation lawsuit would open the Plaintiff up to intense scrutiny during the "discovery" phase, and don't forget that "truth" is a defense to defamation. I think the bad guys would be crazy to subject themselves to such a lawsuit. Oh, don't get me wrong. I hope they do for precisely that reason.

squirreltruth ago

Real freedom fighter for you there then.

strix-varia ago

The expose on him (above), has finally convinced me. People were right all along, here on voat. I continued to support him (not financially...ever...thank God...nor buying gold....thank God) through watching his vids. And then, I got a newsletter two days ago, which was incredibly weird and suspect. He was great in the beginning and then he sold out. And now, someone has made a wonderful video called David Seaman, Pizzagate & Goldmoney. You were right people on voat...he is/was a shill. You were right and I was wrong.

herbsmoke ago

the most important thing is that you have recognized his brand of bullshit and learned his methods for shilling. You will be able to recognize this kind of shit in the future and not get suckered in.

strix-varia ago

Yes, discernment....very important. Gullibility....a sufferer of it for years, but no longer.

MolochHunter ago

That bit of my post was hyperbole, I dont know/suspect he's been poisoned, but i wouldnt put it beyond the paedomafia to try it

MolochHunter ago

he lost his career prior by having the guts to call bullshit on hillary's health

oliver21 ago

Mr. Independent58 minutes ago David is FINE. He is just updating his social media accounts, new pics, graphics. You can't keep this great man down. His sites are coming back up now. Guess he's getting ready for the FULCRUM Debut.

sentryseven ago

Channel is there. All content is gone.

IlluminatiKing ago

I think he needed to take a break and get his head together. Hope he is well soon. From what I've seen and how he replies, looks like paranoia. Possibly threatened to take it down.

meowski ago

Seaman may go a bit too far in directly accusing Podesta of being a pedophile with out rock solid proof. That's my only complaint.. and probably why the lawyers are coming after him.

They're also coming after Alex Jones. This is getting serious. Elite pedos are not just going to sit by and allow their whole network to be brought down. Pedos do not usually fare well in prison.

Evademoney ago

apparently there has to be discovery on both sides for that to heppen expsoing them? thoughts anyone?

Evademoney ago

  1. Go To Twitter
  2. Type In Brian Podesta
  3. See how fast you are removed lol

Evademoney ago

24 sec for the world record right now

stellarcorpse ago

Perhaps this video has something to do with it.

11-11 ago

Who is in charge of Censoring at youtube?

Did they send out a press release?

gt8h65fg ago

So if pizzagate is publicized by him for self promotion you will say it shouldn't be happened? If trump used mob to build his career and power in business you say he shouldn't have stood as a candidate because he used baddies for his business?

You may care about how we execute our goal (=make people care about pedoring and reveal it) but I'm rather pragmatism person so I don't care so much about the way how it is done unless it is against the humanity.

md3inaustin ago

If anyone knows David Seaman or Brittney Pettibone, GVid is a new Liberty Pro-Free-Speech social network project that was started in response to exactly these problems with current corporate backed solutions. Not so with . also Welcomes ALL PizzaGate content providers We are quickly updating the front end as we continue developing the back end. List of clips including many PizzaGate videos I've uploaded and currently share:

Please hit up myself or bikergang_accountant for more details.

11-11 ago

Thanks md3

Rightfight ago

Sorry , Complacent with the punctuation/etc. His audience is all I give a cotton picking fuck about.

Rightfight ago

I think Alex Jones is a Joke and a Shill. But I'd prefer him to talk about Pizzagate than not.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

He may not be a bad person, but you are correct about some misinformation, lack of research and connections to what Pizzagate really is, and using the situation for personal gain. Let's hope he is genuine and just not equipped to handle this case, which admittedly few are.

11-11 ago

Censor | Definition of Censor by Merriam-Webster

Define censor: a person who examines books, movies, letters, etc., and removes things that are considered to be offensive,… — censor in a sentence.

Pipebomb ago

If Alex Jones is presumably being sued by Alefantis, could Seaman be sued by Alefantis? David ran his mouth like a child, screaming "pedophile"!

11-11 ago a bad-fitting-shoe Then why didn't you turn the video off? Don't know where the button is? Go back to bed and sleep it off.

11-11 ago

morojax, how exactly was he making money? his videos had no ads.

11-11 ago

I do not agree

11-11 ago

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, who cares whether or not "David Seaman is a bit suspicious and deserves a strong degree of skepticism". That isn't the point. Are you completely missing the real issue here?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The skepticism is valid and important because of the gravity of what is at stake, and even if it was in an old video, he claimed he would dispute gravity if he thought it would generate buzz. He is making money reporting on Pizzagate and building a following as an opportunist of the situation which is a conflict of interest whether or not that is his primary motive. That is concerning. His lacks the professionalism to be the level of reporter he claims or aspires to be, and his lack of effective research in some areas is evidently deficient. On the other hand, Ben Swann was professional but also too narrowly focused and not understanding the bigger picture of what pizzagate really is. Ben was on the extremely soft side compared to some of David's hard side which may be intended as courageous but also may be irresponsible. It is important because he is not strong enough or knowledgeable enough to be a real leader in this battle of good vs. evil, at least not on his own, and certainly no one is. The concern is that he if he is not a setup, he may be a weak link and an easy target as a face of the real story behind Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. They want it to be about him, they want someone they can easily label as a Fake News reporter, and they want him to make irresponsible statements and attacks on fabricated targets and victims.

Remember, these people are a lot smarter and more resource than David Seaman could ever dream to be. Pizzagate is as much about control of media, information and censorship as it is about child trafficking, organ harvesting, satanic ritual abuse, surveillance, modern slavery and tyranny, and global corruption,. If he genuinely cares, he will begin to understand the bigger picture of what is involved here, and how he can be used as a pawn to dilute, distract and cover up the real truth about Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. It is almost the perfect setup if that were the plan, and David's obsession with money and his lack of employment and resources would make it relatively easy to either buy him off or destroy him how they do to others with many more resources. Alex Jones cannot be trusted either, but at least he has some resources to last a few rounds.

If David Seaman wants to contribute he can stop focusing on such a narrow focus, and start looking into the connections between Racine, Denver, Haiti and other areas of Freemasons and Child Trafficking, and follow the trail that leads to Monica Petersen. George Webb may not be able to be fully trusted yet either, but at least he has clearly done some research and understands a bigger part of the puzzle. The concern with George is his intimate knowledge but lack of conviction for real justice, and is nearly justifying the corruption and blackmail schemes as a necessary evil knowing that much of the information in his presentation is going to be disclosed anyway. The real call for justice is somewhere between the two, and they are both chasing ghosts and moving targets.

The answer to solving Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption is Racine, Wisconsin - Paul Ryan's district. It will prove whether Trump has any real intentions to rewrite history and drain the swamp of global corruption, or if he is just a morally bankrupt deal maker who is nothing more than an average corrupt politician and opportunist himself.

herbsmoke ago

While you bring up a lot of really great points, your hope in Trump is misplaced he is owned by the same Zionists that own david seaman. Zionism is the elephant in the room. The issue of Zionism is fundamentally behind the wars and corporate control of everything and also the satanism and pedophilia, and the prison industrial complex.

11-11 ago

Because of David Seaman, we now know to not say anything bad about Jake Tapper on Twitter (God Forbid). What message should we take away from the YouTube ban?

gt8h65fg ago

You can't mention about voldemort Rothschild too. Twitter ordered him to remove tweet about it.

MolochHunter ago

i trolled lynn rothschild last week when she dissed podesta. After that my account received no notifications of likes, retweets or new followers.

gt8h65fg ago

probably your account got thrown into shadow ban list that hide your tweet from search, retweet and likes.

Kcpedogate ago

David Seaman has been a huge help for spreading awareness for pizzagate. He might not be the one breaking the stories but he has been using his big platform to speak, courageously about Pizzagate. Don't let people fool you, Alex Jones and Seaman are pissing all the right people off, and they have risked everything talking about the trafficking of children. Let's stand behind them and not attcking them.

herbsmoke ago

they both refuse to mention zionism, and are both clearly spreading zionist propaganda for the pedos in the synagogue of satan. you saying we need to stand behind the gatekeeper media whores like these is highly suspect.

Kcpedogate ago

I believe that just like all Americans can't be judged by the American elites, neither can all jews be judged by the zionists.

herbsmoke ago

Fair enough but its like the cop thing. For instance good cops dont exist or they would arrest the bad cop colleagues they have for doing all the messed up shit corrupt cops do, but instead they protect them, with the thin blue line, thereby becoming bad cops also because their silence becoomes complicity in the corruption of bad cops they protect.

Regular jews that benefit from zionist nepotism and the agenda and don't speak out become willing accomplices to zionism, therefore unless the jew is coming out against zionism like henry makow or brother nathaniel they fall under the blanket of zionism.

I agree that not all jews are evil. I am not racist, i have jewish friends. But if you are a jew like david seaman who is radically pro israel and claim not to know what zionism is you are a liar, and probably a mossad shill. If jews want to be accepted into the rest of the human family they need to check their tribal zionistloyalties at the door and actually participatein humanity and not parasite from it like a crooked cop does...

shoosh ago

New World Agenda did a live stream calling out David twittering him asking him to come on his livestream to debate: under an hour David's ytube was deleted.

herbsmoke ago

NWA aired david out

shoosh ago

NWA kept saying that there's no proof and the emails are not full range of data, and that pgate is not where people need to look into, but 911 is where people need to focus as a priority.

Oh, I typed up a bitch slap and he changed his tune.

If kids aren't the priority in the world then he, and anyone else like him, are complete idiots and deserves the shitstain of a sexually degraded society world that they're crying over and making youtubes about. Pedo-drug-pharma-arms- rings trafficking is real.
and I typed F'ing idiot!!!!


How can spirit cooking with blood and semen, along with Tamera Luzzatto sending her 3 grandkids to the farm pool for these old farts entertainment not be damning. You combine the 2 of these, along with the artwork of child torture and cannibal art and for god's sake if that's not damning enough then NWA is in question.

I typed something like this about 3 times and he finally read it and changed his perspective and backpeddled to say that he supports the exposure.

NWA's priorities reflects the shit mind of humanity that has degraded the world into the reason we're here calling out for change against it. NWA is completely on my radar.

herbsmoke ago

that's not what he said at all. he said pizzagate is all just circumstantial and until there is an actual investigation we should focus on arrestin and bringing down the pedo rings, not comet ping pong.

shoosh ago

@ 1:13:55 he said the emails and some artwork are taken completely out of context.
He frequently said that it shouldn't be focused as a priority.

His guest said that he, the guest, backs pgate and he didn't want to get into that conversation.

@ 1:21:00 he said he didn't think pgate isn't anywhere near what people should be focused on in terms of what waking up.

He continued this through the first part of his livestream when he discussed pgate.

I began posting the above statements and he finally got the message and began changing his perspective.

then he started to say all these things are important no doubt about it.

11-11 ago

What's Next?

11-11 ago

Censoring - definition of censoring by The Free Dictionary A person authorized to examine books, films, or other material and to remove or suppress what is considered morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Seaman is still on Facebook.

Rightfight ago

Everyone has got there uses, I know plenty of channels which give flaky info. Seaman brings in Mainstream audiance that is of use. Some of those audiance will seek the other channels /researchers.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Alot still on his Vimeo but not current

Bolux ago

I'm thinking about poisoning him myself.

naturallyfree ago

best best belly laugh. ty.

DawnofTruth ago

He'll be back. He'll devote the next few videos on himself (again) and how he's being targeted and he's had enough (again). Then he'll push his agenda of buying a subscription somewhere online.

I personally don't resonate with him --- I find his energy very intense but I also sense something disingenuous when not petulant about him too.' I just don't trust him (nor Alex Jones lately either).

lawfag123 ago

we need big alex on this

Rightfight ago

David , Fuck all the bullshit nobody's . We need you and the mainstream audiance you reach . You may be many things . But as long as you bring attention to this sick situation we need you . Can't believe these fuck heads who think there so smart ,Cut there nose off to spite there face . idiots .

herbsmoke ago

supporting a zionist shill that only has a large audience because he is a zionist shill and was assigned that platform by his zionist masters is super retarded. wake up. he is a poisened well of information and a fraud

Rightfight ago

If you are familiar with Marial arts of certain types, you use an enemies force to your advantage . These principles apply on many levels

MolochHunter ago

hehe I gots dibs, newcomer

chelseaclinton ago

Causing infighting is a common tactic of pedos. Go after Alex Jones and David Seaman all you want, but acknowledge to yourself you're too stupid to comprehend strategy and utilization of resources.

MolochHunter ago

divide and conquer

21yearsofdigging ago

So fucing true and that is all I am seeing around here now. Just had a word war with some creep that dragged on for hours accused of disgusting things, very very personal and ugly. I have been here for 2 months and worked it pretty good but my God, it is so ugly now. Decided to fight back but it is unnerving when creeps dig up things that really, only my family knows. That tells me that alphabet agencies all over us here. Not to sound paranoid but yeah, creepy creepy shit now going on. I was targeted years ago so I do have a reference and this 'feels' like an infiltration.

equineluvr ago

CointelPro tactic, too.

chelseaclinton ago

That's right and there's no more effective means of D&C than when you can get your opposition to do it for you. That's why infighting is so damaging but so appealing to pedos.

Tanngrisnir ago

You mean like your sockpuppet accounts that are extremely close to mod usernames that parrot your crap?

Mommyplayer571 ago

Many shills on Seaman thread, more than usual. Stew Webb today had video that MSM is heavily controlled by same forces we know about elsewhere.

Rightfight ago

David Seaman ,Alex Jones Trump, Milo whoever it is . Exposure is better than fuck all publicity .

gt8h65fg ago

no video in too. Podesta lawyer reached him?

MolochHunter ago

Oh FFS. You do realise he was a professional journalist BEFORE pizzagate.

That he lost high paying MSM jobs talking about controversial topics? That if $ was his primary motive he would shut the fuck up and go back to sucking MSM dick?

Whats he supposed to do, cease all acceptance of any contributions because he is covering what should be but tragically isnt in the news cycle. You want the fucker to deal with his pollonium poisoning on an empty stomach, just to satisfy your sense of integrity.

He has lost far more covering pizzagate than he will likely ever gain

dFrog ago

I really don't understand the hate on Seaman. His style is definitely not the one I would use, but really, if you're okay with the likes of Alex Jones, I don't see how Seaman is worse.

I've never gotten the impression that he was taking credit for others' findings. He just talks about them. He has been an important voice on this and has helped spread awareness.

herbsmoke ago

I am hating on seaman for being an israeli controlled media agent, justlike alex jones who is also a mossad shill

1984isnotamanual ago

It's either paid trolls or it's dickheads who think only THEY know the real truth and everyone else is a shill not to be trusted. David Seaman vets his information and actually doesn't go into alot of details about pizzagate which shows these trolls clearly don't watch any of his videos. We are wading in a sewer at the moment people care more about making money than the abuse of children.

sleepingbeautycan ago

No it isn't the taking other peoples stuff as his own. It is his drama. He will post a video about having chest pains and then a few days later post a video about a cop outside his house and fearing that "they" were coming for him. The first was a panic attack and nothing happened with the second. He is very ummmmmm dramatic and It drives me a bit crazy.

I know pizzagate can be dangerous but don't make a video and post it every time there is a cop.

I like him but I like when I can trust my reporters not to jump to conclusions.

equineluvr ago

Seaman was canned from an early journalism job for being a relentless "self-promoter."

About 24:33.

He is playing his audience with this drama, bigtime.

strix-varia ago

Finally figured it out. It sure can take a lot to change one's mind. After receiving a "newsletter" from him 2 days ago, I was left with wtf? He talked about going to Costa Rica into the jungle to do some ayahuasca but the "administration" told him he must stay in the country to promote his new channel Fulcrum!? Then the expose video today finally convinced me that he is totally suspect. However, I am grateful for being red-pilled by him...

gt8h65fg ago

All political correctness comes from leftists. Most people can just close and watch other video if they don't like. Libtards can't go without making account in twitter, facebook, reddit, voat and put hate comments there every day.

Rightfight ago

Man ,Get sick of everybody trying to be so smart and suggest that absolutely everything is not to be trusted . Pizzagate will get destroyed as soon as it is not talked about . Anybody bringing attention to Pizzagate is of use . FFS . If you think David Seaman is some fucking operative then fine don't believe him . But he's more fuckin use than some poxy nobody who hasn't got an audience.

newworldahead ago

THIS! Thanks Rightfight. This is how I see things as well.

dindonufin ago

It's a psyop. They're allocating ALOT of resources into discrediting/silencing him.

ZalesMcMuffin ago


A bunch

A ton

A mountain

A lot

Mooncutter ago

Yes, the ONLY reason they attacking him is BECASUE he's right and dangerous. That's the REASON ffs!!!! If he wasn't right they wouldn't be attacking him.

Evademoney ago

exactly I repost hundreds of urls per day to about 40 different channels

DeathToMasons ago

Yes and no.Again, I can give two shits about him. This is about PG, yet here we are talking about him in yet another post. Enough already. Back to PG.

MolochHunter ago

Eggs Zachary.

153sdsd ago

Knowingly or not, for money or whatever reason he had, he was doing good by spreading this

klondike1412 ago

Yep, he really seemed (certainly initially) like he was honestly shocked to his core by what he saw. Was he someone who exploited things for money? Probably, but he did a hell of a lot to convince me it was real for one. If that is what happens at the end of the day (and even if he never really personally did much research) I feel bad for seeing so much division and putting so much negative pressure on someone who is clearly having a mental break already.

We shouldn't go around breaking peoples psyches when they are already traumatized by realizing what the government does to their own people.

153sdsd ago


strix-varia ago

Yes, the beginning and then he got infested by something called gold and bitcoin. He veered too far from the focus BUT he did spread the the beginning.

dFrog ago

Wasn't he already talking about Bitcoin and whatnot before pizzagate?

strix-varia ago

Yes, but what I mean is that he slowly started to include it after his pizzagate talks, in the same video. What I finally noticed is that pizzagate, in all it's horror, became about goldmoney and bitcoin. Pizzagate took a back seat, when it needed to be front and center. Bitcoin and gold needed to be on a totally different video or platform and not included in the pgate message.

dFrog ago

I see. I've seen so many of his videos, I must have forgotten that the topics weren't always separated.

153sdsd ago

I agree, though bitcoin is another way to fight the control for real, not gold

ThePuppetShow ago

Bullshit, the global elite have been pushing for a cashless currency for a while now. Bitcoin is part of that. Gold is the only thing that will save your ass from the coming crash.

153sdsd ago

You must not have looked into bitcoin much, it is like cash, like gold with a teleporter, this is why the banks are pushing for nationalized permissioned blockchains and demonizing bitcoin get some soon while its cheap, and please look into the bitcoin wiki

ThePuppetShow ago

You roll with that. Bitcoin is exactly what the financial elite want, currency backed by absolutely nothing. You don't even get a worthless piece of paper. Look up cashless society, read some of the infowars articles. Or, keep doing what you're doing, more gold for the rest of us.

153sdsd ago

You will hear infowars talk about the advantages of bitcoin soon enough, gold is easy to take away and hard to hide, keep doing the good work spreading the word, good day

strix-varia ago

However, do you not think that if bitcoin becomes very popular they will control that too?

153sdsd ago

You too must not have look into bitcoin much, it is already much more popular than any state would wish, cant be stopped, it is financial freedom, even offline, check the bitcoin wiki, watch a couple of videos, bitcoin is s different animal, money without state for the first time in history, decentralized peer to peer transmission of value, forbidden in Venezuela, where it is making waves saving lives

strix-varia ago

You are totally correct. I haven't looked into. I just wish someone could tell an older person like me (maybe you can), if they (vultures) control what they control, which is a lot, can they not end up controlling this too, at some point in the future? I will watch and educate myself however. Thanks for the insight!

153sdsd ago

There is a war for the control of bitcoin now, the elites through the "bitcoin core" are trying to weaken bitcoin so they can control it, or at least slow down progress so the banks can bring a product to compete before colapse, they inhabit and censor r/bitcoin, the alternative is the r/btc where people who care about bitcoins powers are able to express alternatives to core, check videos from andreas antonopoulos on youtube and podcasts from bitcoin uncensored, you will get the better picture that way with that combination. you want to hang out on both r/bitcoin and r/btc. hope you have a great day.

MolochHunter ago

well maybe you're right. But me being honest with myself, I dont think id have the courage to say the shit he's said without it taxing my nerves considerably

HunkaHunka ago

he was fucking irritating, he ignored all the comments on his youtubes , never participated in his own comments section....and like someone said he was always talking about himself, doing a combination of self-promotion and 'please make a donation' etc. , a bit too much, while ignoring the research everyone is doing FOR FREE. He was always talking about money money money, like he's the only person who needs money. his youtube money, his bitcoin money, his paypal money, his patreon money, etc. Fucking sick of it.

herbsmoke ago

jews use babylonian black magic money to enforce usury bsed slavery on the host society they parasite from

SecondAmendment ago

What a pussy. As in "pusillanimous," cowardly, gutless, and spineless. David Seaman has rubbed me the wrong way for months, given that he's out there trying to PROFIT from this horrific story. Always screaming and crying for money, that one. And now, one day after the scumbags at BuzzFeed hurt his widdle feewings he goes all "drama queen" and deletes his shit, as if to cave into the libtard Pizzagate deniers? SCREW YOU, DAVID SEAMAN. Don't go away mad. Just go away.

PrincessCinderella ago

He is already on Gab. He has an account already.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

David Seaman is a bit suspicious and deserves a strong degree of skepticism with a slight degree of reluctant support. Not only is he a profiteer from the situation, but he was uninformed on so many connections and related issues to be taken seriously, and he and others seemed to push the narrative a bit too far in the wrong directions almost purposely to make Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption become labeled "dangerous" and "fake news" by being outrageous and more focused on a few narrow targets that could be portrayed as victims.

If he is being genuine and is truly a real victim, then we hope he can provide proof of life and find an outlet to safety. If he is being threatened or forced to do this, then we need to support him regardless of not agreeing with his strategy, but his motives and actions should be seriously questioned as following a suspicious pattern. This all seems to be a setup, and a ruse to shutdown the real story of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

This isn't about David Seaman. This isn't about a pizza place. This isn't about a campaign manager. This is about the key to unlocking the network of Global Criminal Corruption - and the answer sounds strange but it is Racine, Wisconsin - Paul Ryan's home district. Everything is connected, and that is the key to draining the swamp and solving the real puzzle of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Trump cannot take on the world, and even Trump cannot be trusted as he has been tied to those involved for decades. That is why Racine, Wisconsin is the barometer for whether Trump is real or fake - if he does not drain the swamp and connect the dots in Racine to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption - then he cannot be trusted, is in over his head, or has no intention of draining any swamp.

Hopefully David Seaman is safe and gets the help he needs. This along with the Alex Jones, who also cannot be trusted, and his Friday night speech video removal all seems much too coincidental. The real truth behind Pizzagate is scaring those who are really connected to the system of Global Criminal Corruption that they are playing all their cards and hedging every bet they can, but some have always known the truth. What they are afraid of is Common Global Knowledge of the real news story about what Pizzagate really is - Global Criminal Corruption. This is why they are focused on censorship and population control. They cannot let the masses find out the real truth, or their entire system of lies will fall apart. Pizzagate is real and it isn't about a pizza place - it is about an evil and controlled system of elite societies and the network of Global Criminal Corruption.

justice4kidz ago

I don't understand the connection to Racine, WI. where can I read about this more?

EricVikingurr ago

Maybe he's sick of CTR shills like you.

redditsuckz ago

Too bad we cant run an audit on his twitter account to see how many real/fake users he had since he deleted his twitter account...

CNN Caught Purchasing 16 Million Fake Twitter Followers

I wonder how many followers were real out of his 70K...

toldProperly ago

David Seaman, Pizzagate & Goldmoney

some highlights:

31:40 - in 2012 david holds reddit AMA where he announces he will be running for congress and needs money. he drops out within 4 months and never provides evidence that the donations were passed on to a worthy cause (as he claimed the funds would be). The AMA: Reddit, I'm a non-politician running for United States Congress to defend Internet freedom, right to trial, reduce police state craziness, and be a voice of relative sanity in D.C. AMAA.

34:30 - david raises funds to start a morning show and uses the money to move to LA where an unknown partner spent the remaining funds. joe rogan also snubs DS for a potential job.

35:00 - david takes a job a walmart greeter in colorado but quits during training to travel to canada to meet with goldmoney and has been an advocate of that questionable service ever since.

david is obviously hijacking PG attention and traffic to promote goldmoney with whom he has an affiliate marketing relationship. i don't think he is controlled opposition or a shill, he is just mediocre and self serving. PG is the most important material in the rapidly evolving information ecosystem atm and has the potential to bring down some truly evil MFs. david seaman is once again creating a 'buzz' for his own benefit but in this case the stakes are far too high for such bullshit.

50hurtz ago

You know, I've been gradually noticing a pattern aswell, thank you for stating it so clearly and thanks to the user you replied to aswell. I noticed his videos down today and started to realize he always has some sort of sensational accident that makes people dump more money into him. But other than that he has helped spread awareness at the least and helped many people look deep into it. But I always wished he would source and show more examples, although it is better for some people to just have the majority of the content be mostly narrative. It just never did a whole lot of justice to me personally to not show what hes talking about. Edit: but someone like George Webb on youtube has never asked for a penny and goes deep deep into the investigation and sources everything.

Yates ago

36:28 last sentence of highlighted area says it was funded by "the legendary Soros family".

GroundhogDay ago

David Seaman is fine. Was advised to take evrything down and did so voluntarily, per a fellow tweeter.

herbsmoke ago

he took the vids down because he has been exposed as a zionist shill

Ciscogeek ago

Please back this up, I can't just accept that from a <3 month account.

herbsmoke ago

i don't care what you can or can't accept. Google if you want to know more lazy faggot

the_one_tony_stark ago

I doubt it's entirely voluntary. I know what kind of harassment you get once you reach a certain kind of visibility. I also think there's a lot of divide and conquer going on, shilling attempts to get people to hate him.

The guy exposed hillary's health before the election.

Shuffleonover4now ago

Can you prove this? I don't agree w everything a said but hope he is indeed ok.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It's good to hear that he is fine. He seems like a guy that may be well intentioned, however hopefully he understands people's concerns about him being a face of Pizzagate and needing to connect more dots with better research and more knowledge of the bigger picture rather than focusing on such a narrow focus and extreme remarks that are the reason his accounts were taken down. Him being the face for the citizen investigation of Pizzagate is not only dangerous for him, but dangerous for everyone else who knows the real truth.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Thank you! You are a voice of reason.

gt8h65fg ago

I don't get why you are trying to discredit who already made pedogate public on behalf of us even if he/she may get in trouble, and disregard the leaked email in which they even mentioned the places and persons, but rather promoting ambiguous clue which is in short of source?

I respect your opinion but I'm not convinced to broad the interpretation. It just makes problem hard to comprehend for people who have no idea about pedoring. Most people just ignore things which aren't directly related to their daily life.

icydays33 ago

Racine? Feel like I missed something, care to fill me in? Or point in the right direction?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

There are a lot of dots to connect and Racine is a bubble where little information escapes. Some cannot be posted due to threats and litigious reasons, but it is an epicenter for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. There are way too many connections to Racine, Wisconsin that all tie together, and Loretta Lynch personally stonewalled investigations into Racine exactly like she stonewalled the Clinton Foundation and private email server investigations, and they would not be censoring, gang stalking and threatening witnesses to the criminal corruption tied to Racine if it were not all true and deeply connected to the most powerful people in the world.

Some connections include Knights of Pythias (see Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer and many others), Freemasons and Scottish Rite Freemasons, United Nations Agenda 21 and Sustainability (see Bill Clinton), Clinton Global Initiative and Clinton Foundation, Bilderberg, Viruses and Vaccines (see Zika Virus, Polio Vaccine, and others), Pilgrims Society, Club of Rome, Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, World Bank, Republican National Committee, Democratic National Committee, Community Policing and Surveillance Programs, Global Water and Banking Associations, Rotary and other International Service Groups, deep mafia connections including ties with Chicago, and a history of criminal corruption, pedo and child trafficking problems, drug and gang problems, extreme racism and social division including a recent RICO case settled under fraud and threats, extreme infant mortality rates, dialysis capital of the world, and mysterious deaths and satanic connections. It runs right up to the State, National and Global networks. Remember Scott Walker doesn't even have a college degree. Paul Ryan is complicit to corruption in his own district and his own party, and Reince Priebus suddenly is one of the most powerful men in the country. This is their district. They know what is going on, and they are puppets controlled by the same masters. Freemasons rule the state of Wisconsin, but there are even deeper connections than just the Freemasons.

Pizzagate is not about a pizza place, a campaign manager, instagram pictures, or a reporter - it is about the real story of covering up centuries of abuse and tyranny through a system of Global Criminal Corruption. The only person with the power to change history right now is Trump. The cases of corruption in Racine are cut and dry - it would be easy for any junior level investigator and prosecutor - and it would open Pandora's box to the entire pattern and system behind Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. The real threat is not Trump draining the swamp - the real threat is Common Global Knowledge of the system behind Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. That is why David Seaman cannot screw this up for all of us.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

It's not the Freemasons. It's the Jesuits. Particularly the lesbians at Jesuit Georgetown.

Research Kristine Marcy. She is Hillary's handler.

herbsmoke ago

I agree all roads lead to rome, but the zionists and the pope work together...

remedy4reality ago

lol this guy makes great posts but he infused Racine Wis. as the center of evil in the world, in every post he makes.

it's amusing and confusing

truthvibe ago

but his/her persistence is making me more and more curious... Racine is on my radar now.

remedy4reality ago

I don't recall if he ever elaborated on what he knows, but yeah... I'm ready to hear it, too

truthvibe ago

See below my post right now!! @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt explains...

Ramona ago

He deleted his stuff after this:

Roy38 ago

Anyone else think of the movie Boiler room he went over the stuff about goldmoney?

B3nd3r ago

Thank you. This fits so perfectly.

equineluvr ago

I too am asking for at least ONE link. It's intriguing, and I am open minded.

Link, please? Thanks.

MolochHunter ago

ive even posted a couple of links to him asking if its what he's referring to, ive suggested he make a separate sub, nothing forthcoming.... hmmm

projection ago

Interesting stuff and we'll put. Thanks.

SilenceDoGood ago

If any of the morons on this subject even bothered to look at his latest video, he addresses the fact that he deleted his account to avoid hearing insults he is receiving on the platform. I'm no fan of his but you guys are jumping to conclusion because you are too lazy or ignorant to click a video play button.

Womb_Raider ago

Have you really been following him? He keeps crying "woe is me" the entire time. He hardly focuses on the facts. He often implies that the breakthroughs he reports on are his findings, when they're almost always not.

He tells the pizzagate story like a lunatic. George Webb is two hundred times more detailed, succinct, and to the point. Seaman's delivery is as bad as SaneGoat's.

equineluvr ago

It seems to be pandemic on YouTube (stealing the work of others).

As a trained/educated journalist, Seaman knows better than to plagiarize. Actually, anyone who graduated high school should know better!!!

The world is full of morons.

23eulogy23 ago

Remember that he did this a month ago to his Twitter. He will be back

Womb_Raider ago

Yeah, he suspended it and then reactivated and sperged out about losing followers, then they were slowly added back... which turns out to be the normal outcome (though odd).

I'm tired of his publicity stunts. It makes taking him seriously very difficult.

MolochHunter ago

he said he deleted his TWITTER account and then said he was PROUD and stands by each and every one of his videos

wecanhelp ago

Yeah, just go click that play button, all you fucking morons, on a video that... doesn't exist anymore... it doesn't matter, just click it anyway!!1

Ihsahn ago

Good. The guy is a fraud that never delivers on his promises.

Long_Knife ago

Didn't he celebrate bringing down the cabal a day or so ago

naturallyfree ago

He called it Over. The End..... dream on, saw his graphics following him on Gab

MolochHunter ago

the false bravado of a fragile, haunted man perhaps

Long_Knife ago

He had a post on twitter also showing him eating dinner and thanking everyone for helping him defeat the largest cabal in history or something a day or 2 ago but deleted it. It was posted here also. It feels more like someone who knows people are tired of his shit and just milking it for the last bit of clicks he can.

KittyTigerlily ago

I just checked his Twitter page and it's gone as well.

archons ago

He has been attacked pretty badly. We need to get pizzagate out more. I have some fb groups I share info on to a few thousand people. These shills hate it when you reach too big of an audience.

DustyRadio ago

Seaman could have very well done this himself. He is a drama queen to the nth degree.

Do his videos contain pertinent and crucial investigative work? Is it a huge loss to the PG movement or will it stall current investigation because these videos are gone?

Sorry, but I am sick of hearing about this dude, when we have real investigators out there doing quality work that gets drowned out with this guys antics.

MolochHunter ago

i get your point, has merit. But i think folks tend to ask Seaman to be the role of investigator. Hes more of a reporter. Not everyone can be an investigator. We actually need more reporters than investigators. We have enough evidence already to make a compelling case

you got your role, he got his. Or HAD, as it now appears, assuming it isnt a publicity stunt. But occams razor tells me its more likely he's suffering paranoia/fatigue/anxiety. I sure have at times and im a no-one in this thing

HunkaHunka ago

I agree. he probably had a final panic attack accompanied by some real threats and said 'to hell with it, it's not worth the trouble', and that's it. Either that or he was bribed . He's jewish, so there ya go. My bet it was a series of threats , followed by bribe, and he bailed. Wiped out all his involvement.

nitro169 ago

Maybe he got a job at the Washington Post under podesta

strix-varia ago

I agree about him being a reporter. I do think he's been talking about the rothchildren too much. That takes a lot of nerve. I wouldn't do it. And the children must be getting pissed.

Womb_Raider ago

He literally has already done this once.

MolochHunter ago

If you have a point to make about your perception of my motivations, then state it clearly. Otherwise go back to reading your subscription of Cucked Monthly

MolochHunter ago

and so he did. All signs of emotional stress and fatigue. Whats your point?

unrealisthenewreal ago

Especially, after what his friend posted about him. Sounds like he's going through some emotional/traumatizing stuff. There's a lot of haters, but I think he was trying to get the word out there...I'm sure that BuzzFeed article sent a lot of crazies his way.

Womb_Raider ago

Tired of hearing about Seaman. Fuck that guy. He made Pizzagate too much about himself, and too little about the real fucking story. I don't want to hear about that man anymore. He made the investigation look like a joke.

MolochHunter ago

WFT just click the link to Seaman's youtube and verify for yourself

MolochHunter ago

what do you mean everybody, who else did youtube delete?

MolochHunter ago

Looks like his VidMe account has also disappeared. His last Gab entry was a day or two ago

abortionburger ago

I....tweeted? at him on Gab. Gabbed at him? I don't know the verbage yet. Will report back if I hear anything.

icydays33 ago

Gaboobled? Gablabbed?

MolochHunter ago
