heywhatsgoingon ago

Everything is just extremely interconnected. No f'ing way this is all coincidence.

noisereducer ago

WHAT THE FUCK so sign69 opens up to a youtube channel with some really weird shit. Lots of random videos but there are a few with this girl playing soccer/washing the car with some voices. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTUXA1HDDog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd16nNC7lTc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tSIiBf0O-E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzx40njGQu0

Apperantly this guy is french? Are these his daughters? What the fuck is this shit???

noisereducer ago

Jesus christ this video just creeped me the fuck out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se_-JFwrnGQ

ConcernedParent2 ago

I found something else! You know tribe.net, that website that had some creepy shit and obvious pedos on it? Guess what, someonehad a blog on there and linked his sign69 website... http://web.archive.org/web/20110312015053/http://people.tribe.net/ionamiller/blog/216bf6d0-b687-4a77-b320-2146069a048e

Could be a bunch of weirdos and hippy "Nu age" artists, but leaving it here for informational purposes.

ConcernedParent2 ago

This man has another website and a blog.

Blog: http://sign69.blogspot.com/

website: medialounge.org

Use this WBM to dig: https://web.archive.org/web/20160105163614/http://www.medialounge.org/

Wayback machine shows it as a weird website with a flash interface and a weird navigation and weird art, and annoying audio transcript that I can't quite make out.

The first link you click on called "speak easy (telling it as it is...)" takes you to a flash animation of a baby with its mouth moving. A computer based woman starts speaking. I don't know what she is saying (It's late at night and I don't want to wake my husband up).

The next link "The greatest story ever told (broken fractals...)" takes you to a flash program that displays black and white movie backgrounds and scrolling text, along with an annoying audio transcript that I, again, can't make out. Click the program changes what movie is displayed in the background. Some are old, some are more current. The scrolling text is going by too fast for me to make out and copy. NSFW warning due to some sexual scenes from the movies.

The next link, "Video lala (way out west...)" takes you to a flash program that displays random dash and street cameras, with colorful dots floating around the screen. Random songs play in the backgrounds (mostly early 2000s music). I don't know what these locations are. A random date is in the corner.

The next link, "Eye candy (yantric yearnings...)" takes you to a flash program with some random patterns displayed. That's on his present day site. According to WBM, back in 2012 and all the way to 2015, it took you to a domain "love-machine.org" and displayed a blank flash program with a single tone in the background.

The next link, "Advertising space (mystic magazine...)" takes you to a flash program with four screens and a target mark on each one. Every time you click the target, you get a new picture and a new word. Some of these pictures feature kids and food. Some are obviously meant to be sexual. Some are pornographic (the pornographic ones appear to be adults). Definitely NSFW.

There is a scrolling french phrase under "Advertising space (mystic magazine...)", not sure what it says, can't speak french and it's too long to copy.

Next link is "Spam = maps (navigating chaotic systems...)". That sends you to http://www.ubercoolster.com/, which sends you to a creepy flash animation on sign69.com's website.

Using WBM, ubercoolster.com's first webpage just had this image: http://web.archive.org/web/20170215040013/http://ubercoolster.com/strike.jpg

Clicking that image takes you to a flash site that takes you a button that takes you to this man's blog: http://nlppractitionerr.blogspot.com/

I can't read what it says, it's in another language. But I did catch that the guy is involved in neuro-linguistic programming.

I have to go to bed now, hope this information is of use.

bibigirl_ ago

Philip wood

Selnee ago

Looked at a few photos. Yep it's all definitely very comet ping pongy.

Shepyd ago

This clip from sign69.com is the voice from the lead singer from Heavy Breathing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJhTK2aAwfE

dreamdigital ago

More evidence to add up to the stack of other evidence that doesn't surprise me anymore, but also doesn't cease to disturb.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

This site has a link to www.sign69.com

Another strange site!


noisereducer ago

That website has a Dan Sewall Ward on the bottom. He was a fucking US representative https://www.c-span.org/person/?danward January 1, 2000 - c. November 2, 2000



Sewall named citizen of the year "During his 23 years as pastor of New Hope Church, Sewell has placed an emphasis on serving the community. For that, the Fairview Park Community Council named him the 2012 Fairview Park Citizen of the Year."



Shepyd ago

How did you get from evolve happy to sign69?? I need to know fast!!!

neurofluxation ago

This one....

"A mother praying on top of a hotdog"

Site has a contact page. Also, it mails to p*****[email protected]. Redacted so it's not DOXing, you can see it in the source of the page itself.

Created and registered by http://medialounge.org/

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

I should have just trusted you

truthvibe ago

yep, i believe those brave enough to look... not going in.

neurofluxation ago


PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

appreciate it, not your fault though!

neurofluxation ago

No I mean, "sorry? I'm not sure what you are talking about"

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

oh, when I saw the quote of the mother/hot dog. I should not have gone any further than that.

neurofluxation ago

Wait, are you being a dick? But in a really round-a-bout way?
If you disagree, that's fine - but listen to the rest of the audio... Dead kids, food references, cooking of kids references, murder, torture...

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Noooo, I was being 'funny' I was just saying that I saw that crazy quote from the video you posted and I thought I should have just trusted you that the quote is in the film and not watch that shit myself. I was being funny that I should not have watched the video you linked and quoted. not being a dick.

neurofluxation ago

Ah sorry - misunderstanding :)

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Yeah, total misunderstanding but it happens, no worries! anyway, look at this article: http://freebeacon.com/national-security/former-obama-officials-loyalists-waged-campaign-oust-flynn/

BackAgain ago

Comet Ping Pong is what seals the deal for me

They have a clear fixation with babies and small children They have a clear fixation with satanic art and rituals

The fact the Podestas are friends with them. The fact Democrats hold meetings there. The fact Hillary had the food for her fundraiser from this obscure pizza shop. The fact the owner is for some reason considered the 49th most influential man in the United States most important city etc etc etc are all things that make them highly suspicious. I refuse to ever believe they aren't involved in some majorly fucked up shit

comeonpeople ago

The fact the Podestas are friends with them.

Alefantis and Tony Podesta are on the board of the same art gallery, because they both support the arts. Why wouldn't they be friends? Basically everyone in the city who makes art is friendly.

The fact Democrats hold meetings there.

You mean people who vote Democrat? The city is almost entirely Democrat.

The fact Hillary had the food for her fundraiser from this obscure pizza shop.

Bizarre mischaracterization. Alefantis is a liberal. Therefore he voted for Hillary. Therefore he had a little fundraiser for her in his restaurant. Hillary had nothing to do with it.

The fact the owner is for some reason considered the 49th most influential man in the United States most important city

By one writer for a men's fashion magazine, who probably just didn't think his readers would be interested in a list that was nothing but old-ass politicians and billionaires.

redditsuckz ago

Little Babies Ice Cream should seal the deal for anyone;




Little Babies Ice Cream Witchdoctor - “More Pulse-Pounding" video




Little babies ice cream Witchcraft vid;




Little babies eating Little Baby's




"pizza and babies best topping ever"


**Childs pizza underwear **



"you are what you eat" - child wearing pizza shirt



Congratulations its a pizza



mypizzabrain instagram - Former owner of Little Babies Ice Cream;


Pizza_clan w/ 20 thousand followers...20K fucking cannibals?


srayzie ago

A reply on the pizza underwear says: "Nice. Did you do that for your daughter, your niece or a stranger you stole around the corner"

remedy4reality ago

Welcome to November 2016 Pizzagate.

bFuddlez ago

karenrussell63 ago


Last-Modified: Sun, 25 Sep 2016 22:42:28 GMT

you'll need to view source because redirects our in place.

var locationlist = new URLList (



so they have 16,970 pages.

This page redirects you to a random page from above list.

stoppizzagatenow ago

Site 'sign69.com' is still live online. Someone needs to Archive the old site from web.archive.com and the current site. I spent 3 hours looking through the pages and it NEVER stops. Tons of very disturbing stuff, code, symbols, dead babies etc... Who owns it? A whois history record search could provide the answers.


If you want to stoppizzagatenow, you should probably see the entire iceberg:



on sign69.com at: http://www.sign69.com/medialounge/framer.html somewhere in this pile of hipstercrap there is a graphic that i remembered from one of the links at dr pong (the german ''partner'' of comet ping pong) website : http://goodandplenty.de/ sure enough it is the same graphic... the whole site has the same creepy feel and to me seems like its made y the same people


https://imgoat.com/v/2738 images because it is impossible to direct link..