EugeneNicks ago

Questions about Seaman are the seminal inquiries, certainly.

MattHelm ago

Seaman has been threatened with a giant lawsuit that he can't afford he will be ruined so he deleted his twitter and most of his youtube videos. Alex Jones is a coward he won't ever expose anything really dangerous he will lose too much money if he does. Paul Watson is also afraid to expose anything dangerous he used to report on 9-11 but no more and he won't ever mention pizzagate.

v4Zz ago

I believe David Seaman is genuine and he is just a dude trying to expose PG. The people I see on here attacking him for being a fraud don't really have a good argument other than attack him for promoting things he's interested in, because he's a human being making videos exposing PG and getting paid in the process makes him a shill or a fraud?


archons ago

Wow its almost like some people can be bought or dumb people be convinced on all these lies you fucks spread. Seaman has only ever spread the news. That's why you shills are so goddamn retarded. Seaman never brought new info to the table, he pushed the proof that already exists. It's ridiculous how desperate you cunts are to protect your pedophile murderous masters

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Watson is attempting to capitalize on the disappearance of Seaman to expand his audience.

Both Seaman and Watson are charlatans like Alex Jones looking to increase the size of their wallets and egos.

DryMartini ago

So Seaman is interested in self-promoting? Making money? Shocking! Bring out the smelling salts!!

Yeah, why would we want anyone on our side who's ambitious or is good at generating publicity? Better to have the message delivered by quiet, introspective types.

For fucks sake we have the entire corporate media up against us, can we make room for one guy with some media-savvy?

findingaway ago

David Seaman is real. Alex Jones is real. Wikileaks is real. Voat Pizza gate is real. We all are real. Just like Trump must be sure we are not divided we all must remember we must not be divided. There are many who want to disprove and divide us and we must remember we are all fighting for the same cause. Wikileaks did let us know to see about Ellison and Perez before Perez was elected DNC chair person. This is what I found in Wikileaks when I entered Ellison in search: I was shocked to read the contents of this email.

findingaway ago

We MUST stay united. We can not and should not turn our backs on others who have fought for the cause.

Ciscogeek ago

If David was needing to 'take a break' from all this. He would not have gone to the extent of PERMANENTLY DELETING ALL his videos from Youtube and Vidme, IN ADDITION to deleting his Twitter. He would have just left shit up, and maybe put out a tweet or message on Gab about taking time off.

Instead the biggest possible red flag exit goes on and the disinfo squads flood in to steer us away from even investigating.

Random vague unverifiable messages surface,supposedly from him saying he's fine. Bullshit. Those actions are not how 'fine' people act.

There is more to this.

A very good comment from user Saibra:

I'm sorry, but reading these comments irks me. First of all, why would you wish harm on another human being? Whether you like him or not, we all have a common goal, to stop children from getting hurt. He's on our team, we can't berate each other. That's what they want. They want us to turn on each other. We are a team and need to stay a team or they will pick us off, one by one. I will put David in my prayers. I may not agree with his tactics or some of his views, but his heart has always been in the right place. Stop making this about personalities but about the children we are trying to save. Don't let them divide and conquer us, because that's what you are doing, and that's EXACTLY what they want.

IlluminatiKing ago

He's fine (Okay, not really fine, but more like very close to jacking it in San Diego). He just needs a break.

Insubordinate ago

"it's taken a toll on my soul" says Seaman. Certainly, Seaman was smart enough to know exactly what can of worms he was opening by investigating and reporting on PG? Get too close to the flame and you'll get burned. Just look at what's happening to numerous accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, YouTube, etc.

sawn ago

You weren't rude or dismissive. I don't know why he'd be so personally enraged with your comment unless he's a Seaman alt account.

This is what David does. Like I said 2 weeks ago:

Rightfight ago

Woosh, I think you are missing the point

21yearsofdigging ago

Probably. A good friend of mine died today and I am devastated. Can't think straight

Rightfight ago

I know ,why don't we do absolutely nothing!? Trump is part of the NWO, Alex Jones is a gate keeper , David Seaman is trying to make money , PJW is a Shill . VOAT is compromised , Reddit is CIA. Annonymous is CIA. Jullian Assange and Wikileaks are compromised . FFS give me a break. Fucking genius . At least we are no fools to no one then :-(

archons ago

Go. Fuck. Yourself. Shill.

ArmedExorcist ago

Our fight against pedophiles is a war. War makes things simple: we are either dealing with enemies or with allies. No matter how flawed, lost, panicked and deluded David Seaman is, he is an ally. If he can spread the word about the pizzagate paradigm shift and bring awareness to even one person, he's on our side. Divide and conquer is a strategy older than war itself. Don't fall for it.

roundhouse1776 ago

Yeah, even though my post was hastily/sloppily written, it seems to have started a snowball effect of people waking up to Seaman's scam. Other people are doing much more in-depth, detailed, objective analysis of Seaman's con. Such as this video:

21yearsofdigging ago

Yes, I think I am

srayzie ago

Why does he think Seaman is missing? What happened?

rippingtheveil ago, It's important to fight for our first amendment, it's time to stand up and keep fighting for each other

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Everyone that donated to his "cause" should be able to sue him for fraud.

Fuck that shyster.

privatepizza ago

Absolutely. Who would have the motivation to create a video-slander of David Seaman otherwise? I mean... one has to wonder.

Each and every time he's mentioned on here we have 1 hour, 5 hour, 10 hour accounts, users we've never seen before rock up and take over the thread with pre-formatted slander posts on David which all look the same. I mean it's prettttty obvious they've been after him for a while, and desperately trying to get the community against him.

Personally I'm wary of anyone who has a bad post / bad thing to say about DS. He's on our side, regardless of his style, and any one who says otherwise has to be treated with heavy suspicion imho.

privatepizza ago

You think you're gonna play us? And who are you, exactly?

throwaway345678 ago

Just to be clear: I am not endorsing PJW or Seaman by posting that topic, I just thought it was an interesting development for this subject. That's all.

Did not mean to inference support to either of those two, who I consider to be shills.

reasonedandinformed ago

I have not seen the video, but I have been suspicious of Steele anyway since he proposed that we should just forgive and forget in the interest of peace, which is wrong. These people need to pay for their crimes. So on Steele, I would agree to totally challenge him. My point is that @Whatisgoinon seems to be on the attack against anyone who has made public statements about pizzagate. Even if they have character flaws, a lot of good has come from their exposure. Is there ANYONE who you support who has publicly advocated that pizzagate is real and needs investigation??

21yearsofdigging ago

Wow. So many haters

Empire_of_the_mind ago

shills - good sign, means you're on to something.

Ciscogeek ago

Yep, look at all the account ages, easy to spot. we're at the 0-3mo mark now for major shillage.

TabiCatTwo ago

The more we are focused on seaman and pizza..The less we are focused on the foundations and corporations that are stealing, raping, and selling our children. They want us running in circles over seaman.

2BuckChuck ago

How exactly does a nothing, disappear? He did no work and no "investigative research" on Pizzagate. He read what other people "found" or more accurately posted. He spent more time on his videos talking about the "journalist" he used to be, than he actually did doing any journalism.
what he DID do, was exploit religious people and their beliefs of good vs evil. And that was the only smart thing he has ever one. (smart does NOT = good) The day David posted his "Lookit me I'm at the superbowl!" video, which was a week after his "woe is me paypal and youtube cut off my funds and now I'm destitute!", video, I sat there in utter disbelief of this guys arrogant stupidity. And then I was even more surprised by his viewers inability to connect those dots. They came to him even faster, and his "donations" skyrocketed.
GOD was now on his side, and this fight became a HOLY one. I thought, holy hell, this is insanity . And the people are lapping it up!! "................Things are unraveling fast now boy!...."

strix-varia ago

Yes, "look at me at the superbowl" was almost enough to turn me off, but kept watching. "2017 Rocks" was a disturbing title, because it isn't, in terms of pizzagate. And then the newsletter: "For my 31st bday later this month, I was going to go to Paris with someone. When my travel partner backed out, I decided I'd do an ayahuasca journey in central America instead. Costa Rica, to be exact, in the rainforest.

I had it locked in and was going to go March 1st to the 6th, but people close to me have made a convincing - if mundane - argument to stay stateside instead.

It's the first time in my life where people have said "You can't do that, you have too many responsibilities."

That's never really happened before. At least not convincingly! You can always shirk your bourgeoisie responsibilities for a day or two.

"The administration probably wouldn't want to see you reviewing psychedelic teas in Costa Rica."

I though wtf, what about pizzagate, you don't really care, man. You're taking people's money (not a penny of mine though).

And then finally, talking about God and last but not least, the expose video that called him out.

That is why he is gone, I believe. He's been found out.


Who dafuq is paul watson?

huhhh ago

I unsubbed from PJW a month or so ago. Fuck these limited hangouts

redditsuckz ago


Paul Joseph Watson on Jews

You guys are running out of "saviors"...

reasonedandinformed ago

Just because you see several people attacking those who have been public about pizzagate DOES NOT make it true. Be skeptical of those making the attacks as CTR is known to attack leaders of the opposing side to create dissension. Look at each case, based on the evidence that you see, and do not rely upon the assessment of others. Put yourself in the shoes of those who want to stop this movement: Is it not a good strategy to attack those who have been most vocal?? Look at what happened with Milo and others who have been public. Speaking out publicly puts you on the CTR hit list. It does not mean we must trust all that are the public face, but to the extent they have helped pizzagate/pedogate gain visibility, they have been an asset in growing awareness.

reasonedandinformed ago

I understand. I have not seen before this story about Steele and cannot comment on whether it is true. Some have suspected him for disinfo. That is why I had said "some truth mixed in" as some of his suspicions may be warranted. The flag I am raising is that he is literally calling out virtually anyone who has been public about pizzagate (Seamon, Steele, Watson, AJ), yet he just formally set up an account 19 hours ago, and he did not provide real substance for all of the attacks. When you start to see a strong push attacking all those on the public front about pizzagate, you have to question truth and motives of those making the attacks. Is there anyone who has been very public about this issue (and the names are few) who @Whatisgoinon would not attack? CTR is known for this exact thing...going after leaders of the opposition to create confusion and demoralize.

Disgusted-Lurker ago

I think Alex Jones kept PJW away from Pizzagate.

If you watched Alex Jones' video from last night, he basically says that he told people not to cover it because the facts were incomplete (and a lot of disinformation around).

I think Alex Jones is taking off the gloves now that he is being threatened by Brock, Podesta, Alefantes, and company.

I suspect we will start seeing Pizzagate coverage on Infowars now.

Paul Joseph Watson is one of the good guys.

stellarcorpse ago


21yearsofdigging ago

Ill informed about some things like the cause of Paul Walker's car crash but yeah, Watson is okay.

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Certainly interesting that Paul Walker was actively involved in Haiti relief before his death.

Didn't know PJW had talked about it.

OrwellKnew ago

Paul Joseph Watson is one of the good guys

Definitely agree here

Azagthoth ago


e-traiu ago

u people are terrible at your job smearing Seaman.

all this resistance only confirms something is up. again.

pitchforks are coming for u satanic bastards

huhhh ago

He smeared himself dummy.

e-traiu ago

Seaman got the word out to a bigger audience. That is significant. Who the fuck cares about his personal agenda. I belive he dislikes pedo satanists. thats wnough.

huhhh ago

You are being far too easy on him. He does a shit job of covering pizzagate and he does so purposely imo. Just watch the latest expose on him from New World Agenda. Overwhelming consensus is that he's a big ol' phony.

privatepizza ago

Sharia Blue, your copy-pasta is boring now. Change the manual page.

reasonedandinformed ago

You joined 19 hours ago, and all you have done is attack people who have been publicly involved in trying to expose the pedoelite. What makes you an expert on these matters? There may be some truth mixed in, but you are literally going after anyone who has a public face to pizzagate. This is a known CTR tactic to create confusion, infighting, and distrust among those who are investigating.

21yearsofdigging ago


BackAgain ago

Two scenarios

  1. I think David Seaman felt it was a real possibility he was going to be sued by Alefantis or any of the other people he's been talking about as it has been thrown around that Alex Jones might be sued. He deleted all his videos except for one with Trump. I'm pretty sure he deactivated his twitter as I cant find it. He's trying to get rid of everything.

  2. Its just another part of his act. So far we've had A)His supposed friend being murdered. B)People following him C)His pinned tweets claiming someone was going to kill him and now D)His "Disappearance"

I cant believe people still believe his BS

srayzie ago

I haven't heard of C or D until today. What pinned tweets about killing him? Why are people thinking he disappeared?

21yearsofdigging ago

Go home

archons ago

Not only do the shill who attack Seaman say he's disinfo, they say every single person in the media talking about pg is disinfo. Really makes ya think.

21yearsofdigging ago

yeah no shit. Trash talk anyone speaking about it?? Shills and shit, shillls and shit(wish I had a tiny recording studio) Shills and shit, not much more than shills and shit

reasonedandinformed ago

Exactly. The guy who argued all those making more public comments about PG are shills (@Whatisgoinon) just created his account 19 hours ago on Voat. He has the audacity to question how a video can be made so quickly, yet he is a new arrival. Very suspicious, and I think you and I are onto the truth about the CTR strategy to create dissension within the ranks.

jenidaninja ago

to me Seaman isn't helping the pizzagate investigation/movement. He's a leech and by claiming to be the "king of pizzagate" really does harm because of his reputation.

Tanngrisnir ago

Except he never claimed to be the pizzagate king. A crappy buzzfeed article called him that.

jenidaninja ago

You need to revisit his tweets. He acts like he's behind the entire investigation...I believed him for a while.

p0ssum ago

Its what he does, watch the first video in the post above yours ... it's pretty damning.

TabiCatTwo ago

Paul Watson just lost credibility by even asking this question. Why did Seaman disappear? to get attention, that's why.

21yearsofdigging ago

Wow, so judgemental. And you, who the fuc are you??

OrwellKnew ago

Can't agree here. Maybe PJW is calling DS out by this tweet. He left it open ended

huhhh ago

PJW is an asset just like AJ and Seaman...

OrwellKnew ago

Look, I don't discount that possibility. Was Biggs an asset too? He left InfoWars

21yearsofdigging ago


huhhh ago

Good question. I don't know what the story there is.

OrwellKnew ago

David has stated he was shutting down his Twitter in response to the massive hate he was getting

21yearsofdigging ago

Well yeah, can you fucing blame him?? This HATE he goes through here when he should be someone we tolerate. Okay he ain't perfect but who the fuc are any of you?

privatepizza ago

Notice its all users who never post and have just joined, who do all the DS hating on here. Yawn...

OrwellKnew ago

No I don't "blame" him. It's his account to do what he pleases with. I have in the past praised DS for raising awareness. But that doesn't mean he is above valid criticism. We all should take constructive criticism, it makes us better

21yearsofdigging ago

okay, fair enough

p0ssum ago

That was his excuse, but watch this video and you know why he needed to take a break so suddenly. You can take a break without making all of your videos private .... he's covering and hiding.

OrwellKnew ago

Interesting...I will take a closer look

Vox_Pacem ago

I think a lot of people are following him that we don't know about.. infowars dropped pizzagate a while back, but it looks like they're still looking into it. Shroyer tweeted about it. Rebel media just did a bit about it. Milo just did a quick video about clinton and epsitien on his FB page (he was gonig to do a whole thing on it but was told to back off). It might look like Seaman is a lone voice, but since he went dark, a lot of people have been asking about him that didn't appear to be following pizzagate. Hopefully the independent journalists are pulling the info they've gotten so the actual narrative that will soon be discussed can't be dismissed with false theories put out by researchers... OR, the social media/deep state are trying to squelch public awareness about the subject as much as they can before arrests start getting made. That way they can spin the action anyway they want while censoring the citizen journalists/sleuths... The fact that McCain just got figured out is a huge revelation

huhhh ago

Pizzagate should have been Infowars wet dream come true. Their silence has been deafening.

stellarcorpse ago


IlluminatiKing ago

Infowars was attacked right away by the MSM. They even twisted AJ words to create the narrative that Hillary was sex trafficking through a pizza shop.

huhhh ago

All theatre imo. Make Infowars the standard of "truthers" and then when people are directed to him they get half the story, and a sketchy snakeoil salesman to boot. And there you have it, "Pizzagate is just an insane conspiracy theory".

stellarcorpse ago

11 year follower of AJ. No More. All because of his this. And how he refuses to look into Alefantis and keeps claiming he is innocent when he is likely banging his god daughter and heaven knows what other children,

V____Z ago

Why can't everyone be like you?

stellarcorpse ago

thank you but I'm a pretty fucked up mess. Smart though.

Chasnigga ago

Yeah, I think pulling the McCain thread will help unravel a ton of details. He's a shifty fucker with skeletons galore and when his secrets start to get aired out, the establishment will start to panic even more. McCain/Clinton Foundations are a lynchpin.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Why are we still talking about this fake, Seaman!

jenidaninja ago

No idea. People are really sincere when defending him which makes me question human gullibility. He needs to remove himself from the pizzagate movement for the sake of the movement.

strix-varia ago

I can vouch for human's huge for some.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I totally agree!

derram ago :

Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter: "Why did David Seaman disappear?"

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