cantsleepawink ago

Not surprised about that at all. Cut from the same cloth courtesy Soros policies.

equineluvr ago

Further evidence that this is BS: The ENTIRE Pizzagate subforum is listed rather than the specific webpage.

dogeminho ago

A more direct link to pizzagate. Someone needs to make a meme

mysecretidentity ago

No one should use Google anyway

User890020 ago

I just made a similar post on reddit.

It got shadowbanned within minutes.

reasonedandinformed ago

Get this trending on twitter: #Censorship #SaveTheKids

  • In the meantime, can we fight this blatant censorship? I do not see how they can block the entire sub for some anime infringement. Knowing how CTR and ShareBlue work, they would try to "plant" things that cause our takedown. Is the quick fix to remove "offending" content to be dropped from this list? Any lawyers here to help?

  • In the meantime, I had created a workaround strategy to deal with pizzagate censors using another community on Voat. I explain it here, but you basically want to direct people to come to this page, which makes no reference to pizzagate but will get them here.

I plan to repost this as a separate thread given the huge google blocking.

pbvrocks ago

Bahahaha...these people are idiots! Once lawsuits are filed then highly indicative of wrong doing minimally...but also OPENS THEM UP TO DEPOSITIONS and further legal actions...I am sure there are attorneys on here who can elaborate more than I..but this is GOODA!

podestakilledmyson ago

looks like its showing up on google search right now.. did they backpedal when we found out what they were doing?

LostandFound ago

Holy feck its true google pizzagate, were gone - get the word out !

cantsleepawink ago

I would bet that the lawyer behind this, Carrie A Goldberg, has some interesting family connections...just sayin...

chelseaclinton ago

Discussing facts that involve a person bringing harm to public infrastructure being ruled defamation is a tall order. But that doesn't mean they won't try it. If they do we'll use it to bring even more attention to this major issue.

redditsuckz ago

The ad is archived here on v/pizzagate;

Bernd and The Mystery of Unteralterbach ad on the bottom of page;

I wonder who ran this add also...


GoBackToReddit ago

the official website for 'GATE' includes a representative list at the below url:

Clinker ago

Can somebody explain this a little better? What does copyright takedown of Anime have to do with pizzagate?

chelseaclinton ago

tldr; Company owns rights to a creative work. Company contracts with a "rights management" company to make sure noone is pirating their work. Rights company sends Google a list of web addresses to remove from its index because they pirate that work, and slip in the Voat Pizzagate verse. Google succeeds in censoring another source of Pizzagate investigation. EXCEPT, @throwaway948238 caught it, and discovered the rights company is linked to the Clintons and Democrat pedos.

Edit: How was including "/v/pizzagate" in a list of pirated anime web addresses "justified"? remembered an ad was run on the subverse 2 months ago discussed in "Bullshit. It's fucking pedo art. It's a fucking setup." Ty to @podestakilledmyson for the reminder to add this part.

podestakilledmyson ago

i think you missed something. Most people would read that and wonder why this company has rights for the term "/v/pizzagate" in the first place, right? Can you explain that part too? It has something to do with an advertisement, right?

throwaway948238 ago

They don't, the rights management company just claimed they did in a notice to Google, and since they're a known copyright takedown company, Google didn't catch it since it was hidden in a list of other "real" takedowns.

cantsleepawink ago

....or at least that's what they can claim.

GeorgeT ago

I forgot about that. It was a pedo game!

chelseaclinton ago

"Bullshit. It's fucking pedo art. It's a fucking setup." That was prescient looking back on it.

Vindicator ago

Nice catch, people. It probably was a plant. @throwaway948238, make sure you add this to your post at ProtectVoat. They need to know about this.

chelseaclinton ago

@Vindicator Do you know how it could be tracked down?

chelseaclinton ago

That's possibly a bombshell. Does anyone have a screen shot of the ad and information on who ran it? It would be nice if Voat admins could find out and release it.

fartnigger ago

No screenshot, but there is a big thread about it:

Bernd and the Mystery of Unteralterbach

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Given that Google is evil, could this Texas company be a sock puppet of Google/Skynet?

throwaway89209834 ago

I pretty much isolated the list keyword by keyword and the voat link is the only link that is not related to anime.

I wonder how often they do stuff like this. It reminds me of law makers embedding some ridiculous law or provision in a 1000+ page bill that nobody really reads.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

You have "kamestu" twice (and "kametsu" once).

Great work. Prior to seeing your results, I was wondering about the list being all about anime, and the word "gate" is in the mix too; I thought maybe a bunch of "gate" URLs got swept up. You have shown that that's not the case.

(FTR, I know nothing about anime other than that it's popular with a lot of the whippersnappers lately. I have no idea who/what a kametsu/kamestu is.)

throwaway89209834 ago

You have "kamestu" twice (and "kametsu" once).

Been up for 18 hours, its a sign to hit the sack, kamestu is the right filter.

I know nothing about anime

Me neither, I just kept adding words to the list, and even checked a few of them like the deathmatchzone link which is still an anime stream, till the voat link was the only one left.

throwaway948238 ago

Literally the only one, holy shit. I mean, if you're going to try to hide it, at least do it with a bunch of other random controversial content to make your target unclear.

palmitespo910 ago

I am in total awe.

racoonbite ago

yup. just searched, besides wikipidia being first, then mostly msm, and a couple misinfo sites. this

In response to a complaint that we received under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we have removed 2 result(s) from this page. If you wish, you may read the DMCA complaint that caused the removal(s) at

Tyranny-News-Network ago

You seem to know a lot about Google's implementation of DMCA. Do you know whether it's possible to dispute a claim as a "User" of a service such as Voat? I'm aware that a real ID must accompany.

throwaway948238 ago

Only from my reading relating to this, I was super surprised to find out that in the US it's not only illegal to host the content, but also to link to it, which amplified my interest.

Looks like you have to be the verified owner of the site in Google Webmaster Tools to issue a counter notice (basically claiming that it wasn't infringing)

Even with the UK being anti-piracy central we don't have a no-questions-asked instant takedown process, that sounds nuts even as a suggestion, and for linked content as well?

Tyranny-News-Network ago

Google itself has only a month or so back reported as much as 90% of pages blocked by a DMCA claim don't even exist. Just trigger finger claimants. I think 40% of claims are reported as false, or whatever term they used. It's an epidemic being written about that will likely overshadow any sentiment we might garner for this example.

BTW, thanks for your answer. Using Google Webmaster pretty much it's a Voat Corp. issue.

anon8798978668 ago

The pigs are running scared! An enemy will use all available weapons in a conflict as necessary... -More and more attacks are only evidence of their growing fear!!! The more they try to censor us the more we will uncover and God-willing, they will pay for their crimes.

meowski ago

The link is there. No link to straight

Tyranny-News-Network ago

OK, so that at least confirms there's no flat de-indexing of the subverse. The target should be disputing all claims linking here then, which may require Voat staff be notified of each. DMCA gone wild.

throwaway948238 ago

Yep, not full delisting, although from a US VPN it seems in related terms where pizzagate previously outranked news sites it's dropped substantially.

Also all of the archive links relating to ccwoolman's pizza instagram children posts have been deranked.

redditsuckz ago

I wonder why she would want a pic taken down of her baby with men making references to raping the baby in the butt?

Photo of baby in hammock

She should not have allowed that photo in the first place.

In_Cog_Nito ago

@meowski means the /new link is in the Google search results, but the direct link in the DMCA notice is not.

throwaway948238 ago

Got it, oddly it's not for me.

In_Cog_Nito ago

It shows up 3rd for me, and no mention of DMCA takedowns.

throwaway948238 ago

Interesting, that's how it was for me previously (in the UK), just tried on US VPN in incognito Chrome and got this.

chelseaclinton ago

I noticed what I think is intentional sliding going on to suppress this thread and I've reported it to the mods

JustObserving ago

If people don't believe there's something about pizzagate just show them the censorship going on.

nomorepepperoni ago

Too true. Ben Swann is case in point to this. Discusses 9/11, Sandy Hook, Syria, chats with Alex Jones, no problems. Discusses PG, BOOM! And that's on top of how hard the MSM throws around strawman arguments about PG and goes way out of their way to talk about how fake it is.

duhiki ago

Can we get it trending? I rather like the #GoogleProtectsPedophiles hashtag.

GeorgeT ago

That was my first thought. I like it. Google loves pizza.

redditsuckz ago

I rather like the #GoogleProtectsPedophiles hashtag.

Its true...they are all in on it...

Twitter, Google/Youtube, Microsoft, Facebook are Connected to NMCEC by Vice President John Shehan of INHOPE

chelseaclinton ago

#RelistRape is another option. Edit: Formatting

chelseaclinton ago

@Millennial_Falcon would you mind bringing some attention to this? I'm sorry to disturb you but this is important and with it being late in the US it could miss out on due notice.

Vindicator ago

I am flairing this thread "IMPORTANT" due to the subtle and pervasive censorship and nasty use of the law as a weapon against Voat.


throwaway948238 ago

Unfortunately I'm in Western Europe, so I didn't consider the time of posting relative to US users, just shocked that this happened yesterday and goes virtually unnoticed.

This also has the side effect of penalizing /v/pizzagate and Voat in general in Google Results due to their DMCA deranking policy. Only way to include /v/pizzagate directly in search results again is for someone who has access to the Voat domain directly to submit a counter-notice to Google stating that this subverse is not "copyrighted anime television broadcasts".

Otherwise, the page will be permanently deindexed and pages sharing a similar URL will be deranked, which is likely the desired result.

Thanks for your support and assistance in making this known, pretty sure this is an event approaching media attention levels.

chelseaclinton ago

Given its effect to I think you should bring attention to it in a general voat verse. Link back to this thread so users can see everything in context.

throwaway948238 ago

Will do, please feel free to link to it as well in any way you see fit (directly to archive URL's with your own context, thread, etc.)

It looks like there's a pattern as well, a law firm was hired in December 2016 to take down archives of "carisjames" and the well known to Pizzagate "ccwoolman" Instagram posts, which appears to be successful as well.

This appears to be bigger than I originally thought and probably a semi effective censorship tactic for making the details nearly impossible to find.

Vindicator ago

Nice research, throwaway. Please make a post on v/ProtectVoat. You may want to ping PuttItOut, big boss of Voat.

@Crensch: pinging your attention to this thread about Voat being censored on other sites in a sophisticated manner due to pizzagate investigation, in case you think big goats should know. In addition to what OP describes above, I know no longer allows archiving of Facebook pages of any Podesta family members. That happened a few days ago. Also, a very hot thread we had on here a few days ago about how to redpill people linked to helpful info in Scott Adams' blog posts about cognitive dissonance in climate change arguments. The next day, he tweeted that visits to his site had been throttled from 300 per minute after a new blog post to just 4 because he was for some reason being shadowbanned by Twitter. This was the same day Twitter locked or banned numerous pizzagate researcher accounts that mentioned Brian Podesta, an IT guy at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, who for some odd reason has Top Secret National Security clearance. NCMEC is the national clearinghouse for child porn and partners with all the big Internet forums to automatically remove such material (and supposedly report it to law enforcement). That same day, there was also that massive AWS outage. The last time we had one of those, Julian Assange was dumping the Podesta emails and getting his Internet privileges cut off. Hard to believe that is a coincidence.

Crensch ago

@Crensch: pinging your attention to this thread about Voat being censored on other sites in a sophisticated manner due to pizzagate investigation, in case you think big goats should know.

Not entirely sure what you mean.

Anyone at all can make a post to PV about these kinds of things. What you're talking about sounds on-topic, though you may have to walk us plebs through the connections and context there.

chelseaclinton ago

That connects a lot of dots. Especially about which I'll now treat as compromised. Do you know of a reliable alt?

Vindicator ago

Voat just developed one. If you look around, you'll find it. Probably in v/announcements.

chelseaclinton ago

I searched the subverse but didn't find it. If you come across it please share.

Vindicator ago

It's right in the sidebar of v/ProtectVoat. Here's the link:

Crensch ago

That's an archive website? Thought it was just an image host.

Vindicator ago

My bad. I thought @chelseaclinton was looking for an image host alternative.

chelseaclinton ago

With having problems and probably being compromised I'd like to find an alternative to it, so a webpage archiver not image host.

throwaway948238 ago

Thanks! Will do, surprisingly I didn't even know the details of how DMCA's work until I found the censorship notice at the bottom of the "pizzagate" search results.

Regarding limitations on Podesta related facebook accounts, I'm not sure if you saw my edit but the lawyer was actually reaching out to them directly on Twitter. (note, this is the same lawyer who works at the "sexual consent" law firm and submitted the DMCA for ccwoolman "baby eating pizza" archive / Google links etc.

Her DMCA complaint archive link is here:

cantsleepawink ago

That law firm seems to be working closely with the Washington Post. Here's an article tweeted by Lieberman and written by another attorney at that firm

chelseaclinton ago

Interesting information. I linked to the thread from

throwaway948238 ago

What does this mean?

/v/pizzagate is no longer shown in Google results for the term pizzagate, a notice linking to the copyright takedown is at the bottom of the page.

Who directly behind this?

The takedown service is owned by a partner at a Texas patent/copyright troll law firm, who appears to have attended the DNC. They own several other services besides "Remove Your Media, LLC" with names such as "Removeyourcontent, LLC" and "Copyright Defense Agency, LLC"

Other Activities

The owner of the law firm, Stone & Vaughan, also has a long history of being involved with distribution of pornography. In a public example, he partnered with several adult production companies to collect data to sue downloaders and split the profits

Other Notes

This is a huge network, with address sharing overlapping several Clinton / Podesta affiliated companies yet to be explored. Searching any of the company names above leads to address history which could be used to analyze connections.


Another huge example of DMCA-use for censorship, this lawyer writes a DMCA notice on behalf of a client deindexing archive links to Comet Pizza related instagram caches and searches for the well known "ccwoolman", descriptions of the images by the lawyer are obviously the ones we're all well aware of, for example:

  • Photo of baby eating pizza

  • Photo of 2 men with pizza covering child

etc, claiming they're property of her client (clearly indicating that this is likely ccwoolman or an associate)

She even attempts to reach out to them on Twitter to try to get the content removed. on behalf of "C.A. Goldberg Law" a "sexual consent law firm" (WTF?) focused on "de-anonymizing social media profiles"

Millennial_Falcon ago

I don't understand. I just did a google search, and it shows up.

redditsuckz ago

"bucks fishing and camping myspace" as a google search doesnt return the link either. Only on Bing and Yahoo.

The exact link search shows up in google when searched;

Just not those specific words. So its like bucks fishing and camping myspace doesnt exist when searched on google.

Google Search - No Myspace link;

Yahoo Search - No Myspace link

Bing Search - Myspace link Found

Duck Duck Go Search - Myspace link Found;

cantsleepawink ago

I would bet that the lawyer behind this, Carrie A. Goldberg, has some interesting family connections.

chelseaclinton ago

I wouldn't be surprised.

cantsleepawink ago

The problem is that we have a network of technology companies, media and law firms all neatly interwoven and many useful idiots within the network who have been brainwashed by Open Society doctrine. Many are simply pawns for the deep state. How does one get this across to the sleeping public ?

keeper1 ago

Just throwing in a few words of encouragement here when I say that we don't have to get this across to everybody in the sleeping public. We're just working to get to The Hundredth Monkey. ( And given the censorship and all the other goings on around this topic, I think we're either almost there or we've reached it already and are just waiting to see the awareness translate into the actions that will demonstrate that.

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks. Can be frustrating. Hope you are right.

chelseaclinton ago

We have to make the case airtight with irrefutable evidence and then communicate it in simple ways to regular people, causing enough public demand to support the DOJ in bringing down those implicated. Evidence -> Case -> Communicate -> Prosecute. Edit: Spelling

redditsuckz ago


(((Lindsay Lieberman)))

(((Carrie A. Goldberg)))

(((Goldberg Law)))

I hope that doesnt open up any Anti-Defamation lawsutis...:(


Carrie Goldberg's piece for the Washington Post on Comet Ping Pong;

Carrie is unprofessionally feisty;

Lawyer bitch has no lenses with her glasses?...I guess it makes her look...smarter?

RANT: Sony Hack Isn't About Free Speech, It's About Private Speech

Here is a questionable pedo ad on Voat - bottom right;

Why is Voat advertising for Bernd and The Mystery of Unteralterbach on this page! It is a known erotic game for PEDOPHILES!!!

HopeStillFlies ago

Hi. Don't conflate actual child abuse with drawings.


chelseaclinton ago


redditsuckz ago


Oh nothing...just the ones behind pizzagate and its coverup.

chelseaclinton ago

No my question was about "Anti-Defamation", what's your point because I don't get it.

chelseaclinton ago - archive link for "he partnered with several adult production companies to collect data to sue downloaders and split the profits"

chelseaclinton ago

This could open them to interest and additional investigation from people motivated by an uncensored free internet. This could potentially be their greatest miscalculation to date. The information should be spread to certain corners of the internet. Edit: I would upvote your comment and post but my karma is drained from nailing shills all day.

chelseaclinton ago

Confirmed. This is something.