Kwijibo ago

They (if you are talking about Fakebook and Twitter) can censor anything they want.

reasonedandinformed ago

Understood. Censoring #SaveTheKids if far more of a problem for them than #pizzagate.

wizlord ago

I have an idea: Hurt them where it hurts. I heard about using #Jesus, how about using names like UNICEF, RedCross, or maybe even corporations that are either for our message or maybe those that are against. What so you guys think?

reasonedandinformed ago

SaveTheKids can really not meet resistance. Blocking it will open the eyes of a massive number of people. Unicef and RedCross have their own levels of corruption. I expect we will find that these sick pedo rings have infected them as they play heavily with NGOs and those supposedly set up to help those in need.

wizlord ago

Yes of course all these big orgs who are "helping" and "saving" the kids are the ones implicated in smuggling and selling them for rape and sacrifice.

IsThisThingSafe ago

Change it to #savetheblackkids and I think you have a home run! Haha

Savethekids_pgate ago

Great idea! Changed my handle.

IsThisThingSafe ago

I love this idea. No one could censor that in this PC age.

reasonedandinformed ago

You got it. Pizzagate was the start but the name is not obvious, is open to questions, and has been tarnished. We need new strategies to get people to just see things for themselves. I have never really used twitter and started hitting it tonight. In about 10-15 minutes. I am getting massive response, retweets, likes when I post just this:

This issue is not political. #SaveTheKids You need to look into this:

I have jumped onto the various news sites and also hit trending topics. We need to push this. It is working.

More people are waking up to this. We need them to know it is non partisan and is about helping children from terrible abuse and worse.

reasonedandinformed ago

We may be making some headway. I called Michelle Malkin's investigative team ( last week to point them here. Michelle ( just retweeted this:

CJJacobs ago

I like this idea! DO IT!

postfascion ago

Write #savethekids (and or related hashtags) on money too.

reasonedandinformed ago

Unreal. Efforts to promote visibility of abuse of kids to the broader world by avoiding censorship, and I get two downvotes. I guess the counter here is a visitor count for CTR scum.

smokratez ago

Doesn't even have to be ctr. There are pedos and satanists on voat.

CJJacobs ago

I don't know if funneling here is a good idea know, compromised and all...

reasonedandinformed ago

We are trying to build the community where it currently stands. If you know of other good portals/central places with fact-based platforms, there is no reason not to funnel people there as well with #SaveTheKids as our goal will be a shared one with people on the same mission.

CJJacobs ago

We would need to build one. I have been in touch with a tech guy in California (who has an established presence online before all this broke) who may be able to put one together for us. Would need to be crowdfunded or something.

reasonedandinformed ago

Right. For now it works. If VOAT goes down, we will re-dploy. It will be an ongoing strategy, but I think #SaveTheKids is a long-term hashtag for some obvious reasons. If they try to block that and we can expose the fact, the outrage will explode. They can't reasonably taint that tag, especially when it lands on a fact-based platform that reveals the truth that the MSM and elites have been actively hiding.

CJJacobs ago

It is a good hashtag, I agree.

MeatballPizza ago

Agree. Perhaps we can look at trending items on Twitter and then piggyback to get exposure.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes...the stealth go-between place to link the trending term is

I am not big on social media, so it is my idea on HOW to do it, but I hope those who play heavily in the space take advantage of this or similar approaches to get around the censorship and shadowbans of pizzagate.

reasonedandinformed ago


  • #SaveTheKids is an easy way to summarize our goal, and who is not interested in that? It must link to the redirect site. Point it to a landing page where people can arrive (avoid pizzagate due to ongoing censorship). Then point here. If you want, you can point to my redirect site right now since it is ready and pointing to our platform:

dontsuicidemebro ago

It's a great hashtag too because this isn't about a handful of individuals, this is about child trafficking. If Alefantis were completely exonerated tomorrow we'd still be digging on so many other leads. The perpetrators aren't the point, the point is that children are being harmed.

reasonedandinformed ago

Exactly. It has never been about a restaurant. It is not just about Hillary (although that case seems airtight). It is about people in the government, media, business...who are not only allowing this to happen but are conspirators...either actively by participating or indirectly by not reporting or even blocking the public's awareness. It is not really a partisan issue. Maybe the ones we are uncovering now are Dems, but we have seen it before (but I was unaware) with the Republicans and the Franklin Scandal. Many in the GOP look compromised based on recent actions. Anyone who stands with Obama on this Russia-interference propaganda can be assumed to be in the cabal. It spans time/location/persons as it has gone on for decades (minimum) and is wide and deep.

reasonedandinformed ago

Can people please upvote the new pointer thread ( to increase visibility in the HumanRights community too? Thanks.

rodeo13 ago

Done. Thank you for doing this.

Dagnysghost ago

It is also international Justice Missions Dressember month. A solid organization that spends December fundraising for human trafficking. Jump on their hashes: #biggerthanadress #dressember All the people doing it should be atleast OPEN to the idea of human trafficking as a problem. Further, start your own fundraising campaign, through them, and use their platform to easily begin spilling information out to your friends who can't handle the truth. I have been. It's been very helpful.

reasonedandinformed ago

This is not about my preferred hashtag but a method to get people to find us. So type your preferred hashtag and to avoid the censoring that is happening when "pizzagate" is used in the mention/post. Their filters/mods/bots are actually blocking things when it mentions pizzagate, which is why I came up with this workaround approach: #biggerthanadress #dressember

Dagnysghost ago

Perfect, I should have said, yes I agree and, here are two more related hastags that are sort of going right now! Thanks!

wgvdl ago

Supported. For minimal requirements, just an infographic pls, otherwise i am afraid newbies might be lost.

ps. infographic does not have to refer to pizzagate directly, maybe just a few key facts on human trafficking or child abuse.

reasonedandinformed ago

Can you help me? I am new to this and do not know how to embed an infographic and also don't know which one to use. I do not need to own this, but we need a strategy to dodge the censorship of pizzagate through redirection.

wgvdl ago

Bit short of time but to start with you might include this link if you like.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thank you. I think I want an infographic embedded in the top comment, which I do not know how to do or if it is possible to embed an inline graphic on Voat, linking to this platform. At the moment, it is sparse/minimalist but intended that way to direct people directly to the pizzagate platform here, without distraction. I added this comment under it: To learn more and begin contributing, just go here:

Jehosefat ago

Good idea - but the post is empty right now. Can you post some of the infographics or even a summary of the investigation?

reasonedandinformed ago

I created it by sharing a link to pizzagate so there was no way to add more "content." It is a landing link that points here. You point to it from the outside (avoiding the use of "pizzagate," people land, and they click the title to come here. I added the hyperlink in my comment below so that it is not just a title. I am new to this. If you can create a similar thing to tie into it, or send me a good infographic, I will pop that into my comment at the top.

jangles ago

Virginia Commonwealth is a huge key. Check out this recent post. Tear

reasonedandinformed ago

I just got voted down by a CTR shill. This whole thing is about saving the kids. They are trying to block access by filtering pizzagate as much as they can...Twitter shadowbans, Facebook filters, outright deletions on YouTube, MSM propoganda pieces to fool the public and take over the first several page in a Google search.

#SaveTheKids cannot be filtered by people. Point to an intermediary site to get them here. I already created such an intermediary right here on VOAT: