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throwaway948238 ago

What does this mean?

/v/pizzagate is no longer shown in Google results for the term pizzagate, a notice linking to the copyright takedown is at the bottom of the page.

Who directly behind this?

The takedown service is owned by a partner at a Texas patent/copyright troll law firm, who appears to have attended the DNC. They own several other services besides "Remove Your Media, LLC" with names such as "Removeyourcontent, LLC" and "Copyright Defense Agency, LLC"

Other Activities

The owner of the law firm, Stone & Vaughan, also has a long history of being involved with distribution of pornography. In a public example, he partnered with several adult production companies to collect data to sue downloaders and split the profits

Other Notes

This is a huge network, with address sharing overlapping several Clinton / Podesta affiliated companies yet to be explored. Searching any of the company names above leads to address history which could be used to analyze connections.


Another huge example of DMCA-use for censorship, this lawyer writes a DMCA notice on behalf of a client deindexing archive links to Comet Pizza related instagram caches and searches for the well known "ccwoolman", descriptions of the images by the lawyer are obviously the ones we're all well aware of, for example:

  • Photo of baby eating pizza

  • Photo of 2 men with pizza covering child

etc, claiming they're property of her client (clearly indicating that this is likely ccwoolman or an associate)

She even attempts to reach out to them on Twitter to try to get the content removed. on behalf of "C.A. Goldberg Law" a "sexual consent law firm" (WTF?) focused on "de-anonymizing social media profiles"

Millennial_Falcon ago

I don't understand. I just did a google search, and it shows up.

redditsuckz ago

"bucks fishing and camping myspace" as a google search doesnt return the link either. Only on Bing and Yahoo.

The exact link search shows up in google when searched;

Just not those specific words. So its like bucks fishing and camping myspace doesnt exist when searched on google.

Google Search - No Myspace link;

Yahoo Search - No Myspace link

Bing Search - Myspace link Found

Duck Duck Go Search - Myspace link Found;

cantsleepawink ago

I would bet that the lawyer behind this, Carrie A. Goldberg, has some interesting family connections.

chelseaclinton ago

I wouldn't be surprised.

cantsleepawink ago

The problem is that we have a network of technology companies, media and law firms all neatly interwoven and many useful idiots within the network who have been brainwashed by Open Society doctrine. Many are simply pawns for the deep state. How does one get this across to the sleeping public ?

keeper1 ago

Just throwing in a few words of encouragement here when I say that we don't have to get this across to everybody in the sleeping public. We're just working to get to The Hundredth Monkey. ( And given the censorship and all the other goings on around this topic, I think we're either almost there or we've reached it already and are just waiting to see the awareness translate into the actions that will demonstrate that.

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks. Can be frustrating. Hope you are right.

chelseaclinton ago

We have to make the case airtight with irrefutable evidence and then communicate it in simple ways to regular people, causing enough public demand to support the DOJ in bringing down those implicated. Evidence -> Case -> Communicate -> Prosecute. Edit: Spelling

redditsuckz ago


(((Lindsay Lieberman)))

(((Carrie A. Goldberg)))

(((Goldberg Law)))

I hope that doesnt open up any Anti-Defamation lawsutis...:(


Carrie Goldberg's piece for the Washington Post on Comet Ping Pong;

Carrie is unprofessionally feisty;

Lawyer bitch has no lenses with her glasses?...I guess it makes her look...smarter?

RANT: Sony Hack Isn't About Free Speech, It's About Private Speech

Here is a questionable pedo ad on Voat - bottom right;

Why is Voat advertising for Bernd and The Mystery of Unteralterbach on this page! It is a known erotic game for PEDOPHILES!!!

HopeStillFlies ago

Hi. Don't conflate actual child abuse with drawings.


chelseaclinton ago


redditsuckz ago


Oh nothing...just the ones behind pizzagate and its coverup.

chelseaclinton ago

No my question was about "Anti-Defamation", what's your point because I don't get it.

chelseaclinton ago - archive link for "he partnered with several adult production companies to collect data to sue downloaders and split the profits"

chelseaclinton ago

This could open them to interest and additional investigation from people motivated by an uncensored free internet. This could potentially be their greatest miscalculation to date. The information should be spread to certain corners of the internet. Edit: I would upvote your comment and post but my karma is drained from nailing shills all day.