CJJacobs ago

Yes, the ads have been...DIFFERENT. To say the least.

Would like to see and explanation also.

TheKFCNyanCat ago

Voat is under no obligation to support us or not support them. The only obligation they have is to not ban us.

CJJacobs ago

Free speech allows for most any crappy kind of communication one can imagine...but it DOES NOT ALLOW FOR SPEECH THAT THREATENS PHYSICAL HARM.

If Voat is going to have any moral agency AT ALL (as with any organization) it does need to ban subs encouraging actual physical harm to others.

This is the standard -- U.S. -- definition of free speech. I realize voat comes out of another country. But the U.S. has set a very good and reasonable definition in place of where the line of free speech must be drawn.

It would behoove Voat to follow it. I am an avid devotee of free speech. But am also an avid devotee of the line of free speech being drawn at physical harm.

TheKFCNyanCat ago

It's an ad for a visual novel with fictional pedophilia. No real people have been actually harmed as far as we can find evidence for.

Jehosefat ago

Bullshit. Pedo is pedo. Get that shit off of here.

CJJacobs ago

Great. That makes me feel so much better. "Fictional pedophilia"...are you freaking kidding me?!

TheKFCNyanCat ago

It's not illegal. Voat has no obligation to take the ad down.

With that said, the game actually DOES seem to be related to Pizzagate. There are some parallels between Pizzagate and the events of the game.

CJJacobs ago

You are spending an awful lot of time defending this.

TheKFCNyanCat ago

I'm not defending the game, just Voat. I have my doubts that the Voat ad team dug deep into this, the most they likely did was make sure they weren't promoting anything illegal.

Jehosefat ago


greycloud ago

don't like free speech? why aren't you on reddit? reddit doesn't like free speech either. you don't have to like the speech here, nobody does.

Jehosefat ago

Bullshit. It's fucking pedo art. It's a fucking setup.

greycloud ago

well i wouldn't take the bait and download the game or anything. but by your logic TOR is a setup too, and plenty of people use that to do very legitimate things.

Jehosefat ago

Bullshit. We're investigating FUCKING pedos and they are advertising pedo crap right under our noses, it's a fucking setup.

greycloud ago

who is "they"?

SoManyQuestions ago

Yeah. The internet doesn't mind /222 but /pizzagate is a problem. I get the difference but, damn..........

MeatballPizza ago

Voat allowed an Anti-Pizzagate ad a few days ago. This was Jimmy's buddies posting something to mock us and our efforts.