fuspezza ago

Stupied mutherfuckers quoting buzz feed Hahaha. Have you learned nothing.haha I read an article in the Washington times by a new reporter who commented on the fresh facts that cnn read on buzz feed uncovered.

fuspezza ago

People grief difrently he is sad, I think he actually had a crush on the girl. The powers that be used that to hit him were it hurts. Come on folks what separates us from the monsters we are up against, should be our compassion. Shill or not he helped just as much as the best of you'll. DAVID, BRO you in too deep splash some cold water in your face and get your shit back together. Don't allow this dimension be the only one were your actually a fucken pussy. Not in this dimension please.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Is that you David Seaman?

jangles ago

I am fucking sick of you spineless bastards who trash David Seaman. He put his neck out there. Why don't you start find a journalist who will speak as much about Pizzagate as Dave Seaman. For you to think it is wrong for him to make money being a journalist you're a fucking shill. That is what he does for a living.

dustyr ago

Interesting choice of id, OP.

strix-varia ago

lift the veil seems to be a schizophrenic loser.

madmanery ago

I dont care about David Seaman, i care about FACTS, RESEARCH and links. go away CTR Shill.

Touchdown50 ago

What more research do you need other than dna evidence or a smoking gun? Look at whats going with the suppression of pizzagate. Theres your proof its real. You know everyone is involved. From top to bottom. Highest officials to the lowly police officer grunts of the establishment.
They run the whole thing as well as the vatican .

teethkicker ago

The guy in that video seems to think the flat earth model is more reasonable than the round earth one (this was in a different video of his) so I question his ability to "logic". Shill or not David has objectively brought a great amount of attention to the cause and personally I don't mind if he uses these gorilla tactics to do it under the circumstance (just recognize it for what it is). Intent is real hard to prove and irrelevant to what I think our goal should be so we should just look at the facts. Would pizzagate be as well known as it is without David? As far as GoldMoney goes I tend to agree with the points in this video and you should do your own research. Personally, I wouldn't touch anything even in the ballpark of what this company does with a 10 foot pole so there's no need for further research for me.

Touchdown50 ago

Regardless that seamen is a shill or a opportunist people are talking about pizzagate and people want to know how to confront and stop it. If various researchers want credit for their work go ahead and expose yourself. Put me in your will.

kazza64 ago

i think david is having a nervous breakdown because his best friend was murdered. i could see him getting more and more agitated on his videos after she was stabbed to death in a ' burglary ' . if you mess with paedophiles they will go after your friends and family. bill maloneys sister died in suspicious circumstances after he released sun sea and satan.

strix-varia ago

Yes, but he has been all over the place lately. Talking about God, ayahuasca, taking a vacation, going to the superbowl, being stoned while reporting. I am totally suspect now.

Touchdown50 ago

Regardless people believe pizzagate is real.

huhhh ago

Seaman is confirmed shill, and the Buzzfeed hit piece on him was a combined effort, most very probably.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

My theory is the Buzzfeed hit piece was an exit strategy and an excuse for Seaman to leave the pizzagate investigation at the "height" of his popularity. David knew his days were numbered and was time to take a permanent vacation from "his" pizzagate coverage.

lawfag123 ago

What do you mean he "blew up" the video?