mrjdouble ago

wtf did I just watch?

Unreasonable ago

The last thing these people want is for an average person to wake up, walk up to their home, and dispense justice quickly and swiftly on their own accord.

I think it's time for that to start happening. Mysterious deaths need not only occur on one side of the war.

JackAttack ago

Nah let's not. Don't try to incite violence and make us seem crazy.

Unreasonable ago

The violence has already been incited.

JackAttack ago

Yeah its been incited by the fuckers that are abusing kids. Let's not go that low unless we have 100% proof

Psalm100 ago

Looking at the "little baby's ice cream" web page, it shows a carton of "chocolate sal malt" ice cream that seems to be leaking chocolate liquid, as in a leaky diaper.

HunkaHunka ago

This could be code for eating semen too. Semen is composed of 'sea men', they are actually alive.

The 'sea men' are babies. IF you eat semen , you are eating these little sea men.

So gay sex is child sacrifice. That could be the secret to this whole thing. Cannibalism, child sacrifice, all of it.

As for eating semen being a youth elixir, that could make sense too. There is a hell of a lot life force packed into semen

so the 'little babies cream' here could reference semen. I eat little sea men cream' etc.

Could be why ice cream is code word for a rent boy too. you are buying the semen

Stknstnz ago

I'm probably going to go kill myself now. That's absolutely terrifying.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Hold off on killing yourself......and get mad.....and figure another avenue.

adam_danischewski ago

Something weird is going on with the commenters, there are many selecting a particular dog image posed in various ways as their profile pic:

adam_danischewski ago

See anything wrong with this Sargento "cheese snacks commercial"?:

Answer: This is blatantly loaded with crypto-pedophilia symbolism - double heart glasses and all. Notice the message on the label itself "Under 20" - "per stick", Bohemian theme artist, "doggy style" alluded to. (page 3).

racoonbite ago

i might have to have a drink before i watch this

archons ago

You guys might want to look a little more into clare gillen. She did some of their artwork and is a friend. She has a bunch of creepy shit on her Instagram with kids and pizza. Her fb, friends, and websites all lead to interesting places.

fartyshorts ago

Did you also see the behind the scenes clip on their Vimeo where one dude says he's not allowed near children?

Ocelot ago

I used to think this was just an ad designed to get popular off of bizarreness. I'm still pretty sure that's what it is, but you never know these days...

redditsuckz ago


Little Babies Ice Cream Witchdoctor - “More Pulse-Pounding" video

Little babies ice cream Witchcraft vid;

Little babies eating Little Baby's

"pizza and babies best topping ever"

Childs pizza underwear

"you are what you eat" - child wearing pizza shirt

Congratulations its a pizza

mypizzabrain instagram - Former owner of Little Babies Ice Cream;

educate_yourself ago

yeah all their shit hints about cannibalism and they are right next door to one of the places that is implicated in this cant remember which one tho

joey4track ago

Pizza brains

gardenofbacchus ago

Putrid, it is being shoved in our faces. Little Baby's Ice Cream in PA is neighbours with Pizza Brain pizzeria, who's ex owner Brian J Dwyer has been outed by myself and another voat user on here as being a pedophile and part of a child trafficking ring. Just another day, nothing new.

HunkaHunka ago

in this pic of the unisex public bathroom , catch the anthropomorphism , the ice cream is the male patron and the pizza is the female patron

that's the FBI code for male and female child prostitutes if not mistaken?

ATM bank machine labeled 'Eat Me' (machines displace bank tellers. Bank tellers become hookers):

Hot and Saucy Pizza Girls - We Deliver! (delivering girls = child birth = baby girls = menses eggs/fetuses/babies etc. cannibalism):

note too the red shoes, occult meaning of red shoes always comes up

Bowie referenced red shoes in song Lets Dance

HunkaHunka ago

in fact the two ARE in the same building , I used the 'see inside ' feature of Google and you see they share the same inner lobby inside Little Baby's Ice Cream Headquarters, you see the pizza culture wall near the adjoining entrance to Pizza Brain:

note the 'Road Pizza' album cover of the band 'Spit', its a run-over road-kill dog with its brain crushed onto the road

you can see the two businesses share the same little lobby in this pic:

to the left is the door to Pizza Brain

HunkaHunka ago

Satanist Elton John had that horrible purported hit of his 'Philadelphia Freedom', in other words its a sanctuary city coven like Salem, MA, and then there is Philadelphia Cream Cheese made by KRAFT to consider

look up the words Phila and Delphi

philia is love

Delphi is the ancient Greek site in dedication to the god Apollo, child sacrifice took place in the ancient temple there

also Pizza Brain not far from the satanic Philadelphia torture facility at Eastern State Penitentiary courtesy of sataniste jew brain eater trepanneur Benjamin Franklin

21yearsofdigging ago


joey4track ago

Why in the fuck was I literally born into the fucking Twilight Zone?

zagreos ago

In 2015 I got hit by a car while crossing the street, I died, I went to purgatory, and I found myself on the other side of the sidewalk, as if the accident never happened. I've learned that there are some that know they are dead, and some that are still "asleep" (as my friend put it) and don't know they are dead. The fact is this world is a lesser grade than the one we all died in. A lower plane of reality, so to speak. The point of being on this plane is to improve ourselves, help others, and ascend to higher levels of existence. That's why it's called purgatory. We're 'purging' ourselves of our imperfections so that we can ascend to heaven. Good deeds help a lot to this end.

joey4track ago

How did you die and go to purgatory, then come back and also call this purgatory? If this world is purgatory already, you can't 'die and then go to purgatory' if you are already in it. Besides these ideas of Hell, Heaven and Purgatory aren't places you go but places you carry around with you. That is, If you believe in that sort of thing I imagine that's how it works.

party1981 ago

I'm glad I'm not the only one asking this question.

druhill007 ago

yooooo WTF is this shiet man. the comments...

"this is so fucking hot."

"why does the ice cream look so sticky"

Flaaffy ago

I ask myself this at least once a week.

Sheitstrom ago

Hi! Welcome to planet earth. Now that you're born, grab your gun, we have work to do.

DawnofTruth ago

So what's your solution? Gun everyone down and spend the rest of your life in prison? Nice advice!!

First this entire planet needs to be fully awake. We're not nearly there yet. This is a slow process but it's heading in the right direction nevertheless. We have to come to terms that we've been told pretty lies for centuries and now we're facing the ugly truths. Again, this will take time and suggesting we 'grab our guns' is counterproductive and will forever keep our race at a low vibration. Revenge ain't the answer. Transparency is and we're getting there. Won't happen overnight nor even within one generation. Sit back, stay vigil, recognize what's going on, appreciate the unveiling but do NOT lower yourself to their vibration.

ObamaFAG1 ago

"won't happen overnight nor even within ONE generation" Me and my 9 mm and millions of others say otherwise. Its going to get corrected with or without Trump within the NEAR future. It's not called "the silent MAJORITY" for nothing Ghandi...

squirreltruth ago

the one thing I'm thankful for is that if we're right- and if the conditioned masses don't listen- it's not them that are armed

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

This is what the Satanist live for.....doing this shit in plain sight.

Much like some people get off having sex in movie theatres and getting away with it.

neo50 ago

And I think it's their calling card for "people in the know".

Rangers_justice ago

In no way am I condoning this. It's absolutely fucking disgusting and I'm not trying to normalize anything. I'm just linking people to the research that I've come across while researching. Of course its wrong. Of course its fucked up and disgusting.

carmencita ago

There may be a lot of research but it is sick and wrong. What they are doing is disgusting not matter how it is said.

matheasysolutions ago

WTF, that "commercial" freaked the hell out of me.... HOW ARE THESE PEOPLE NOT BEING INVESTIGATED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT??

joey4track ago

Because they are law 'enforcement'

kazza64 ago

its a disturbing ad