redditsuckz ago

pipo44 ago

OP, PizzagateBot is very useful, thank you so much for the effort. I've noticed that PizzagateBot is only participating on threads to discuss and not on the share a link. Greetings.

throwaway89209834 ago

Great observation, I noticed this too about 30 minutes ago and realized earlier today I forgot to disable a debug option that does dry-run without sending any data. (wanna know how you can tell im a developer, i test in production......)

If you see it still missing something, let me know thanks!

pipo44 ago

Pizzagatebot still missing on share a link and TOP post.

throwaway89209834 ago

If you mean your new post, there is no previous link to that video AFAIK, because its a new video, right? There won't be a link unless someone posted the video before you.

In any case, I won't respond in the future if you don't give a link and say what you expect it to find.

pipo44 ago

I'll keep alert, keep up the good work.

LadyMinx ago

Huuuuge THUMBS UP to you! Thank you so much! Glad to have you on this stellar team! 👍👍👍 We all appreciate you BIG LEAGUE !!

OttoMaddox ago

I only regret that I have but one upvote to give for the Pizzagatebot.

justanotherpizza ago


PizzaStreamerLive ago

Great bot! Sometimes it gets a little too aggressive. If a poster talks about a topic and briefly mentions twitter or something then it goes for the twitter comment and searches for that instead of the main topic. Maybe weigh the words more, then to the search for the top ones? Sadly i cant remember the post i saw this on, although it was a few days ago.

Edit: Also did you make pizzagatebot2 or is that a shill bot ? (Thought: someone might was to discredit your bot by making an account along the same name.)

throwaway89209834 ago

If a poster talks about a topic and briefly mentions twitter or something then it goes for the twitter comment and searches for that instead of the main topic.

Thanks for the feedback. I noticed it and logged it as a bug before, it treats a twitter reference like @name as a voat user name and links to a profile automatically. I saw it find another post - - with the same @twitter link and it actually followed it so it stayed relevant and I thought that was pretty funny because it falls into the "its not a bug, its a feature" category. I thought I would see how it continued to treat it before doing something to stop it.

Edit: Also did you make pizzagatebot2 or is that a shill bot ? (

No It is mine. When I first created the original account, I ran out of submission points quickly so I created another bot to continue posting here when I first started. It is not used anymore.

Vindicator ago

It would be cool if there was a bot that identified the hashtags people are using to post about the topic of the post on Twitter and Facebook, and made a comment about sharing it under the popular tags on the list.

Pizzabot is totally cool, BTW.

throwaway89209834 ago

It would be cool if there was a bot that identified the hashtags people are using to post about the topic of the post on Twitter and Facebook, and made a comment about sharing it under the popular tags on the list.

identified the hashtags people are using to post about the topic of the post on Twitter and Facebook

Could you explain the process you are thinking in a few more steps?

Vindicator ago

The current bot searches for urls. Perhaps a similar one could search for key words or urls of links shared in both a tweet and the post, then pull any hashtags from the tweets into a list in a comment on the post. It could say "People are talking about this topic under #pizzagate #Pedogate #draintheswamp #bringdownthering #littlelivesmatter #savethekids #stopthecoup #deepstate #ItsTime #Vault7 #Podesta #HillaryforPrison #LockHerUp" etc. Instead of hyperlinking to the urls of individual tweets like the current bot does with Voat posts and news references, it could link to the hashtags.

throwaway89209834 ago

When I get into scraping twitter, I'll try something like that. Thanks for the inputs.

Piscina ago

thank you. It's a great idea.

BerksResident ago

Thank you - really useful contribution.

SoldierofLight ago

Thank you for all your continued hard work!


You are worth thousands of us. Keep it up.

9217 ago

I love this bot. It's great, fantastic, helps link research together. Thank you for your hard work!

Proii_Pariah ago

SO Shadilay!

And the Pepe Girls sing!

Dressage2 ago

This is very much appreciated.

RecycledUser ago

I would be interested in searches on Seth Rich, Justice Scalia, and Monica Petersen. Thanks.

Mellowmountain ago

Great work

equineluvr ago

Thank you so much for the wonderful bot! We appreciate it!!!

DopeandDiamonds ago

I love pizzabot! It is very difficult to search here on mobile and I love that it brings up past posts. I have made a few connections I have posted using my alt that I never would have put together had the bot not linked to a past post I missed.

Great work and thank you for your time and effort!

mooteensy ago

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! best idea ever

zzvoat ago


ALL the kids thank you. It aids the investigation greatly!

Hopevoats ago

I love this! Thanks for your hard work!

crystalclear ago

Is very helpful and does just what you intended it to do!!! Thank you very much!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fucking cool. 2 things: any chance moving away from google (maybe towards - which can proxie through to google anyway), and 2. thoughts on other types of helpful bots you're thinking of? (ahem, shills... so many shills)

throwaway89209834 ago

any chance moving away from google (maybe towards

Yes, I know about google and their controversies, but google still peforms the best, seems to crawl new pages the fastest and it's just easy to work with. I actually tested with Yandex since you can force it to do exact match always, but Yandex didn't return some same results in compared searches.

I like that is open source, I'll put it on the list to test later.

  1. thoughts on other types of helpful bots you're thinking of? (ahem, shills... so many shills)

I should of put in the first line of the post 'i will assume you are all thankful, only comment with ideas or thoughts on this' because I am looking for ideas and wanted more of a brainstorming session.

Searching against deleted posts and commenting with some suggestion to delete will help with some of that I think. Or maybe checking if its a discuss post but has no links and reminding they need to have references.

Not sure what you are thinking, but it can't be anything to publicly label or suggest a shill because someone could be falsely labeled. It has to stick to a scope of suggestions that can't be taken as accusations.

Vindicator ago

Searching against deleted posts and commenting with some suggestion to delete will help with some of that I think. Or maybe checking if its a discuss post but has no links and reminding they need to have references.

This would be really awesome. Seems like 80% of what we have to remove is just because people haven't bothered to read the submission guidelines (which don't even show on mobile...grrr).

Another cool thing would be to search against previous posts -- both removed and not removed -- for Flairs, and point out the previous posts were flaired as Debunked or Disinfo or whatever. Perhaps they would think twice and self-moderate.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ah, then, specifically: disinformation tactics: and fallacies:

i appreciate your full response above, either way, and that you'll test searx; i understand google's ease. good thing it's not called adam's apple! fuck organized religion.

anyway, yeah, you rock. bot rocks. keep kickin ass behind 77 proxies because every time some good coder pops up here, they are soon replaced with some angry anti-speech version. it's scary. devs are still missing 7+ months from the internet, jmtullock was replaced with angry version. the same day the slimg devs disappeard so did atko and puttitout, and they came back 1 and 2 months later angry distant aloof versions of themselves as well. watch your ass is what i'm saying.

throwaway89209834 ago

disinformation tactics: and fallacies:

Woof, if someone comes up with a way to detect those type of fallacies in a blob of text, they will make millions. I have no idea what is cutting edge in this area right now, but I haven't heard of anything like that anywhere yet. I'm not a data scientist, just have some coding experience and trying out different things, like extracting proper nouns, unique phrases, keywords and seeing how relevant it is and how it could be applied or analyzed with other data.

Thanks for the warning too.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

"neural nets"

throwaway89209834 ago

Yeah that came up in research into data analytics, but have you heard of anyone actually successfully doing that? There has to be hundreds if not thousands of applications. If someone got it to be reliable you'd think you'd see it at least being patented if not already being licensed.

samhara ago

Machine never passed Turing Test yet.. It's hype.

throwaway89209834 ago

I agree. Keep in mind a lot of high tech stuff in the private sector came from and still comes from public sector. During/before WW2, the saying was that the gov was 50 years ahead of current consumer technology and now, with the rise of corporations, the crazy high tech stuff is in the corporate R&D labs. Which is of course favorable due to corporate personhood and less oversight and we know the CIA is well vested into various tech companies..

bibigirl_ ago


MolochHunter ago

ur one smartarsed mutherfukkr. upvoated.

VieBleu ago

Hi this is a great service!

ANYTHING by Sorcha Faal is disinfo and needs avoidance as if a plague of locusts -

Also, wondering why the bot has not come up with anything for example on this submission -

BTW if anyone gets butthurt over your bot they may very possibly be shill/troll.

throwaway89209834 ago

ANYTHING by Sorcha Faal is disinfo and needs avoidance as if a plague of locusts -

Agreed, its blacklisted now.

Also, wondering why the bot has not come up with anything for example on this submission -

My only guess is you edited it and added the pug link because I just deleted your post from the list of scanned posts, let it run again and it has commented.

BTW if anyone gets butthurt over your bot they may very possibly be shill/troll.


cakeoflightylight ago

That is amazing!!

Now... Can you write something to search through Wikileaks faster and find important emails?

throwaway89209834 ago

Can you write something to search through Wikileaks faster and find important emails?

That is what I mean by this part:

Next up to bat is trying to figure out how to use different data analytics libraries for processing email/facebook/twitter data scrapes and see if there is anything interesting from automated correlation there. We need to use their own technology against them.

There are open source libraries and tools to do different types of data analytics for correlating data that I have been throwing data at, but it is a whole different beast and needs well crafted keyword and key phrase lists for starters and even then it cannot be a replacement for manual searching because due to the nature of the topic a lot can be overlooked. There are companies who spent/spend big $$$ on R&D for data analytics and I'm just a newbie.

If someone wants to compile a 1 word to 3 word phrase list, and person/organization of interest list, in relation to pizzagate I can include that in testing stuff.

cakeoflightylight ago

  1. (looking for the 19 State Department employees who used Gmail to avoid FOIA)

  2. CARD (Child Abuse Rapid Deployment) - this was a clue from FBI anon

  3. any email to or from HRC referencing children

Those would be my top 3

Ihatepizza2 ago

Top job my friend. Seriously helpful tool. Suggestion: today I wanted to find an old comment of mine. As far as I am aware there is no way to do so, but open to correction. This ability would obviously be useful with so much information involved.

fartyshorts ago

If you Google " Ihatepizza2" you'll find all of them and you can just add a word or two after your username if you know what the post is about. You can also browse your old comments here:

Ihatepizza2 ago

Thank you!!

cantsleepawink ago

Fantastic. Thank you.

SwampdrainerNo1 ago

Awesome work brother Throwaway! Kek likes your Skillz.

0xFFF ago

seems to give good results so far, good work!

SturdyGal ago

Beyond awesome throwaway89209834! Thanks!

gurneyx ago

I love the pizzabot! keep up the great work!

murphy212 ago

Yes, the bot has already helped me find something I had missed. Thank you very much!