VieBleu ago

I did not notice that - thanks for pointing that out. Another mere coincidence? ha.

equineluvr ago

Ocommie belongs to the East Bank Club.

“It is common knowledge in the Chicago gay community that Obama actively visited the gay bars and bathhouses in Chicago while he was an Illinois state senator,” Madsen told WND.

WND also spoke with a member of the East Bank Club in Chicago, who confirmed Obama was a member there and was known to be a homosexual. The upscale fitness club, which has some 10,000 members, is not a “gay” facility. But it’s one of a number of places identified by the Chicago homosexual community as a “gay gym,” where homosexuals meet and engage in sexual activity.


EDITED TO ADD: Posted in wrong place; should be below in response. My bad.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Was Rahm. Obama, or Ayers in this club?

VieBleu ago

Not unless they are over 100 years old, but with all this vampire stuff we talk about, who knows ; )

SayWhatNOWAY ago

ROFL! Oh I did not catch that it was in that era! :-)

Browns1 ago

was married off to an English army officer at the age of twelve.

VieBleu ago

who? Omene?

zzvoat ago

pizzawiki says pug club was created by a Greek and includes a few Greeks in it's 19-person membership.

Hmmm... I wonder if there are any Greeks involved in Pizzagate? Oh, now I remember. THERE ARE! Jimmy that means you!

VieBleu ago

Podestas mother was Greek as well.

VieBleu ago

You might check and see if you replied in the wrong thread? although your comment is welcome here too.

Maybe you are adding her interview because she talks of human sacrifice and there are all those murder references in the article, I see now.

Glad you are here with open eyes.

Piscina ago

yes, I just noticed. but thanks for pointing it out.

VieBleu ago

I didn't know Hastert was from there - but of course as he was Podesta's buddy

Xpol ago

Oh man Whitechapel goes deep.

Watch Field McConnels work. He links British MI5 working pedo ops out of there

carmencita ago

Nothing seems to surprise me anymore. Chicago, especially will have many skeletons bursting out of it's closet. I fear that there will be much more heinous reports than this one. Hang on folks, there were some nasty goings on there. They had even less respect for poor people then, although it seems that their crimes and disgusting sexual habits seem to have been heightened. Getting bored, eh?

VieBleu ago

lol carmencita you gave me a gallows humor laugh - I pictured skeletons in panic mode trying to get out of that damm closet but there's just so many of them....they are crushed! and the door blasts open spewing skeletons to the wind all over the city.

carmencita ago

That was exactly what I intended to do:)

zzvoat ago

Not were, are. Chicago is said to be another pedo center and hub of organ trafficking.

Never forget that Chicago is considered by many to be the "pizza capitol" of the US.

carmencita ago

Believe me I know. $65K worth. Try Roots Pizza. Check out logo. Someone clued me in a couple mos. ago.

equineluvr ago

The menu features homemade sausage. :(

carmencita ago

I think we will find many things like this going on in these pizza parlors. It sounds like a Sweeney Todd operation. The thought of it is disgusting. Also notice the logo has a lasso style rope in a circle. the hand is that of a child with a heart in the middle. Also if you look at the picture of each owner (featured as children) when they were toddlers, their legs are spread open and a little underwear is peaking out. This place has bothered me for a while now. They also own a rather swanky place too. Ugh. I am so sick of these perverted pedophiles.