Humming_bird ago

Ashton Kutcher's WIFE starred in, 'Bad Moms' that spent so much time putting down/degrading those who are UNCIRCUMCISED that I eventually had to WALK OUT!

It was so blatantly attempting to imprint DISGUST into the audience that it disgusted me AND I was given my money back.

Lets_be_Real ago

he works with McCain's 'Foundation". what more evidence do you need that he's a shill. if he was so concerned, you would think he'd clean up hollywood, but nooo,,, he's off chasing 10 year old Bangkok beauties.

Highcard ago

"Kutcher is a student of Kabbalah, a form of Jewish mysticism."

That...right there... tells me he is a bad guy.

memphistre ago

Don't forget that Portman is in full support of Polanski.

Omnicopy ago

Anytime someone is an ex Catholic. A BIG RED FLAG. Run when they say they are or were Catholic (Pence)

ScottKnight ago

This place has lost all its credibility. People saying their intuition leads them to think Ashton Kutcher is bad? How about your petty bad looks and unsuccessful life leading you to judge him?

Ridiculous, he has done more than ALL of you combined

srayzie ago

That's too bad because he's one sexy lil pistol

Verite1 ago

I think tonight I'm officially done with this site. I'm all in on the human trafficking/pizzagate investigation, dissolving the corrupt CIA, prosecuting HRC and the CF, draining the swamp, holding elites to account etc, but I read these ridiculous comments about Ashton Kutsher and Bill Maher and making correlations where there shouldn't be any and it's getting ridiculous, people are not able to place credit where credit is due, continue to filter this through a bipartisan lens, which is counterproductive, and see the bogeyman everywhere. Now Demi Moore is a pedo?? REALLY?? The site unfortunately has completely devolved.

GuannaRue ago

Yeah, because women are 100%, totally NOT creepy, ever. Oh wait, didn't that sick pedo fuck known as Jeffrey Epstein use WOMEN to recruit young female victims, I mean models?! smh

50hurtz ago

Cmon in @BiglyMAGA tell all of us how wrong we really are. Tell us about your good ole Freemason fuck and his interest in "Judaism" and his innocence. I would love to hear more! Don't be shy now. Plenty of opportunity for you to show us the great intentions of satanic Freemasonry. =D

BiglyMAGA ago

No need - you're doing plenty of PR for me.

People reading this will see you as completely unhinged, and me as rational in my responses.

50hurtz ago

Yet you haven't told anyone why they are "good" suck more freemason cock good sir, you love it.

50hurtz ago

Right! You suck Freemason cock pretty well. For those that still think freemasonry is good check this they are associated with skull and bones.

devkey ago

He may not be one of the best but he's still an actor. Don't believe a word out of his mouth.

TomDrew87 ago

So he advises them on ways to traffic children?

Cara_C ago

Kabbalah, Freemason, McCain, Hollywood. Kutcher is no friend of ours.

looking4truth ago

I don't trust hollyweirdos sorry

hashtaggery ago

Not our guy. Confirmed.

starseedlover ago

While at a local pizza parlor, Portman was discovered by a representative of Revlon cosmetics, who encouraged the 11-year-old to pursue a modeling career.

I'm trying to imagine this scenario without it being creepy lol

starseedlover ago

I just didn't feel it. It seemed overwrought, like an act.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

This is a show. Too many reasons to list but it doesnt look or smell right.

Astrodreamer ago

"Israel is hugely involved in organ harvesting and child sex traficking. Even mainstream Israeli newspapers have reported this. It's well-known." Can you back this up?

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

He's an actor, though.

Silencio ago

I wonder if ashtons "successful" tech investing was somewhat less based on his individual acumen and possibly due to being the investor front for the deep state (for example deep state gets a backdoor for data and invades privacy, ashton and the company get deep state backing to make sure their app is more successful than the competition). Anyone revisited this since pizzagate or more knowledgable about ashton's silicon valley / tech venture capital ties?

rooting4redpillers ago

I know, since Ashton Kutcher's recent talk before congress, he's been of interest. Are any of the items, OP, that you've listed more worth looking into, and if so, what do you think might be discovered that will be most useful to the pizzagate investigation. For example: he's a pedo, a pedo apologist, a pedo enabler, possible victim, spokesperson for a shady nonprofit, practices a shady religion - some combination of those things - or something else. Or, because of the timing of his revived public interest in human trafficking, on the heels of pizzagate, we should just look for anything and everything.

Things I've learned about Ashton Kuchter in the last hour or so of looking to the easy things:

  • According to Wikipedia, he had a stressful childhood. Sibling with severe disabilities, contemplated suicide, parents' divorce, juvenile conviction for burglary, ostracized by his school and community.

  • He's a former model. There are past comments on this subverse that claim, the modeling profession is worse than the acting profession, as far as child abuse is concerned.

  • As far as I see, he doesn't get a lot of high-profile work, or attention on talk shows these days. Two-and-a-Half Men, (ended 2015), Jobs (2013), one series The Ranch (2016), one new series coming out this year. I might be missing something regarding his popularity. But, considering his Thorn project has been around since 2009, when he was married to Demi Moore, plus the current popularity of pizzagate, it seems reasonable to question the timing of his tearful presentation to Congress - and to wonder about his timely motivation.

My thoughts: AK is a mediocre but reasonably entertaining actor. He's a youngish good looking, and plays a competently funny stoner (in That 70's Show context), therefore his appeal spans several generations. He has a good start on a typical Hollywood-celebrity-failed-marriage history, at a young age (NOT blaming him for that, but there it is).

I found one thing that wasn't brought up.

Ashton Kutcher says dads diaper, too!

Excerpt: (Wed March 11, 2015) (CNN) - A Facebook post by actor Ashton Kutcher lamenting the lack of diaper changing tables in public men's rooms has parents talking.

The new father -- he and partner Mila Kunis welcomed baby Wyatt Isabelle in October -- complained to his followers that he had yet to encounter a changing table in the public bathrooms he visits. He offered to give a social media shout-out to the first business where he found a diapering table in the men's room.

The post had logged more than 230,000 comments as of Wednesday morning. Lots of folks offered up places Kutcher should patronize, such as Walmart and Cracker Barrel, where they say changing tables abound.

cantsleepawink ago

Some of us are highly concerned about THORN and currently drilling down into the company

conspiracyprincess ago

He's an actor for Christ sakes... this could all simply be just that, an act.

I for one do not trust him. When I connect these dots I see.. I see... a pentagram. DUNDUNDUN. Anyway now that we got him off the o.k. list.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I searched the links in your post against previous Voat posts using Google and found the following Voat posts:

David Seaman "finally lost it", according to 'a friend', who claims Seaman was poisoned and needs help
The elephant in the room people are afraid to talk about - THE TALMUD!
Notice how Jews only eat kosher pizza? They know we are on to them and they will molest us all. They already got me and made me question my own sexuality
83% of Israelis Support Trump - They Believe Trump Will support the 100% Genocide of Palestine - Filling Israel Whore-House with Palestinian Children
Trump works for Goldman Sachs and he's selling us out. Here's a list of what he's done so far.
Prediction: Shills will try to make us look anti-Semitic
The elephant in the room people are afraid to talk about - THE TALMUD!
Notice how Jews only eat kosher pizza? They know we are on to them and they will molest us all. They already got me and made me question my own sexuality
83% of Israelis Support Trump - They Believe Trump Will support the 100% Genocide of Palestine - Filling Israel Whore-House with Palestinian Children
Trump works for Goldman Sachs and he's selling us out. Here's a list of what he's done so far.
Prediction: Shills will try to make us look anti-Semitic claims Netanyahu will release info on a Washington pedophilia ring
Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu release previously secret docs exposing Washington Pedophile ring
Account Deleted By User
Why hasn't this been posted here yet? Netanyahu just declassified 200k documents related to child trafficking in the 50's
Netanyahu To Release Evidence Of Washington Pedophile Ring

Fateswebb ago

Also he defended joe paterno when he was fired.

AmishMechWarrior ago

The adaptive AI "he" is developing is nothing short of an attack on the very concept of the Dark We ...... but then again the Dark Web hasn't cleaned it's own house when if comes to human exploitation. This could become a slippery slope so easily.

VieBleu ago

oh come on. I would be very very surprised. Just a ridiculous assumption really. But that's my opinion.

Haven't we always said, if it was just one piece of evidence, fine that was weird, but we have an avalanche of evidence. Well there is no avalanche here that Demi Moore is literally a child rapist. Just a bunch of prudes making a whole lot out of nothing IMHO.

Mad_As_Hell ago

She even says herself in that video that she imagines they will become lovers at some point, or something along those lines. That's a young looking 15 year old boy, no matter how drunk you are that behaviour is massively inappropriate

equineluvr ago

"Haven't we always said, if it was just one piece of evidence, fine that was weird, but we have an avalanche of evidence."

Amen! Let's review the evidence thus far, shall we?

  • Relationship with AK who was 15 years her junior. AK is a Freemason, now suddenly an ardent "anti-child sex trafficker" activist.
  • Practicing Kabbalist
  • Passionately kisses young male co-star
  • Named "Mistress of the Chamber" of the Pugs, made famous by Jeff Epstein

That's a slam-dunk case for THIS jury.

VieBleu ago

slam-dunk case for what - that she specifically had sex with that kid? Yeah, take it to court.

looking4truth ago

And If the genders were reversed you wouldn't be saying the same thing. I don't know why society seems to neglect boys and the fact that they can be abused by females. "Oh he probably wanted it" "he's just a boy " is the typical attitude of people when boys are taken advantage of by grown women.

VieBleu ago

I think she thought she was bestowing a big gift on him. Not saying it was right, but it's a long way from raping the kid. It's an irresponsible accusation and does nothing to further the pizzagate investigation.

looking4truth ago

I'm not saying this has anything to do with pizzagate or that she raped the kid wtf but I'm just pointing out the fact that people are completely ok with adult women molesting boys because "boys want it" .just pointing out society's hypocrisy.

VieBleu ago

there are other insistent replies to me on this same comment declaring she is guilty of raping that kid because she certianly must have, it's clear, they can tell that accounts for my response. They are probably shills just doing an effective number on me.

Yes there is no doubt often a double standard regarding women predators in society, agreed.

VieBleu ago

I saw quite a long video, there was 1 creepy incident of her kissing the kid about 3 times, first lightly then again brushing lips, then a "first kiss" kind of kiss, although not a real french kiss. There was a whole lot of her running around overexcited like it was the most special birthday party of her life, though it was the kids birthday party.

Anyway, that's my take on it, if you feel differently that is fine with me.

djklbd ago

Smells of shillery

VieBleu ago

can't stand it if someone doesn't chime in with the chorus can you.

kekistocrat ago

Coincidence Detector is off the charts for this one...


IlluminatiKing ago

Saw some post connecting him to McCain and in some money laundering scheme like the Clinton Foundation so does not look good.

strix-varia ago

What is suspect is that he just appears after all these months. He all of a sudden is in Congress talking about this?? This reeks of more lies omg. Right now, anyone who is in hollywood talking about this is, in Congress, with such a fake actor face is truly pathetic. He has a bromance with johnnie!!

Votescam ago

Recall that John Kerry as a VN vet appeared in Congress reading the most poetic testimony against war which allegedly was of his own authorship.

And here .... for TEXT of his testimony --

It is impossible to describe to you exactly what did happen in Detroit, the emotions in the room, the feelings of the men who were reliving their experiences in Vietnam, but they did. They relived the absolute horror of what this country, in a sense, made them do.

They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.

We call this investigation the "Winter Soldier Investigation." The term "Winter Soldier" is a play on words of Thomas Paine in 1776 when he spoke of the Sunshine Patriot and summertime soldiers who deserted at Valley Forge because the going was rough.

We who have come here to Washington have come here because we feel we have to be winter soldiers now. We could come back to this country; we could be quiet; we could hold our silence; we could not tell what went on in Vietnam, but we feel because of what threatens this country, the fact that the crimes threaten it, not reds, and not redcoats but the crimes which we are committing that threaten it, that we have to speak out.


I would like to talk to you a little bit about what the result is of the feelings these men carry with them after coming back from Vietnam. The country doesn't know it yet, but it has created a monster, a monster in the form of millions of men who have been taught to deal and to trade in violence, and who are given the chance to die for the biggest nothing in history; men who have returned With a sense of anger and a sense of betrayal which no one has yet grasped. As a veteran and one who feels this anger, I would like to talk about it. We are angry because we feel we have been used in the worst fashion by the administration of this country.

AND, today, John Kerry has himself become a "Monster."

Jem777 ago

Good work

VieBleu ago

I only couldn't stand Palin more than him.

pbvrocks ago

Two thumbs down..

redditsuckz ago

Ashton Kutcher "jokes" about cooking babies....

Ashton Kutcher Korean Commercial


Freemasonsrus ago

I have seen him on shark tank several times and then watched him the other day testifying and I get two very different impressions. On shark tank he rubs me the wrong way bc he is coming across as if he's had the success of Steve Jobs and is the smartest guy in the room. It's a turn off and also makes me wonder where his arrogance comes from since I've always thought that he was decently funny and an ok actor at best, but this is a very different persona. I want to punch him bc he didn't CREATE anything. Dude had some money, got some good advice on what to invest in, and scored some more dough. Most people who are in early on investments that blow up have insider info on it being a "chosen" program/product. Think uber, FB, Twatter. These things don't accidentally blow up. So he's def in some "club".

His testimony was super uncomfortable bc the "crying" came off as totally fake. I've done acting for years and it appeared very much like he was reading lines and attempting to connect emotionally to them and couldn't.

strix-varia ago

Shark that still on and he's on it and people still watch it? Heaven help us.

Killinger ago

I remember reading an article on a flight, that Mila Kunis was 14 y/o on That 70s Show when it started. She lied about her age when auditioning. Still Kutcher was making out with a 14 y/o, in front of thousands at the time. Another source JEEZ... No one cared about this when reporting on it?

ScannerDarkly ago

I'd bet he's been blackmailed due to this. Same with Mila Kunis.

Can't trust anyone who's been blackmailed.

draegspir ago

Like with OP, I'm conflicted with him too. He seems genuine and says things that align with the truth about the situation of child trafficking, yet the people he's running with seem sketchy. I think any of the following possibilities are plausible:

  • 1) He's acting and is evil and knows what he is doing, or

  • 2) He's sincere but ignorant of those around him, because he's getting their funding. And the higher ups want to cling to him as a way to look "good" to steer themselves away from the spotlight. This would be similar to the defense of Joe Paterno that OP talked about. Or

  • 3) He is good, but he knows who he is dealing with and is playing Kira/Light role from Death Note, keeping his enemies close. Not sure if he is that intelligent, given what happened with the Joe Paterno thing.

After typing this out, feels like number 2 is probably most likely followed by a close tie between 1 and 3. Just my personal opinion based on gut. No science here.

Freemasonsrus ago


draegspir ago

His opening speech on CSPAN about child trafficking. At around time 10:05, he mentions that he worked closely with McCain (got initial funding I think), and gives him lots of praise. Though personally, I'm still inconclusive about him overall.

djklbd ago

Kutcher is blatantly obviously a puppet. They just trotted him out there to acclimate the people to the limited hangout we are seeing before our eyes....

SuperJohnWayne ago

Glad to read these comments about Kutcher and glad so many of us see his true corrupt, devious nature. That congressional hearing where he blew a kiss to McCain made me want to reach through the computer screen and punch the shit out of them.

TimesUp ago

Kutcher is apparently also a Freemason.

Video from 2014 (YouTuber is a bit snarky)

Tanngrisnir ago

Ashton gives to THORN which partners with ICMEC. ICMEC has Jeff Koons onboard who is said to have molested his infant child by his ex-wife and also Hillary Clinton is a board member. Then Ashton also has ties to John McCain.

For a vastly better explanation than my half-assed one see v4vapid's explanation.

Verdict: Ashton the trafficking enabler should GTFO.

Freemasonsrus ago

Excellent article! This is the kind of research that gets the normies attention. People from all walks of life and both sides of the isle. It makes my skin crawl how these orgs are in no way actually interested in their supposed mission. It's like a half ass effort just to continue bilking the tax payer and making money on the side from the repugnant and evil trafficking they claim to be fighting.

nitro169 ago

Thats what the pedo's are saying too...

Kcpedogate ago

He is working with the McCain foundation, that is ALL you need to know. Definitely NOT to be trusted.

jenidaninja ago

Plus he blew McCain a kiss. eww

PrideOfOshtekk ago


equineluvr ago

His former wife, Demi Moore:

Gorillion ago

Was 15 years his senior, she 40 and he 25 (smacks of pedo).

Yeah, that's a classic Hollywood Beard formula. The older chick who's career is on the decline, partners up with the young up and coming stud to disguise his sexual habits. Either being gay or into kids.

Anybody here actually think Justin Timberlake is straight? They use younger women than Demi, but with similar career lags.

equineluvr ago

PizzaGate entry on Pugs. While it was written about in the Spectator, most PizzaGaters learned of Pugs because it was mentioned in Jeff Epstein's "little black book." Again, Demi Moore has been named their "Mistress of Chamber."

Gorillion ago

Damn, so she's fully into it. That compares closer to the John Travolta + Diana Hyland Scientology coupling. She was still a beard, but also a recruiter.

zagreos ago

Thank you for your contributions to this thread.

His former wife, Demi Moore, was 15 years his senior, she 40 and he 25 (smacks of pedo).

Your other points were good, but I think comparing such relationships with paedophilia is counterproductive. Blurring the distinction between paedophilia and voluntary relationships between consenting adults has the long-term effect of normalising paedophilia — even if the distinction in this case is being blurred by condemning both as 'paedophilia', the long-term consequences of drawing such an equivalency will be the same.

Likewise, a 25 year-old male in a relationship with a 16 year-old female can be criticised for many other reasons but it would be a huge error to view such an individual as a "paedophile", since the relationship in question is a voluntary relationship between biological adults. In virtually all cultures (including Western cultures until about thirty years ago), such a relationship would be viewed as a normal adult relationship.

To lump relatively normal adult relationships into the same category as 'paedophilia' sets a dangerous social precedent that can only be harmful to children in the long run. This recent social trend by which the concept of paedophillia is continually expanded so that it includes normal or harmless adult relationships, makes paedophilia seem more and more normal to regular people. To speak of harmless adult relationships as "just another form of paedophilia", is to spit in the faces of the victims of real paedophilia.

No matter how you look at it, raping a five year old child should not be compared with regular adult relationships, regardless of the magnitude of the age discrepancy between the adults in question.

Mad_As_Hell ago

There is such a thing as ephebophilia

A lot of Dennis Hastert's activities fell into this category. Legally speaking, this is very much a no-no when you're talking about under-16s, depending on the age of consent where you live. Personally I feel that there is always some form of advantage taking by the older party occurring in these 'relationships'. Remember that whole 'cougar'/milf thing? Normalisation of ephebophilia?

snowmelts ago

I agree with you partially, but how can you compare a 25 year old being with anyone of any age pedo? 18 is an adult anywhere.

16 year old is different, that is a minor and illegal in a 50 states. There can't be more than a certain age difference. I think it's something like 3 years. So a 25 year old with a 16 year old is absolutely illegal. Once someone is 18, no matter what the age difference it is not illegal and I don't think anyone would call it pedophilia.

It makes people like me who don't know a lot about this pizzagate stuff question it all when someone claims it's not illegal for a 25 year old to be with a 16 year old. Or that somehow a 25 year old man with a 40 year old woman is pedophilia. It makes people question if this isn't just a witch hunt of hated individuals. I am not saying it's a witch-hunt but I don't think saying this kind of stuff is helpful. I really didn't understand why so many people were opposed to this pizzagate. I mean who could ever be against stopping human trafficking and child rape but then I read stuff like this and I don't know what to believe.

Rmm ago

I strongly urge you to keep following the pizza gate citizen investigation. It is about the elite untouchable class using its power to enable itself to commit acts of unspeakable horror against the most vulnerable members of the population. We are talking about child (as young as babies) trafficking. These poor souls are sometimes bred just for that purpose. They are also used in snuff films and then just thrown away. All this has been exposed and yet somehow it's "fake news", because the media is controlled by these sick perverts. Comet Ping Pong has become important for its link to this class of people in Washington D.C.As hoers have pointed out, you don't get to own approx 13 pieces of hot d.c. properties and be known as the 49th most powerful man in Washington D.C. if all you are is a pizza shop owner---uhuh--the cash is coming from trafficking. However, "comet pingpong " types of places exist everywhere in the world.

snowmelts ago

I appreciate your calm moderate response. It isn't that I don't think human trafficking of children happens. It has to be the most abhorrent thing on the face of this earth. I am certain the elite are involved to some extent, it's common knowledge of their disgusting Lolita islands. But some of what I read reminds me of the 80's Satanic witch hunts. It seems far fetched to me that these sickos would be openly using "secret" symbols and posts on their Facebook page about abusing children. I don't believe in a room full of weirdos run the world with Satanic rituals. I think it's much more complex and actually terrifying than that. It scares me that it's a false flag to divide us. I will look further into to it. I have made a friend here on Voat who has given me places to start. I will keep an open mind. I did read some disturbing transcripts someone posted on v/pizzagate where some (I don't even want to call them human) was trying to buy little children. They were negotiating price etc. I couldn't believe what I was reading. That was obviously very real. But to connect it some Satanic cult or that they are ritually killing kids and using code words on Facebook and that they all meet at pizza shops is where I start to think, this is a false flag. I have tremendous respect for anyone who has the stomach to chase down this horrible human traffickers. But destroying anyone who doesn't fit into our political or social construct as a Satanic baby killer pedophile isn't helping these children. It is drawing attention away from the real traffickers. I hope I made sense. I am saying this because everyone I have talked to about this feels very similarly. Yes, it exists but there is also a witch hunt going on after those in the opposing camp. Maybe chasing down this kind of stuff starts making you see monsters in all the shadows.

equineluvr ago

I don't isolate the dots. Every dot is a part of the larger picture.

We see the same large age discrepancy between Sam Taylor-Wood and now husband-Aaron (she 42, he 19). BTW, STW (director of Shades of Grey) is good friends with Elton John and was photographed eyeing pedo art with him. Ergo, she has been brought into the PizzaGate discussion.

These very LARGE age discrepancies are REMARKABLE, which is why everyone talks about these couples. Most people recognize that these people grew up in different generations and probably have VERY little in common.

Again, take it in isolation if you wish. Coupled with the other dots -- her activity in an Epstein-affiliated "secret society" and her passionate kissing of a young boy -- this DOES indicate pedo activity.

Mad_As_Hell ago

See also Kate Moss and Clement Freud's grandson (18 years old)

Astrodreamer ago

To say a relationship between a 40 yr old and a 25 yr old is pedophilic is really quite sick. Might as well say that equine lover DOES practice bestiality.

equineluvr ago

Go ahead and separate it out if you wish.

I make no such blanket statements/generalizations. Again, as a researcher with bona fides, I take this into the context of the rest of the picture.

And on-screen monikers have nothing to with this this.

GuannaRue ago

I understand, clearly, the point you are making! Looking at the bigger picture, it would be foolish to dismiss the huge age discrepancies.

Poot_McGarvey ago

Now dating - Mila Kunis - on that 70s show, very sexualized at age 14 (or 15?)

Dated Macaulay Culkin likely Micheal Jackson victim

remedy4reality ago

It's not just that she passionately kissed that kid. She looks out of her mind and possessed in that video, like a cat in heat !


Uh yeah I hear you. Ash definitely a good actor insert sarcasm but didn't you hear the kid in the Demi vid MORRISON IS ALIVE!!!! Jim Morrison lives people

jenidaninja ago

I suspect she's a child victim that lost the ability to discern being sexually appropriate. Yes, now I see her relationship with Ashton as being pedo creepy.

patriot_saints ago

Ive heard interesting and credible theories from people like Freeman Fly about how female celebrities become the biggest sluts due to having to go through intense sexual initiations in order to be allowed into the high status Hollywood cliques. This could be why women like Brittney spears break down, their mind control has worn off and they resort back to the altar of their 12 year old mindset.

I think Demi here is a victim of the same mind control, and like all perverts, she preys on weak victims in order to recruit them.

Hollywood is sick.

Gorillion ago

I think the idea is that you just don't survive Hollywood unless you're already twisted in some way. Likely molested young, promiscuity and emotional neediness follows. Throw in some level of luck, talent and aggressiveness and you have a Hollywood Survivor.

Otherwise you have to be Meryl Streep levels of talented to get anywhere. And even then she's only kept around to "prove" Hollywood isn't totally about young hot pretty women actors who can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.

GuannaRue ago

You think Meryl Streep is a big hollyweird star because she has "talent"? Sorry yo break it to you but, she is a puppet to the same system. Not to mention, I think she is LITERALLY the most overrated actor!

VieBleu ago

I totally disagree. Allow us to disagree btw, because I do agree with a lot that you post.

To me she looked like a 19 year old at a birthday party that was tipsy drunk. I think she kissed that kid to give him his "first kiss" and it was a birthday present type thing. it was what 1989? We didn't have the conversation back then about pc innappropriateness, power differentials, and pedophilia that we have today.

abortionburger ago

Much better! Thanks for reposting :)

equineluvr ago

His wife, Mila Kunis, was partnered with Macaulay Culkin for 10 years, from 2002 to 2010.

cakeoflightylight ago

Illuminati Confirmed

strix-varia ago


Don-Keyhote ago

Lol that's a smoking gun right there. Higher ups paired therm up, she's a model and he looks like a junkie

NotHereForPizza ago

He promoted McCain, didn't he?

Should be obvious, fellas.

VieBleu ago

This is what raises my eyebrows. ANYBODY who is ok with McCain, including his daughter is not ok autmatically. But I still just don't know if he doesn't know any better, has no choice, or what. He is not the type to normally support McCain being a Hollywood liberal, so did he need the $ and make a deal with the devel and see it that way? Or was he approached with an offer from the deep state he couldn't refuse...? Jury still out on that for me.

NotHereForPizza ago

Ashton Kutcher has made his living acting.

VieBleu ago

So did Reagan right?

NotHereForPizza ago

Wait, is that suppose to help my point or another point you're trying to make?

VieBleu ago

ha ha. Maybe I didn't understand your point. What were you saying - he has acted his whole life so...

NotHereForPizza ago

They're both actors. That's all they have uncommon. Kutcher could very well be anything we assume he might be despite whatever connection he has to Reagan.

Searching4Truth ago


strix-varia ago

Yup.....not on the side of justice just another celebrity whore.

FuckReddit69 ago

My intuition says so too.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

His name is Chris. He is a self-absorbed model, actor, and opportunist. He is also a smart, handsome and somewhat cool guy, and he is a hat wearing Freemason and pantsuit wearing Kabbalist. Maybe he is really a good person deep down, and just isn't aware or high enough up yet to understand what role he is playing yet. He was brought into the system, and is in way above his head. He is being used, and is using the system. Now he is partnering with Mark Cuban and John McCain to be a leader of his generation. He has some good ideas and has leveraged things to his advantage along the way, and he is being propped up as Mr. Good Guy for McCain and the others involved, because he is a good face that can help cover up for the real evil and Global Criminal Corruption that is going on behind the scenes. They will arrest as many low and mid levels they can, with a few higher ups, and pat themselves on the back for it. Ashton Kutcher is not going to save the world from the system he benefits from.

Ashton is like Paul Ryan - the boy scout face to put up front while they real crimes are committed out back. Paul Ryan's home district is an epicenter for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. If Ashton Kutcher or Donald Trump had any real intentions of draining the swamp, we will see what they will do about holding their own circles of colleagues accountable first, knowing how Hollywood and Racine are both connected to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Racine is also near the home area of Reince Priebus and Scott Walker's Miilwaukee, nearby Obama and Emanuel's Chicago, with ties to Denver, Colorado known for its Freemason ties and Allentown, Pennsylvania another hotbed of corruption close to Penn State University, and other areas around the world such as Haiti, Ghana, Norway, Brazil and more. Racine, Wisconsin serves as a barometer for whether Donald Trump is an actor like Chris is, or willing to change history and solve the bigger puzzle of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, or he is just like Chris and only brought in to be the face while they make deals to file bankruptcy and move on under a new plan and name. Let's hope they aren't just the newest crop of lying actors.

Pokes ago

Great post, was thinking the same thing. The problem with Trump is that he's too good to be true and the narrative of how he gamed the media while they tried to smear him is too well established and ubiquitously accepted within the MSM for me to believe he isn't there by design. Just another wolf in sheep's clothing, like Obama. All future presidents will be equally groomed and will emulate this model; we'll see gradually increasing populism and ever diminishing journalism coupled with vilification of alternate news as fake news, until they create a ministry of truth, engineer a false flag event and blame it on another muslim russian as a pretext to start WWIII.

TomDrew87 ago

Why has Trump attacked everyone but Israel..Could it be he's been blackmailed by Mossad(Epstein)?>Is that why he chose Acosta for his Labor pick

Pokes ago

Trump is a billionaire himself, don't presume he accepted any legally compromising gifts. I'd like to believe he's Machiavellian, like he's keeping his enemies closer re: Epstein, but who knows. You can also discover things about a person, on their island per se, which might change your opinion of a person; I don't happen to know the chronology of his visiting the island and his making remarks endorsing Epstein, but without that knowledge, i wouldn't be so quick to judge.

Ok, so I figured I would look into it and I can't find any dates on either. That said, here's what I observed while searching:

The Daily Wire piece I'm reading ( said, " Per The Political Insider, Trump is accused of threatening and raping a 13-year-old girl on the private island. Epstein is also named in the suit for sexual misconduct. The lawsuit accusations have been vehemently denied by the Trump camp, alleging that the filing is a “hoax” and that there is “no evidence” that the plaintiff in question “actually exists.”"

Keep in mind that Trump denies the plaintiff even exists, which might mean nothing, but this same article sensationalized how many times Clinton had been to the island while not numerically referencing Trump's visit count, which lead me to believe it was solitary. So, I found another tidbit from which to possibly glimpse something.

Vice ran an article in which they said "There is no debate over what happened," Edwards told VICE news. "I served Mr. Trump with a subpoena for deposition in 2009. He talked to me voluntarily, and consequently we withdrew the subpoena in light of his voluntarily providing information…. I can't imagine there being any dispute of any of this."

Edwards also said that it is "obvious" Trump himself was not involved in any of Epstein's illicit activity."

So, take from it what you want. Bu,t having been to someone's island doesn't necessarily make you complicit in crimes they might commit there. Just saying.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Not to mention Dahmer. Podesta sculpture. I've heard Dahmer was frequenting gay bath houses in Chicago when just a lad. Chicago is bad too. And where did Dahmer learn all that depravity?

kazza64 ago

its true. people trust really really good looking people

Gorillion ago

Yeah, I'd say that would be the purpose of Natalie Portman's little testimony on his levels of knowledge.

He's pretty, but his public persona is that of an affable dumb guy. So the goal would be to leverage his prettiness, while boosting this idea that he has "hidden intelligence", and present him as the new face of whatever deal is actually being set up behind the scenes.

At the very least, he'll win over all the women, and that may be enough votes or public support to achieve whatever it is they need.

GuannaRue ago

+1 I totally agree with your assessment!

Phenomenonanon ago

I don't see any sincerity in him. I think he's a scapegoat for mccain