Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Thats not true you fucking retard.

I studied this in seminary, you didn't. You don't what you're talking about you mouthbreathing inbred. Gentiles under 6 are just as human as everyone else. What made you think otherwise, some rense bullshit blog?

Unless you read something yourself, don't try to make references to it.

derram ago

https://archive.is/Lh7Vz | https://vgy.me/7bU12c.png :

Israel becoming 'safe haven for paedophiles' with laws that allow any Jews to legally return, activists claim | The Independent

'Activists fear Israel is becoming a safe haven for paedophiles thanks to the country’s unique Law of Return for the world’s Jewish people. '

'It says 12 Jewish paedophiles, from across the globe, have moved to countries other than Israel.“Education of this issue in the Haredi world is lacking. '

'A Jewish person from anywhere across the globe can be fast-tracked for citizenship in Israel, as well as their spouse, children and grandchildren. '

'Jewish Community Watch says that 32 paedophiles in their database have moved from countries around the world to Israel over the past decade. '

'This article originally included a suggestion that paedophihles could potentially enter Israel as tourists, then "stay indefinitely". '

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Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

The Talmud doesn't mandate it.

Israel just didn't sign the extradition treaty, so people think its convenient to go there. But in fact, they can not let people in because of the extradition treaty. Like the example in this article:
