ArthurEdens ago

Seems like a precursor

concernedaboutitall ago

Nothing in article regarding Washington

MolochHunter ago

yup i agree, misleading headline. Edit or delete, dude, ive downvoated you

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Nothing about Washington DC, unless you think Netanyahu was making a sly threat, which I suppose is possible.

It does beg the question. What did happen to the Yemeni children who were suspected of being given to Ashkenazi Jew families?

LostandFound ago

The Jpost article this is sourced from does not mention any link to anyone really let alone the us. Am I missing something here?


Headline seems to be misleading. I didn't see anything in the actual article about a Washington pedophile ring.

pizzaAudit ago

In 1940's children were stole, and sold as adopted children to childless parents, for $5,000 per child.

Not a fucking thing to do with Pizzagate, not a damn thing to do with DC, not a damn thing to do with pedophilia.

The question begs is why do the mod's leave this stuff up? Yet they will delete anything about podesta/saudi CASH in nano-seconds, which is real pizzagate.

@kevdude @heygeorge @millennial_falcon

AgainstPedos ago

As I stated in another thread Putin didn't need to read the leaked emails to uncover Hillary's and Obama's "affiliation" with underage kids. Neither does Netanyahu. Both Russia and Israel have long been known to have exceptional skills in tracking private conversations of elites around the world. In fact some of the 1st defectors from the USSR to Israel helped train Mossad now known as "the ears of the world." I firmly believe Israel also knows the contents of the leaked emails as do many other countries. What they do with that info is yet to be seen. Then again it only reinforces most of what they already know.

So Obama better be careful to what degree he threatens Putin, or if Russia's leader sees his actions as a threat rather than those of a weaker leader backed into a corner. Again in the other thread I stated that Putin could easily publicly embarrass Obama, Hillary, and the rest of the elite DC "swamp."

Netanyahu obviously can easily do the same thing as Putin by outing just one small aspect of what has been occurring for who knows how long. The fact it obviously involves international child stealing in 2nd and 3rd world countries undergoing tragic disasters and warfare makes the fact even worse. US tries to portray herself as a superpower and savior of the world. To what degree will Obama in his last 20 days as POTUS risk that image? Doesn't he want to secure an important position with the UN? Yes the UN is equally corrupt but that's besides the point.

In reality both Putin and Netanyahu hope to have a very positive working relationship with Trump who has promised "to clean up the swamp." Neither leader wants to risk war with the US despite what Obama and Hillary backer Soros desires. Both Russia and Israel are united in that they detest Soros's goals.

srayzie ago

That's what I thought. Sucks

e-traiu ago

Oh shit