VieBleu ago

No mention of DC at all, no mention of pedophila, rings etc. Very misleading headline.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

False title. Come on now. Bad SGTReports, bad OP.

hardrock ago

The missing children numbered in the thousands.The circumstances were indeed extremely mysterious. Three separate official inquiries produced completely unsatisfactory results, obviously cover-up of SOME sort was going on. There is no imaginably legitimate reason for court-sealing the documents which reveal where all of the kids disappeared to. As for the hokey Washington DC Pedo Ring-Pizzagate-Revenge aspect that is gratuitously included in the Sergeant Report blog, well, that does indeed look gratuitous and hokey at this point.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Linking to Hillaryland website why?

SpikyAube ago

Where does he actually say anything about Washington though? He is quoted talking about the release of documents relating to these children that went missing 70 years ago, but no mention is made of Washington actually by him, it seems the author of the article has added that bit in, but hasn't quoted BN as saying anything about it himself or linked to where BN says that. So it could be a click bait type thing? Unless there is footage/recording/transcript of BN actually making reference to the US in relation to child trafficking?

UglyTruth ago

The connection to Washington is from, not If N gave a shit about justice he would have released the documents when he became aware of them instead of using them for leverage.


I saw this as a good faith gesture. OR.....I'm going down in flames and looking to minimize my personal sentence.. just can't be sure. Anyways I applaud Beny for such a ballsy move. It's sick what's been going on around the world. Soon we will have justice.

Boud8814 ago

they've been hiding it for decades

doubletake ago

"Netanyahu "Warned" that he is "Willing" to release --- that is a threat of blackmail, extortion; he's not released anything about DC yet.

pizza-in-rm101 ago

Why is this being fed here over&over?

Happened in 1940's, in Israel, nothing to do with DC, nothing to do with pedophilia,

100 children were stolen, and sold to wanna-be parents who couldn't have children for $5,000 a child, everybody in GOV hospitals to the top of GOV was involved, children were simply stolen and sold to child-less couple, who raised the children as their own.

@kevdude @Crensch @HeyGeorge why do you consistently selectively enforce your rules?

SlackeryTurnBull ago

This occurred to me too. I was trying to square the idea of Netanyahu as "savior of children", when I remembered the heavy blackmail component of this all.