ghost_marauder ago

Sorry, I get what you're getting at. But, it's so much bullshit. From a technical standpoint all you have to do is get the drivers (or the 1980's equivalent) connect to the databases (which means crack into them), and then run the SQL. Not exactly rocket science. Given that my current computer has more horse power than every computer on earth in the 1980's internet connections were slow as shit. This whole idea from a technical standpoint is total bullshit.

ghost_marauder ago


Verite1 ago

I didn't know that. Sounds like his heart is in the right place. Somebody make trump aware of that ASAP fucking P

LostandFound ago

Brilliant please see this article from one month ago working pretty parallel Dyncorp connections in Bosnia sex trafficking from the 90's involving clintons and others

ghost_marauder ago

It's not fucking spy software idiot.

And, the moment anybody mentions universal key for computers you will have rooms full of programmers laughing their asses off.

Why I say it is not spy software is because it basically does the same function as Infomatica and Splunk put together. This is actually what we call normal. Breaking in and stealing the database info is spy software. Overall though, this is a giant pot of shit.

Blacksmith21 ago

I keep saying it and no one takes the tip. International Narcotics & Law. That's your link...

Dig - a few names should bubble up pretty quickly.

Nana66 ago

I can only find information about this on sites about Clinton body count....

Maynard Webb

Mena airport witness

Died: Late 1994 Maynard Webb had stumbled on several aircraft whose tail numbers were being changed on a regular basis. Was about to go public when he walked headfirst into a spinning propeller.


MolochHunter ago

Im coming to believe DYNCORP is a central cog. They had a shill last night try to set up a diversion here on Voat before a mod deleted it - and now the user has deleted their profile

jewwatcher ago

Dyncorp is now owned by Cerebus Capital and Veritas, all part of Peter Thiel holdings the same Palantir(FB,paypal) NSA spook who owns voat.

Also NOTE that all lawyers on pizza-block(saudis) were also working for Veritas law firm which is part of Dyncorp ( Thiel-Voat )

KingKongisCTR ago

Dyncorp and CIA headquartered in Mclean, VA right? Alefantis owns some property near the headquarters too.

garlicbulb ago

Sorry Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of Robert Maxwell. Maxwell named his yacht after her. that he died/ was killed on.. She was also the good friend of Epstein, who procured girls for him eg Alleged Epstein madam forced to hand over 17 years of documents

isthisreality ago

I noticed a couple of days ago that on Robert Maxwell's Wikipedia page, Ghislaine isn't mentioned as one of his children. Odd.

westmiguy ago

Yep, and here is an interesting article I just dug up about human trafficking in Michigan. Why did I dig this up?

When I heard about Centurion Aviation above, it connected a few dots for me... Devos also created (and runs with an iron fist) a massive annual art event here in Grand Rapids called ArtPrize that is a well-known hot spot for sex trafficking each year; so much so that groups warn females not to go to the massive event alone...

Basically, underage teens are enticed or sometimes forced to become prostitutes during the event, many are used by high-profile 'clients' that are in town for the event, and I have seen many times quite young looking women dressed provocatively entering the Devos property. Not children, but teens/college girls. I used to live with a friend right down the road from one of Devos' homes.

je-sui-pepe ago

human trafficking follows large events, football games, sports events, conventions etc. not because the event is involved but because it draws a huge crowd and some in that crowd are deviant when out of town and away from the family. just as a hotel will raise their price during an event to make more bank, so will human trafficking follow when the clientele are.... i don't think blaming events themselves is the right direction unless you have actual proof they are tied together.

westmiguy ago

I didn't mean to make it sound like I was blaming the event. Just was saying that trafficking is a major problem during that event.

je-sui-pepe ago

well not to say the dude is not a pedophile who is planning an event just for the purpose of getting recruits but as a person in the art world, these things are new to me. But i will tell you, that I worked with an actual pedophile and i had NO IDEA that anything was amiss, or weird about him until i read one day in the news that he had been arrested for distributing child porn and got sentenced to 15 years in federal prison. he was an "upstanding" well known in the Advertising industry in my city. just goes to show you never know WTF is really going on.... its so horrible

umpteenth ago

Procurer of underage girls for Epstein.

wgvdl ago

Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of Robert Maxwell and pimp for Jeffrey Epstein.

westmiguy ago

Centurion is the private airline owned by the VanAndel and Devos families (Amway). They have several private jets stationed at Gerald R Ford International Airport, as well as their own private runway near Ada. These people are way up there as far as elite people go and from what I understand are part of the Bilderberg Group. I live mere minute from the Amway world headquarters.

Zorox ago

Things grew more suspicious as FittsÕ research disclosed that Winokur, through Capricorn Investments, had a decisive role in the 1980s management of the intelligence/government outsourcing mega-firm DynCorp, of Reston, VA. Winokur served as DynCorp CEO from 1989 to 1997. DynCorp handles everything for Uncle Sam from aircraft maintenance, to sheep-dipping of combat troops into private assault forces in Colombia, to the financial management of HUD records, to the maintenance of computer security at government facilities. One of DynCorpÕs most interesting contracts is with the DoJ for the financial management of assets seized in the drug war. DynCorp also counts among its shareholders former CIA Director James Woolsey. Pug Winokur made DynCorp what it is today and he still sits on the board.

From link above

Very long read, but also alot of insight.

garlicbulb ago

That spy software mentioned was sold worldwide by Robert Maxwell , see his biography or . Could this also be why Ghislaine is involved in all this- as she knew some of her fathers blackmail secrets? Is this why she is not getting charged?

jewwatcher ago

DynCorp is Cerebus & Veritas - Thiel Holdings; Pizza Blocks Saudi and Emir Khan ( Clinton's Gold star pawn ) was Veritas and tied to Pizza Block Saudi's for visa program

Lawfirm "Hogan" is a key element, and note MODS always delete this lead

Hogan & Hartson-now Hogan Lovells LLP-connects Saudi Arabia and Clintons - Supplying Pizza& Visa's for Saudi Elite in DC - Saudi

What’s perhaps interesting is that also on this website that he has now deleted, Khan revealed that he spent nearly a decade working for the mega-D.C. law firm Hogan & Hartson—now Hogan Lovells LLP—which connects him directly with the government of Saudi Arabia and the Clintons themselves. Saudi Arabia, which has retained the firm that Khan worked at for years, has donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation. Hillary Clinton, despite the repeated urging of Trump, has refused to return the Clinton Cash money to the Saudis. What’s more, Hogan Lovells also did Hillary Clinton’s taxes—and helped acquire the patents for parts of the technology she used in crafting her illicit home-brew email server that the FBI director called “extremely careless” in handling classified information.

Hogan & Hartson supplying Visa's to Saudi elite visiting USA. [ Many other services involving sex slavery. ]

Verite1 ago

They've Just in the last day deleted the website? Are you fucking kidding me?

rush22 ago

This is interesting and may have some more leads, but for the record the tail number information it is not new material.

The majority is from this PDF (Jan 29th 2015)

Nana66 ago

Maynard Webb

Mena airport witness

Died: Late 1994 Maynard Webb had stumbled on several aircraft whose tail numbers were being changed on a regular basis. Was about to go public when he walked headfirst into a spinning propeller.