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westmiguy ago

Yep, and here is an interesting article I just dug up about human trafficking in Michigan. Why did I dig this up?

When I heard about Centurion Aviation above, it connected a few dots for me... Devos also created (and runs with an iron fist) a massive annual art event here in Grand Rapids called ArtPrize that is a well-known hot spot for sex trafficking each year; so much so that groups warn females not to go to the massive event alone...

Basically, underage teens are enticed or sometimes forced to become prostitutes during the event, many are used by high-profile 'clients' that are in town for the event, and I have seen many times quite young looking women dressed provocatively entering the Devos property. Not children, but teens/college girls. I used to live with a friend right down the road from one of Devos' homes.

je-sui-pepe ago

human trafficking follows large events, football games, sports events, conventions etc. not because the event is involved but because it draws a huge crowd and some in that crowd are deviant when out of town and away from the family. just as a hotel will raise their price during an event to make more bank, so will human trafficking follow when the clientele are.... i don't think blaming events themselves is the right direction unless you have actual proof they are tied together.

westmiguy ago

I didn't mean to make it sound like I was blaming the event. Just was saying that trafficking is a major problem during that event.

je-sui-pepe ago

well not to say the dude is not a pedophile who is planning an event just for the purpose of getting recruits but as a person in the art world, these things are new to me. But i will tell you, that I worked with an actual pedophile and i had NO IDEA that anything was amiss, or weird about him until i read one day in the news that he had been arrested for distributing child porn and got sentenced to 15 years in federal prison. he was an "upstanding" well known in the Advertising industry in my city. just goes to show you never know WTF is really going on.... its so horrible