Stygianabyss ago

I wonder if Pug Winokur is involved with Pug's?

smokemirrors ago

Interesting. I wonder how much $$$ Arpad has paid Uma Thurman to keep her mouth shut about what she really knows....

Taki is an absolute faggoty slimy hairy Greek CUNT of the highest order. Everybody hates him, but he knows too many 'secrets'...

" "in a 1997 column for The American Spectator, he referred to New York’s Puerto Rican population as “a bunch of semi-savages…fat, squat, ugly, dirty, dusky, and unbelievably loud.” And he openly considers himself a “soi-disant [so-called] anti-Semite.” "

" "This past June, [he] wrote an article entitled “The Turd World,” declaring that, “Muslims are simply way behind us. They’re merely slower than us — ‘retarded,’ if you will.” "

A faux-journo who thinks he's part of the 1%. Brags about sharing barely-legal hookers with Rothschilds et al. Lord knows what he and his sicko fellow elites have trivialized in their time....arrrghhhhhhh.