3141592653 ago

FMSF are the ENEMIES. Created by and for pedos.

ArthurEdens ago

Amazing that it only applies to victims of abuse

21yearsofdigging ago

One more video, pretty unbiased, with a psychiatrist concerning False Memory Syndrome Foundation . Please ignore the woman's attire, she looks like a hooker, which given the subject matter is ridiculous https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNkXckrXUqc

21yearsofdigging ago

Here is an older video but tons on these creeps all over the net. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zozCUgqcwsk

Don-Keyhote ago

These are the folks from the 80s Manhattan beach shit right? Good lead!

throwaway89209834 ago

80s Manhattan beach

Do you have any reference to what that is? I am not aware of what that is right now.

This is really weird to me because they set up a whole foundation for this and then they state that it is primarily for women from "well-educated, affluent families”. I read this and think, this is happening so much in these elite families that they set up a foundation for it, that is crazy!

Even if this is not a front organization, it still reads to me like it would point to something related to victims of pizzagate.

Don-Keyhote ago

Bro throughout the 80s there were sra stories at daycares and now you read of the decade of satanic hysteria as some sociohidtoric phenomenon whereby a nation was duped by overzealous child psychologists who manipulated children to make false statements

21yearsofdigging ago

Not true. FMSF was funded by the CIA and they are always called in on pedophile cases to dismiss their claims. They are the bad guys


Don-Keyhote ago

I said you read of meaning even conservatives dismiss the whole thing casually, I havent researched it much but I read the parents had to commission a surveyor who verified details of the tunnels like where u had to duck or turn