zlomsocz ago

search the names Halperin, all three come up on NGO 1001 list https://isgp-studies.com/false-memory-syndrome-foundation-fmsf

zlomsocz ago

if we can link these halperins to the mark halperin at politico who is in a narrative controling position on wikileaks with the youtube video he posted, all verrrry concerning if these halperins are related this is the missing link.

zlomsocz ago

any relation to this guy mark halperin who put out this video about assange outside the embassy????? @ababcb @apparatchik1488 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MJAvCqVIXw

ababcb ago

Yes, actually. It looks like Mark Halperin is the son of Morton Halperin.


Halperin is the son of Morton Halperin, a foreign policy expert, and Ina Young. He has two brothers, David and Gary.

This video is suspicious and if this guy is tied to the Clinton Foundation that makes me almost certain Assange is not at the embassy.

zlomsocz ago

holy shit i literally just discovered that too via wikipedia saying marks the son of morton, but i have a full picture now that is quite damning.

Aloha808 ago

Great idea, Tony Podesta is a confirmed Satanic pedophile, he received the email about spirit cooking, he has legitimate pedophile artwork, and their is a picture of a "pedo-bear" in his bedroom.

apparatchik1488 ago

The halperins seem like a solid lead. Good contribution man. Fuck these kike shills. I swear there is like 3 of them, and they have vote bots. getting 8 upvoats on an old, dead thread, right after posting a comment in a long comment chain. not suspicious at all.

zlomsocz ago

no i thought i at least took a screenshot but ill double check in the am, several others archived as it was happening

Womb_Raider ago

Archive everything. Bonus points if you can save this information locally, without internet connection (Flash drives, external HDDS)... if they connect to the web, they can potentially be tampered with

spacemanspliph ago

this is garbage

VieBleu ago

explain why or be ignored.

Throwingtothewolves ago

I disagree, considering the Epstein Foundation involvement.

ababcb ago

Good catch.

zlomsocz ago

septime webre, james alefantis good friend was the artistic director at the dc metro ballet, and they did events to "raise awareness" of human trafficking, i made a submission about this in the past @Seahag127


VieBleu ago

I wonder if any donors, public or press EVER follow up on these kind of fundraisers to see how the money was spent.

reasonedandinformed ago

I was active in the thread. He was a massive shill. He and one other shill were trying to tear down the OP, who had found some promising leads in a probe of Tony Podesta's FB friends. Example: They were arguing the #CPLOVE hashtag (with an image of a boy with a large cucumber in his mouth) was innocent. It was obvious that OP had found something as the stronger they argue, the more you know you are on the right track. I was in the middle of it, trying to help. I also was able to prove the next day that LegionWill was a CTR shill as he planted manufactured evidence to try to frame the main Mod (kingkongwaswrong). Anyway, I am glad you came back. Never be bullied again!

apparatchik1488 ago

Me too bro, I backed it up on the archive and screenshot'ed. I looked it up and they were lying, saying cplove is a common term on social media. (its not)

Typical shill. I thought so.

zlomsocz ago

i had to sign off cuz i am still new to blogging in general, so i let it play itself out, much thanks to you and others who followed the story through, i was getting discouraged. @reasonedandinformed

reasonedandinformed ago

You're a trooper. We are doing God's work.

micha_ ago

And what do you want to say with that post?

zlomsocz ago

which post? , this one or the one from the other day which i deleted? @micha_

micha_ ago

I mean the topic post of this thread. It's good to give the reader the info, what the long post is about, so that the reader can decide, if he wants to dive into the details.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Here's the link to the full PDF document that your last link references - Fritz Springmeier. I've been reading up on it the last couple of days http://whale.to/b/sp/blood.html

LloydK ago

Isn't Springmeier the one who was rumored to be Abe Lincoln's real Dad, a wealthy elitist?

Ronnilynn31 ago

You're thinking of A.A. Springs. That was wayyy back. This author is from the 90's & wrote about that.

zlomsocz ago
