Yates ago

I think at this point you'll need to tack this post onto another post with a lot of activity. How else to get noticed when a post about GABAI OMG is in the top spot? Choose the thread wisely and don't link to this previous post. present it as "OH WOW that just reminded me about xxx do you think it's connected?" because this joint is saturated with CTR and the most important thing is to get your info seen and spread around. Make the timing count dude. We have to beat them at their own game.

This webre guy has been posting on medium for years. Fucking bizarre that he has these connections. Sometimes these people are put at the center of the survivor community to collect data, keep tabs on who is where and what they're remembering. He's right fucking next to the probable ringleaders wtf. Archive it all.

zlomsocz ago

thank god somebody else thinks this is important, i contacted alfred on facebook and the exchanges we have had have been bizare, his facebook profile alone is back and forth on pizzagate but i cant even begin to describe what i begining to consider after alfred and my own interactions, he fb messages me disinfo on pizzagate its so weird, also most ppl have not heard of him before the more recent pizagate stuff so this thread died, but im happy to have an investigative pal in this @Yates

Yates ago

Take screenshots and blur out your private info dude. This can be very helpful in showing others what a disinfo artist looks like. Upload to slimgr with commentary.

I'm really curious what he had to say to you. I've only ever encountered him in the occasional medium article but I noticed he wrote about things others usually wouldn't touch. I'm sure he attracted a lot of emails from relieved victims. But did he pass that info on to the Pedostas?

zlomsocz ago

please help and by all means comment

0xFFF ago

he appeared here again. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1482563