sponiatowski ago

This woman does look under serious duress and in need of emotional help. But what caused her eating disorder. Her lawyer looks like the devil himself. The woman who says that "there are just not that many people involved in satanic cults" sounds credible, but right now we think the entire Democratic Party is part of a Satanic cult, so she looses credibility.

Here's my theory based upon what I know of satanic liars. Imagine for a moment that the truth is being tortured, this incident is being turned on its head by the satanic cult. After participating in and performing child sacrifice and cannibalistic rituals, some members of a cult get an eating disorder. They have all been sent to Castle Rock to be cured because of proximity and reputation.

It comes to the head of the cult's attention that Castle Rock Institute is learning too much about the cults activities and they decide to discredit the institute. They decide to make Schwartz the scapegoat to be crucified for the cult's sins and they persecute for hearing the truth about them. He tells the women of the cult sent to the institute, all of them participants in child sacrifice and cannibalism, to recant what they told the doctor and to discredit the doctor and the institution by any means necessary. So they make the truth they spoke at the institute into a lie and, in case there are tape recordings and documentation, they say they were hypnotized or drugged.

The public attack and menace of the cult is of such force that the doctor resigns and goes into hiding and the institute closes its doors, changes ownership, and changes its name. Eventually the cost of treating the women with eating disorders is recovered by their families, no one in the cult has to pay a thing and maybe even come out ahead financially, but the doctors and institute pay the price for learning the cults secrets. If the doctor has credible notes, hopefully he has turned them over to the FBI or proper authorities. The cult members have a filed and resolved lawsuit should the FBI ever come back to them to investigate. They tell investigators: "The doctor was a fraud and I got my money back." So they even have an excuse and a lawsuit to cover the truth.

Could this be a possibility?

Chasnigga ago

Monterrey, CA. Lots of activity there too.

21yearsofdigging ago

Time to go digging. The butterfly logo is suspect. Plus anytime I see someone reporting 'False memories' it is immediately a red flag. Here is a link to The False Memory Syndrome Foundation's board members and the actual lawsuits BY THEIR OWN CHILDREN regarding pedophilia https://isgp-studies.com/false-memory-syndrome-foundation-fmsf

gangpressorliber ago

What is it with starving people down and then harvesting organs... I think they are preying on anorexics. There is another report of starving the victims first. I supposed it cleans them up first idk... decreases rejection rates. idk... your onto something for sure.