Konran ago

Okay - let me be clearer.

Have you ever heard of thousands of multiple witnesses frequently confirming each others' memories (false or otherwise) of the exact same thing?

Just as an example - why do so many people have Monroe piercings on their upper lip and yet Marilyn Monroe's beauty spot is on her cheek?

[EDIT: To provide a simple example)

21yearsofdigging ago

Everyone on the inside track knows that the False Memory Syndrome Foundation is who you call if you want to call on 'experts' that will dismiss any claims of ritual abuse. They were and still are an invention of the C.I.A. to shit on anyone claiming to recover memories. They have destroyed thousands of young peoples lives that had the courage to come out and tell the truth. I Hate them, Hate them Hate them and so should you. If your child or someone's child has been rituallly abused understand the FMS is your enemy. They work for the perpitrators. http://educate-yourself.org/mc/falsememoryhoax1996.shtml http://educate-yourself.org/mc/falsememoryhoax1996.shtml

zzvoat ago

These people think we're stupid when all we were was not yet awake.

And to think that the floodgates opened after centuries of darkness - and with a tsunami incoming, all because Podesta got phished. Ha!! That's what the fish on the palm of his hand means!

quantokitty ago

This is called priming the well. An authority is stating a fact that really is not a fact, only a supposition.

Theupsidedown ago

Yeah... The movie was called Kazaam, and starred Shaquille O'Neal.


PolybiusPizza ago

You're right. Trust the media and what you are told because you can't trust yurself according to an article. How did you get by until now?

Sentastixc ago

Google the Mandela effect.

tamaman ago

wtf? I also have seen Shazaam as a kid, was 7 or 8 at the time. I rememer Sinbad being in it as it is the ONLY time I've ever seen that guy before years alter with the internet (I'm french) I also rented this movie at a vhs rental similar to blockbuster lol. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005435/ this is nowhere to be found on his imdb page. I don't know wether this is a hoax or a big psyop lmao. I'm sure lots of you have seen that movie too.


you were thinking of this:


Martenzo ago

The core issue is that false memories, while real, don't happen completely spontaneously. A suggestion element is critical to their formation.

Konran ago

Yes this is an obvious truth.

But have you ever heard of thousands of mutliple witnesses frequently confirming each others memories (false or otherwise)?

wgvdl ago

You have to distinguish very thoroughly when investigating the nature of memory. We humans use different brain circles for different kind of memories. What is tackled by "false memory"-studies is only one kind of a very specific memory-system, the explicit memory without emotional impact.

What is far more significant in everyone's life ist the effect of the implicit memory, all what we cant remember in outspoken details but what we have learned and remember in behavior, emotional settings, mindsets, and so on.

On this board, there was an account of an Yoga teacher who had been abused in various ways. I found her story to be authentic and moreover to be exemplaric for how the implicit memory works: her memories of the abuse had been split off first, but then she had these "reminders", flashbacks that resurfaced by smelling a certain smell or listening to certain noise. Moreover her constant fear and irritation and her limited behavioral options indicated to experiences she had to block out. It was only then when inner pictures emerged to tell what all those implicit clues were all about.

Headstart ago

PBS has a show on two months ago with a professor from a Colorado University talking about how the mind can invent memories of things that never happened.

They are doing everything they can to discredit victims!

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

Pretty this Mandela shit is a huge psyops by Tavistock or other globalist psychology institutions to make people start doubting their own knowledge so they start trusting google and MSM more.

KanyeMKULTRA ago

I personally think the Mandela effect is showing us what's actually going on in the world. An unveiling of sorts, of all the corruption. Berenstain/Berenstein has to be one of the biggest Mandela Effects right now.

I was doing some research into "Berenstain Bears" just reading through the wiki and stumbled upon some things. First, was Lederle Labratories. In the 1980s, the prominent vaccine manufacturer Lederle Laboratories licensed the Berenstain Bears for a promotional campaign encouraging children to get vaccinated. As part of the campaign, Lederle distributed Berenstain Bears stuffed animals and books to every pediatrician's office in the United States. From the things I've been seeing lately, vaccines aren't so great. My friend works at a pediatricians office, and tells me kids get vaccinated and come back the next week sick AF. I started looking deeper into Ledere which folded and turned into American Home Products, aka Wyeth Holdings Corporation. Who was Wyeth sold to? It was acquired by Pfizer. The infant and maternal nutrition business was acquired by Nestlé in 2012. Why is this important? Nestlé owns a whole bunch of products affected by ME. Kit-kat, Poland Springs, Coffee-Mate, 100 grand.

Nestlé also believes water should be privatized and not free for humanity, they own over 20 different water companies at this time. I also recently learned that companies like Nabisco, Nestle, Pepsi, Kraft, Proctor & Gamble, all have ME products and many of them. Something made me question, what do they put in these products? As I looked deeper, it was possibly aborted baby cells aka HEK 293 in food for flavoring. It really doesn't surprise me they'd want to have a Soylent Green type situation. A Snopes article I found said the claim was false, but the report was unable to give statements from companies in question. In my experience Snopes isn't a very reliable source when it comes to things. So do your own research! "The reality is that HEK 293 cells are widely used in pharmaceutical research, helping scientists create vaccines as well as drugs like those for rheumatoid arthritis." Why wouldn't this company use HEK 293 to flavor foods. The company who created it is called Senomyx. Senomyx is an American biotechnology company working toward developing additives to amplify certain flavors and smells in foods. The company claims to have essentially "reverse engineered" the receptors in humans that react for taste and aroma, and that they are capitalizing on these discoveries to produce chemicals that will make food taste better. Senomyx develops patented flavor enhancers by using "proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems." These receptors have been previously expressed in HEK293 cells. Right in their wiki.

I feel like many of these companies are poisoning us/have bad intentions and we're being shown through Mandela Effects. As for the people/names changing I feel we need to look into these people more. Gandi/Ghandi is a pedo. Hitler's eyes are blue (many remember brown) that's changed, some people don't know Mother Teresa/Theresa allegedly had a cult and starved people in her sanctuary. I feel like we need to dig deeper into the things allegedly changing, not dismiss. They were labeled as "false memories" by Wikipedia/mainstream from the beginning. It's a topic they do NOT want us talking about.

wgvdl ago

You are very right, Norm85. At the heart of the "False Memory Syndrome"-construct we find Mr. Peter Freyd who himself was accused by his daughter Jennifer of multiple sexual abuse. Freyd defended himself establishing the "False Memory Syndrome Foundation" hiring such 'experts' like Elizabeth Loftus who was willing to testify even on behalf of mass murderer like Ted Bundy. He was eager to discredit his daughter in many ways. Jennifer had meanwhile become professor for psychology at University of Pennsylvania.

More here: https://isgp-studies.com/false-memory-syndrome-foundation-fmsf


wrong school, check again

TruthTrumps ago

Yep, here's another: https://twitter.com/Conspiracy_X/status/811822637630582784

They will try to use this excuse to discredit people like Cathy O'Brien and other victims who come forward.

doubletake ago

well sure! The MSM is the friggin' experts at false memories! it's called Advertising! (aka spin). Bill Hicks on the Evils of Marketing :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tvp97SMZc6M

Destroying young witnesses who have been raped is a specialty. Thorough humiliation. Take a cue from young Hillary's actions against a rape victim -- it was a popular video floating around.

Rigg5 ago

Alex Jones must have a really weird story. I'd pay a 1000 bucks for that book.

derram ago

https://archive.is/Al0zF :

The movie that doesn’t exist and the Redditors who think it does

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