Wolftrail7272 ago

Oh man, there's a place in St. Louis called the Castlewood Treatment Center that's for women (I think exclusively) that was sued bigtime for allegedly planting false memories of Satanic Ritual Abuse in patients minds. No joke. There is a group called Castlewood Survivors (saying that the girls with the false memories are victims of manipulation by the treatment center) that is really worth looking into. I keep dropping hints about St. Louis. Remember, Obama's favorite pizza place was PI Pizzeria, one location in DC, one in St. Louis. Also, remember IMO's Pizza? Devlin? Trust me, there's more here.

TrumpSoldOut ago

.... .... ...

I posted information that mod Phobos_mothership didn't approve of.

This is what he said.

" Post links and reliable sources backing up your claims and support the fact that this is related to pizzagate, and I will stop deleting these posts. But since you probably can't, I probably won't."


So then I posted this and factually sourced ever single claim.


Then he used this excuse instead.

" This is not a Satanism investigation subverse. Read the rules"


"That is not what I said. I said prove a direct link between ANY of this bullshit and PIZZAGATE. THIS IS NOT A SATANIST INVESTIGATING SUB."


So at first he said he was censoring me because I wasn't sourcing my claims, and then after I source everything he says that Pizza isn't about Satanism, which we all know is bullshit.

He's deleting other people's comments as well.

" my bad, comment was deleted in error as I was deleting the post (its been a crazy day, if you look at the modlog for removals)"


And this next comment explains his mentality.

" the burden of proof is on you, shillfuck"


This is the mods attempting to control the narrative. They're the gatekeepers. Funny how his first excuse was that it was wasn't sourced, then he says Satanism has nothing to do with child sacrifice and pedophila.

This is fucking disgusting.

Btw, I'm fairly certain that he's the other mod KingKong.

I going to start running the mod's comments through a speech analysis program to identify patterns and figure out which mods are using alts to pose as different mods.

This subverse is compromised and I'm going to expose everything. I won't give up.

FuckReddit69 ago

Scientism at its finest.

kekistocrat ago

Got 'em mesmerized like the pied piper. This is one of the key problems and it's so simple. Most people are self-hypnotized by the religion of science and don't even know there's a difference. Much less science being a simple method to find truth.

SynapticRevolt ago

Ha ha yup, here comes the "real" fake news,

wgvdl ago

This only refers to explicit memory, implicit memories that are stored in our bodies, behavior and emotional networks never lie cz they are hardware.

Blacksmith21 ago

That was actually interesting. It fits in my theory that somewhere in the process of developing the SOP for MK ULTRA, "they" found a backdoor to the human psyche. I wouldn't be surprised to discover some "code" embedded within pop culture media which helps form a "groupthink / echo chamber" type social interaction within a populace. Lastly, I think it may have to do with why some folks can be hypnotized and others cannot.