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Singleservename ago

Fuck this selfimportant wankfest. This guy is no journalist, not an investigator, not even a fucking pundit.

This guy sits there for himself, talking about himself because it's always about them, these fucked up narcissists.

Look, he doesn't know shit. Pegasus is 'allegedly' owned by Alefantis? Do some research yourself hipster moron.

What, your 'source' says it's not open to the public? That's easy to verify but he won't because he's a lameass mirrorjerker and he'd rather talk about his deepthroats and 'threats' made against him.

You know what David Seaman. Go do some research and be the journalist you pretend to be instead of naming anon investigators as 'sources'. Fuck your empty rhetoric and narcissism. I don't want your kind on my side.

/rant off

birthdaysuit11 ago

He could be a gatekeeper, idk.

think_whatif ago

Jeeze. Kind of unnecessarily harsh.

Seaman's, unarguably, helped spread pizzagate because of the millions of views on his pizzagate videos.

While I personally would like to see him take on more of an investigator role for himself, your snarky comment raises the question:

What have you done?

seekingtruth2016 ago

In a previous video, he explains that his lawyers advised him to start using the word "allegedly" to avoid any further disruption to his various social media accounts and PayPal. I agree with the rest of your rant. :)

bopper ago