zzvoat ago

I was with you 100% until you got to "Ryan."

bopper ago

Get a grip. "Trump is with them."

LookingGlass ago

This thread is not about Trump, go find another subverse for your political trolling.

seekingtruth2016 ago

My guess is that David's approach most likely appeals to a younger generation compared to some of us who are well past our angsty teen years and can't really relate to someone who just sounds like a whiny kid. I'll continue to watch his videos knowing that I'll have to fast forward to the main content and stop it when the useless ranting commences towards the end.

gerrycan ago

Open source investigation is the way forward yes. When the evidence is out there in an instant there is no waty they can take that out and quell it. David talks about that in his video. George achieves it in his. I like and applaud them both. We are many, they are few. They fear our numbers when we stand and move together.

ThePoorPeople ago

shill-ill-ill-ill-ill-ill-ill-ill; kiss de shill!

bopper ago

I noticed that myself.

quantokitty ago

Awesome! Seaman is on fire lately. Totally agree about the gaslight treatment. Seems to be their MO and it's getting tired! So strange how they all open businesses and yet no one knows about them, there's no advertising or promo. What exhibits were shown there? Is there a website? With all JA's connections, they should have been able to have continuous showings.

Crazy and I'm glad he's delving into these things.

crazimal ago

Yes unless you are capable of writing your thoughts in a meaningful post and linking to your video (described as a "wankfest" by another user) in the text of something meaningful and worth reading.

It is worth no one's time to watch a video of you opining in front of a white wall on YouTube. You make a similar impression to millions of tweens by doing so. You aren't talking about makeup tips or your favorite tv drama, but might as well be. Or at least shave.

If not a ban rule maybe such posts should get an automatic "LARP" tag? Idk it just bogs the whole forum down and functions as a huge distract or by outlinking instead of promoting attention to digesting meaningful data presented here.

gerrycan ago

This guy's correct. Yeah, sure he's a bit of a ranter but i like that. We need people like him. Not everybody can grasp what George Webb is talking about after all. Talking of Webb, what about today's Eric Braverman videos. George looks like he is going all in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RiPfG1miG8&t=24s

nitro169 ago

Is it just me or did george sound a bit off today, talking about someone else taking over from where he left off, and mentioning being an FBI target. He knows something big and sounds extremely uneasy.

gerrycan ago

He's making sure that should anything untoward or unexpected happen, that this research project will continue. A sensible move on his part in any case, but given the people that he is pointing fingers at a necessity. These people don't like daylight much, and George is opening the windows and doors on them. They won't take long to get over the dazzle. Let's hope there is a nasty trap waiting for anyone approaching him with any ill intent. I have a hopeful feeling that there will be. If he forces them to move in the light, they will hopefully be seen and dealt with, and lead patriotic people to their masters. Rats are not the loyal type after all. Say one for George, even if you're not religious. He is a true patriot, and a credit to America.

Yuke ago

I find this hilarious. This guy doesn't know a single thing about this investigation until at least a week after others have found stuff out. (I checked, I'm being kind, it's 8 days in this instance). I'm convinced he is on the CTR payroll now. I've had my doubts about his legitimacy for quite a while, but now I have no doubts. (P.S: I'm pretty sure his 'source' was a reply that someone made on voat that he put his own 'spin' on.) Have a search, it's here.

crazimal ago

Mods I think we need auto-banned on neckbeard youtubes.

IP and user banned 30 days automatically for YouTube link as the basis of a post.

Permanent ban for tour-de-browser voiceover youtubes.

Doxxed banned and DDOSed for selfie neckbeard standup youtubes.

Gotta have standards. Just sayin

nitro169 ago

Mods, I think we need to ban new users that contribute nothing yet propose censorship of others.

Mentening ago

Dude tries too hard to be the next Breitbart. Like he has a death wish or something

seekingtruth2016 ago

Why is this the first time he has this source out investigating when this has been going on for months? Not only that, but this "source" doesn't even have any answers that are worthy of posting a video about it. Of course the neighbors weren't given information about what's happening since it's a private construction project and the workers have no obligation to reveal what they are doing.

I'm really trying to give this guy some credit, but Jesus, he's got to stop with the rants. 90% of the content in his videos is just him going on and on about his anger towards Podesta/JA/PayPal and I actually stopped this one about two minutes before it was done because I could tell he was headed down an uninformative path.

Singleservename ago

Fuck this selfimportant wankfest. This guy is no journalist, not an investigator, not even a fucking pundit.

This guy sits there for himself, talking about himself because it's always about them, these fucked up narcissists.

Look, he doesn't know shit. Pegasus is 'allegedly' owned by Alefantis? Do some research yourself hipster moron.

What, your 'source' says it's not open to the public? That's easy to verify but he won't because he's a lameass mirrorjerker and he'd rather talk about his deepthroats and 'threats' made against him.

You know what David Seaman. Go do some research and be the journalist you pretend to be instead of naming anon investigators as 'sources'. Fuck your empty rhetoric and narcissism. I don't want your kind on my side.

/rant off

birthdaysuit11 ago

He could be a gatekeeper, idk.

think_whatif ago

Jeeze. Kind of unnecessarily harsh.

Seaman's, unarguably, helped spread pizzagate because of the millions of views on his pizzagate videos.

While I personally would like to see him take on more of an investigator role for himself, your snarky comment raises the question:

What have you done?

seekingtruth2016 ago

In a previous video, he explains that his lawyers advised him to start using the word "allegedly" to avoid any further disruption to his various social media accounts and PayPal. I agree with the rest of your rant. :)

bopper ago