Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Paul Ryan's Home District is an Epicenter of Corruption. Racine, Wisconsin is the center of Pizzagate. We have proof of widespread corruption, racketeering and pedo activities involving officials and the most influential people in the area. It needs to be investigated before more lives are ruined.

Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus are both from the Racine, Wisconsin area, which is a hotbed of global corruption and secret societies. Paul Ryan has been made aware of the brazen levels of corruption in his home district and refuses to do anything about it. He shows up at the County Fair with dozens of secret service agents and won't address the concerns of his constituents regarding widespread criminal corruption among officials and their associates in his district. There is also a history of rigged voting and elections along with records tampering that casts a doubt on the reported figures from Paul Ryan's reelection over Paul Nehlen, which could have been used to diminish Trump's momentum in the heat of the presidential race.

Why won't Paul Ryan support a federal criminal investigation into corruption in his home district? We know why, and the local media is censoring and covering up anything they can so no one outside of Racine finds out the real truth. Racine is a central cog to global corruption and Agenda 21.

rippingtheveil ago

yes i lived in Milwaukee for 10 yrs, i worked in racine Kenosha area and inn suburbs of Chicago, Milwaukee was corrupt then with alderman scandles, i remember listening to mark belling at the time. i didn't understand what the cover up was about, but now i know, come to think of it wasnt there a riot in Milwaukee last summer, if there was a riot in cities that soros funded you better believe the cause was to cover up child trafficking and pedophilia, now i know

reasonedandinformed ago

Title of this post is sensational and not specifically supported. Taking money from Hastert does not automatically imply it was done for cover-up purposes. This OP also made this inflammatory, unsupported post: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1627896. Either CTR or not a good researcher, but the quick upvoats here and for the linked post scream CTR.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Something valid and left out here, is that many of the complaints from the pages, were not all against Rep. Mark Foley. Some accused Sasse of abuse too, but it was covered up. Foley fell only. Sasse was also around during the Franklin Cover up. I told the democratic and republican party of NE all about this...and gave them all the docs. Dems could win, and repubs should get another candidate was my point. Neither party did anything, but the campaign kids got one hell of an education from me!

reasonedandinformed ago

Wow. It has been 100% clear to me that this sickness is non-partisan, infecting both parties...which is why, I think, we saw such resistance to Trump, an uncontrolled outsider, by BOTH parties.

rippingtheveil ago

I'm just trying to put the pieces together, we all know what the cover up is about

reasonedandinformed ago

OK. Accept my apologies. I just think we need to be careful in what we can ASSERT versus indicate as something to pursue. Ryan would fall into the second category from the info that was linked.

rippingtheveil ago

sure uh huh

reasonedandinformed ago

Sorry if it is misdirected and that you are on the side to get the sickos, but please do not write that Ryan took money to cover up pedophilia unless it is supported. I am not a fan of Ryan, but we need to support any such accusation as we have enough people known to be in the crosshairs to mislabel someone. If he is part of this, I want him taken down, but we need to support it with more than the fact that a politician took money.

waxdino ago

The title is inflammatory, but the article is good. This author made solid connections between the"nevertrump" gops and protecting pedohiles back in May 2016!

reasonedandinformed ago

That is very true, but we should be careful to literally claim Ryan took hush money from Hastert. I am not a big fan of Ryan, but the claim in the title is not supported, I am certain that this evil infects both parties, but we need to make sure to target those for whom we can show a direct link. If Ryan is one of them, he should be targeted - just need the evidence.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Mike cernovich is close friends with alan dershowitz


FartOnYou ago

I doubt it.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Read the response from Virginia Robert's attorney. They show a clear connection that cernovich & detshowitz are working together.


Chad_Stethoscope ago

The filed response shows that both Cernovich and Dershowitz are asking for the court to make similar information available. This shows a tangential relationship, not necessarily a solid connection. It is certainly cause for consideration and further investigation to see if more links are discovered.

It is not in itself proof of coordination or a 'clear connection'. It's more of a 'muddy connection' but a connection nonetheless.

rippingtheveil ago

they are all entangled, geez

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Cernovich sites dershowitz as his inspiration for going to law school. Plus consider the source - Virginia Roberts attorney. She is the victim of child sex trafficking. She is the reason we are all here - we're on the same side. Has cernovich explained their response?

Chad_Stethoscope ago

Would like a source for the 'inspiration' quote, but I did find this from when Cernovich interviewed Dershowitz for the Silenced documentary on free speech.

Here's Cernovich's response to the motion to dismiss.