rippingtheveil ago

nice thanks

GeorgeT ago

Rubio being obssessed with Donald's penis size was rather odd. Now it all makes sense.

quantokitty ago

Rubio is dirty, dirty, dirty. The GOP was trying every way in the world to get him to be the presidential candidate and force him down the populace throat. HRC would have easily won over that guy ... anyone would.

Coloradical2 ago

Yeah a lot of them are. The real powers find the worst degenerates who have seemingly no control over their own impulses and they finance /sponsor their run for office. They basically blackmail them. And so they do what they are told lest they be exposed and lose everything.

Vindicator ago

Rippingtheveil, do you have any respectable links supporting the claims in this "article"? 'Cause this website reeks of fake news. I am going to flair this "Possible Disinformation". Ping me if you can back any of this up with evidence and I will remove the flair.

rippingtheveil ago

i think your right i can not find anything else other than thus article, i cannot verify, i have looked, only thing i could think of is to contact private investigator who wrote article

rippingtheveil ago

yea know vindicator everything related to pizzagate is fake news, at least that what msm says

rippingtheveil ago

i posted this because of the link between him and haleigh cummings, also george webb brought this out in a video on his serries where is eric braverman

Vindicator ago

Well, link to those then, with timestamps for videos so that people can weigh evidence for themselves. The site you've linked to just makes us look like gullible fools easily manipulated into smearing the GOP. That certainly does not help advance the Pizzagate investigation.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Rubio is known for foam parties! Sick Bastard!

Fatsack ago

Yes, Marco is a puppet, and is a compromised pedo. This is covered in George Webbs "where is eric braverman?" series.

rippingtheveil ago

can u get me that link please

Fatsack ago Not sure which episode its in, and theres a lot, but I suggest everyone watch every episode of his if you can, preferably in order.

rippingtheveil ago

hey thanks

Fatsack ago


hang_em_high ago

is there chance these guys vote no for sessions?

rippingtheveil ago

shit u know ghwb was in Houston prob did sra to get blood

rippingtheveil ago

ok cia, and drugs, and child trafficking

IlluminatiKing ago

Perhaps the nickname 'Lil Marco Rubio was for another reason...

dogwalker ago

Praise kek

rippingtheveil ago

yea he saw pics

rippingtheveil ago

crazy sick shit

rippingtheveil ago

yea look at my post i found about haleigh cummings