Vindicator ago

@Candygram_for_Mongo, I am flairing this as "Debunked" until someone can prove otherwise because the legal documents referenced do not support the conclusion put forward in your headline, or by Cernovich himself in his article. It appears he is instead working with Derschowitz to get the victim's files unsealed by the court.

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

Yeah, it's not my headline. Do what you must, I won't be offended.

Yates ago

There is already a mega thread about this. Funny how this one direct links to his blog. More clicks. He has been called out by several lawyer types under the original tweets, which he cannot delete unless he deletes the entire tweet - which could happen as he has done this before. The blog he can regulate comments and delete any criticism. DO NOT SEND MONEY - HE IS RICH AND CAN AFFORD COURT COSTS - HE IS A LAWYER AND REFERS CASES TO FRIENDS OFTEN HE DOESN'T NEED HELP FROM REGULAR PEOPLE.

He has been asked some very good questions in these tweets replies. How long until he deletes the tweets?

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Does anyone have a TL;DR, I am outta the loop on this one, not overly familiar with the 'truth' about this guy?

equineluvr ago

No, he didn't.

Papers that we are seeing that contain redacted content are not "secret" papers.

justice4kidz ago

this is true. if you go to and look for case # 1:15-cv-07433-RWS, Mike Cernovich made a motion to file as an Intervenor to obtain an UNSEALED version of the case summary statement. if you go to, the document he is looking for is completely redacted, plus the motion to quash is completely redacted as well. let's pray for Mike. he put himself in a pretty high profile case here.

Singleservename ago

He made the motion together with Dershowitz the rapist against his and Epstein's abuse victim.

Please stop posting this. It's bullshit. Epstein and the Kikevitzes are working together on this one.

Edit: i'm gonna ask these mods again to flag this DEBUNKED. It's a cruel joke at Virginia's expense.

@Millennial_Falcon @Vindicator

kplusk ago

We NEED to keep this post showing Cernovich is full of BS - he's perpetuating this false narrative (& yes, @ the expense of Virginia, which sucks)! However, we don't know his intent. IMO he's a shill for Epstein/Dershowitz/PedoElite.

Vindicator ago

I have flaired it accordingly. After reading Cernovich's article and seeing how he presents the legal document in a completely dishonest manner in what appears to be an attempt to gin up clicks and book sales, at the expense of Epstein's victim, I am appalled. As shills go, Cernovich has taken it to a new level of sophistication.

Ramona ago

What if this is happening because the case would implicate Trump? Oh man.....

Mommyplayer571 ago

The HHS insider on Victoria's Liberatus recently stated Dershowitz had not released the entire list of who went to Epstein Island.

Blondmyth ago

Someone needs to make a post about this to warn people. To many people are cheering him on thinking he's some kind of hero who's acting in the name of transparency. The guy is toxic.

Proii_Pariah ago

You're absolutely right! I wish the people who think Cernovich is a great guy would spend a few hours watching his Periscopes and listening to him talk about how his primary motive is "protecting and increasing his BRAND".

I had seen him in interviews and liked what he said so I went and watched his personal videos and WOW was I ever shocked at what a scumbag he is.

PizzaGate711 ago

Bring it on Pedophile Epstein. Let's see how you stack up under a Trump administration.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

You don't care he is working with Dershowitz against the victims?

Blondmyth ago

This needs to be spread about, people need to understand Cernovich is colluding with Pervowitz to make the documents public. I've mentioned this at the_donald but they went crazy and deleted everything [they let one post stay up so I guess that's something].

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

*Pervowitz - hahaha! I love puns!