SuperJohnWayne ago

He's been tweeting about the corrupt govt for years. He hasn't recently jumped on the deep state bandwagon. Woods, with his large twitter following and personal wealth, would be a target of Podesta for libel if he spoke against Podesta too soon.

soulog ago

Why does Cernovich deserve a hit piece?? Some people on here have trouble believing almost anything. He is pretty new to the pedogate research and I doubt he knows as much as most researchers here so cut him some slack the chap is putting himself on the line requesting the Epstein papers and by just covering PG alone, not everyone with a platform and career have chosen to do so. Seems anyone who has their own audience and legit platform are enemies of pg by default its ridiculous - waste of time and energy in my opinion. If someone is a shill their own actions and words will prove that not endless speculation and confirmation bias.


I wonder who George Webb really is. On Linked-In he's a "Account Executive - Digital Marketing, Big Data, Networking, Saas, and Database technologies" salesman (information logistics) but as a researcher he has got a far to wide and deep understanding of covert ops to be a hobby analyst. Any Clues? Was he implementing Palantir at DynCorp or what?

roundhouse1776 ago

If I had to guess, former CIA/Dyncorp. But the question is, why they allow him to reveal all this information? He might be pushing an agenda, mixed in with the real info. His work is still good though.

s2s ago

In chasing shit for twenty years, I have tripped over material that has outed one after another of the insider du jour. If they're allowed to talk, they're bogus. I'm seeing internecine, I'm seeing factional. Pecking order fighting over the kill. They are still capable of closing ranks. If they misstep in attacking each other, that would be a golden chance.


NotHereForPizza ago

People are using a lot of the same phrases about a lot of the same people.

I'm starting to believe people are anchoring.

We should be cautious of these types of posts.

ThruTheHaze ago

Interesting theory and props to you for asking questions. I think this is one of those things that you've got to come to conclusions on your own. I never like when I see people ask for money to continue their "research"...Especially when those same people never seem to be contributing anything substantial. Personally, I've never considered MC a big PG player. I tried to watch one of his periscopes where he talks for hours about his dog, or his book...whatever. Maybe your on to something here, maybe not. I've followed all these people for a while now and it's hard for me to believe they are all connected somehow, executing some mega double agent mission. BP has always rang true to me. Seaman is just kind of douchey and elitist. I could be wrong about all of them, but that's the mentality you have to have. As soon as you let anyone spoon feed you your reality, you've become a part of the problem. Do your research, and stand up for what you believe in. Just my opinion though...

roundhouse1776 ago

This is a good take. Critical thinking is key, taking in info from many sources and then deciding for yourself what the truth is. No two individual's perception of reality is going to be exactly the same, due to inherent personal bias.

Proii_Pariah ago

I'm with you guys. I have or do follow the work of most of these guys. None of them do I trust entirely. I am by nature very open to new ideas and information but my mind also keeps track of matter how small. In the last few years things have gotten really crazy and the bad info is flying around at a feverish rate. I only trust one person entirely...and that's me. Cernovich and Seaman aren't even worth my time anymore. They are both primarily concerned with self promotion. But, as for others...I'll continue to view and evaluate what they have to offer. I trust my own ability to test and approve truth. In fact, having to navigate this rocky and tumultuous terrain has only served to sharpen my skills. And for that I am grateful.

SuperJohnWayne ago

If they want to be recruited, perhaps. But there are variables besides IQ that are involved in their desire to recruit someone: special skills, background check, personality, ability to be blackmailed. Some people with high IQ's dislike the CIA because they are smart enough to see the repercussions of their activities around the world. He isn't a computer scientist, physicist, or cryptographer, and his intellect combined with his independent,outspoken, rebellious attitude, I think, would not bode well for the agency. The CIA would likely not need or want a person like him, with his intellect and personality, to promulgate their propaganda. They have calm, serious, reliable Anderson Cooper for that. He has been outspoken, accurate, unwavering and scathing in his criticism of the CIA puppets Obama and Hillary, and so I don't think he is spreading their propaganda. I have seen no indication that he has an alternative agenda.

Psalm144-1 ago

Then WHO do you trust?

Bolux ago

I think we have to trust President Trump ,we have to give him some time .like everybody else here I wake up every morning (that is when I can actually sleep) hoping for that big arrest/ break but this shit has been going on forever,I know it's tough but we have to be patient.

Psalm144-1 ago

I have been following Cernovich for about 6 months now and based on what I'ver seen/heard I trust him. Is my trust in Cernovich foolish, is Mike untrustworthy? @darkmath

DarkMath ago

I like Mike Cernovich, he's the real deal. He helped uncover this story in the beginning. That takes balls considering who he was messing with.

Psalm144-1 ago

Do you trust Gavin McCinnes?

I watched his Podcast with Rogan and i was impressed.

DarkMath ago

I've never watched either one so I couldn't tell you.

Psalm144-1 ago

Agreed, he seems very transparent to me whilst "reporting". His single Fox News appearance some time ago also lends to my trust in him.

roundhouse1776 ago

I'm not going to outright call him a shill, but his actions as it pertains to the Epstein case are highly questionable. Please read this:

Psalm144-1 ago

Wow that is an incredibly thorough analysis. I will have to comb through it, in the meantime do you happen to have a SparkNotes version?

roundhouse1776 ago

It's not an analysis, it's the Response in Opposition from the lawyers representing Giuffre (Epstein abuse victim) to stop Cernovich's motion to unseal the documents. This alone proves that Cernovich is going against the wishes of the sexual abuse victims. Then, they make the case that Cernovich's motion is exactly the same as Dershowitz's (he tried the same thing as Cernovich but got denied) and then show evidence that Cernovich and Dershowitz are friends.

Dershowitz and Epstein want to unseal the identities of the witnesses, so they can shut them up, intimidate them, etc.

Psalm144-1 ago

Ok i got it, sorry I am not particularly up to speed on all these areas. So much info to digest and it is physically exhausting! Could there be ANY benefit to unsealing the documents? I.e. could it lead to further case details that could provide valuable to overall investigation? It does seem odd though that he would not respect the privacy of the victims... Then again, Mike does kind come across as one of those "fuck you feelings" type of guy. Whats to story on his recent tweet? He says Epstein is is filing "Secret legal papers" against him?

roundhouse1776 ago

Cernovich has provided zero evidence that he's being sued by Epstein. The only thing he's offered is a redacted document and his word.

The benefit to unsealing the documents is that the public would get to see what's in them. This is Cernovich's argument, that they should be unsealed due to 1st Amendment freedom of speech right. This is against the wishes of the victims (who were minors when the abuse happened, thus why they're sealed), and greatly favors Epstein. It would allow him to prepare a better legal defense and also maybe even get to the witnesses and threaten/intimidate them.

Psalm144-1 ago

Interesting. Thanks for the insight. What independent journalists do you trust? Have any of them touched on the PG issue? It becoming very difficult to find public figures with decent/solid followings who have given PG a fair shake. Do you like Gavin McCinnes?

roundhouse1776 ago

I don't trust any of them, it seems everyone is pushing an agenda these days. There is a war raging for peoples' minds.

I take info from many sources, and then figure out the truth for myself. Blindly trusting any media figure is not a good idea. I like DrudgeReport for the daily headlines, and ZeroHedge is one of my favorite news sites. I used to be a big reader of Breitbart, but they've been pushing the pro-Israel pro-Trump agenda hard lately. I even go "behind enemy lines" on occasion and will read stuff like Washington Post. It's 99% garbage, but it's nice to see what narrative they're pushing and can sometimes find a nugget of info.

Can't say there's any specific journalists who I respect and would completely trust, which just shows the sad state of the media.

Psalm144-1 ago

What do you reckon the odds of a new civil war are? I see 1776 in you name so I have to ask...

It will likely be hidden behind a false flag attack right?

roundhouse1776 ago

Personally I'm trying to stay optimistic and hoping this disaster can be averted. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

As for odds, I don't know. They purposefully keep the country divided in half and at each other's throats, it's used to distract us from what's going on behind the scenes and the globalist agenda. I'll go with 50%.

I don't think they want civil war yet, because the half of the country loyal to Trump own all the guns. They want to discredit/disgrace him first.

Psalm144-1 ago

I have to agree with you on all accounts as scary as that may be. I feel like there is an undeniable buzz right now over PG and it is literally the most massive "elephant" in every room. Do think anything major will come of the Anthony Wiener hearing this coming tuesday?

roundhouse1776 ago

Wow this is crazy, not 10 seconds after I replied to you, I got an email from the White House mailing list. The opening quote is "The torch is now in our hands. And we will use it to light up the world." - President Donald J. Trump.

Then the rest of the email is how we should be optimistic about the future of this country and how Trump is going to fix it.

I'm taking this as a sign from God to not let doubt creep in or waiver in my support of Trump.

Psalm144-1 ago

Incredible! I'll tell you what. I have always been a Christian but the past few years I had definitely slipped away from my faith. Finding out about PG, in a very weird way, has renewed my faith ten fold. I truly believe this is a spiritual war going on right now, there are some serious demonic forces at work here and I believe people like us (concerned Americans, truth seekers) are being called upon to shine light on this terrible darkness that has a stranglehold on our government and a big faction of our society at large.

roundhouse1776 ago

I have no idea, but I hope so. The 650,000 emails on Weiner's laptop could be the key to everything. Then again, if it does have damaging evidence, they'd probably never allow it to get released. It's probably going to take some patriot within the government to leak all this stuff to Wikileaks or someone else. Either that, or Trump needs to get to work pronto on draining the swamp.

roundhouse1776 ago

Stratfor was founded in Austin, TX in 1996. Alex Jones started his radio show in Austin, TX in 1996. It's either a crazy coincidence or he's their mouthpiece.

Don-Keyhote ago

No do elaborate. I just saw some clips about his apparently deleted Joe Rogan appearance, the biggest podcast of all time they said, and he describes their both being threatened into silence in the past. So I presume he wised up and stays low and gets rich

ich1baN ago

I've always thought we should be wary and careful of Alex Jones types.... I agree with like 80-90% of the things they say but the warning you give is the exact reason we should always be careful of them b/c one day they might be used to steer conservatives over the cliff as they may have been a psyop the whole way.

roundhouse1776 ago

Agreed. That's why digging into seemingly "small" details like this are so important. For all we know, the Epstein case could be the key to unraveling the entire pedogate scandal, and people like Cernovich/Webb built up a reputation just so they could mislead us on things like this, ensuring that the truth never gets exposed. That's how cointelpro/deep surveillance operations work, and considering we are going up against the most powerful people in the country, it would be foolish to underestimate them.

ich1baN ago

The only reason I think Webb might be genuine is that he has no audience and the guy continually makes videos even though he only gets 1 or 2k views for his hard work, which tells me this guy really loves to do the work he does?

roundhouse1776 ago

Webb has put a lot of good info out there, and made many connections. Real connections that can be corroborated, as opposed to the twitter celebrities that just say "pizzagate is real" and nothing else. That's what is important to me, I focus on the work Webb is doing and not his opinions/personal beliefs. For instance, he's an Obama apologist. He may have a hidden agenda, but the research he's doing is undeniable.

ich1baN ago

Does anyone know the background of Webb? He's obviously not making money off these videos yet he is putting IMMENSE time into them. So either he's retired and is sitting on money he inherited or he did something throughout his career that earned him enough to not worry about expenses b/c as of now there is no way he is working a day job with the amount of time he puts into these videos.

And interesting about him being an Obama apologist, now that you say it, I can see that tone in his work at times, although he did excoriate Obama in a comment I read the other day. I'll post it below:

"I think Obama is just as proud being the first Muslim President as he is in being the first black President. But he can't run around saying he is Muslim. If you listen to his Cairo speech or his Jakarta speech, the Muslim inside him is just wanting to bust out - sort of like Malcolm X, but he has to hold back. He doesn't want to do wars and gas attacks, he wants to be the black Jesus or the black Mohammed, or maybe a combination of both. He doesn't want to do all of Hillary's killing. Hillary gets a maniacal thrill out of killing. I don't think Bill could ever understand this, but he realized it was necessary for the climb in Arkansas. Anyway, I don't normally expound. Back to the facts and google searches.The Valerie Jarrett's and Bill Ayers types bought the house for him. I don't even think Obama will use the place much. Obama doesn't want these fights anymore. I agree Hillary/Jarrett are all about disruption and fighting though. I totally agree on the alinskites - but they won't come out for Hillary. They need the Obama brand. They have got something on him. He sighs every time he hears one of Hillary's wacky "resistance" schemes."

roundhouse1776 ago

That's interesting that he think Obama doesn't want to fight anymore, because he clearly does. My theory is that Obama is trying to pull a coup on the globalist faction, and the old guard brought back the Bush family to rally around.

So maybe Webb is an Obama loyalist trying to spin the blame onto his enemies? Just a theory.

ich1baN ago

100% agree. The Obama/Soros/Clinton angle is too tight-knit for it to not to be any other way.... I have to remind myself that Obama ordered the wire-tapping of 15 other individuals and entities over the years so this latest accusation is likely 100% true as well.

Piscina ago

Cernovich is not doing this for the victims. He's involvement in pg is to further his own career. I noticed too that he's asking people to pay for his legal 'defence' when he's not being sued--he's just sticking his nose into it to make a name for himself. He doesn't have altruistic motives.

Daeavorn ago

I think you're the right here. Cernovich doesn't really seem like a guy that gives a shit about other people.

Pipebomb ago

Are Cernovich and Dershowitz 100% friends? Is there a link to that relationship? Or are they just two people who both want to see the sealed testimony.

I don't trust Dershowitz at all. Does anyone have the transcripts of Virginia Robert's' testimony against Dershowitz? I remember it being VERY convincing, but I can't find her statements atm.

equineluvr ago

Dershowitz movie "Reversal of Fortune" (based on his book) has a pizza + ping pong scene in it. I posted a thread on this a couple of days ago.

Piscina ago

Cernovich adores Dershowitz. Google it.

roundhouse1776 ago

Yes, they are. Read the opposition statement that I linked to in my edit on the original post. It lays out the Cernovich-Dershowitz connection very well.

we_kill_creativity ago

Can you link to the original post?

roundhouse1776 ago

The post up above is the "original post". That's common internet lingo. Here's the statement I was talking about:

Very damning information against Cernovich.

Don-Keyhote ago

Dude are you a fag or what. That was total bullshit. He's pursuing a vendetta against victims in general LOL. Yeah he's not simply being funny on Twitter he just likes rapists! Damn women! I too have wondered how women are raped with no weappns. A person with such little leg strength shouldn't be drunk in public for many reasons.

roundhouse1776 ago

You ignored the bulk of the document, which clearly states that Epstein's victims are against Cernovich's request to unseal the document, and then nitpicked a few subjective points. You're not going to fool anybody who actually reads the document.

Don-Keyhote ago

Yeah it says theyreagainst it for privacy reasons but if their main case against him personally is bullshit about him "fetishizing" rape. Frankly of dershowtiz banged that broad unaware of her status as a slave ( maybe I'm wrong) he's just a lucky dude

Pipebomb ago

Tyty, I'll check that out. Looks like you're right at first glance.

SuperJohnWayne ago

I concur with all that you wrote. I also am highly suspicious of Robert Steele. I think Alex Jones is controlled opposition and I am suspicious that Assange is not in control of Wikileaks. What do you all think of Roger Stone and Steve P?

equineluvr ago

Steve P. is "former" CIA <cough cough>, "former" long-term CFR member, and worked for Bush, Baker, and some other a-hole I can't recall right now. Plus he has disseminated BS.

IOW, I trust him as far as I can pick him up and throw him.

aCuteAngel ago

They are all characters.

roundhouse1776 ago

No strong opinion about Stone or Steve P, they seem to be in the same "group" with Alex Jones/etc. Robert David Steele is not credible at all in my opinion, and his motives are very suspicious. He thinks that the NSA should be re-structered and combined into the CIA, which is clearly a TERRIBLE idea. Remember he also said high-level arrests were coming within a week or two. That was over two weeks ago. I also think that RDS is LARPing as "DHS Insider".

SuperJohnWayne ago

Agree. The only trustworthy insiders so far in mentioning pizzagate, in my opinion, are the original FBIanon on /pol/ and Flynn. The new "Legit Internal Happenings" /pol/ anon seems like a LARPer to me. All of his insider tips were generally known before he posted about it. James Woods has recently tweeted about pizzagate and Podesta. He has a high genius IQ and he's "our guy."

party1981 ago

I just talked to George Webb on facebook. I told him about Cernovich. He says that it is very unsettling.

roundhouse1776 ago

Interesting, thanks for the info. Did you ask him about the Cernovich-Dershowitz connection?

party1981 ago

I told him about it. He said that it is very unsettling, that's all. Not very talky.

aCuteAngel ago

Good ole' George Pax6 webb eh?

equineluvr ago

Don't you mean PAX2?

aCuteAngel ago

PAX2 is something the NSA like to throw around to put us off the scent of the research labs at Washington State University (laughs)

You know the labs McCann visited?

party1981 ago


aCuteAngel ago

Jah just like Soros and Rothschild.

equineluvr ago

Which eye?

He DID admit to being a J (which I already knew). :)

Jem777 ago

Stop attacking others who use their platform to speak truth to power

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

What about people working with an accused offender against the wishes of a child sex trafficking victim?

Piscina ago


roundhouse1776 ago

Yea, this just annoys me about the people who think that anybody that's speaking about pizzagate/pedogate is automatically on our side. There has been some very disturbing connections and motives uncovered in regards to our supposed pizzagate leaders.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Webb has opened so many closet doors of topics that were sleeping that I don't believe he is a limited hangout. I don't have much of an opinion on Cernovich.

roundhouse1776 ago

Yea I agree, I like Webb's work and think he has done a fantastic job. That's why this confuses me.

PizzaGateIsReal007 ago

Get out of here - people like Cernovich might not be perfect but our movement is stronger when they are tweeting on our behalf. Stop the purity nonsense and stop punching to the right. Cernovich is not our enemy.

JrSlimss ago

I would recommend reading the opposition statement from Giuffre's attorneys - Cernovich is clearly trying to leak the names of victims who are going to testify on Giuffre's behalf so Dershowitz can threaten them - which is what he did in the original Epstein trial.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago


roundhouse1776 ago

Cernovich is friends with Dershowitz, who is friends with Epstein and has flown on Lolita Express a bunch of times. Everyone always ignores this in their rebuttals, because if Cernovich is really on our side it makes no sense that he'd be friends with Dershowitz. Also Cernovich's motives for getting involved with this lawsuit and trying to unseal the testimony seem really suspicious.

Chasnigga ago

Has anyone checked the flight logs for cernovich's name?

roundhouse1776 ago

Probably not. I doubt he's ever been on there anyways, he's not on the same level as those people.