3141592653 ago

Christianity is the religion with blatant pedophilia and child abuse getting covered up at the highest levels. I've actually never heard one story about this happening at a mosque. But those catholic priests....

virtuous_pedophobe ago

Islam also allows slavery and murder.

Forgetmenot ago

Thank you for your reply! Death to pedofiles!

Forgetmenot ago

If we fight each other we are not fighting the pedofiles. We need to understand that we have to work together to topple the cabal!

Forgetmenot ago

My blood was boiling the other night, and if i mischarectarized you I do apologize. I am not a huge fan of David seamen but I consider him harmless and I know I could not do what he does. The fake news labels, the attacks on investigators reputations, the effort to keep the conversation focused on rumor and innuendo rather than just clearing the air and dealing with the facts alleged in the pizzagate investigations it's is so transparent and manipulative! there is so much corruption to be looked into, who cares if David seamen needs to earn a living, the Clinton foundation is the real problem. I just could not stand by and lurk this time. I wish I could help more aside from the ocassional upvoat, and there are real threats to these reporters and investigators some have even died. These pedofiles are the most evil scumbags that need to be wiped out and exterminated. I have been labeled a shill as well before, it happens they are wolfs in sheeps clothing sometimes the wrong people get labeled. At least you know I would speak up defend you if they come attacking :) it's not much but it's all I can do from time to time!

JrSlimss ago

Yo @Vindicator, can we get a new evidence flair up in here? :)

Vindicator ago

Ab-so-lutely! GREAT post, by the way, Jr.

Dauphin ago

I worked in Hollywood and there was always this big rumor that Joe Jackson was arrested for molesting his children... instead of putting him in jail, he prostituted his own children to Hollywood... they gave Joe Jackson a steady stream of whores while they raped his own children... Michael was DEFINITELY the victim of abuse and it would not surprise me if victims in turn become abusers... Pretty much every celebrity is "bred" into this... Madonna and Angelina Jolie are both cousins to Hillary Clinton etc... Another OBVIOUS victim of child sexual abuse is Nancy Pelosi... her wide eyes have seen things our minds cannot comprehend. I saw her once in California, she was so fucking nervous constantly looking like someone was out to get her. Perma-fear on her face. The politicians use actors/models/singers/dancers as their personal picking grounds... Remember the video of the first President Bush going to the set of Desperate Housewives and caught on video groping Terri Hatcher? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJZoai2HIeA

Quazer2 ago

I thought Poppy Bush only liked little boys.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Bush Sr. looks like a jerk. He knows he can get away with it. I don't think she was expecting his groping.

dookiehowzer ago

"wrapping paper and a bowl"

lol, yes please

Ocelot ago

I think you've already had your bowl, that is an exclamation point.

Rusdy ago

This is some quality stuff right here! Props to you /u/JrSlimss !

The Wiki is growing very nicely and we need more content like this, presented very well and connects a lot of different puzzle pieces.

I have abstained from the whole pizzagate thing for a while now but with Sessions being sworn in and the new developments/rumors I am as hyped as never before :)

153sdsd ago

NIce, another name to the basket of deplorables, Ron Burkle has been tied

quantokitty ago

This is a WOWZA!!! Nice find .... Upvoat for you ....

Can't wait for Sessions to start draining that swamp!!!!

SturdyGal ago

Wonderful post, thank you!

pbvrocks ago

Whatever happen with this?? 2007 date?

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

It looks like it was unsuccessful, but evidently no one countersued.

Forgetmenot ago

The shills that were on here the other day were all making a coordinated effort to trash David seamens reputation. This was the night the police cars were parked in front of his house. IIit seemed very coordinated and scripted. This posting makes it clear that they use this technique to try to discredit journalists rather than address the the facts. Great posting! Upvoat.

silentwindchime ago

Great work

jangles ago

What is Ron Burkle up to nowadays? Infiltrating sports with his propaganda. Did you watch the Superbowl? "Ron Burkle made a capital infusion and hired former Madison Square Garden head Hank Ratner as president and CEO of ISE (Independent Sports & Entertainment).

fatjohn1408 ago

Man off topic. But michael Jackson must have been mightily abused as a kid. This shit has been going on for many decades.

JrSlimss ago

Even in the Epstein case, with Nadia Marcinkova, you see the abused become the abusers. Really sad stuff.

DevilintheDetails ago

He used to have to watch his dad and brothers screw groupies right next to him in hotels during Jackson 5 days..that alone would fuck a kid up.

3141592653 ago

His dad was extremely physically and verbally abusive toward him

jangles ago


FriesischShipping ago


153sdsd ago


Phenomenonanon ago


Beaucephus ago

Appears he and the Clintons had a falling out as he backed Kasich in the run for POTUS. His main investment was in Relativity Media (The Social Network) before it BK'd and he now owns majority share in Relativity Sports Management as a payoff. Seems like his biggest income source is now cold storage. Read into that what you may...

Don-Keyhote ago

Gotta find out what happened between them or what dirt he had to make Bill walk away from 15m. Oddly Burkles friends with Gisele Bunschen
