Mtnchan ago

Chicago Tribune wrote about the Pakistani mangoes arriving around the same time as the emails, so there were actually mangoes going to Chicago. They did also get sent to Iowa to be irradiated for food safety. Looks legit to me.

Pakistani mangoes hit Chicago and the U.S. 2011 http://www.chicagotribune.com/dining/chi-pakistani-mangoes-they-arrive-in-chicago-20110730-story,amp.html

sensitive ago

Yes, thank you, I covered that as well in my long post. But we all know that any goods / boxes can be used to hold something else, too. You need a legit cover for smuggling.

IceDagger316 ago

The Bush Administration talking about mangos - right about the time that heroin deaths in the US hit an all time high at the time.

The "Mango initiative" in 2009 by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton corresponds to another rise in heroin deaths in the US, this time eventually eclipsing the then all time high in 2007 (and continuing to increase to this day).

The inside of a mango is yellow. Heroin, when prepared for use, is often a yellow-ish amber liquid (although sometimes brown).

It wouldn't be inconceivable for the US government to bribe the governments of India or Pakistan to allow them to pass heroin into and out of their country and smuggle it into our own.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Pakistani intelligence has done this with many countries, in England these cases came up loads.

MolochHunter ago

mango has long been used for marijuana, but clinton wouldnt be into something so common and cheap. However, I do speculate the a MANGO is the same shape and squidginess as a KIDNEY or other organs (which would require sanitary standards)

witch_doctor1 ago

Some relevant info on Amb. Holbrooke....he was fiercely loyal to HRC/shunned by Obama and a very powerful diplomat. Served in Vietnam, Bosnia and Afghanistan. http://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/richard-holbrookes-hillary-clinton-emails-119649

sensitive ago

On a ligher note: It's currently the mango season in the country I live in. We have several mango trees in the garden, and I have been eating mangos the whole day while working on this :-)

witch_doctor1 ago

I have had Philippine mangoes and they are hands down my favorite fruit. Sadly, we cannot get a decent mango where I live. They ship some in from southern Mexico that look like mangoes from the PI, but they are pulpy and not as sweet.

sensitive ago

You surely will have other things we miss here. Decent chocolate, for example. Have them shipped to me every now and then :-)

witch_doctor1 ago

Another person to throw in the mix for digging...USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, he was the one responsible for sending Marc Gilkey to the US/Pakistan/Afghanistan trilateral consultations in 2009. https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/11012

He abrubtly quit his job a week early and left DC before the Trump inauguration. http://modernfarmer.com/2017/01/usda-secretary-tom-vilsack-abruptly-quits-heck-going/

But this begs the question...if Gilkey was already in the region in an agricultural trade role, what did Mary Beth Goodman mean when she said that they were "coerced" by Ambassador Holbrooke?

sensitive ago

As to your last question: I wish I knew!! Since I am not an English native, and assuming you are, could you go over this email again and check if Goodman was simply using a funny writing style?

witch_doctor1 ago

She was using a casual/familiar writing style...but her use of coerced is kind of out of place. Without more info, I don't really know what to make of that.

SturdyGal ago

I think these mangos are drugs. Historically, produce has been used to sneak in heroin, etc. Here is an article about heroin that was intercepted during the photosanitary check in Russia: Rosselkhoznadzor halted a large consignment of heroin in Domodedovo Airport If we assume drugs, then it means they have arranged for mangos in certain cartons (the images attached) to be skipped during the phytosanitary check.

AreWeSure ago


This is almost assuredly about Mangos. Mangos from the Indian subcontinent are delicious and were prevented from being imported into the US for decades....don't know why.

I remember when the ban was lifted a foodie friend went out to an Indian neighborhood and bought and case. She gave us some. Best mango I have had.

Here's Bush talking about letting Indian mangos in soon. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=104881449 Bush on Indian Mangos

Pakistani mangos are said to be even better. See this article about American going to Toronto just to buy Pakistani mangos.

This is literally just about mangos.

If I remember correctly, the mangos would come in at harvest time and sell out with a week or two. I don't know if that is still the case, but there was a great, great market for them. https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2010/07/28/americans_flock_to_toronto_to_buy_coveted_pakistani_mango.html

witch_doctor1 ago

I agree that it is about mangos and that they set up a legit mango importation route from Pakistan. The question is, were there other non-legit items mixed in with the mangoes? With HRC and crew, that is the question you have to ask. Also, this is a proven business model for previous smugglers...imagine how successful it could be with State Dept. backing?

The only thing that bugs me is that I don't remember FBI anon talking about Clinton running drugs recently. Weapons, favors and people IIRC....however; there were many allegations of Clinton involvement in drug running while they were in Arkansas.

AreWeSure ago

I'm sorry, this is frankly silly. Clinton or the State department were not actually shipping mangos.

If someone wanted to smuggle something from Pakistan to the US, there's thousands of other products that are allowed to come to the US that they could have mixed their illicit goods with. They did not have to wait for the mango ban to be lifted.

sensitive ago

It may all be innocent, but knowing HRC, right now, I doubt it ;-)

AreWeSure ago

Here's an article on "mango diplomacy."


It's pretty easy to paint someone as guilty when you get to change what they say, isn't it?

sensitive ago

I don't say anyone is guilty. All I do is raise questions, ok? Peace.

AreWeSure ago

Which is the soil in which conspiracy theories grow. You raise questions? No you built an elaborate scaffolding for a conspiracy theory without doing something as basic googling the terms: Hillary Clinton mango

which would have turned up several stories that provided the context for the emails. You also seem to take as fact the idea that she is involved in child trafficking. Not spending the slightest effort looking for the basic context which it turns out would exonerate her from your accusations while digging and digging for your accusatory questions is not a good faith effort. So I do not think this is ok. I wish you peace as well.

JrSlimss ago

YO. YOU MISSED A BIG ONE (Edit: It's in one of the top comments https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1560304)::)

Cheryl Mills forwards Hillary an email talking about uprooting 2 mango trees and moving them to a housing complex (cause trees live in housing complexes). "Only two mango trees had to be uprooted at the Caracol Park. Trees under threat are now being transplanted to the 2. Caracol Ekam housing." https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/19339

If you look at the history of Caracol Complex - they destroyed many farms to build that complex in the first place. Why would two mango trees even matter? http://archive.is/4TqJa#selection-749.234-749.389

Mango trees may refer to wet nurses as opposed to mangos which are the kids themselves. George Webb has repeatedly said the Caracol Complex houses wet nurses.

ArthurEdens ago

Nice research.

Sharipie ago

Could the "trees" be the people who are the organ donors? And maybe the mangos are "hearts" . Hearts are about the size and shape of human hearts.

sensitive ago

If you browse photos of "Caracol Ekam housing", there seems to be not one single tree, much less a mango tree. WTF! http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-dwv9rqMVDr0/VBnyc6whHXI/AAAAAAAAABQ/JwN9BxDgUug/s1600/ekam%2Baerial.jpg

remedy4reality ago

Looks like one of those fabricated towns they used to test nukes on... I know, horrible.

sensitive ago

This is why we work together here ;-) Thanks!

JrSlimss ago

Hah my pleasure.

YingYangMom ago

Either kids or organs.


The two individuals are: Marc Gilkey who is our regional APHIS rep based out of Embassy New Delhi. He's been SUPERB at keeping USDA focused and a real miracle worker at finding solutions to the internal USG technical regulatory issues.

So there is a possibility that the traffic originated in India and went through Pakistan by plane before being shipped by boat.

New Delhi's official language is Hindi. Hindi' word for organ is 'ang' organs is 'angon' which is pretty close to mango...

EDIT 2: Look what I found: https://dfn.org.uk/organharvesting http://content.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1709006,00.html http://www.livemint.com/Politics/pxj4YasmivrvAhanv6OOCJ/Why-organ-trafficking-thrives-in-India.html https://www.rt.com/news/345498-india-kidney-trafficking-delhi/

sensitive ago

All good possibilities. I wish they could being asked questions soon.

witch_doctor1 ago

I think I found something interesting in the old T_D thread that does not make sense.... http://tribune.com.pk/story/683575/no-us-visa-for-pakistani-mangoes/

The HRC email in question from 2011 makes it sound like Mary Beth Goodman and her "partners in crime" had successfully created a pathway for mangoes into the US, but the linked 2014 article says otherwise.

This can only mean two things: 1) Mango is indeed code for something. 2) The article is incorrect.

EDIT: Here is another article from 2014 that talks about a company selling Pakistani mangoes for the first time in the US and that the certification process was completed in only 3 months... http://tribune.com.pk/story/723311/broadening-horizons-pakistani-mangoes-make-their-way-into-us-households/

EDIT #2: HuffPo article from 2011 talking about the first mango shipments to Chicago and that the cost was high. So this supports my theory that they set up a legit looking import scheme that could be used to transport something not legit. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/17/pakistani-mangoes_n_929548.html

sensitive ago

I tend to your option 1) .... Something is not right here.

sensitive ago

Can this part of the article explain this? What do you think?

"To address this problem, Islamabad and Washington agreed that irradiation was the best treatment, according to Armstrong. In 2010, both countries agreed that the best option was to utilise irradiation facilities in the US. To facilitate this, the USDA created a first of its kind system to allow safe import and irradiation of Pakistani mangoes in the US. Currently, one private facility in Iowa is available for irradiation of mangoes from Pakistan.

But this option is economically not viable for Pakistani exporters. "

witch_doctor1 ago

Yes, this is the "phyto sanitation" referred to in the email. Again, this looks legit on the surface, but it doesn't make sense and/or looks fishy because HRC is involved. First of all Pakistan of all places...and SOS being closely involved, seems like this would be beneath her unless she needed a legit appearing way to transport something illegal into the US. Hence the "coercion" by Amb. Holbrooke. If we can find any other nefarious behavior by Holbrooke, Goodman, Gilkey or Carroll, then this might have some legs. Also, who knows what the next Wikileaks dump holds? I can guarantee you that mango will be my first search term when it happens.

witch_doctor1 ago

Here is the thread I was involved in back on T_D, a lot of this stuff was covered, but it may have some useful info https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5bi2fs/why_did_hillary_receive_a_box_of_mangoes_from/?st=ixxjxr6q&sh=3e2832b9

I agree there is something hinky going on, which is a pretty safe bet with anything HRC is involved in. More background on Richard Holbrook, Mary Beth Goodman, Marc Gilkey and Joe Carroll would probably be helpful.

sensitive ago

Thanks a lot! (I read this thread this morning but didn't stumble over anything I would like to add here.)

ArthurEdens ago

Aside from the mango to baby connections in the comments, consider this also...

In the podesta leaks someone has the email address [email protected]


This email address belongs to Nanda Chitre


She is a dc consultant, was a consultant for the West Wing, and was also a spokesperson for the Clinton and Obama administrations.

She "cares about" children, civil rights, and human trafficking.

The CEO of an agricultural labor company was arrested for human trafficking in 2010


As an Obama spokesperson, Nanda gave no reason for the charges being dropped against the CEO of the company.


According to this site, the charges were dropped against the entire ring, in what was called the "the biggest human trafficking case in US history." Nanda was spokesperson for this as well


She was invited to a white house counsel reunion, so were other people with Monsanto email addresses.


Is this human trafficking benefiting Monsanto in this case?

Mangos could also be code for forced labor, as well as kids.

Are Monsanto mangos being pushed into markets that don't want them with the help of Clinton?


Again, her email address is"Mango_Muse". Why?

sensitive ago

Good info and good questions!

Yes, I saw this email addy. I have no idea why she would choose such a name, and she did not choose "mousse" but "muse". Honestly, I don't have an idea yet ...

Z11Mama ago

A muse is inspiration. Inspired by mangoes. I LOVE chocolate but it does not inspire me so seems odd.

LaDonnaRae ago

Does anyone do searches anymore? I mean, with actual search engines? I typed "'Mango' Urban Dictionary" into mine and got the following (among many, many other "hits"): http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=The%20Mango http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=eating%20the%20mango http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Spicy%20mango

expectus ago

fyi MANGO in Bulgaria is used for calling gypsy people.And in the same country the people involved in child trafficking are mostly "mangos"!!! They just aired on tv scheme involved mango's kids sold to the rich people...I can share the link later if y'all want.

sensitive ago

Yes, please share the link!

expectus ago

I think they will upload it in a few hours.It's actually an interview with a guy who is trying to expose them,he is talking about selling kids to rich ppl,selling them for donors and more sick stuff..He talks mostly about newborns.

edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie8bME1CiyM I can try my best and make some kind of subs later

sensitive ago

Thank you, this would be very helpful.

remedy4reality ago

You know who else talked about Mango's?

The Bush Administration. They even called it 'The Mango Initiative' and it traded OUR NUKE TECH for Mango's. https://ustr.gov/about-us/policy-offices/press-office/press-releases/archives/2007/may/us-india-agreement-brings-indian-mangoes-unit At the time ( 2006 ), I thought the deal was ludicrous and being a fierce opponent of the Shrub, I smelled a rat. Trading nuke technology for kids starts to make sense of this ridiculous policy. http://www.pensitoreview.com/2006/03/04/bush-trades-nuclear-technology-for-indian-mangoes/

witch_doctor1 ago

I ran down that rabbit hole when I saw mango being used (IMO) as a code word in Haiti.

Here is my gut feeling on the Pakistan mango emails....it is weird that the State Dept. (under HRC) went to a lot of trouble setting up a way to import Pakistani mangos into the US. Sure, Pakistani mangos are known to be excellent...but so are Indian, Thai, Viet and Filipino mangos without all of the rapey/stabby types that inhabit Pakistan....but none of those countries produce opium/heroin in the quantity that Pakistan and it's neighbor Afghanistan do. The other thing that led me to think it was drug related and not children was that Pakistan renamed an airplane for the program.....and IIRC FBI anon said that shipping containers were used via USAID to/from Haiti? It seems like it would be difficult to use mangos as a cover and then bring kids through an airport. The international adoption agency cover would seem more plausible for kids.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I'm pretty sure that all of the emails turned over to the fbi were hard copies printed out not digital copies. A lot had attachments which I don't see. It has never made sense to me why the FBI weren't given digital copies. Think of all the man power to print them & then the manpower at the FBI to scan them. Plus, if the FBI didn't get the attachments how do they know there wasn't classified docs or pics being sent?

listenandsee ago

IMO, since it's obvious she violated safety protocol, and wasn't convicted of even that, they probably did the bare minimum in researching her emails. It's the only thing that makes sense - she was going to get off scott free before they even issued the subpoena.