fairytisya ago

Hello.s Im new and dont know how to post threads etc, and alot on this site I dont know where to start. With pizzagate It looks like its all real or dont post with out links. I have know idea how to post a link not mind navigate this site. Im am new to pizza gate I was wondering have any of you noticed the little red fox beside pigpong, owner jena was in to art and museums before opening a pickle shop. little red fox reminded me of red riding hood the girl who went for a walk and was tricked by the wolf who eat her up. is there a connection with comet.. fox the owner is married but yet made a comment about the gays protesting outside pizza comet and used the word me referring to himself being gay also. sorry cant link google little red fox. also they both jar food, sauce and pickles. I just looked at comet pizza with little fox in a picture, the first thing that came to mind was hansel and gretal and red riding hood. both kids stories were they were tricked and eating after being kidnapped. then I saw the bus stop out side both shops, hansel and gretal use bread to find their way home, pizza is a flat bread both shops and kids story are about kids lost in the woods only to be stolen and held until the boss ate them.

EmGirl ago

So I came a little late to the #Pizzagate party. Honestly I was all political wrapped up in Bernie... then Hillary won the nomination and... well it's been a slow trudge downhill to this point. Now after being fully disillusioned by virtually EVERYthing , I started my own hunt into this Pizzagate thing. I studied Satanic ritual abuse in college... damn, I thought I knew a few things! But here's the thing I realized just now... I was a music journalist for years and I have to agree with the folks out there that have seen the link between Majestic Ape and James Alefantis. I indeed think they may well be the same person, at least on several documented occasions if not as the creator.. Could TOTALLY buy that. But then I went digging into their music... videos, who's following them, Dischord Records... there is a trail here. On the surface, symbology and perversion, sure. A lot has been posted about the art on their walls, why hasn’t anyone analyzed the music and bands they refer to? Esp. the MAIN BAND on the Comet Ping Pong website? HEAVY BREATHING Heavybreathing.net and https://soundcloud.com/heavybreathing

darkh0rse ago

thank you and thank you to Crensch for continuing this

Gypsy124 ago

Very nicely done & thank you for all your hard work, caliginosity. May God be with you.

PerusingTheOoze ago

Bitcoin is used on the Deep DarkWeb for illegal purchases. Brock Pierce ( who was a business associate of Marc Collins-Rector and Bryan Singer) is on the board of directors for BitCoin.

PetraDollah1 ago

This needs investigating I think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRcXOSh3S1E

caliginosity ago

All of the contents have been transferred over to the mods for someone else to update and polish. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1467064

cuzredditcencors ago

Just want to say thanks to all for the hard work. True patriots

Reading ago

Hi there, I found something that I wanted to share. Learning to use this site. Happy to have found such a great community of truth and justice minded people. I enjoy researching and look forward to sharing. Thx!

standalone ago

Haven't seen it so far, but how is that relevant to this investigation?

Reading ago

Who can I send a screen shot to? Regarding Casio

xmen ago

actually I was following a jimmycomet commenter and damn.. I'm on flicker right now and this shit is so disgusting It's like flicker was an open bar for pedophiles... it is scary indeed.

you want an exemple ? just go there but be aware of explicit graphics https://www.flickr.com/photos/139614417@N03/favorites

Soooo scary

Nobody27 ago


wtf is this? we need peeps to check it out tnx. Disinfo? who is in and not?

discussion link here


popezandy ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1466894 Here is my masterlist of important leads. Necessary resource for journalists and investigators.

Gottor ago

With regards to the McCann kidnapping, there are apparently several suspects that the police are looking for. See the McCann site: http://findmadeleine.com/campaigns/unidentified_people.html

Also this user made a Great post with regards to the possible reason for the extreme resemblance of the efit sketches to the Podesta brothers: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1456741

Actually, it would be beneficial if someone could outline more sources & clarification with respect to these two important pieces of evidence:

1) are the police efit sketches resembling the podesta brothers based on one or more suspects?

2) is there more proof (besides urban dictionary & 4chan) that shows that "pizza" & other food terms are known slang / code words for pedophilia?

PizzaGatinOnYa ago

I have found a longer clip of the Majestic apes video if that matters at all. It doesn't seem like a complete start to begin video but it's longer than that one if anyone cares. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSuU9QNX8UQ&t=2s

This is 12 minutes long,

AgainstPedos ago

Please move the linked article to the ideal place for maximum exposure. There are very disturbing pictures of child kidnapping in Mexico, Latin and South America for organ sales proving the darkness behind Pizzagate is an international issue. Push "translate" for "English." http://www.telodijeyo.com/2016/12/7894.html

Supanova ago

okay shared on facebook now. I believe.

Infopractical ago

Just a note: I've read through a number of Stratfor emails involving pizza. I was at first excited because there was a reference to "Papa George" springing for pizza and possible addition to the code (sandwhich = spouse?). But as I read more emails, pizza references were blending ordinarily into lunch orders and the Stratfor people were constantly getting spam ads from Austin's Pizza indicating that email was constantly used for ordinary lunch. Maybe there is something there, but the more I looked, the more boring it got.

knewyorickknewyorick ago

It's great he( the owner of another bar, the guy not James Elanfantis) loves kids. Don't you love kids? If he loves kids, he wouldn't hurt them. If he wore a Tshirt saying "I don't really love kids and that's why I abuse them", in French, you would have a field day. Isn't there a part of Washington DC named L'enfant, named after a city planner named Pierre L'enfant.

I'm not sure if you are pulling my leg, or if there is an other reason, but even though I think it's nice you have an interest, I'm not replying to you any more. Best wishes to you.

jealoushe ago

Edgar Welch's played "the gunman" in "Something About Pizza" back in 2005. Its on IMDB.

iceboob ago

Excellent work!

RickyMac ago

Check out Edgar Maddison Welch's imdb page: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2625901/. Look at the filmography, he was in a production called " Something About Pizza" in 2005, playing "the Gunman".

rationalconspiracist ago

isgp.nl should be added to the links covering other elite pedophile rings, imho. That guy's website is a wealth of information. Wikispooks is another good resource.

Also on Franklin, there's a new book out called The Franklin Scandal by an author named Nick Bryant. He adds a lot of new evidence, corrects some errors, and released the children's video testimony (with Gary Caradori) online. Excellent book and a great investigator. Highly recommended.

reasonedandinformed ago

This might be the "new information" that caused Scotland Yard to ask for more funding to extend the McCann case: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1464429

caliginosity ago

I think I will include that and swap something. Can you provide the link to information or provide a writeup with sources? Thanks

Fire_Fly ago

I haven't seen that one.

xmen ago

please add the links to your "facts"

i_am_a_strange_loop ago

I completely agree with you. We should focus on stronger evidence not so easily dismissed. That "Ay-yAh!" comment on the pic is super creepy too, though.

i_am_a_strange_loop ago

I really like the order you present ideas here. I think this makes the most sense to me.

BUT! Those two sketches for the McCann kidnapping are two different sketches of the same guy. I completely agree that it is freaky how closely 1 image matches 1 brother, and the other image matches the other. But the police were looking for one suspect. I feel like in the interest of honesty, something should be said about how freaky it is that the sketches match the brothers, but that only one suspect is being sought, or something like that.

caliginosity ago

Thank you, I have changed it to be more accurate.

MeatballPizza ago

"Pizzagate" began first with an investigation into The Podesta Brothers and Hillary Clinton's association with a 'performance artist' into "Spirit Cooking." What the Hell is that, you ask?

Pastebin which includes links to the email, images, videos and information about Marina Abramovich.

Email on Spirit Cooking:


Marina on jimmycomet's (James Alefantis') Instagram:


Marina at "artsy" event (2):

https://sli.mg/9q53MK https://sli.mg/L2svlb

Marina Abramovic Spirit Cooking:


Screenshots from video:

"Fresh morning urine sprinkled over nightmare dreams..."


"Mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk, drink on earthquake nights."


Painting with blood.


"With a sharp knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand. Eat the pain."


Symbology, shapes, numbers.


Painting with blood, statue.






Ted Talks:



Social Media:




PizzaGatinOnYa ago

I would suggest, on the email with podesta about a hanckerchief with a map, you put something that explains MAP = Minor attracted person. Also most evidence with a money trail is pretty solid.

But you have to stress that #pizzagate is more than comet ping pong. It is the clinton foundation and human trafficking and weapons smuggling!

http://pastebin.com/HY9N3rc3 <--------- HUGE collection of older leads (weeks older and not sorted, but its the motherload of where the instagram pics are)

Bentastixc ago

Could you include findings in https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1459779, the Haiti basement/film studio linked to podesta mails. The reddit post about the wifi mystery is epic. I think this is high quality info.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

I just brought that up too. great minds think alike!

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Luzzatto is the number one connecion in my books. The email about the tub, and then the offer of being online uncut. Then we find out she is on the CFR. Also the photo where Alefantis is with her and their children. Most of all, because she has not come forward and said anything yet. In any normal circumstances, that would have happened ages ago.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

...I really like that you have put this together. This is very goal orientated. Have you mentioned, if any of the children, in any of the photos, have had parents come forward yet? In any normal circumstances, it would have happened right away.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Is anyone here familiar with the cerebral cortex? it is the part of the brain that notices things. From the billions of things we perceive, it chooses which to bring to our attention. It mainly selects what we notice, according to goals we set. If we have a goal to buy a certain kind of car, we will see it each time one goes by, or notice ads in the paper about these cars... In this case, I believe it is essential to set some goals. People who do not set goals, and do not think better things are possible, tend not to notice them. They tend instead to reinforce what they have resigned themselves to. People who set goals, see the ways to achieve them. A certain amount of confidence is needed, and we have good reason to be confident. Until we know better, I believe there may still be children that could be rescued. There are a number of children, in photos, that have come up, it would be good to know the identity of, and have reasonable assurances, that they are okay. There is likely to be many more, in various stages of danger. I believe we need to set as a goal, looking at whether or not, any children can still be saved. The worst case, is that they are already gone, but if any can be saved, it would be a glorious result. I hope that there is some kind of legal incentive, that encourages anyone who has children they should not have, to hand them in for clemency, instead of panic.

ArthurChance ago

Agreed. Also link to the Dutroux case in Belgium and Zandvoort case in the Netherlands. Franklin too if it hasn't already been suggested.

All cases reveal a large network of well places paedophiles.

DCmommaBear ago

All they need is enough evidence for a warrant...I'm confident charges would happen upon a real investigation. Look at what everyday people found just searching online in a few months....imagine if a real FBI/NYPD investigation happened with building inspections, medical examinations, IRS audits, etc.

adjeti ago

I think it is very important to mention the video validating the authenticity of two of Alefantis' instagram pictures. (please somebody archive it)

We need to make sure the simple counterargument "those pictures are fakes / have been photoshopped" are destroyed with hard evidence. This video proves it and makes the whole pizza story more credible for skeptics.

sinclair ago

A man wearing an "Infant Lover" t-shirt cited is more likely from the cafe L'Enfant on Vermont & 18th. The same guy can be seen in one of the pictures for the cafe. L'Enfant The T-Shirt could easily be from his cafe... that is reasonable. This cafe also has a La Boum Boum room, probably the same room posted in another of the CPP photos. Remember, this is a tight nit group, they all know each other and live in a different part of America than the rest of us. It makes sense for them to visit each other and celebrate their prosperity. Also there is a plaza in DC called L'Enfant. L'Enfant on google translate comes out to "The Child". It's a little weird, but it checks out. I'm not saying there's not something more sinister, it's just that on the surface, it doesn't seem so for this particular image given the evidence.

hedy ago

L'Enfant was the architect (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L'Enfant_Plan))

ThorTheWonderful ago

Can somebody archive this 2006 article https://www.washingtonian.com/2006/12/13/comet-ping-pong/ The 11 AM psy-op story has been taken down and I don't want us to loose this cryptic story in case this one hasn't archived. It is an interesting read. Almost like conveying a parallel message within the story.

sinclair ago

You can archive it yourself at archive.is

ThorTheWonderful ago

Thanks, I had no idea it was that easy.

Ohdrat ago

There was also a members area page on the CPP website with encrypted downloadable files with long gibberish file names that has since been removed . It was archived and some were trying in vain to decrypt those files. There was a thread of people discussing a bunch of computer jargon I did not understand. First all they were getting back was brunch menus (heavily encrypted brunch menus?) then a little more digging found out the files were not brunch menus...then nothing. This thread has the archived page and files. If anyone is computer savvy please either confirm or debunk. Thanks! https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1443718

Godwillwin ago

I agree. It's a little girl. She's wearing pink. I think the necklace is just a necklace. But Alefantis commenting chicken lovers means something. So maybe he's saying the little girl and her dad are both lovers of little boys???

duerheltdum ago

"Who all is in the Austin office today who is going to want pizza? We only have one slice and we need to know how thinly to slice it...Simply send a single response, filed, color-coded, double-sided and appropriately labeled, signed in triplicate and set on fire."

This is obviously a joke. Calling it a "code" is beyond stupid.

ObamaFAG1 ago

PEDOPHILE SHILL here. Go and read this piece of feces comments. This child fucker only has a few comments so it doesn't take long to see where he hides his dick.... in a child.

duerheltdum ago

You talk about child fucking a LOT. A whole lot. It clearly excites you.

ObamaFAG1 ago

I talk about Pedophiles like YOU 24/7. The excitement is COMING SOON!! Knock, Knock motherfucker

caliginosity ago

I fixed it for now, do you have the source for the camp nose email? I'm not sure what this one is.

militant ago

Thanks a lot for this. Just a few things, for the sake of precision and objectivity:

  • The link at the end of the original post, which is supposed to redirect to the first comment, seems broken.

  • There's a typo in Abramovic's name, everytime (Abromovic).

  • Already pointed out in this thread, James Alefantis doesn't mean 'I love children' in French. Not even an anagram either (but close). Apparently that is his real name. That thing is disinformation since the beginning, IMO.

  • About that L'Enfant t-shirt, while it's true that l'enfant means child and that it is most likely a code/joke (dunno how to word it) for pedos, it has to be said that the guy wearing that shirt is AFAIK the owner of L'Enfant cafe, which is named after Pierre Charles L'Enfant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Charles_L%27Enfant

  • I think a bit more details regarding that sculpture of Antinous would be good, like "Antinous was the 13 years old lover to the King of Rome who was sacrificed", similar to the infographic https://i.sli.mg/lwgIgH.jpg

  • I've seen several people realizing that pizzagate is real when they saw these companies changing their pedo logos. That's very telling, and also a visual thing. Apparently there is a characters limit issue with your posts, but I think it would be really worth it to add those facts, if that's doable.

Besta Pizza: https://i.sli.mg/OSjiku.jpg

Terasol Bistro: https://i.sli.mg/6Z2fik.png http://archive.is/V9vSW https://i.sli.mg/hB2otC.png

Elpida Home: https://i.sli.mg/LwestD.jpg https://i.sli.mg/bD1rEu.jpg https://i.sli.mg/jg6KfI.jpg

That's it, thanks again and feel free to delete this comment when it will be useless, if you want/can.

hunk_quark ago

Looks like they go way back, this link is from a dinner from 2004. http://washingtonlife.com/issues/2004-04/gaskell/index.php

knewyorickknewyorick ago

Yes, "j'aime les enfants" means I love the children, Ich liebe den Kinder ( my German is rusty) means I love the children, I love the children means I love the children.

James Alefantis is a name, his official name, his parents were also called Alefantis, a Greek name as far as I know, not French. James Alefantis and J'aime les enfants are spelled differently ( look), they also do not sound alike when spoken. James Alefantis is not a French frase, and it doesn't mean I love the children in French. I could google the phrase you suggested, but that is a phrase in French meaning "I love the children" , so yes that French phrase would translate as I love the children in English. Adieu.

Edits: Effing spelling

EmmetMcTaggart ago

What about the post about 'ping-pong' being in the urban-dictionary before it was scrubbed?

Anyway to me "Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta" just sounds like it means "Do you think I'll do better playing dominos having consumed cheese instead of pasta" because pasta makes you sluggish perhaps.

caliginosity ago

I saved the "way back" machine link to the urban-dictionary definition, and to my surprise, it was not found even though I had personally clicked that link myself and saw it. I removed that link since it no longer worked, and also because I think that the other information is more damning. As for dominos, my PERSONAL opinion on that matter is dominos is not a code word, and that you are correct. I've read through the emails myself regarding dominos, and it seems like he really does play dominos(I guess... though sometimes the wording still sounds odd). But I left that up there for people to interpret themselves. I may remove it later though to swap a link.

EmmetMcTaggart ago

Just checked the wayback macine post, it's still there:


I can see it, can you?

Here is the post which linked it.

Orange_Circle ago

Forgive me if its there and I just can't see it. (Lost my glasses while fixing the garbage disposal. Just glad it wasn't my top dentures!) but what about the pic of the children on the altar with masks on? Or the pic of the very youthful young men, looked like they were asleep or in repose, with white stuff on their faces? Symbols of Egyptian stuff in background.

caliginosity ago

I did not include those, as much as I wish I could. There is a character limit, so I had to be really picky on what to put on there. Thank you for the suggestion though.

caliginosity ago

I REALLY want to add that, but I ran out of characters unfortunately. I'm going to contemplate swapping something in the post for that. Haven't decided yet.

DCmommaBear ago

@caliginosity Forgive me if I don't understand how this works, but could you make a "part II" page and just put the link at the bottom of "part I" and so on? I understand only one post can be "sticky'd" and we don't want to have to hunt each section down, but we could link them correct?

21yearsofdigging ago

Just had a friend get kicked off Pizza Gate Research and Discussion for making a joke about these ridiculous articles from MSM. I understand this stuff is serious but my God, let's just calm down and present the evidence and not get so high wired. When or if someone posts about the absolute ridiculousness of this feeding frenzy attacking us here, if you can't laugh at it you're f#$cked.

SaintStealth ago

@caliginosity it looks like your " naked prepubescent children and child abuse " is linking to the wrong place.

21yearsofdigging ago

Wow!!! Almost hard to read!! Wow!! It just convinces me of how real this really is! Trying not to hate but wow!!! Liars http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a51268/what-is-pizzagate/

blueingreen ago

Ironically, while there really was a god or were gods that were named Moloch, Melek or some variation on that; much of the Moloch in the bible is actually referencing Mulk Baal sacrifices which are most likely to Baal Hammon, husband of Tanit, patron god of Carthage, and an El analogue. It's unclear as the political situation makes it impractical to excavate the Temple Mount but in their earliest histories El or Yahweh probably also had child sacrificial cults. Exodus 22:29 "Do not hold back offerings from your granaries or your vats." "You shall give Me the firstborn among your sons." is eerily reminiscent of the child sacrifice cults at Carthage. Note also that YHWH originates as a different god then El. Much as Athens had Zeus as top god and Athena as patron city god, Israel had El as top god and YHWH as El's son and patron of Israel. Over time El and YHWH were conflated and worship of other gods and child sacrifice was forbidden.

I find it ironic that people who attempt to rebel against God are in fact turning back to the earliest beliefs of the cult of El Elohim and his son YHWH.

Melitica ago

Your implication is...? It is no secret that Trump said that Jeffrey Epstein was the life of the party. It is no secret that he flew on Epstein's plane once. It is no secret that he attended at least one major Epstein event. It is also no secret that he threw Epstein out of Maralago, nor that he voluntarily gave a full interview to FBI before Epstein conviction. The fact that he doesn't drink or do drugs, gives limited opportunity to procure blackmail material. He wasn't invited back on the plane and at the most public "party", he ate in the kitchen.

caliginosity ago

These are all really important parts and I want to include all of them, but due to character limits (and becoming really excessive-- this is a welcome post) I have to be very picky what to include. I think the weird lady who has the farm offering live web cam chats would be good to include so I think i'll swap out a link with that. Do you have the source for that? I currently can't find it.

Melitica ago

See these threads https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1460892 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1459779 I have not gotten to the conclusion but if you have anything to add - do so.

Pllatinum ago

Caliginosity. I do say. You are awesome.

Warnos44 ago

Why does the hillary clinton email not have the From and To email addresses filled? Wtf?

xmen ago

about the cpp shooting of december 4th

and this is where I start to need people to continue to look in this way too the guy who posted the FB Mermaid Treasure is Robert Wagner. Let's click to see what he has posted --> https://vimeo.com/user10979509

I looked the one about final cpp commercial --> https://vimeo.com/53263926 I did not find anything about prep man 360

I did find something about 360 degree education centre perhaps What is 360 degree education centre ? http://360degreeiit.com/contactus.php

Where is it ? In Allahabad, India.

I would have not post this if Allahabad was a common place. look of what wikipedia is telling about the original name of the city :"The city's original name – Prayag, or "place of offerings" – comes from its position at the Sangam (confluence) of the Ganga, Yamuna and mythical Sarasvati rivers." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allahabad

I am just saying that everywhere we go when we are following those trails, it gets us into weird places...

Let's continue folks !

MommyLove ago

Another Haiti connection.....

Samhexenhyde666 ago

The importance of piecing all these little things together is to create a solid foundation for skepticism. By laying out a bunch of previously confirmed FACTS, it makes Pizzagate not seem so farfetched since we know for certain things like this have been unveiled many times in the last few decades amongst political elites.

OccamsTaser ago

Don't forget Tamera Luzzatto, the grandmother who sent an email referring to her grandchildren as 'entertainment' and stating their ages. She has a weird babysitting website where it says 'spend time with evelyn raw and uncut before she has the power of life or death over you'. Also had an extremely weird flashing website with emails and a 'woman' holding a baby associated with her email.

Also, cheesybay account and Bif Skipman, related to Hawaii.

51235521 ago

Sorry but can someone help me subscribe to v/pizzagate, either the "Subscribe" link is missing or inoperable

Houston_of_Oz ago

Brilliant post!

sisterfrancais ago

Great post. Mods can we sticky this?

party1981 ago

The torture chamber just refers to Podesta getting hand surgery from a doctor. Needs to be removed from the list of rock solid evidence.

caliginosity ago

I'm curious, do you have the date for that? I know he had hand surgery, but I want to verify it was referring to that email before I remove it. thanks

party1981 ago

I do not have the source off the top of my head. You can probably find it by googling "wikileaks podesta torture chamber."

I've been following pizzagate very closely for a month and I remember that.

KittyTigerlily ago

What am I supposed to do with this? I found it on Reddit.


Live_Free_Or_Die ago


kryptoniankoffee ago

Thank you for this. I appreciate it.

RedGreenAlliance ago

FANTASTIC job well done i've been waiting for something like this to share

Where you mention Project Mockingbird - completely agree - but to really deliver the red pill please mention that the term "Conspiracy Theorist" is itself a politically correct thought control device designed by the CIA to put a freeze on any notions of questioning the motives of Elites (Gov or Private).

I know this sounds extreme please check out my blog. It came out of the FOIA document "Countering criticism of the Warren Report" 1967, to deter speculation about JFKs assassination.

The Mockingbird Media - Top German Journalist: MSM News is Propaganda, We All Lie For The CIA!

Conspiracy Theory - A political correct thoughtcrime

fatjohn1408 ago

Yes it is mostly about consumation and sometimes distribution of child porn (but creating the demand makes you complicit in the crime) imo. And it paints a picture about the mindset in the agencies.

VieBleu ago

Who here would downvote this thread? The two that downvoted need to be looked at and compared to the shills list please. I'm happily shill hunting now that I encountered one today blocking information about this thread.

militant ago

Yep, would be interesting and useful to know who downvotes (or upvotes) comments and threads. I hope that the mods can, at least.

Voidzyr ago

Thank you for this, it's exactly what we need. Now we just need to get it out there.

LloydK ago

Very interesting. I plan to share the link to this thread and its title soon on the FSP forum immediately after this post: http://forum.freestateproject.org/index.php?topic=24288.msg299485#msg299485

RebelSkum ago

Thank you caliginosity! Totally credited you @ http://pizzagate.review on the Main Page for some of the known and convicted cases. Very solid list and thank you for the sources!

fatjohn1408 ago

There is also this excellent article that documents dozens of people inside government having already been arrested of child abuse: https://medium.com/@LoriHandrahan2/daniel-rosen-s-arrest-1f7befb1762c#.fbu0mi71m

thepizzagoy ago

Since I've been reading up on this investigation for a while, I already knew most of this stuff, but the way you organized it was very solid. Reading all the bullet points, one after another, reminds me we're not crazy.

UglyTruth ago


"Besta Pizza next door happens to be owned by Andrew Kline, a clinton appointee as an attorney in Human Trafficking prosecution unit of Department of justice in the civil rights division."

There are photo two different Andrew J Klines in Washinton D.C. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1457025

waxdino ago

Can you add the "hotard" pic to the Alfenatis info? I don't think it can be called out enough that a infant was referred to as "a ho and retarded."

caliginosity ago

I forgot about that one, added along with chickenlover! Thanks.

realdealreel ago

You did an amazing job consolidating everything. Thank you very very much. I feel calmer having read the summary and knowing that everything is so well organized in one place.

Samhexenhyde666 ago

Lets not forget the inexcusable "#chickenlover" hashtag (skimmed the original post, so may have missed that, but that has no other explanation than being straight up inappropriate)

fromfiction1984 ago

Yes, this evidence is quite blatant and sickening, hope it can be added.

caliginosity ago


VieBleu ago

It's one of the most obvious and shocking pieces of evidence from his Instagram.

stickittotheman ago

Excellent expose.

Wellwerefucked ago

This needs to be the current Sticky Post for sure. The current has become old news & this is the perfect starting point for new Voaters or Pizzagators. Props for the time taken as well.

herbertbakunin ago

just something interesting to add Marc rich and Pincus green were pardoned by the Clinton's and ran a political paedophile ring amongst their many crimes. maybe part of the puzzle and bigger picture

street1510 ago

Source? That would implicate a lot of powerful people. http://pastebin.com/69Jk8GiU

herbertbakunin ago

http://www.nypress.com/bill-the-bribed-claus-von-bulow-in-london-anna-tina-shelby-harry-and-i-new-world-ordure/ pretty sure it was marc rich and pincuss green might of got it mixed up with Marc Dutroux

Chance903 ago


Re,be prepared to go down the rabbit hole Oh My you Sir are a natural Investigator and shold be doing this professionally. I know form what I speak. Well played ,well played.<3

caliginosity ago

Hey thanks! To be completely fair and honest, I am not one of the autists that discovered any of this myself. I just was getting frustrated with so many redundant scattered dumps which weren't comprehensive. So I just put it all together in a way I thought was most presentable. I'd call myself an organizer. ;)

DCmommaBear ago

I am SOOO glad you did this! I was stressing trying to work up the nerve to suggest someone do this. I was feeling the same way, my OCD was going crazy, but couldn't find the time to do this myself. Very impressive! We really needed this to help educate friends, journalists and authorities! Thank You!

Chance903 ago

Here is the thing, I give credit to all of the people helping. however, I know how much work goes into a project like this, when I would take all the evidence in a case to present to the D.A for prosecution it takes an unparalleled amount of work and effort to lay it out in a Logical sequential manner so it is easily understood. You should most assuredly stay in the position of Chronicler. You have a gift.

knewyorickknewyorick ago

Does your dog bite? Translation for people who don't speak French: James Alenfantis does not mean I love children in French. Not literally, and not how much you want it to be.

lawfag123 ago

The image album related to "Marina Abromovic is often seen with many Hollywood actors," does not work for me. Also there are pictures with robert deniro, jayz, and lady gaga, all of whom came out to support hillary at the 11th hour via music concerts and rallies

caliginosity ago

Hey! Thanks for letting me know, I did archive it and it's updated with the new link. =)

jaredfogle12345 ago

https://vimeo.com/36061419 Here is the video for spiritcooking, it is more complete. not sure what's the best way to archive this? it is a bit weird for sure.

jaredfogle12345 ago

Only parts of it was archived right? It says you can load 48 other photos in the archive but... I don't think you can load those photos. I tried google search to find the rest of the photos, it is quite difficult.

DCmommaBear ago

Try Duck Duck Go...Google is censoring and tracking.. https://duckduckgo.com/

Zen0 ago

Sticky, Mods! Sticky this Post!

jaredfogle12345 ago

the spirit cooking images are removed or don't work. Anybody got the archived?

caliginosity ago

Hey! I archived it and updated that link. Thanks for letting me know! =)

jaredfogle12345 ago

Only parts of it was archived right? It says you can load 48 other photos in the archive but... I don't think you can load those photos. I tried google search to find the rest of the photos, it is quite difficult.

hubertbutternut ago


VieBleu ago

Can we sticky this somehow? There are a lot of people coming to the site - they need a concise write up like this at the top, not our deep rabbit hole stuff!!


kingkongwaswrong ago

guys please remember mods arent all seeing all knowing people and infact because they are so busy vetting new posts and flairing things and having meta discussions, they dont often have time to read the most interesting stuff - because it's not a concern to anyone !

If you want to get our attention please use the @ handle like this @50hurtz @viebleu to give us a notification so we can see what you're trying to say :)

50hurtz ago

oh thanks! i didnt even know that, i think its time for me to maybe look at a voat tutorial and see what else i dont know.

VieBleu ago

Thank you. I have found the mods to be very responsive actually.
Now I have to ask something stupid, but once I understand, I'll put it in the Skillz post under which people have been using and finding usefull for learning to archive just today. When you say use @viebleu, what do you mean? Put it at the top of a comment? IM you?

kingkongwaswrong ago

no just put an @ in front of the users name in a comment or post. So if i just go @viebleu this will appear in your 'comment mentions' in your inbox. That way even if i posted it somewhere totally random, you would still get a notification.

VieBleu ago


so just do it like this?

kingkongwaswrong ago

yep :)

Reading ago

@kingkongwaswrong Came across this and want to share. Haven't seen it in the conversation thread- delete it if someone already mentioned this.

This year in VA more children have been reported missing than in the entire state of Texas. Visit their site: The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children - www.missingkids.com.

As of last night, there are more than 40 missing children ages 13 to 17, an average of 5 per day for Dec!! November was a busy month as well, I quit counting at 100. Noting that most of them are Teenagers between the ages of 12- 17. Some younger but the most popular age seems to be17.

I am extremely bothered by this and am going to continue to look into this. Can all of these children be runaways? I think "No". Why is VA at the top of the list? Age 17 was the most popular last month and it seems this months trend is 15 year olds.

I'm so disheartened by the possibilities of what this means but am happy to have stumbled here and know that everyone here can help me find the answers. I'm curious to see which cities, neighborhoods, schools, state/local foundations (foster care, CPS) and families are missing this many children over the last 6 weeks and why it's not in the news. Who is fighting for the children???

P.S. More boys than girls....if I am not mistaking the gender behind the names as about half of these children do not have photos.

50hurtz ago

Yes! Mods please sticky this so many people found out about it recently. One of the best posts so far I've seen. Very carerful eligible and coherent.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

great job!

derram ago

https://archive.is/6wMuz :

Massive pedophile ring busted; 230 kids saved - US news - Crime & courts | NBC News

https://archive.is/mhw6p :

Massive paedophile ring uncovered by police in Norway after arrest of 51 men | The Independent

https://archive.is/5o7Zl :

Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple 'Lolita Express' flights: Report - Washington Times

https://archive.is/lktkV :

I FOUND A SMOKING GUN - Monica Petersen found dead in Haiti 3 days ago - family is kept in the dark - SHE WAS INVESTIGATING CLINTON : The_Donald

https://archive.is/BKFK3 :

Tony Podesta: globetrotting art collector | Culture | The Guardian

https://archive.is/JEFXy :

Elijah Wood Clarifies Comments on Hollywood Pedophilia - The New York Times

This has been an automated message.

caliginosity ago


xmen ago

I would like us to check out those people : http://cpbargrill.com/about/
http://www.knightsb.com/ but mostly http://www.knightsb.com/

thelastaelor ago

One complaint:

Interesting that as this is becoming more mainstream and blowing up, pedophilia is being pushed as normal as by the psychological association.

Is, like all claims that the entire MSM is trying to 'normalize pedophilia', is crap. If you look at the link to the telegraph which the clearly bullshit website (that is actually an example of fake-news) cites, you'll find

It’s fair to say the Tromovitch view does not represent majority academic opinion. It’s likely, too, that some of the academic protests against the “stigmatisation” of paedophiles are as much a backlash against the harshness of sex offender laws as anything else. Finally, of course, academic inquiry is supposed to question conventional wisdom and to deal rigorously with the evidence, whether or not the conclusions it leads you to are popular. Even so, there really is now no shortage of evidence about the harm done by child abuse. In the latest frenzy about the crimes of the past, it’s worth watching whether we could, in the future, go back to the intellectual climate which allowed them.

Yuke ago

Can we get rid of the "Marina Abromovic is often seen with many Hollywood actors" and change it to something more accurate like "Hollywood actors have been present at at least one Marina Abramovic show." Unless we see evidence of multiple attendances I don't see how we can say the former. Also, can we get rid of the "David Brock the chief of media matters is in a relationship with James Alefantis". This should read "was in a relationship" and if we can be more accurate, what appears to be a 10 year relationship from around 2002 to 2012. Photo's exist of them here from March 8th 2002 http://archive.is/YmP71 and Alefantis says here that he had a 10 year partner starting Buck's https://snag.gy/Bm8vTj.jpg and they have been photographed together many times and have lived together between those dates.

caliginosity ago

There are many photos of Marina with celebrities that people can google. There's also another spiritcooking video of other celebrities in it and one with Lady gaga. I didn't include them because of the character limit. I will change relationship status.

Yuke ago

Yeah, sorry I wasn't thinking of the other instances, the one link implies too much, even to me and I'm deep in this stuff. It needs to be clearer for new people. We need at least one more link to the other pictures there as well to back it up.

weewaawooba ago

Ok, I am done with Pizzagate. The descriptions of these events are far from unbiased. There are connections drawn that are just not as clear as you describe them, if they are even there.

I do not want to waste my time because whatever people like me will say is either blue pilled, "incorrect", shill or whatever

Just a few things where I do not need to put in a lot of research:

-Bill Clinton flew on Epsteins plane, but you are implying he went to Little Saint James which he seemed NOT to have according to log books, also, do you think EVERYTHING Epstein has ever done in his life is connected to underage prostitution?

  • Laura Silsby, a (what I would call normal) person would explain the trafficking like this: She wanted to get the kids out of Haiti (with the ok of their parents) to help them (and their families) lead an economically improved life. There is no hint whatsoever, that the trafficking is meant to be as sex trafficking, but yet basically everyone here implies that. Are you even aware what you are doing to people if your accusations are wrong? You label people who want to help children the opposite of what they are.-

What Frank Winstead said in 2008 about rape, murder, alefantis spitting into the food, lying cheating .. is completely unrelated, why is that in the list? I can tell you, because by leaving out some things you can use it to embellish the whole bs that pizzagate is.

"A worthy leaked government email to check out where pizza is obviously a code word" - that is not OBVIOUSLY a code word, it could be one, but in the argument a lot of people actually thought that this would be a joke/game (not a pedo-joke) among them.

Pizzagate is just a sick joke. And I am sorry, the public does not have to wake up. You do.

Happy downvoting.

bidentime ago

Just echoing the sentiments of others here - thanks so much for putting this together!

popezandy ago

No reference to the Hawaii connection. More links to previous cases than the current one. Appreciate the legwork but this doesn't explain sufficiently even the avenues it attempts to walk down in a way that catches anyone up to speed. Several references to fringe possibly irrelevant theories and little focused on true leads. Explain the Hawaii connection at least

caliginosity ago

I am willing to swap out fluff for better leads. Do you have a thread or can you provide an explanation with sources on the Hawaii lead? I think I found one you're talking about but it's a bit overwhelming and I need help understanding what I'm looking at.

popezandy ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1466894 Important Leads Masterlist

popezandy ago

The problem with me doing it is in stuck on my phone. My laptop just went out and then my brothers desktop. Anyways, the Hawaii connection is a man who goes by many names, Dave Stone aka Dave Flinstone aka something shipman. Pizza gate led over to him when it was discovered that he created the website for CPP (if I'm not mistaken, please somebody assemble links proving what I'm saying), along with a host of other sites Davidstone.com and a site for his vodka shipping company based in Hawaii. Somebody hacked into his email and found further connections between him and CPP as he has communication with Anita Lord in an email which strangely also mentions an alias for an ex EPA administrator and Clinton Foundation worker, a woman whose name I can't remember. This is laid out else where but again I can't open two tabs on this thing so bear with me. The final piece of the puzzle is mr.stones ownership of an eBay sellers account, dubiously called "Cheesybay" which sells, and this is extremely important, broken hard drives for unusually high prices. Once this link was discovered, somebody found an old reddit post in r/blackops I believe, it was by someone who was concerned about a bunch of shuffling WiFi signals coming out from under a concrete slab near or on the property they lived on, in Hawaii. They claimed after some investigation that they believed their boss, guess who, was involved in human trafficking. This was a couple of years ago, so imagine the glorious validation. I think this combined with the pedophile Flickr account that only shows pictures of children, pictures of pornography, and pictures of CPP, which was put up 4 to 6 years ago, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt what these people are up to. Sorry again for no links, if someone could help me with this that would be fantastic.

i_am_a_strange_loop ago

I think this person clearly summed up/linked the earlier investigations. Would you like to put together a summary of links about the Hawaii connection?

Banned4Truth ago

The following was a post I made last night in another site. Which...subsequently got me banned.

There's a lot to absorb and there's two separate trails which converge so I'll try to be succinct. A reddit poster living in Hawaii, was trying to figure out why wifi signals seemed to be coming from underground. So they drilled a hole, poured water down and did a thermal scan. Connected his boss to some online ebay account selling used hard drives. Was suspecting some kind of kiddy thing going on. Drops the address as 577 Pakala St, Honolulu, HI 96825.

Moving forward in an unrelated timeline... Comet Pizza's DJ Sasha Lord reached out to a colleague of someone who was on the board of the Clinton Foundation for a reference i.imgur.com... who happens to be a guy named David Stone. Who happens to have an odd potato head website www.daveflintstone.com and is also listed on this site islanddistilers i.imgur.com... Remember the background in that picture.

David Stone is connected to another "grand poobah" called biff skippman whom is also in hawaii and plays the potato head. Rather Cryptic message here: I would like to look closer at this message and see if there is any hidden meaning. i.imgur.com...

As per the image above Biff Skippman has an ebay business called Cheesybay www.ebay.com...

Ok, now this is where it all comes together. The address listed in the first scenario 577 Pakala St, Honolulu, HI 96825 is listed here: bizstanding.com...

Scroll down to Island Distillers and read who the owner is. Now, remember the picture of the background? This is a photo from the guy who suspected something going on... i.imgur.com...

Then I am quickly reminded of this creepy Podesta email...

From:[email protected] To: [email protected] Date: 2015-09-03 18:17

Subject: man, I miss you

The next three months are going to be rougher internally than in Beijing. Between 7th and 1600, no fun. Hope you're doing ok. I'm dreaming about your hotdog stand in Hawaii...

i_am_a_strange_loop ago

That is an excellent textual summary! You should post this as a discussion post and ask someone to add links. I'm sure someone will. Then we can add it to the big welcome page. :)

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Hopefully it is ok for us to suggest things. The more contribution, the more perfect the final result. The Hawaii connection is significant. also i hope there is a mention of the Australian and UK parallels. We have in all three countries, an amazingly similar set up. all relate to the same secretive cults, and to the same basic behaviours, of misusing positions. we are supposed to be equal, and we have people acting worse than fuedal kings and queens... here there was a coverup, and still is. We know there was in the UK and still is. Each one shows the other is likely also, and all extend back to the same roots. If we are strong enough to get to these roots, we will probably be able to make the world paradise, but until we do, we need to be realistic about what is wrong.

caliginosity ago

I am actively revising this when I have time and swapping out links that are just fluff. Therefore I am very willing to take suggestions (and have been) Keep in mind there is a 10k character limit so I have to be extremely succient summarizing. I also have not personally been reading on all the findings regarding hawaii and some of the other newer things (mostly because I haven't seen any posts that 1.Explain what I'm looking at when they post. and 2.Provide sources for their claims. But if you know some good information that should be put here, please post here and I will try and find a way to incorporate it.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

thanks. you are going to come up with a masterpiece, in that case. I'm really glad you are doing this. I think the Luzattos are a major link, and they were one of the first that convinced me. They do not need much explanation. the email message, the photo of them being offered online, and the picture of the luzattos with Alephantis would do the most explaining in its own. when there are people complaining this is a conspiracy theory, it helps to show direct links, and things that are beyond doubt, like the language she uses. There is no other situation on Earth, where children are going to be entertainment in a spa. there is also no other context sadly, to spending time online with them. This person who is guardian to these children, is not a blood relative, and is in a photo with Alefantis. There is only one conclusion. Some other links, can be rationalised. they take a lot of rationalising, but they can. this one can not. only by avoiding it, has anyone managed to keep a skeptical view of this. No one seeing that, is still going to think this is a theory. they might instead realise children are still in danger, and get motivated...

Stukov ago

What is the Hawaii connection?

popezandy ago

I posted an explanation of the Hawaii connection. There are articles here in voat proving what I say above but I can't link them right now. I hope this helps

Stukov ago

Someone else linked it for me and was able to read it.

YingYangMom ago

I agree. This needs to be linked. I'd also like to see the Frank Gustra connection (he's a board member of the Clinton Foundation) and his other initiatives like the ELPIDA one. Gustra is another very important link to the Clintons.

Orange_Circle ago

I think I heard he and Brock broke up.

siriansun ago

Worthy of a medal of honour. Thank you.

willofthewarrior ago

Great post! I'd upvote you but apparently I'm all out.

apparatchik1488 ago

Please add this to the list too: https://voat.co/v/pizzagateunedited/1463496

StJimmy92 ago

Comet ping pong using disturbing artwork with paintings of children with their heads cut off

I thought that looked familiar, it's album art from Arrington de Dionyso and Gal Lazer Shiloach


https://www.facebook.com/arringtondedionyso <- he found out about pizzagate and is pissed lol

apparatchik1488 ago

Please add this to the list: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1464198

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Does anyone know how to ping the mods with this? They said they'd be up for stickying a good summary. Good work !

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

This whole thing is glorious. Thank you!

Wellwerefucked ago

You've done very well sir! Make sure the entirety is archived in case shit goes pear shaped.

JrSlimss ago

Great post!

xeemee ago

wow, very nice :)

might want to link the 1st half to the second in case they get separated because of voting

MeatballPizza ago

Good point. EDIT and then add the second half so they are together.

This is STICKY worthy for newbies. Excellent job!

xeemee ago

won't be able to combine them if they're over 10k chars - ran into the same issue myself the other day - might want to suggest the 10k limit be increased or removed when editing at /v/voatdev

caliginosity ago

Thank you! I put a link to the second half in the first half. I wish they didn't have a maximum character amount per post (links make up half my posts, haha).