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caliginosity ago


weewaawooba ago

Ok, I am done with Pizzagate. The descriptions of these events are far from unbiased. There are connections drawn that are just not as clear as you describe them, if they are even there.

I do not want to waste my time because whatever people like me will say is either blue pilled, "incorrect", shill or whatever

Just a few things where I do not need to put in a lot of research:

-Bill Clinton flew on Epsteins plane, but you are implying he went to Little Saint James which he seemed NOT to have according to log books, also, do you think EVERYTHING Epstein has ever done in his life is connected to underage prostitution?

  • Laura Silsby, a (what I would call normal) person would explain the trafficking like this: She wanted to get the kids out of Haiti (with the ok of their parents) to help them (and their families) lead an economically improved life. There is no hint whatsoever, that the trafficking is meant to be as sex trafficking, but yet basically everyone here implies that. Are you even aware what you are doing to people if your accusations are wrong? You label people who want to help children the opposite of what they are.-

What Frank Winstead said in 2008 about rape, murder, alefantis spitting into the food, lying cheating .. is completely unrelated, why is that in the list? I can tell you, because by leaving out some things you can use it to embellish the whole bs that pizzagate is.

"A worthy leaked government email to check out where pizza is obviously a code word" - that is not OBVIOUSLY a code word, it could be one, but in the argument a lot of people actually thought that this would be a joke/game (not a pedo-joke) among them.

Pizzagate is just a sick joke. And I am sorry, the public does not have to wake up. You do.

Happy downvoting.