arisebalsa ago


that might be an important related word here

investigatorman ago

Never claimed it was a smoking gun.

0xFFF ago

look at his profile, obious troll who fears his pedo friends get exposed...

investigatorman ago

Who's profile? Ill investigate

templarknight ago

Wow, amazing find! Thank for your research.

gcgsauce ago

This is such confirmation bias if we're stooping to the level of urban dictionary to make connections.

domestiKgypsie ago

I found "cuttiefile" to possibly mean "to love something small". I found this:

0xFFF ago

look at my post below. I think it more likely is misspelled cattaphile (pwople who love catacombs / tunnels) (misspelling also could be a hint to the age of the author.

domestiKgypsie ago

I actually readnon Urban Dictionary that it meant something small (as in stature). It was spelled cuttiefile. It's gone now, so is the def of ping-pong indicating children . They scrubbed it.

JoeJoe ago

Might be clutching at straws here, thought I'd throw it down.

Found reference to a comet being described as a great red dragon. Here:

In Australia, a same sex married couple Peter Truong and American Mark Newton had their adoption of a baby boy documented by the ABC and it was aired and I watched it. (Documentary can no longer be found)

A few years later they were both arrested in 2011, they were part of an international pedo ring called Tail of the Dragon. They had groomed their adopted son before the age of 2 and travelled the world lending him out to men.

You can read here:

Watch here:

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Cuttafile Code

What is a cuttafile?

Whitemail ago

Maybe "comet" is just a variation of commit.

Comet Ping Pong = commit child rape

p0ssibleb1gt0mal3 ago

Comet Ping-Pong = (CP) <------------------

TryOurSalsa ago

A post that gets taken down off of a website after being discussed, when it has been on the site for 12 years no problem.. that's something to pay attention to. That's not normal at all.

greycloud ago

what is the difference between child rape and child consensual sex? if there is no difference, than there is no justice in the law that defines them to be the same thing.

Baluga ago

Between an adult and a child, there is no such thing as informed consent. The child is not informed and has no power. Between two teens, that's different.

TryOurSalsa ago

Woah, seriously?.. even that got taken down. This is fucking insane.

UglyTruth ago

Thanks for that, I blame Google. ;-)

srayzie ago

Damn. Everything's symbols and hidden meanings. It's like this big puzzle of clues that we've been surrounded by our whole lives and only now we're opening our eyes and it's everywhere.

UglyTruth ago

The earliest reference I've found is from a 2015 snapshot of It could have been in use since 2005.

Comet A person you're really close with for a really short time. "Girls like her come and go, all i know is she's a (wha?). Doesn't really bother me though, just looking for a good time, you know?"

She was my summer comet. by recycleair August 17, 2005

bdmthrfkr ago

Some guy on Urban Dictionary.... now you need to find that guy...

0xFFF ago

i thunk cuttafile is cataphiles misspelled. in reference to their tunnels

eyeofeve ago

wow. Nice find . I was wondering about the name and what it might mean. One thing about these types is that they always speak through "hidden in plain sight" forms of communication. Hope that's been archived and also the comet one from from user Ugly Truth (

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

Obama took office in 2008...

r3dsh4rk ago

So thats moderatly disturbing O_o

investigatorman ago

I don't think so. It was all the way back in 2004. This guy looks younger.

0xFFF ago

you are right. edited my post to some self described DJ disc jockey - emcee - beer pong - party master

angular_planes ago

Is there any way to search for/contact urban dictionary users on the site if you have an account? Would love to know where []\/[]atty G got that definition.

UglyTruth ago

Comet. kom-it Noun. 1. A person that passes through your life repeatedly who is intense and awesome, and when gone you are still in contact with that person in some way but they are not a continuous partner.

carygato ago

The name Comet came from the previous business Comet liquor store. article

Freemasonsrus ago

Comet is slang for cocaine. And since these people seem to have an affinity for coke I'm assuming that's what is meant.

UncookedSpirit ago

Lots of Clinton links to cocaine, of course. I'm starting to see Michael Savage's point when he says "old money" in DC means people who got into selling drugs the earliest.

CHECK THIS OUT!!! Amrita & Ashok Mahbubani! In the WikiLeaks, they sent the email titled "Casa Podesta Pizza Party", the one guy is in the attached photo with the cardboard cutout of the Pope, the other photo is of Tony Podesta cutting cake. Mr Mahbubani was busted for money laundering and cocaine importation BEFORE this party. He got a ridiculously light minimum sentence and was right back out funneling money to the Clinton Foundation. In 2011, he had a very short lived charity in Haiti called the EKTA Foundation and the website for it mentions they were part of the Clinton Global Initiative!

The email might have been about this October 2015 party with Alefantis cooking:

This Politico article seems to confirm by it's photos that the place with the green geodesic dome thing is Tony Podesta's:

Now, I'm not sure if it is the same Ashok Mahubabani, but someone under that name was convicted of conspiracy to import cocaine and was supposed to go to jail for 10 years for it even though Mahubabani claimed the government promised to let him out early. I can't seem to find if this guy is actually in jail, or a photo that would help determine if it is the same guy at Podesta's party.

Hillary with Jorge Cabrera

Jeb! and Bill

Bill pardoned his bro for cocaine

Podesta Group and cocaine: "It seems that large chunks of The Podesta Group’s net income is the result of embezzlement and possible drug money from Serbian businessmen and politicians"

Freemasonsrus ago

Thanks for all the links! I haven't had the time to go search back through all of the coke connections but it goes way back and way deep. I've never done coke so I can't say why it's the drug of choice for these guys, but it is. Bill was importing it back in the 80's and people died bc of it. Two young kids, who were most likely thought to be witnesses to the airport drop were somehow run over on train tracks in AR. It was claimed they had decided to lay down on the tracks to commit suicide.

The connections are enumerous. So yes, coke/sex/pizza is what we are looking at in logo.

The other interesting thing about logos is the Besta logo is Crowley's triangle with the lines coming out combined with a pedo symbol and of course names Beast. It's just blatant the symbology.

CosmicSponge ago

an affinity for coke. Lol. The fraternal medicine.

Bigglesworth45 ago

Holy fuck that would mean their name is coke and kids.

Gorillion ago

"Coke and Hos"

UglyTruth ago

"Shut up and fuck" written on the bathroom wall doesn't really connect with snorting a line...

Freemasonsrus ago

Have you watched the Anonymous video on Bill Clinton? They have been obsessed with coke for a long time. Not to say the word couldn't have multiple interpretations. Just saying it's known they enjoyed coke and sex at the same time.

Freemasonsrus ago

Weird coincidence. I saw earlier that one of Casey Anthony's lawyers had been arrested for trying to smuggle a whole shit ton of coke into country. He was using Haiti as is jump off point and that is where he was captured.... very odd. Maybe his background should be searched for any bizarre connections.

eyeofeve ago

holy shit!

UglyTruth ago

Talk about hiding in plain sight.... Besta Pizza in Spanish is Beast Pizza, Spanish is the second most common language in the U.S.

Besta Pizza (they've "fixed" their logo):

eyeofeve ago

I remember when they did that,but I didn't know about the beast thing.Shudders. :( edit:You might want to change that link to an archived version,odd behaviour on the site when I went to view.I checked out quickly before it fully loaded.

Shogun77 ago

Woah. This is big.

letsdoitnow ago

entrance deleted..or at least i cannot see it? its been told many times to backup the findings before posting since theyre deleting everything they can come on..

boredsillynz ago

Hmmm interesting, what on earth is 'cuttafile code' because google returns nothing?

0xFFF ago

Cataphiles are urban explorers who illegally tour the Mines of Paris, a term popularly used to describe a series of underground tunnels that were built as a network of stone mines, which are no longer used. The Catacombs of Paris comprise a subset of this network.

Parisian explorers, known locally as 'cataphiles,' have long risked arrest and ventured into the city's underworld to experience the crystal clear ..

thisistotallynotme ago

one would assume it's a pedophile with urges to cut/injure the victims.

Souru ago

Good catch.

It's no longer on the website (I wonder), but then again Comet Ping Pong was established in 2006 []...

marvink ago

Precipitate ago

Somebody not as lazy is I should go through the archives and find out when it got removed.

Hey_Sunshine ago

I find it rather unsettling that definition of ping pong was Don Clark's first and only contribution to urban dictionary (and also used podesta's first name when they used it in a sentence)

Souru ago

I tried, but the most that I can tell from the archives is it got removed one day between 13 February 2005 to 13 April 2005, giving us around 59-60 possible days just by archives alone.

If anyone knows about anything important between these dates please share.

Precipitate ago

Great job!

0xFFF ago

yeah because comet ping pong is just a branch of a much larger network that exists much much older than 2006

bikergang_accountant ago

Also they are culturally distinct from the rest of society or even the average pedo.

Cuttafile isn't even in the Urbandictionary. Whoever posted that is hip to language no one has heard that is specific to whatever a cuttafile is. And apparently, these people know ping pong as a term.

Comet is also a name for cocaine.

domestiKgypsie ago

Cuttafile means "small." It was on UD but it's gone now, as is the ping pong definition (oddly). Here's the ref to "cuttie"

CosmicSponge ago

Thousands of years some might say.

investigatorman ago

Look at the 5th definition.

Initiate ago

Hey, was it still on the official page when you found it, or only in the archive? I wonder since when it has been removed.

investigatorman ago

Someone commented that it was deleted back in 2005 sometime.