spez_dispenser ago

darx.com website at the time of the email:


Since its foundation in 1990, DARX Consulting Pty Ltd has been dedicated to providing quality computer systems consultancy for corporate, government, educational and private clients.

DARX specialises in systems analysis, systems integration and network analysis to suit any organisation's requirements, as well as systems and network troubleshooting. DARX also offers services such as custom software development (for example, Craneplanner), systems and network design, professional development and training.

Additionally, DARX specialises in the design and implementation of Virtual Education, including the integration of IT solutions within traditional school curriculum. DARX established and successfully operated the first entirely online education programme of its kind in the world - The Virtual School for the Gifted. The VSG ran from 1997 through 2006. DARX now assists schools develop and implement their own Virtual Education programmes.

spez_dispenser ago

The data compression video is key.

The youtube channel:


The video in question:


I don't know much about software engineering, but it looks like they are using a compression algo to do the following:

  • Given photo file A (porn)
  • Use compression algo to transform it into non-porn B
  • Send photo as Photo B (non porn)
  • Receiver uses same compression algo to display non porn as porn.

Note the comment in the video "it's important not to save anything"

Previously anons thought crypto or steganography was used to hide the CP. But this video shows they use compression.

Think about it - all these shitty pedo music groups offer download sections on their page. If the mp3s are decompressed using the correct algo, the file would turn into CP. Even when a computer is seized by police, they would only see a bunch of non porn on a computer, unless they had the correct video compression algo.

MrNagasaki ago

I don't see the admin connection. Where do you see that those sites have the same admin as cometpingpong.com?

marvink ago

just the dcwordpress page.. there seems to be a lot disinfo

spez_dispenser ago

Has anyone watched the youtube video on compression?


Watch it. It's a huge lead. They're using encoding compression algos, not steganography or encryption.

This means that you can encode File A (illegal content) with file B (legal content). Then send file B to a recipient. With the right algo, the recipient can decompress or decode File B and it will show File A (CP).

At least that's what I saw when watching the video.

research4real ago

This guy is on Oliver Miller's (the owner of Dr.Pong in Berlin) friend list on Facebook. Check him out. https://www.facebook.com/johnny.mini.market?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab More illuminati and occult stuff going on.

investigatethepizza ago

Okay so he's friends with James on his page. What more development have we had in the past month on this? We need our German friends to help us.

research4real ago

I also find Dr Pong suspicious. For those of you who've seen CPP tumblr account - http://cometpingpong.tumblr.com - you know Alefantis has posted pictures inside Dr Pong when he was in Berlin in 2012, one of the pictures is depicting some kind of construction work and has the text "secret plans". http://cometpingpong.tumblr.com/page/4

Tumblr pic 1

Tumblr pic 2 The guy to the left is Oliver Miller. This is his Facebook.

Tumblr pic 3 same guy as in pic 2. Who is he? Anyone know?

Robertoroberto9 ago

What should I see?

Robertoroberto9 ago

I live in berlin, does someone lives here? we should do something about this!!!

bdmthrfkr ago

See comment below

polololo90 ago

MUST READ: i know what this is for ive researched some sites connected to Roberta's pizza This is to send encrypted porn pics to others, who knows what they send, i know its not going to be some naked lady most likely its some CP or something illegal https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1446975

HooplaFish ago

Dr. Pong had an event with Comet Ping Pong, one day apart. Event is an annual international Ping Pong Party called "Pongress"

http://archive.is/GF2Jk - Sunday, Comet Ping Pong http://archive.is/1PZ1y - Monday, Dr. Pong

marvink ago

spidda2 ago


domestiKgypsie ago

Can it be that those ping pong tables are used for nefarious reasons? Am I seeing stains on the concrete floor? New tables, looks like net is placed on center as opposed to fixed to, old dungeon room, with barrier on window.... I'm no techie, can someone explain the color "blobs" on the seemingly blank slides?

loconut22 ago

ah shit I just posted about this. Check out their copywrite on good and plenty. Some really weird shit.

jack_of ago

They offer Andro Süßkind for 10 EUR in the table tennis section.

Andro is producing table tennis bats. And on their site it states that Süßkind is the covering. But some germans guys wrote to Andro and they don't have a covering named Süßkind.

Süßkind is a name. Like the author of "Das Parfum" but also means sweet child.

So the covering has to be sticky. But why and what is Süßkind?

There are several strange things.


1.It seems the text on the page "Manifest" was autotranslated or translated by word.

2.Second the person who tipped it made grammatical mistake, wrong spelling and as I wrote many things make no sense.

3.The person didn't know how to use letters äöü. Stupid mistakes like verscheiden instead of verschieden mann instead of man

So the admin who wrote it isn't german.

marvink ago

I found this article: http://archive.is/a3Qak

Interesting part:

"Hier wird Tischtennis als "gesunde Sucht" und "vorapokalyptische Betriebsamkeit" angepriesen, bei der man gleichzeitig die Kontrolle gewinnen und verlieren kann: "Wie die Leute auf freiem Fuß konnten wir uns von Zeit zu Zeit fragen, was wir hier genau behandeln und es nie wissen."Wem das nicht griffig genug ist, der kann sich zusätzliche Haftung mit dem "Andro Süßkind"-Schlägerbelag besorgen, der auf der Getränkekarte für 10 Euro und mit dem (lieber nicht übersetzten) Slogan "Sticky as a long, slow summertime fuck" angeboten wird."

Sounds like a pedo catcher. "if your are not sure yet, look at 'Andro Süßkind' "

spez_dispenser ago

While you are talking about lexicons and translations and such...

I went to the youtube page above where they talk about "advanced data compression alorithms and semantic field shift".

Have a read of the link below. This concept uses algorithms to re-lexicalize entire paragraphs by replacing the specific word with its generalization. With the correct algorithm you could go the other way - replace the general term with the specific.

Why is this important? You could run an algorithm on your email that basically works the other way. For instance, replaces the word "pizza" (a generalization) with something more specific. This could be a huge break in the realm of "pizza code". Keep digging.

READ THIS >> http://www.digplanet.com/wiki/Semantic_compression

spez_dispenser ago

I'm no software engineer, and I don't know a lot about compression.

But it seems to me they are doing a tutorial on how to compress Porn, send it as cat pictures, and decompress it on the receiver's end as porn. There's a reason he says something like "it's important not to save anything".

wesofx ago

That would make sense. All the strange behavior could just be foreign humor too.

bdmthrfkr ago

Also, some Autist over at the Chan noticed that the imperfections in the background image on the right perfectly overlay (on a map) the locations we are all so familiar with in D.C. Surprisingly though, it added a nearby Elementary School. Kind of like a treasure map.

This shit is creepy as fuk!!

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Can you link the thread? I'm beginning to see a map as well.

nnfx ago

Did you see this or did he say it is like that? Because I'm just trying this and it doesn't work out.

I spotted 13 imperfections on the background, roughly marked them and removed everything else. Then I located CPP and stuff, took a screenshot and loaded both images in ps layers.

So there are 13 marked locations now and I only manage to (roughly) overlay two of them at the same time while the rest would always point to nothing. Like I can get a mark over the school while also one about cpp but then nothing else fits.

And I'm pretty sure it isn't possible to put even most of the marked locations above relevant locations at once, since there aren't even 13 relevant locations. Can't overlay more than two at once and certainly not "perfectly".

But see for your self.

Image with marked imperfections: https://sli.mg/laT2uX

Now open map and navigate to cpp, choose the exact position and resolution you think could be fiting and try your luck. Impossible I say. :D

wesofx ago

If you click on the button that says Click HERE for more super hot shit you get a really weird youtube channel with videos that I'm 99% sure are nonsense jibberish. All the comments and descriptions are jibberish too. WTF?

bdmthrfkr ago

Examples of stenography.

wesofx ago

In this video, there's a picture of a naked lady masterbating with a weird monster and they don't say anything about it. All the comments are nonsense too. Then there's a dick beer bottle and it seems like a joke?

piratse ago

Great post, thanks for the dual links (archive)!

piratse ago

Please archive your link that you posted and edit comment. Thanks!