YouaremeandIamyou ago

Whithouse referred to Jeff Gannon, by his assumed name, each time he was there, though knowing his real name.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

not necessarily. that is what the Whitehouse says. they have lost credibility. there is no garuantee, any of the people named in that photo, are who they say they are...


Andrew Kline of Besta Pizza - We've Been Tricked! He's the REAL DEAL! (v/pizzagate)

8 days[deleted]

So I earlier I was having an argument with another user about Andrew Kline, the owner of Besta Pizza.

Originally we assumed that he was Special Litigation Counsel Andrew Kline, and one of four attourneys appointed by Clinton in the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit of the Department of Justice, in the Civil Rights Division.

Then we found out Andrew J. Kline, an attourney at Veritas Law Firm, whose clients included Comet Ping Pong and Buck's Fishing and Camping. Oh, so he's an estate attourney and unrelated, their names were a coincidence! So this means nothing! That's what you think, right?

Wait. Let me emphasise, Andrew J. Kline with the J, as written on the Veritas Law Firm official website.

Now look at this article about the sex-trafficking ring that got busted near Comet Ping Pong in 2008. The case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Krishna R. Patel and Civil Rights Division Trial Attorney Michael J. Frank, and assisted by Assistant U.S. Attorney and Criminal Chief Peter S. Jongbloed, and Civil Rights Division Special Litigation Counsel Andrew J. Kline.

Now ask yourself, is this really a coincidence that they both have the same first letter as their middle name?


There is an article talking about former federal prosecutor, Andrew Kline. Apparently the D.C. Office of Bar Counsel is accusing Kline of keeping silent on the defense's alibi that he knew about regarding a drive-by shooting. It also mentioned that Kline received an award for Distinguished Service in 2009 while he was at the Civil Rights Division.

In this report, Andrew Kline is listed as a Member of the Bar of the District of Columbia.

DOJ Kline Timeline

Kline was D.C. Bar member and public servant since 1994.

Oh but wait! The biggest arguments you guys had was that they had different photos! Well guess what? I just had a look at the staff photos through the archive.

If you look at the oldest archive of their staff page, you'd realize that Andrew Kline's photo doesn't show. This is a symptom of what happens when the photo is edited on the same link. Notice how all other photosPNG except for Andrew Kline's:

(Important: The profile picture was fixed 7 hours after this post was made, meaning Kline is 100% watching this board. We've got several users confirming that the profile picture link was broken through the archives, but now it's showing meaning someone manually fixed it)

2002: First trial starts 2006: Uptown Pizza registeredPNG 2009: Veritas Law Firm website created 2009: Kline receives attourney general award 2012: FORMER federal prosecutor accused of concealing information by Office of Bar, implying he's already QUIT

ANDREW KLINE OF THE VERITAS FIRM IS PUSHED EVERY TIME SOMEONE MENTIONS DOJ. THEY'RE SUBTLE SHILLS! Below I shall paste somebody else's speculation. The next day this guy made this post, Reddit sub was shut down.

This means, we've been coerced the conclude that Andrew Kline was a coincidence when it hasn't even been discussed! When there's no evidence that they're unrelated! Shills are doing it guys! We've been tricked.

Notice how, the media has been covering Pizzagate for the past 3 days - and there is no mention of Andrew Kline. Considering the writers have direct contacts in the DOJ and Clinton Foundation, this would be easily debunkable through a single phone call-yet they haven't. This is because it's true. They're currently searching for a second Andrew Kline to act as a scapegoat.

Kline is watching us guys! Archive image just got fixed five minutes ago, 7 hours after this post was made. Would appreciate witnesses who saw that the image didn't work until now. Coincidence or not, it got fixed soon as pizzathrowaway came back to post in multiple threads about Andrew Kline. (He's the guy I was referring to in the opening of this post). I didn't want to mention him name in the case that I was wrong, but I am doing it now because several users are accusing him of the same thing:

Malignment ago

Is it interesting that the veritas law firm logo linked above has a pedo logo in it?

LostandFound ago

I am afraid you are mistaken this is far from proof. Andrew from Veritas's picture has been missing from the site until the last few weeks and was only updated post pizzagate revelations. Check it out for yourself, below was taken one month ago

Malignment ago

I'm confused, I see his pic in all the archives

LostandFound ago - can you provide a screenshot of what you are seeing please? This was discussed on another post and no one could see his pic

Malignment ago

I just see his pic on all the wayback machine archives I clicked on phone...

All I did was follow your link to wayback and click through the snapshots (in safari iOS)

LostandFound ago

Thx for reply, If you look above his name on mobile you will see the image missing icon, it gets somewhat hidden on responsive screen. If not can you please send a screenshot at some point of what you see.

dindonufin ago

Anyway, a registered agent is not necessarily related to the business at all. Many lawyers offer that service for a fee to anyone.

Melitica ago

Arun Rao is NOT an owner of ant identified pizza place. He has been mentioned bc he commented and "liked" numerous insragram pics of children on accounts like James Alefantis, suspicious bc he is DOJ - in child porn prosecution. Apparently his FB page also has tons o kid pics. Not necessarily damning but odd.

VieBleu ago

This thread is confusing. What is the final outcome? Is OP correct or is there doubt. Thanks.

quantokitty ago

Is this the business filing?

It says Andrew Klein. How do you know the first Andrew Klein is the agent? Is it because he specializes in leases?

I don't a have a dog in this fight, but I'd like to know why you think it's him.

pizzagateinvestigate ago

Someone deliberately left out key information when this was first posted on reddit, they used that image. See my post above for additional information on the Besta Pizza Andrew J. Kline. Here is the rest of the business filing:

You can verify this yourself by creating a free account a logging in to the govt database here:

pizzagateinvestigate ago

I accidentally posted the album and it's not letting me save my edit on the comment. Here is the image:

sentryseven ago

I saw proof that it WAS the same person.

Melitica ago

Please hunt and find proof then. It is quite risky (and wrong) to misidentifying an attorney in DOJ, particularly when the same Andrew Klein, a real estate attorney, is listed as Agent on multiple, local restaurants.

sentryseven ago

throwitawayn0w ago

Wait... but how did you confirm which Kline is connected to Besta?

pizzagateinvestigate ago

Log on to the Washington DC Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs to look up the business which is called "Uptown Pizza LLC." That's Besta Pizza (it has the same address).

Here's an image:

Then google the address of the registered agent and you'll see that it's Veritas law firm:

Here's a Linkedin which has an "Andrew J. Kline" who works at Veritas. It also has a comment from someone else dated 2008 from where he previously worked:

Freemasonsrus ago

Seems he is basically their legal rep. That's his specialty. The better question would be where does the money come from to hire someone like him? Or is he simply a percentage partner in the business? Not sure I ever saw that cleared up. If he's a percentage owner, than why? And wouldn't that be a conflict of interest to lobby on their behalf? Assuming he's simply their legal rep, I go back to question #1, how would they afford him? Rent alone would squash most small businesses on Conn. Ave.

Prepper_Jack ago

Legal firms will register a business for a small fee, and help set up the documents for the LLC. Usually the cost is quite minimal, as the registration is quite common. Perhaps $500, though you can go cheaper by using something like LegalZoom. That said, you can always call your lawyer up when you need to - which is when they start raking in the dough. You don't pay these guys 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year.

As for whether he's part owner of the business, it's possible, though unlikely. As for who the members of the LLC are, we can't know unless we see the LLC documentation and the tax returns. As far as we know, Alefantis is the managing member of the LLC. This could mean sole proprietorship, or he could have hidden partners.

Freemasonsrus ago

Thanks for that. People have been so focused on him and I always go down the route of innocent until proven guilty and look for real world reasons why someone is connected to something. Certainly not every single person they've ever known or associate with is a pedo.

DystopianDaze ago

Thank you. I've posted that multiple times.

Melitica ago

I have "cleared" error several times as well.

DystopianDaze ago


VictorDaniels777 ago

If this information is accurate it is just as important as evidence against.

rivercontrol ago

Totally. I wish we had a repository of evidence.

PizzaGateExpress ago

Use to document everything.

grlldcheese ago

They keep getting nuked.

But it's good to confirm this one. In the last few days you guys have recovered the first few days of shill free digging. Pol was pretty sure this was a false lead early on.

antinous and luzzato are compelling as fuck. Good work.

Scoundrel ago

Antionous, yes, that was an avalanche for me. Right there glaring at us, so open, he literally thought he was going to get away with this forever.

rivercontrol ago

I believe it.

MichelleObamasPenis ago

What are the different middle names then?