fujin ago

What I mean by testing is seeing how much they can abuse the system for future psyops/propaganda.

Christophalese ago

Unless you know, they had tools to hide moderated actions they didn't want users seeing. Not a shill, but c'mon, you act like they aren't on the other ends of all the control on this website.

The_Bohemian ago

You could go start your own subverse to find out that your idea is total bullshit if you want.

Mods aren't given any big over the top tools like that.

Christophalese ago

Lol relax, if Admins can edit things on reddit, id say my theory is hardly bs and I also never said moderators.

The_Bohemian ago

Pfft, relax? I'm not worked up over anything. Seemed like you were worked up over the mods having some sort of super tools that are hidden to the users.

AnonCanuck ago

You can tell this place is compromised, look at the front page now. The shills are going hard with the "jew angle" , they didnt use that tactic over at reddit. This place is done, that was alot faster.

baron_samedi ago

theres another one too,asking about FBIANON https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1434616

elgindelta ago

A worry you needent have goat. Remember Voat.co is largely populated with self exiled former redditards that have watched in real time as the fukkery unfolded there. Will there be salty sentiment, betabrigades and good ole fashioned attempted coups? Of course there will not to mention outright attempted sabotage, all things that have occurred here already which subsequently only served to tighten goat bonds, implement early activated counter measures and identify methods of cuckery that are the basis of KEK'S sad, sad froggy eyes. Even after all that, still, Feels Good Man. Memes be apon me.

deadmanwalking1984 ago

98% of the transplants will return to plebbit in due time. Those people hold no convictions and follow the transient winds of popular opinion. The few who actually embody integrity and honor will likely appreciate Voat for what it represents and protects. They will stay, making us a stronger community. Good riddance to the rubbish. Drive them away ASAP.

chronos ago

This is not Reddit. We have moderation logs that show deleted comments and deleted posts (look in the sidebar). I just reviewed both and see nothing to be concerned about.

Posting screenshots of (R)eddit means nothing to me. Show me examples of abuse here. Voat is hard to abuse because of the transparency. Get some legit proof, then post in /v/protectvoat.


LostandFound ago

Informative and spicy :)

chronos ago

Some day you will hear about what happened when a /v/askvoat moderator got too big for their britches. Hint: they are not mod anymore. Voat takes heavy handed modding very seriously and takes action when people step out of line.

auil ago

With I could upvote...Here's a comment at least.

occultelite ago

To be honest i dont understand anything. Too much links, too much pictures, too much pictures in the pictures.

vector3rector ago

I think he's showing that the admins on VOAT have unlimited upvotes, so they can bump up an article or BS that's not really upvoted. It kinda explain's why I keep seeing the same crap on my pizzagate cover page and have to dig threw /v/pizzagate/new for more informative leads and content.

fujin ago

Negative. Voat only has two admins. These guys hes pointing out are moderators which do not have the power to upvoat unlimitedly.

What he is showing is voting manipulation which would mean they have multiple accounts and they could essentially spam a post to the top or bury an opposing post to oblivion.

This would explain how we are seeing seeing some absurd posts getting to the front page, they're probably testing out Voat's system.

The_Bohemian ago

I saw this posted on 8ch. The images are from reddit not voat. Most specifically, the "+32" is from an addon called Reddit Enhancement Suite / RES and does not work with voat. You don't need to be a mod or have RES to do this though. One only needs to sign up for multiple accounts to do this sort of shit. RES on reddit makes it much easier though because it has a fast user switching mechanism. Still unethical.

vvaiting4goaot ago

No. To my understanding, the accused mods were able to manipulate the votes on Reddit. I just want clarity; if they were being dishonest there, I don't want them poisoning Voat too. Scrutiny.

occultelite ago

I also have tons of crap on my pizzagate cover page, I didnt knew i could go on /new. Thanks.

The_Bohemian ago

Just guessing, but there are a lot of new people here, myself included. Couldn't that just be all the new users, coming with a mix of shittiness that everyone can expect with large influxes of new users?

vvaiting4goaot ago

I don't know how 8chan works, but apparently everything is temporary. I linked the original 8chan post and the links below are from the 8chan post itself [(infinite chan-ception, heh) for those who'd rather not visit 8chan for whatever reason].

lorlipone ago

Upvoat for channership, lad.