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krisspykriss ago

Watch closer. It is a wrinkle in his shirt that unfolds. When you wear a suit and tie, everything is smartly tucked and under a little tension here and there. Also, some of the shirts are rather stiff from a good pressing. So as you move about you can sometime even feel the fabric fold and become taunt and move as you move. That is what you are seeing. Watch the shadow in the fold even. That is all you are seeing.

nomorepizza ago

Is this a joke?

krisspykriss ago

No. Have you ever worn a well starched shirt? They crackle and pop sometimes as you move. They are kind of noisy. What causes those faint little riffling and popping sounds? Vibrations. What does this look like? The collar vibrating for a split second. Like it was put under tension from his movements and then the tension was released. French collars pop sometimes. Put on a well starched shirt and jacket. Move around in it and then tell me it doesn't make some noise.Sit down and move you head a neck around. Notice how the collar occasionally catches here and there and then... POP! it goes right back to where it is supposed to be.

nomorepizza ago

This is some 1984-level of reality manipulation...2+2 is not 5, sorry mate.




^ complete bullshit

krisspykriss ago

What is? The collar kind of does this wrinkle flip thing. Like it ruffled as he moved. Suits are tucked, taunt and starched to high hell. You move it it crackles and pops. His collar kind of crinkled and popped. Nothing more.

You will see he is alive and well soon enough.


He's dead retard. Stop trolling. Learn what RSA is.

krisspykriss ago

Maybe he is. Maybe he isn't. Seems like we are about to find out, retard. I know what RSA is and is not. Apparently you do not.


....... if you know what you're talking about we wouldn't be having this conversation.

krisspykriss ago

I guess we are though. Have you ever worn a heavily starched shirt? Why do you need to be correct so badly that you would call me a retard? He may be dead. He may not. The people claiming he is OK, Wkikileaks claiming he is OK, and his scheduled interview all point to this video being real. You think he is dead. That is fine. You could be correct. If you are not though, I have just given an explanation for what you saw in the video. The question is, will you accept reality if it smacks you in the face?


If he is alive, he has chosen not to sign all previous (over 50 days) messages and blamed ddos attacks on his followers. Fiddle my asshole, I wouldn't even care about him anymore if you're right.

Womb_Raider ago

Ha, I entirely disagree. It looks unnatural.