IsThisThingSafe ago

link doesn't work for me

Phobos_Mothership ago

This is freaky as fuck... nothing is real anymore

Spuddlebuns ago

Actually, it sounded exactly like what Julian would say. Little comments like his "annoyance" at Ecuador not turning his internet back on. Dismissal of the "young people in America..." I believe it was Julian, and typical Julian, his agenda for getting out the truth actually has little to nothing to do with the truth he is trying to get out there, just the technical challenge in doing so. Pfeh.

Spuddlebuns ago

He is also now starting to shill his book, "One for the books - The incurable quest for Truth, no matter what the consequences..." I'll be leaving that one on the shelf at Barnes and Noble, thank you very little...

Could the whole "disappearance" thing been a 'publicity stunt,' to drum up demand for his book? After some of his recent appearances, where he gave us "teasers" about "upcoming leaks," (most of which NEVER happened before the election), it makes you wonder. The guy is good at self-PR, I'll say that much. Talked for an hour, and didn't really say much of anything.

Niggertown ago

It will probably be a body double or CGI.

EllenPaosEgo ago

It ended a while ago, they banned every stream other than the FB one then deleted the FB one. There was a voice that didn't sound like Assange and no video, bashing the PGP key claiming it means nothing because "whoever has the key has the key." Only Assange had the key, now they are downplaying the importance of it while showing 0 proof of life. The organization that did the interview is one out of Germany that promotes globalism

nnfx ago

This is it? this is all we got? Bad audio? Is this really the only record?

1754llp0l171c4l ago

Maybe this one?

I don't have the app so can't verify.

EllenPaosEgo ago

She was forced to shut it down before the interview started under threat of arrest. The only stream they allowed was the FB one, which they then deleted.

hunter3 ago

cant view it without the app? shitty

1754llp0l171c4l ago

What a stuttering mess the Assange imitator turned into when asked about the PGP keys... People demanding PGP keys are uninformed according Julian Assange...

It was not Assange's voice, a cold or not. It was a man with a deeper voice, and an Australian accent...

TheAtlantean ago

Well spotted! Great work scrutinizing this.

Having done a lot of video editing, here's my conclusion: It seems they tried doing a Warp Cut, i.e. collating two different shots and mesh Assange's position on camera. This doesn't mean evil intentions, they could simply be editing for time of pacing sake; not an uncommon practice in film. It would also explain overlapping of different collar positions, with a quick dissolve transition between the two shots.

However, this clip was definitely edited. Even though I don't see any clear evidence of chroma keying, I would not consider this footage to be legitimate proof of life.

pizzathrowaway89 ago

It is obviously a morph cut. Good journalists mark those with a flash, bad journalists use them to give sentences a new meaning. Assange didn't call Trump voters deplorable trash.

mickrussom ago

Its probably going to be a psyop. If we get the PGP and topical video live we could have our POL.


And so there you have it. Another dead end, another piece of BS...#WhereIsAssange #ProofOfLife

As someone recently posted, We all are the next Wikileaks...

deadmanwalking1984 ago

What a load of horseshit. Weak and compliant "journalists" simply relaying propaganda and cashing their paychecks. Not that it matters much. Europe is lost. The West is lost. We are to be bred out of existence. It's getting harder and harder to even become angry, I grow numb and disinterested. They have turned our civilization into a cesspit. Jews are the children of satan. Hitler's Germany was our last opportunity to break free of their domination. It's too late now. Evil won.

Spuddlebuns ago

NOPE. Evil has NOT won, so long as one good soul draws breath. There is strength in numbers for GOOD, just as there is for EVIL. This is war. Just like Star Wars, or the World Wars, or the "InfoWars," the GOOD have to join together to FIGHT the EVIL.

If you are so "numb and disinterested," then WHY are you even bothering to post?

And WHY is your post so much siding with the EVIL??? Take your "DISINTEREST" elsewhere. We do not need your negativity in the name of "disinterest." Disinterest is akin to neutrality. ANY actions you make under the guise of "disinterested," are duplicitous and UNHELPFUL. If you are so numb, then STFU, you have NOTHING to contribute. ONLY people who care (for GOOD OR EVIL) make efforts. Your post outs which side you are on.

Spuddlebuns ago

Keep searching the blockchains...Dire news, and a small breadcrumb, with the promise of a "big announcement" on does not bode well, and I believe the supposed interview to now be cancelled or a hoax...No false claims of Julian being "fine." His health problems are mentioned. I believe that post far more than the craig murray claptrap...

Spuddlebuns ago

So has anyone been able to find ANY link to this supposed interview?

hostile ago

MeatballPizza ago

Nice find! Think it deserved a separate thread so I started one.

hunter3 ago

did you link it?

AnonCanuck ago

this will be cancelled

MeatballPizza ago

what is this? it's not coming up on imgur website.

Normality1 ago

yes it does, delete the underscores

MAGABoomer ago

So he glances to the left? JAYSUS people.

So you really think the man who pulled this off is stupid enough to get killed.

MAGABoomer ago

Oh I have zero doubt you will keep at it. One group will share fake VP identification analysis and claim it's not him. Another will share real analysis and claim it is him...and round and round the idiots run. Assange pulled this off...I'm pretty sure he's not dead.

Bindlestiff ago

how the fuck did she get the interview? will someone please explain this to me? millions of people want to know if he's ok. I want to know what she did to get it and why he/wikileaks agreed.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I will be looking for shadows. If he is in London then the sun shadows should reflect that. Of course, what the heck do I know?

krisspykriss ago

Watch closer. It is a wrinkle in his shirt that unfolds. When you wear a suit and tie, everything is smartly tucked and under a little tension here and there. Also, some of the shirts are rather stiff from a good pressing. So as you move about you can sometime even feel the fabric fold and become taunt and move as you move. That is what you are seeing. Watch the shadow in the fold even. That is all you are seeing.

nomorepizza ago

Is this a joke?

krisspykriss ago

No. Have you ever worn a well starched shirt? They crackle and pop sometimes as you move. They are kind of noisy. What causes those faint little riffling and popping sounds? Vibrations. What does this look like? The collar vibrating for a split second. Like it was put under tension from his movements and then the tension was released. French collars pop sometimes. Put on a well starched shirt and jacket. Move around in it and then tell me it doesn't make some noise.Sit down and move you head a neck around. Notice how the collar occasionally catches here and there and then... POP! it goes right back to where it is supposed to be.

nomorepizza ago

This is some 1984-level of reality manipulation...2+2 is not 5, sorry mate.




^ complete bullshit

krisspykriss ago

What is? The collar kind of does this wrinkle flip thing. Like it ruffled as he moved. Suits are tucked, taunt and starched to high hell. You move it it crackles and pops. His collar kind of crinkled and popped. Nothing more.

You will see he is alive and well soon enough.


He's dead retard. Stop trolling. Learn what RSA is.

krisspykriss ago

Maybe he is. Maybe he isn't. Seems like we are about to find out, retard. I know what RSA is and is not. Apparently you do not.


....... if you know what you're talking about we wouldn't be having this conversation.

krisspykriss ago

I guess we are though. Have you ever worn a heavily starched shirt? Why do you need to be correct so badly that you would call me a retard? He may be dead. He may not. The people claiming he is OK, Wkikileaks claiming he is OK, and his scheduled interview all point to this video being real. You think he is dead. That is fine. You could be correct. If you are not though, I have just given an explanation for what you saw in the video. The question is, will you accept reality if it smacks you in the face?


If he is alive, he has chosen not to sign all previous (over 50 days) messages and blamed ddos attacks on his followers. Fiddle my asshole, I wouldn't even care about him anymore if you're right.

Womb_Raider ago

Ha, I entirely disagree. It looks unnatural.

sixgorillion ago They're setting the tone for the interview already, claiming 'a cold' even before-hand. Until Assange shares his key, he is MIA.

EllenPaosEgo ago

He bashed PGP keys in the interview saying that it doesn't mean anything because "whoever has the key has they key." Only Assange would have the key, they threatened to arrest anyone who took video except the one FB feed, then they deleted the FB stream. He bashed Trump and said he felt sorry for Killary. No video either, just a still image of him on a screen, with a deep voice that doesn't sound like him talking.

Spuddlebuns ago

OMG, how "in your face," can it get??? "Another of those brilliant evenings that will live in the mind." Um...yeah. Live in the mind... Is that because it can't live as a memory, because it won't be real???

Noon Beirut time is 10 AM GMT, 5 AM EST, 2 AM PST. Set your clocks, lets see how "fake" the fake news gets, shall we?

MeatballPizza ago

Agree! That's his 'proof of life'.

quantokitty ago

I'm in the skeptical camp. And the Twitter user says this is live. She repeats it several times. The thing that strikes me is it's taking place in Beirut. Would he really go there? Also they announce the place and time. Again, would he do that? Doubtful. But if the user is wrong and it's a video conferencing ... maybe. Taped would be even better. I don't have a good feeling about this. I was one of the optimistic ones. I thought he deliberately got out and was waiting until after the swearing in ceremony to surface. I'm sure a deal could be truck, but this? Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope ... we'll see. If he starts saying ridiculous things and reverses his stances like on Killary, a definite no.

MeatballPizza ago

See my follow up story on the man who met with Julian today.

MAGABoomer ago

Where is this...sorry I did check your posts but didn't spot it.

Edit never mind

wesofx ago

They couldn't kill Assange. That would only further validate him, right?

EllenPaosEgo ago

Or they could kill him, then pretend he was alive and use his image as their personal Emmanuel Goldstein. If he has no internet, who is tweeting using the Embassy Cat's twitter. And why has he not tweeted using his PGP key, and in this interview claims that the PGP key means nothing. We 1984 now

Gorillion ago

It could be a balancing act. That "dead man's switch" leak could be a world smasher. They crashed the internet to stop it getting out.

Spuddlebuns ago

That is why we have not heard ANYTHING from him for almost 2 months, now. TPTB know that if word gets out he is dead, he will become a martyr and people will never rest until the scum are taken down. As is, he is "missing, presumed dead." And no one can even prove he is missing.

BecomingWhtUR ago

"live feed"

How to confirm something is live or not?

psymin ago

Comment on the current price of bitcoin. The temperature in London. Something. But pgp signed docs would be nice.

The_Almighty_Kek ago

Have a bunch of people start yelling through megaphones outside the embassy during the interview? I dunno...

GaslightCoffee ago

"Julian, will you please sing 'I'm a Little Teapot' while doing 12 jumping jacks?"

thatguyiam ago

...wont buy it unless someone from breitbart or the likes goes in for the interview!

MeatballPizza ago

Craig Murray says he just met with Julian and Assange is okay. Hope so!

Spuddlebuns ago

SO weird that the people who keep "meeting" with Assange cannot seem to take any photos of him with cell phones. Supposedly "Julian is very aware of the persistent rumours about his position or health. He is fine apart from a cold, and buoyed by recent events." But won't take any photos, or provide any evidence by commenting upon recent events..."He is buoyed." Well, better than being weighted down with concrete blocks, somewheres, I guess. I am beyond skeptical at this point. I call Shenanigans.

Spuddlebuns ago

ALSO, weren't there recent reports that he is having dental issues, and his shoulder is in constant pain, requiring a trip to a real medical facility, which is not being allowed? Yet everyone keeps telling us he is "fine."

ForTheChildren ago

Sorry, I'm just not buying it. I hope I'm wrong.

TopGun ago

Very exciting news! Hope for the best; but, also possible that we won't find proof of life.

vacvape ago

He'll probably have all of the demeanor of Adrian Lamo

IlluminatiKing ago



Tripping on LSD getting raped for answers in a CIA black site or dead.

kwibjo ago

All they really need is a person who sounds like Assange and footage from an unused interview and they will be able to fake this whole thing. Unless he specifically holds up a newspaper or something to prove that the footage they're showing of him is from the present day I'm not going to believe it.

Nadya ago

All they really need is a person who sounds like Assange

They don't even need that anymore if they have enough data of the person talking.

It isn't fucking hard to share a signed PGP message. If he can be live on video - he can share a goddamn signed PGP message. It takes literally seconds.


Completely agree

MAGABoomer ago

Not really. Running any voice through a voice imprint analysis will clear that up...although I have ZERO doubt there will be fake analysis done to foster doubt and hysteria.

notArobott ago

Can you provide some background on voice imprint analysis? How accurate has it been proven to be? I'm only getting shit on google searching for this.

MAGABoomer ago

They will compare a voice analysis of know Assange messages with the one tomorrow. It's not rocket science.

Some people will do it and post fake analysis (it's not him), some people will do it and post real analysis (it's him), and I'm guessing at the end of the day all you all are still going to be mistrusting Wikileaks, which is of course the point.

If you haven't seen this, it's a nail biting ride. Anyone who thinks Assange is foolish enough to get killed is whacked.

notArobott ago

Several studies have been published evidencing the ability to reliably identify voices under certain conditions, and a Federal Bureau of Investigation survey of its own performance in the examination of 2,000 forensic cases revealed an error rate of 0.31 percent for false identifications, and 0.53 per cent for false eliminations. (See Koenig, B.E., 1986, Spectrographic Voice Identification: a forensic survey, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 79:2088-2090.)

Thanks! I wonder how narrow these "certain conditions" are to guarantee the low error rate.

DeusExPurple ago

It's the best I can hope for, next to seeing him right in person

TheAtlantean ago

Everyone: If it is a video interview, pay close attention to any graphic anomalies, glitches, inconsistencies!

Here's a reminder regarding Face2Face: Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos

nomorepizza ago

I love this sub

pizzagate2 ago

It most likely will be audio. Hopefully it'll be live but it probably won't even be streamed live unless we can find a link. Let's see if we can find a live audio stream link

Bindlestiff ago

if it's audio, it could be because he's not at the embassy. on the other hand, it could also be because they found someone that could convincingly impersonate his voice.


They will probably behead him on live TV etc. Probably not, but wouldn't be too suprised.

MAGABoomer ago

Finally. Hopefully will shut the people up that keep claiming he's will be in depth analysis contending that his interview is cleverly spliced together from other interviews and any video will claim the same. The integrity of Wikileaks is at stake here.


He is absolutely dead. He no longer uses his mathematical signature because the people torturing him/killed him cannot fake it. It is a mathematical fact that he is compromised. 80/80 of his backup sites are down.

defector ago

Please.... If he did get taken/killed and the CIA has control, it would be a trivial matter to fake shit like this.

MAGABoomer ago

Exactly what I just told another poster. VP identification analysis will be run, some people will post fake analysis (it's not him) some people will post real analysis (it is him) and at the end you will still be saying the same damn thing. For some reason.

If you think Jullian could pull off one of the largest FUCK YOUs (see video) to the US gov and still be stupid enough to get nailed, that's your business.

thatguyiam ago

which mathematical signature

Nadya ago

Hash: SHA512

PGP. Much like this post.

You can go to and 
copy/paste this entire post into there to see 
it was posted by me (Nadya).

Nobody else can post a message posing as me.
Version: GnuPG v2


Nadya ago

Hash: SHA512

If you try to verify this modified message it will fail saying the hash mismatch. 
So nobody can try to edit what I said or use an older, signed post. It will fail to verify.
Version: GnuPG v2


Spuddlebuns ago

His PGP code; cannot be faked, cannot be *easily hacked. Wikileaks also has one, they have not used it in weeks, either.

FPSFairy ago

His/Wikileaks' PGP key hasn't been used since Assange's internet in the embassy was cut, IIRC.

Igggy101 ago

I agree he is compromised! This will be faked. Remember who the real #fakenews is !

gumshoe_mob ago

Scroll down to the picture someone posted there, of Assange holding a cut piece of paper, that says "Do not worry. I am fine. Look at this dated picture of me. Keep fighting. 11/20/16" --- which of course must be a joke. The only way to prove the date is to have someone hold up a newspaper with a current headline showing the date of publishing. If this is not done in the interview -- not proof of life.


derram ago :

Youmna Naufal on Twitter: "Talking w #JulianAssange tomorrow at noon live from Beirut at Phoenicia Hotel part of Free Connected Minds conference #maychidiacfoundation"

This has been an automated message.

DeusExPurple ago

I'll only believe it if it's video, if it's phone, consider him 100% Dead/Tortured to the Brink of Insanity