kategomez ago

Make your personnel life better with help of Sildenafil Generic.

WildCatScot ago

Jingle Jangle JEW~ellery: PHIL COLLINS, FRANK BRUNO & SAVILE https://spidercatweb.blog/2017/07/23/jingle-jangle-jewellery-phil-collins-frank-bruno-savile/

Why was FRANK BRUNO surrounded by PAEDOPHILES, MURDERERS & SEXUAL DEVIANTS? https://spidercatweb.blog/2015/12/15/frank-bruno-savile-yorkshire-ripper/

edblings ago

if the video doesn't load for you open the direct link in a new tab and it will work!

Dressage2 ago

I don't understand how this stuff is deleted! WTF

MaybeLogic ago

Just keep in mind this may all be a particularly nasty rickroll.

MossadMadManIQ180 ago

Is that why I have letters from Lords about this?

MaybeLogic ago

Gonna need more than a promise out here beyond the perimeter of your game. Plenty of people here are very tired of being gaslit.

Dressage2 ago

Just wow!

SayWhatNOWAY ago


pizzagate_crusader2 ago

Months ago, someone posted an image of a DVD of Disney Tarzan movie. The graphic was a baby Tarzan swinging in a diaper and 100% exact pedo triangle images all over the disc. Phil Collins wrote the music for that movie.

FeLpZ187 ago

you shh

independenceday ago


bibigirl_ ago

I used to like you phil..

SecretServiceAgent ago


Please spread this across social networks.

bibigirl_ ago

What the holy fuck

FlowaPowa ago

Probably the one above your head.

redditsuckz ago

Swordfish could be another Jew OP/LARP - urge caution everyone

David Seaman on SwordFish before his twitter went dark


The movie Swordfish offers insight into our predicament



Swordfish is really a kind of commentary on the deep state as it existed in the 90s


FlowaPowa ago

You must of not watched the video dude.

Watch the video... This isn't a LARP. These are real investigating agents, making links for the public to see how the sickos operate but finally their Hubris shall choke them all.

cantsleepawink ago

Phil Collins This Is Your Life (1988) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPn2FQpWz0k

In attendance Ahmet Ertegun of Atlantic Records. Interesting article on the man here: https://mindcontrolblackassassins.com/tag/ahmet-ertegun/

Ertegun was also well connected with powerful figures of the Zionism, Satanic Cabals and the American Shadow Government. He sat on the board of the RAND Center for Middle East Public Policy Advisory Board with former U.S. Defense Department Secretary, Frank Carlucci,. Carlucci was also the chairman of The Carlyle Group, a defense contractor with ties to the 9/11 Inside Job, Former President and CIA Director George Bush, Sr., Saudi Royal Family and the Bin Ladens.[27]

Adorno was within the secret “inner circle” of thinkers, social scientists, and philosophers, etc., (Frankfurters) associated with the Frankfurt Institute of Social Research in Germany. During WWII, many of the Frankfurters in the U.S. joined and were recruited into the OSS. In 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD). It was an agency of the U.S. federal government created to coordinate scientific research for military purposes during WWII that also had been heavily infiltrated by Frankfurters.[28] The OSRD was also interested in psychology and psycho-acou stics — topics that were precisely in tune with Adorno’s research and area of expertise.

msgtw123 ago

Didn't Led Zeppelin reunite for a tribute to Ertegun?

BlissNarwhal ago

MolochHunter ago

oh rly, Frankfurt school? The seed-pod of progressive values, political correctness and cultural marxism.

MossadMadManIQ180 ago

Isn't it interesting on the Comet Ping Pong Support Page - people should be joking about Phil Collins? Several months ago.

cantsleepawink ago

This Is Your Life was essentially a tribute to each weekly guest, with family, associates and work colleagues turning up to honour them. Unfortunately for Bruno, his episode will forever be tainted by the fact his old associates just happen to include Jimmy Savile and Freddie Starr. They probably won’t be playing it as a tribute when he curls his toes up.

Let’s have a look at those key moments. Drag the timer on Youtube over to the timecodes mentioned, and share in the weirdness. From the off, presenting the scarlet file, Aspel asks Bruno to ‘jump on my back and I’ll give you a ride down there’.

From that point in, we’re officially in la la land.

After the arrest of Gary Glitter last week, Freddie Starr was seized days after and is now out on bail. He’s the first to appear at Bruno’s party (2 minutes 15 seconds), looking like a dishevelled rooster in a tangerine suit. Frank – never the most composed man on earth and known for his gentle-giant presence – turns into a giggling schoolboy in the man’s company. From his entrance, there’s the sense Starr might be about to embarrass Bruno.

A moment later, he does just that....

...Fellow official ambassador for the Prince’s Trust, Phil Collins appears at 19 minutes to offer a video tribute to Bruno. It’s not surprising he didn’t show up for the occasion – this is a man who allegedly asked his wife for a divorce by fax machine.

During his speech, Collins says: ‘…what a lot of people don’t know is the fantastic work you do for charity and particularly with the Prince’s Trust. So on behalf of me and my fellow trustees and everybody at the Prince’s Trust and also all the kids whose lives you’ve touched – just through being there and showing that you care about them – thank you very much’

It looks like a heartfelt statement, but did you see Phil’s eyes when he said ‘kids whose lives you’ve touched’?

Was it just me?


And just as that leaves a sour taste, who should come onstage but the media’s current favourite horror story, Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile. Another Prince’s Trust Man who, at 19 minutes 50 seconds, decides to drop his trousers on national television. A few years ago we might’ve thought: ‘Ah, that’s just Jimmy!’ But now we run away, heading for the hills, screaming.

But, let’s go back. What’s that? What’s Frank been saying? Jimmy tells us…

‘Now listen! Underneath this… drab exterior’

He’s pulling at his trousers. The groin area of his trousers.

‘It ain’t a White & Decker is it?’ asks a giggling Bruno.

Have Starr, Bruno and Savile been on holiday together? A Black & White & Decker holiday? It doesn’t bear thinking about.

Savile refers to how Frank calls him chicken-legs. He says he wants to be called turkey-legs. It’s clear Savile expects his gag to be a massive laugh-fest, but it falls so flat it leaves the room drowning in tumbleweed. Even weirder, off on a tangent and at Savile’s funeral, Bruno apparently said of the Fixer: ‘I called him Sir Chicken Legs. Stephen Purdew said I could call him Chicken Legs’.

Stephen Purdew – from Champneys. Sounds like they have some real parties in the Hertfordshire health spa! I wonder if Phil Collins went to any of them. We know Piers Morgan did. The mind – it truly boggles.


Archived: http://archive.is/yf9Ut

MolochHunter ago

piers morgan? the guy who tried to destroy Tommy Robinson on primetime TV last month? I toss this conclusion out of my hand but it keeps returning to my fingers like a yo-yo: the Left is in alliance with paedophiles

I also was reading a psychology report that said left handed people are 4 x more likely to become paedophiles . whatup widdat?

FeLpZ187 ago

the Left ARE pedophiles.

Throgmorton ago

Correct, but so are the Right.

SoldierofLight ago

Just the left?

FeLpZ187 ago

Nope, don't put words in my mouth.

DrTeethateJanice ago

Burn down the Leftorium!

Truthplease5 ago

what is swordfish?

MossadMadManIQ180 ago

an anagram of words fish

Truthplease5 ago

meaning in connection to pgate?

MossadMadManIQ180 ago

It's the Cantonese way to say "Pizzagate"

ChippyTubes ago

summary? what's going on and is this pizzagate thing a 'conspiracy' or not?

redditsuckz ago

8 people found dead in tractor-trailer in Texas - CNN reports human trafficking


DonKeyhote ago

I dig the suspense + teaser thing yall got


OPERATION SWORDFISH PART II https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2013362

kazza64 ago

i knew about that freemason handshake between sutcliffe and bruno with jimmy savile present when bruno was given a ' tour ' of the broadmoor hospital facility where serious dangerous sex offenders like peter sutcliffe the yorkshire ripper are incarcerated. jimmy savile was a suspect as an accomplice to at least one of sutcliffes murders when the bodies were found in close proximity to saviles residence. phil collins was definitely giving an inside ' hows your father ' inside joke eyebrow raise wasnt he. no denying that.

pizzagate3456 ago

Holy shit...

Godwillwin ago

I can't watch a video right now. What is the leak?

ChippyTubes ago

Do any of these regular exclusive operation posts become true? For a while I thought the pizzagate thing a conspiracy but then after reading some news reports I'm not sure what to believe? Can someone btw explain why so many reports on islamic pedophiles are deleted and censored here? I wonder what is the consensus here on voat, is genital mutilation for example by jews arabs muslims in parts of Africa, Pakistann, the Middle East does this qualify as abuse? the real point in both men and women is that infants can't give consent to unecessary surgery is there a Regressive Left or Cultural relativists' defence of child abuse? Is there censorship of muslim child abuse crimes happening on voat? another issue with the British press is nobody in the BBC has been fired over turning a blind eye to a man who Scotland Yard claims must have spent every waking moment of every day plotting to molest children. A place called Rotherham. For almost twenty years in Rotherham police and government officials knew there was a gang of British-Pakistani men waging a campaign of terror against vulnerable girls in the area. Is the Pizzagate sub thread Constantly DELETING or CENSORING any news connecting pedophiles and muslim culture or islam?perhaps another Rotherham 2.0? These men were abducting teenage girls, raping them, drugging them and even trafficking them in forced prostitution. An investigation estimates that this was done to over 1,400 girls…all while the government officials in the area turned a blind eye.

FeLpZ187 ago

my fucking EYES! ahhh

MolochHunter ago

Rotherham is the ultimate redpill for progressives.Show them the details, and they realise that while islamic men initiated and perpetrated the scandal, it was political correctness at every strata of the British establishment that PERPETUATED the abuse

MossadMadManIQ180 ago

Hacked you bitch http://imgur.com/a/r3NDG

Riva ago

Bot response.

ChippyTubes ago

You mean you're a bot Riva? Cross posting bullshit from reddit?

MossadMadManIQ180 ago

OPERATION SWORDFISH BEGINS PART II https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2013362