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ThePuppetShow ago

Can anybody verify if these are actual leaks from @swordfish69. The initial thread was 22 hours ago and it said 48.

2b1ask1 ago

swordfish69 is an imposter.

swordfish (without the 69) is the original poster.

Swordfish69 is probably Alefantis himself.

ocdnig ago

That's what I was thinking @2b1ask1

ThePuppetShow ago

You have some proof of this? @swordfish69 posted the original thread. You sound like another shill pushing bullshit with no proof.

2b1ask1 ago

Swordfish posted the original thread - not swordfish69.

ThePuppetShow ago


ocdnig ago

@2b1ask1 The leak actually started on 4chan by @swordfish

ThePuppetShow ago

@swordfish69 has been here for 8 months. How would someone know that far in advance to pick that name if they aren't the same person? Use some common sense.

ocdnig ago

@swordfish has been here far longer. 2 years

and if you look at the third leak, it's 2014, 3 years.

MaybeLogic ago

We have to accept the possibility that, regardless of @swordfish69's post or integrity, today's half ass leaks are somebody's idea of a joke. There is possibly nothing more pathetic or contemptible. Let's hope it's just an awkward start, but we've all seen enough fanfic to take a dim view without solid material.

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

ME is the same mod that deleted my Monauk thread and didn't know what a magnet link was. And I'm not the only one who has had that happen. Then swordfish saying these are not his leaks, ME needs to go. Probably a fucking kike.

edblings ago

they are trying to discredit, distract, and derail

MaybeLogic ago

This guy gets it.

swordfish69 ago

No. Not the official leaks.

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

M_F looking shady as fuck as usual posting this BS thread Thank you for being a real thorough mofo though.

google_is_useful ago

i will be so surprised if you're not full of shit

what you're claiming is a smoking gun, indisputable proof.

how many of you would bet me $100 that swordfish69 is telling the truth and will release what he claims here:

i'd bet $1000 that he's lying. just trying to stir attention for some fucked up reason.

remedy4reality ago

i'll take that bet right now

ocdnig ago

We know you are a fraud.

[–] ocdnig [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 3 minutes ago (edited 2 minutes ago) @2b1ask1 The leak actually started on 4chan by @swordfish

Jem777 ago

Just got the Marfa understanding more in depth @swordfish69

redditsuckz ago

Any comment on why David Seaman changed his profile to a pic of John Travolta of Swordfish before he vanished off the internet...again....?

Is this just another coincidence and you have no connection to David Seaman?...

Whattheheck321 ago

Stay safe please check in. I hope you have something for all of us. Take care.

MaybeLogic ago

Thank you for coming forward.

jangles ago

Could you comment on why these now?

edblings ago

listen man, people are worried for your safety and believe you have true information. please check in at least every few hours or less would be better, but at least check in more than once in 24 hours. you have people worried and that's not cool

AngB23 ago

Agree on this. @Swordfish69 hopefully had this planned out in advance and does have a few trusted people they are checking in with.

BlissNarwhal ago

Have faith in God.

ThePuppetShow ago

Thank you for the clarification! I though something smelled bad.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Glad to see you are ok.

ThePuppetShow ago

Just a heads up.. You replied to the wrong post =)

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Oh shit! Well glad to see ur Ok😛😉

ThePuppetShow ago

Haha thanks!

SayWhatNOWAY ago


ben_matlock ago

This ☝

reemwhal ago


I suppose the best way to determine that would be to look at what the three links contain and make up your own mind, if you think they qualify as leaks or not.

ThePuppetShow ago

No.. The best way to determine that would be @swordfish69 endorsing these. I'm not saying they aren't, just that the shilling has been pretty relentless lately and we need to verify. Swordfish69 clearly said 48 hours and these are coming in less than 24.?.

reemwhal ago


The element of surprise.

ThePuppetShow ago

So... Who the fuck are you? New account obviously pushing this bullshit LARP like you're privy to some inside knowledge.

reemwhal ago


ThePuppetShow ago

Or, the element of bullshit. Shills/ LARPers do this shit all the time.