GeorgeLRockwell ago

I thought that these posts were going to be some kind of proof, as in real evidence, the kind that could be used to successfully prosecute someone. Phil Collins raising his eyebrows while talking about a children's charity, a timeline of lady gaga's "rise to fame" and a tweet from some dude with a photo of phil collins' book, that's evidence?

ThePuppetShow ago

Those were fake leaks. The shit is supposed to drop today.

ocdnig ago

You're clearly out of the loop.

GeorgeLRockwell ago

That's your argument, that I'm out of the loop? Take your low-energy shilling back to reddit.

ocdnig ago

It's low energy because I have invested ten years into trying to stop this and it's hard to articulate my premises in brief, to someone I have never spoken to and who appears to be critical without properly applied reason.

GeorgeLRockwell ago

That's a fair remark. I've been investigating this since the beginning and helped with digital forensics on many of the early /pol/ threads. I was there after wikileaks published the emails that started #pizzagate, you know the email to podesta with the missing image pizza.jpg. Speculation started with that one email and grew. This swordfish thing is all bullshit and there is no new useful evidence in these posts. All it does it take away from the vast amount of quality evidence that is consistently swept under the rug.

ocdnig ago

Well think logically, in under twenty four hours, some individual whether a swordfish or just a goldfish has garnered close to ten thousand views of a video, which does seem to indicate in-talk between two high ranking freemasons, directly associated with known pedophile, Sir Jimmy Savile. For many, it resonates as unsavory what he says, I believe, with good reason... This coupled with the in-joke between the comet PR about buying a Phil Collins book, why would people find that funny? These people like to think they are clever and untouchable... The laughter is hubris. This counterfeit or real swordfish has people all over the internet discussing that which hides behind the veil. I can only see this as a positive for the movement.

GeorgeLRockwell ago

My original post is about this information NOT being quality evidence that could be used to prosecute the pedos. Your initial reply to my comment was that I am "out of the loop". I stand by my original comment and am ok with you thinking this is the proof that it was hyped up to be. Remember, the claim was that this revelation would take down prominent figures in the entertainment industry. So far, that has not happened. I hope that someday we do find incontrovertible proof that will take down the pedos.

operationgullible ago

OP you spelled delusional wannabe wrong

DonKeyhote ago


2impendingdoom ago

alt dumb nig. you forgot to change your id. idiot. go back to gamerville.

AuthenticatedAutism ago

DonKeyhote can use as many accounts as he wants.

DonKeyhote ago

I have NO alts and any analysis of timestamps would prove that.

NOW WHO would lie on the internet to discredit YOUR BOY??


AuthenticatedAutism ago

You people aren't right in the head.

AuthenticatedAutism ago

Legit just joined voat to see what's going down in the latest twist to bizarre world that is deep state.

DonKeyhote ago

Only hard evidence like pics/vids would warrant this threat of his, and since he wouldnt delay posting it, yes, hes a fraud.

DonKeyhote ago


Anything with "Operation:" is a LARP, and thats a fact.

AuthenticatedAutism ago

@swordfish lives on

DonKeyhote ago

Terrible movie by a TOTAL FLAMER LOL

2impendingdoom ago not imposter, go fuck off

ocdnig ago

@swordfish69 is an imposter. The leak actually started on 4chan by @swordfish who has been here for 2.1 years VS 8 months of @swordfish69

You do the math fruitcake.

2impendingdoom ago

you are an imposter go fuck off

ThePuppetShow ago

This person is an idiot. Check this out..

2impendingdoom ago

yep. the dumb nig doesn't seem to realize that 4chan is a different site.

ocdnig ago

@2b1ask1 The leak actually started on 4chan by @swordfish