Why is Donald Trump praising John Mcain for his bravery to attend to vote for healthcare Bill? Why is Jared Kusner allowed to be his right hand man ? He owns 666 building in New York. Or did own or whatever the fuck? Why haven't you dropped the other evidence yet if you have it swooordfish six nine? stop mindwarz

ObamaFAG1 ago

edblings ago


Peace_gate ago

Oh fuck, my heart is not ready.

sterias ago

Pinging @swordfish69, your post is now 2 days old (48 hours). Please provide an update!

edblings ago

according to @Fire_Fly quote: It now reads up top that it was submitted 2 days ago but if you look under the submission info. it says it was posted 7/22 at 6:56 pm.

sterias ago

He posted his evidence.

imurdaddytoo ago

Before everyone writes this off so quickly. VoTL just posted this

Fire_Fly ago

who is VOTL? Obama follows them??

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Obama follows them??

Haha what?

edblings ago

when obama made his account it auto-followed anyone that followed him

Fire_Fly ago

Yes, it showed up under "Followerss You Know" because I also follow him.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Most likely a parody Obongo account

Fire_Fly ago

that's what I thought, but it had 92M followers. just weird.

edblings ago

when obongo orignally made his account anyone that followed him got auto followed back

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Ahhh okay

cstrafe ago

When pop wasn't really that bad at all...

Fire_Fly ago

When is the 48 hour mark?

ikghooiwegg ago


lessev_naimead ago

must be fake huh?

imurdaddytoo ago

I'd give it a couple more hours before writing it off.

Peace_gate ago

I give it by noon and am very hopeful something will result of this.

Fire_Fly ago

It now reads up top that it was submitted 2 days ago but if you look under the submission info. it says it was posted 7/22 at 6:56 pm.

edblings ago


lessev_naimead ago

come on man once you put this out we are going to spread this like wildfire do your shit

davezzzz5 ago

Here's another upvote and a prayer that this is the real deal.

jangles ago

48 hours is approaching very quickly. UPDATE or lose respect @swordfish69

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

Oh I can't wait to see this, so close. Thank you Swordfish!

Mammy ago

lol, have an upvoat

Mammy ago

Covering you in prayer, Swordfish.

Experia ago

@swordfish69 when/where should we be looking for these leaks?!

SunnysideNYC ago

We are all waiting patiently for proof to get these ELITE PEDOS in jail..where will the leak happen if not on voat?

Peace_gate ago

T-minus 0.2 days.

edblings ago

.1 and counting

Peace_gate ago

It's coming.

prowebwriter ago

What do we have? 2 hours left on this? *waits with bated breath

Greenmonster71 ago

You're worse than the people committing the crimes

Peace_gate ago

How is swordfish worse than them?

Greenmonster71 ago

He's covering for them by withholding information , or either using their vile deeds as a publicity stunt. Either way, that's worse in my opinion.

pfsto ago

Clickbait!!! I saw this ages ago. I can assure you the "48 hour deadline" has come & gone. Too good to be true, right?

Peace_gate ago

You sound like your in panic and we don't need your assurance.

BasedPepeSupport2k17 ago

Says submitted 1.5 days ago, so still a bit to go.

Peace_gate ago

S H I L L A L E R T pedos in D.C. Amirite folks??

amz321 ago

nice try shill. Theres another 14 hours or so left.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 2m Replying to @KibBitzLaw… As the truth comes out, you'll understand that very few involved have been acting of their own free will in this. View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 4m We anticipated a large influx given #Swordfish. With apologies to longtime followers, but you know we have to post this when surges occur

SayWhatNOWAY ago

victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 3m Replying to @KibBitzLaw "I just can't take no more rich kid's bar mitzvahs, or big sleep overs with Saudi princes." View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 4m Replying to @KibBitzLaw "Please someone help me, don't ignore what I've said. They'll sacrifice me to their God Baphomet." View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 5m "Help Me" by Trevor Moore (2014). Trevor plays the producer. Part of what #Swordfish intends to expose. #ItEndsNow

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Do not know if this is true but this is being posted on twitter?

victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 1m Replying to @LizCrokin This about FAR more than simply trafficking and abuse. View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 1m Replying to @LizCrokin We passed along orders a few nights ago. Hang onto your hats, boys and girls.… View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 2m Replying to @LizCrokin Swordfish is an asset of ours. View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 3h Why #SWORDFISH is doing what they're doing. They're acting on behalf of the resistance. #ItEndsNow #TheFinalPlay… View details ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 4h Replying to @KibBitzLaw Received 15 minutes ago. #Swordfish #ItEndsNow #LosAngelesRising View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 4h Replying to @KibBitzLaw They're done being quiet. They're done being afraid. #SWORDFISH #ItEndsNow View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 4h Replying to @Watango View conversation ·
victoryofthelight victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw 4h Replying to @Watango Yes. We know who is behind this. It is someone in the music industry who reached out to us early on and with whom we have been

IamQ ago

"Imagine what can be achieved when no one takes credit ".... Good Iuck Swordfish .. ;)

Tiyaad ago

I'd of dropped the info right from the get and then told you about it.

BlissNarwhal ago

Look here

do you see?


Twitter Victory of the light just tweeted bout this o also have been posting to Various message boards ,FB pages etc

Peace_gate ago

Anyone check our suspected a-list poopstars social medias? We might narrow down who it could be. 4chen sw69 thread had pictures of Mike Shinoda Instagram for some reason. Pictures of children in their classrooms in Japan.

Violetti112 ago

I miss a countdown clock :)

edblings ago

just so everyone knows swordfish just commented on a bogus submission which i consider POL:

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

There's no harm in having faith. I believe you & may you remain protected well enough to see this through. It takes a man of great heart & courage to do this.


This x 1000000000

SayWhatNOWAY ago

@remedy4reality Have you heard anything from the real SF69 today?

Amino69 ago

How can we confirm the authenticity of the 'real' SF69?! Does anyone know them personally? Identities are obviously easy to fake on-line if you have the know how.

quantokitty ago

@swordfish69 HAS THE GOODS!!!! I'm jumping up and down!!!!

Just read through the leaks ... he caught the rabbit!!!! This is gonna be HUGE!!!!


SayWhatNOWAY ago

Where did it get posted at? Or was it the fake one by MossadMadManIQ180?

So confused?

quantokitty ago

The leaks are in the Removed Submissions. MF has been going crazy getting rid of the disinfo.

Yes, it's disinfo and that's why I'm thinking this has to be huge. I've seen shills working threads, but never posting fake leaks. The last leak had to do with Lady Gaga, so what SF69 has has got to be as big or bigger.

I have a good feeling about this. I could be wrong, but all the signs are there for SF not BSing and actually having major shit that's coming down.

We'll all find out together.

3mur_ ago

Peace_gate ago

Lady Gaga is a demon possessed freak of nature, I guess they call it art.

quantokitty ago

Nope. That's a good one, but way off.

Plus the leak didn't come from him/her. If it had, it wouldn't have been deleted.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

God I hope so! Will validate everyone's hard work here! Anyone heard from SF69 today?

quantokitty ago

Good question ... maybe we shouldn't ask. Maybe it's best not for people to know who he's communicating with ... other than a mod.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Good point!👌

wtf_is_happening ago

Is Swordfish also user MossadMadManIQ180?

star_boi ago

swordfish where are you? send someone a proof of life message or post again through a vpn-

edblings ago

looks like he ded


SunnysideNYC ago

You have our attention and our support! Whatever you put out we will spread it like wildfire!!! God Bless and stay safe!!! We are these kids only hope now. Let's help do what we can to save any more victims and whistleblowers from showing up suicided and let's save the kids!!!!!

VongICongTongAMong ago

When Milinchuk opened this rehabilitation centre in 2002, under the auspices of the International Organisation of Migration (IOM), it was dealing almost exclusively with young women who had returned home after escaping sex trafficking. Today, her patients are men and women of all ages who crossed a border on the promise of a job, but found themselves on a journey into forced labour, abuse and debt bondage. Milinchuk, who has treated about 2,000 people at the centre, estimates that 95% of her patients are victims of labour trafficking. They come with gastric and intestinal diseases from malnourishment, sexually transmitted diseases, and psychiatric problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder.

edblings ago

swordfish hasn't posted in 19 hours? proof of life? /user/swordfish69

Peace_gate ago

An unusual amount of shills in here and on the 4chan threads. Don't forget cucked redit. Everyone is just bashing on sf69. I just want to get skippy behind bars.

9932337? ago

Ariana Grande? Jay Z? Kanye?

Peace_gate ago

Kanye already spoke up kinda if anyone missed that last year. I think Jay-Z is way more into the cult stuff than Kanye.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Yeah Kanye a good god fearing dude, hes just dumb sometimes.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Yup - he is involved with Marina Abramovic

anotherdream ago

How the fuck has this post received more upvoats than any post I've seen in the past 5 months? Why is it an ultimatum? Why he fuck would You announce to a group of well connected psychopaths that you have evidence that would bring them down? Why the fuck wouldn't they wait to squash this? Why give them time? I want these fucks to go down as much as the next, but his is.... I mean someone help me understand. Why the ultimatum? Like- you have the evidence but, for some reason want to give the, the chance to " do the right thing?" - or perhaps someone is looking to get laid off or join the club? Give me a fucking break. If someone had that kind evidence the best course of action would be to spread the proof first, covertly, and mount a majorly coordinated social media assault. The you don't role up on obscure internet boards making demands. This ... what the fuck is going on?

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Check @swordfish69 history...

0fsgivin ago

Tony Podesta having pictures of naked children in his house was aired on CBS...If that ain't gunna do it I doubt much will.

Unless he's got high quality video of high profile people not wearing masks at a quasi satanic ritual in which children are being abused/murdered... I doubt anything will come of it at this point.

Shit didnt they have audio of a guy who sounds much like John Podesta torturing some kid? And again the people who had that shit didn't put out "hype letters" They just published it.

This reeks of "look at my account!" and im sorry I find this kinda shit shameful considering the context.

ThaliaC ago

Is it Phil Collins??

GumbyTM ago

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and bet OP doesn't bring down a world wide pedo network.

Any takers?

(The number of you falling for this shit is sad.)

Peace_gate ago

1.5 days left, Hold on tight friends.

pizzagatecharlotte ago

Does anyone think the Illuminati hand sign sported by Jay-Z and the like is a shout out to the FBI Pedo triangle symbols? I tried to make a thread on this but of course MF deleted it.

Peace_gate ago

This has become a new connection for me as I have known illuminati stuff since middle school a decade ago. Jay-z big support for Hillary Clinton is what comes to mind. In my opinion it does connect now and not just trafficking but drugs and organs as well.

carmencita ago

I think you are right. Or Lady B. It has to be a big one. Madonna is big but not as big anymore. Lady G is big but JZ and B are as big as it gets right now. They bring in the really big Moola. Elton J is a possibility.

Peace_gate ago

Not Elton.. and even bono is cucked. I'm betting on jay z but that would rock the entire planet if this came out. Illuminati will all be revealed throughout the internet era I believe.

carmencita ago

I am hoping for Jay Z. I want to rock the entire planet. That is what it will take.

Godwillwin ago

May God watch over you May the Holy Spirit give you wisdom May Saint Michael the Archangel defend you in battle May Mother Mary hold you May Jesus be at your side

I'll be praying for you and the children and the good guys in law enforcement and authority

Godwillwin ago

I forgot about that.

HumbleAlien ago


HumbleAlien ago


maggiethatcher ago

You need a dead man's switch swordfish. Either DM some of us or failing that find some one with media presence who can be trusted - Cernovich or Assange. Or Stefan Molyneux good luck

Amino69 ago

You have literally just advised him to put this info in the hands of shills!!

maggiethatcher ago

Possibly. But he could set up a dump that goes live in 2 days and send the links out. Either way he(/she) will need to decide who to trust, or risk that information being lost if they track him down.

ASolo ago

38hrs. left! This is exciting. We all know the LA music industry is going to default I can't wait for this bit of tea to spill. Awesome work SFSH69 kick some mu'fukn ass brah/sister.

Eyezopen ago

If I had I would have it in everyones hands I know. Along with all over social media and LEO at local, state, and fed levels. I would have the right people doing the same, so it was not pin pointed on any of us. The longer you wait the more time they have to prepare. Not to mention the suffering children. Bring them all down or this is bs.

GoodGodKirk ago

it's someone who's involved themselves but wants to piss off the group cause they kicked them out or something. its the only reason they would wave this flag out there... they're probably small fries compared to the names on the list.

King_Freya ago

The bullshit about this is if there is nothing posted, some of you nutjobs on here will assume they killed him rather than he actually had nothing. Here's to hoping he does have something.

BIGLY17 ago

Meant to have this response to the OP so replying w it appropriately now. I need to learn how to work this damn message board soon...

Make sure whatever info you have is stored in multiple places as well; most crucially it should be stored on at least one device that is offline. Lastly, if you're tech savvy you could set this up for automatic distribution at sites you deem appropriate. It just seems quite a bit of potentially explosive evidence has not seen the light of day because once they become privy to the sources/collection methods of the information they act on it.

Wishing you well on all this OP - will be checking back in.

jervybingly ago

He posted above, two hours before your post.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Put up a torrent of the evidence encrypted with 7Zip - same as WikiLeaks do. Then have a deadman's switch with the password released.

jcy ago

Godspeed OP, I pray for your success

Rmm ago

We are living in such dangerous and deceitful times . If this has legs, these bastards just might get whats coming for them.Informed citizens must stay diligent and proactive

dickface888 ago

Has a ransom/blackmail like this against the establishment ever ended up with the demands being met? Not a chance they will act, and I'd bet everything I have that within the next 48 hours nothing will have happened. Just speaking probability wise here, these things never result in anything. Though we will wait and see once again.

Rmm ago

wouldn't most of the media outlets kill it and bury it???

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yes! That is why OP needs to go to as many places online and post! But upload it all at once.

BB-3 ago

Preferably one without security cameras...

HumbleAlien ago

Nobody is going to do shit to someone PROTECTED BY MOSSAD.

SecondAmendment ago

How do you know?

onlydemi ago

Kim dot com? Is that you??

Kristina_Gilliam ago

I am 99.9999% certain this is a bluff. It reminds me of the fake FBI Anon posts on 4Chan where they warned of high level arrests of politicians with certain initials starting "next week." Sucker bait.

Godwillwin ago

I think those arrests were really supposed to happen then Comey sutbit down

Seaman was super upset when it didn't happen. He had an inside FBI source that told him of the coming arrests. When it didn't happen, he was just as disappointed as the rest of us- more since it was his neck on the line

GumShoe ago

Upvoat for your 'brass ones'. I hope you didn't author that from your home computer.

AngB23 ago

Stay safe @Swordfish69. And someone needs to go thru voat and make sure all of Swordfish research is archived. All the art info, too. I also feel there's a strong connection with the "fiery crash" of Paul Walker, and the deaths of Cornell and Bennington.

All three of these guys were into helping abused children. All three went to Haiti and i wonder if all 3 found out something about CGI and the global human trafficking/ organ harvesting rings. If these 3 would have spoken out, people would have listened and all hell would have broken loose.

ANYONE SEEN THIS?? @Swordfish69 , maybe he has more info for you if you can get a hold of him

Freemasonsrus ago

Whoa. That's freaky. And so is the resemblance Chris had w/ Skippy.

The1stLantern ago

Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle.

Psalm 144:1

Lets fucking do this.

Violetti112 ago

I'm praying for @swordfish69 Only takes one brave informed and armed person to make a stand and effect the undoing of the whole nightmare

RageAgainstTheAmish ago


Come on come on come on! Hurryy i want the juicy details

MelatoninDreams ago

The writer of that will soon be found to have shot their self with a shotgun.

Dauphin ago

BULLSHIT!!! IF someone had this type of evidence, they would RELEASE IT... threatening is BLUFFING... I wish they had evidence, but if they did they wouldn't be doing THIS.

kazza64 ago

god speed

Truthplease5 ago

dead mans switches in case!!!

awakenaware ago

As others have said... "They" ain't gonna do shit.. and what if they did? a minor admittance.. a half arsed disclosure at best it would be, and then would you just withhold the info? for now? The only way anything is going to really get done is if we the people expose incontrovertible evidence to the public. And are you safe? Is it even possible to be 100% safe online from your location been found. Who knows what military level technologies they have to track people and posts, IP addresses, spoofed locations etc. How can you know you are safe? That the data is safe? Even CDS/harddrives can be wiped from a distance.. Why take the chance/risk? Seriously.. get it out now on multiple channels.. Another point.. wikileaks has released info that should have been enough to open investigations and arrest people. That info is publicly available on the net. But authorities ignore it. i hope your info is so good that the public will demand in large numbers some action. That to me is the only way something will happen. Release Brian!

logjam ago

An announcement of an announcement never comes to fruition.

Raps1 ago

Supporters to the left, detractors to the right. This post is null.

star_boi ago

i hope you have 69 deadman switches set to go!!! go gadget go!! end them

Piscina ago

I believe @swordfish, who has a good track record here.. Please make sure you have a way of remaining anonymous, that you have good people around you. May God be with you.

sentryseven ago

Just release now. Let the light of all truth shine upon the darkness.

Banki ago

Could it be Chester Benningtons dead mans switch ?

FirstAmendment ago

That sounds likely. He was probably well aware after his friend Chris Cornell's funeral. Perhaps Chester made too much noise about telling all.

VieBleu ago

Well it is exciting, but I'll believe it when I see it - a blind item with a threat My guess is the musician is at the level of JayZ. Miley is even bigger but her involvement in trafficking or being trafficked would implicate Disney I believe, and the letter does not go so far as to hint at something that big. Keisha's producer may be another possibility.

Godwillwin ago

Jay Z looks like the devil himself. He creeps me out!

angry_mob ago

you mean Kesha?

VieBleu ago

yes - I ate quiche so therefore the blip

He seems like a shady handler

3mur_ ago

is miley cyrus on that list? because all her suddenly "LoOoVeE" for pizza in her uber sexualized era is just disgusting, really.

damnittohell ago

I'm unconvinced.

ZalmoxisOfDacia ago


Judgejewdy ago

Jack or shit?

Dressage2 ago

Swordfish69 is the real deal. I have read his posts and what he says should be taken seriously. I hope that he breaks this thing wide open. Only fitting that a Goat on Voat finally gets some credit for all the free research being done for the kiddos. Take them all down, @swordfish69!!

SoberSecondThought ago

Yes, Swordfish69 has put in the time. But this reminds me of how Glenn Beck's whistleblower of 2013 went so terribly wrong. Beck announced he had something devastating, historic, world-shattering ... and then waited a day. He thought he was doing the right thing, helping his whistleblower to come forward, building audience interest -- but that same day someone got to him and convinced him to shut up.

If Beck had just published the document that he actually had, with no warning, a threat against his family could not have stopped the media avalanche. It could still have gone bad in other ways, but it wouldn't have gone back into the CIA vaults.

pnwpatriot97 ago

July 27th is just around the corner.

quantokitty ago

It was connected to the music industry?

remedy4reality ago

Pitt attended Cornell's funeral

quantokitty ago

That's not enough to connect this to a ring operating within the music industry. Besides Pitt has been the pretty boy prize for MK Ultra bitches. Gets tossed between Angelina and Anniston, both nightmares.

remedy4reality ago

of course it's not enough...

it's just a small but relevant piece of the puzzle

carlip ago


Factfinder2 ago

Releasing your information to the public will not prevent the authorities from taking action because they will receive the information too. So what is your purpose in keeping it secret? I don't get your logic.

If they take you seriously, the authorities will likely announce that they're working on these items and are about to make some arrests. Then you back down, and then they continue to drag their heels.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Will wait two days to see whats up. The named "spider" group has got me interested in this.

Devious1 ago

Beware of the clintons and being suicided. Good luck. X

AngB23 ago

BRAVO! ETA- reading some of these posts is fucking crazy. All of you asking for proof or saying Swordfish is a moron, hoax, larping. What the hell have YOU done to help expose and make this public? Everyone one of you should be flooding Twatter right now with a copy of the letter.

Spread the word, make people think and talk about this because we all know the truth. Just sitting in here knocking a researcher does NOTHING. At least Swordfish is TRYING to get something done.

Judgejewdy ago

To be fair all, OP has done thus far is say he's going to do something. Save the "bravo" for when something actually gets done.

AngB23 ago

Putting his/her neck on the line, getting Twatter/people talking about this again and Pedogate back in the spot light deserves a Bravo, IMHO

Tradcat ago

I am new here I tried to start a subverse on An art publication that is very nefarious Called Women in Art 278 specifically their Facebook page promoting many questionable Female artists such as Judy Chicago and Louise bourgeoise Artist Aleah Capin age 28 Who has a controversial art show in London called "Naked Women"

This post is also from women in art 278 And features Aurora Cambel who has perverted sexual themes And the promotion Of Louise multiple times It is pizza Gate related because Of its promotion of sexually perverted art exhibits internationally. The editor Liesl Marelli may have someone backing her She is a young military photographer living in Fla. this seems like a big project for a young Struggling photographer in my opinion

2impendingdoom ago

You can search the archives (link in the side bar) for posts about how art is used for money laundering possibly in connection to payments for trafficked children. Also you can make your comment about this publication and links into a new post. Welcome to pizzagate.

silverbug ago

If this is True.... it needs to come out and NOW

mathemagician33 ago

ItEndsNow ... I think you mean #ItEndsIn48HrsIfImStillAlive

on a serious note, based on past work, I'm anxious to see what you have

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Do it.

DonKeyhote ago

Where is @hookednosejoo when we most need him, incoming false flag LMAOOO

Amino69 ago

GTFO, this is total drivel of the highest order. If you're genuine then why wouldn't you inform the 'authorities' immediately and arrange the posting of a fail safe public version of the info thus ensuring the obvious conclusion if anything was to happen to you, or are you just not that smart? If not then I hope it isn't painful and drawn out for you...

RJGolden ago

Let's fucking do this but release it NOW!!!! #LockTheFuckersUp

2impendingdoom ago

if #ItEndsNow, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Nobody is going to get arrested even if evidence is shoved in their faces. I hope its incontrovertible video. Put it out there today! The public needs HELP not more games!

paulf ago

Godspeed @swordfish69. I hope a) you've got the goods and b) you know what you're doing by warning these people. Remember that their hired goons for cleanup jobs like this tend to be intelligence agencies.

Drnoway ago

Just release it before they silence you! The authorities will not do anything about this, only hard evidence can change things.

fogdryer ago

Do it

DonKeyhote ago

To be fair spelling and punctuation autocorrect has ruined his generation, and in LA its quite common ti know someone who knows someone, doesnt take 2 days to issue a statement tho.

Jem777 ago

Bring it on swordfish!

LostandFound ago

Nice work sword, I understand your warning. If we stack up everyone awake and on our side vs. Everyone on their side. It's not a war we can currently win head on, so I hope as do you that someone breaks rank and makes this easier. I hope this is not a LARP and I also hope you stay safe.

Godspeed L&F

quantokitty ago

Not sure why the warning.. I do remember some of your posts so I'll wait and see.

Salicaz ago

Lol. Another "I will....honest....just watch."

0fsgivin ago

Get help man...This is sad. When ya think about it...your kinda using rampant pedophilia to get what? Upvotes and attention for yourself?

People who "break these cases wide open" Don't send these kinda letters. Lay off the booze or drugs or get on some anti schizo meds or something.

BTW...The evidence is already out there. I doubt you've found anything better than whats already been found. They control the courts.

independenceday ago

Did a search for Arana Spider and record this and it looks ominous...didn't listen.

jstrotha0975 ago

Can someone post this to Pol anon?

PedoStomper ago

OP, buy a gun. If you don't have one, fucking buy one. Right now. Go and buy a revolver. Load it, and do not put it down for the next 48 hours. And when the 48th hour hits, you RELEASE THAT FUCKING BOMB.

0fsgivin ago

It was a phil collins interview...That was his breaking earth shattering evidence. Quick we need to arrest Phil collins immediately.

PedoStomper ago

I'm convinced at this point that until actual hidden camera footage is created that shows one of these fucks engaging in pedophilia, no one is ever going to be busted. And hell, with the way things are going, turning in that footage to the police would probably end with YOU getting arrested and/or murdered, because almost all police chiefs and sergeants are Masons aka pedo protecting Lucifer-lovers.

0fsgivin ago

Yah thats pretty much what it would take...and it better be a pretty decent quality video or the "it's fake" claim will be pushed HARD.

Basically its not even about the have to get the populace so mad they turn to vigilantism if nothing else.

Because even IF cops or the FBI arrested these fucks...The courts will just slap them on the wrist half the time.

SecondAmendment ago

Everyone legally qualified should have a gun. Or several. Exercise that ole Second Amendment. . . .

duhiki ago

Some states have mandatory waiting periods of days or weeks. Buying a gun right now may not be a viable option.

PedoStomper ago

Ah, that's true. I'm in Florida so I can pretty much go buy a shotgun with no paperwork, background check, or anything.

LA_Trump ago

Alex Soros has been hanging with Scooter Braun, Arianas manager.

Jem777 ago

Think that is what he is referring to. The major European terrorists attacks in the U.K. were actually at an Ariana Grande concert interesting. He is stating US intelligence is covering up that this is actually related to child-trafficking.

Dressage2 ago

I got that same impression. Fry those bastards!

1Sorry_SOB ago

put up or shut up.

jstrotha0975 ago

Do it before they silence you too.

ChippyTubes ago

Crimes should be exposed and punished, stop playing media politics

swordfish69 ago

Which is why I'm giving the opportunity for authorities to do something before the info comes out.

redditsuckz ago

Why would (((David Seaman))) change his profile pic to that of John Travolta of SwordFish before his twitter went dark?

This better not be ANOTHER Jewish OP...:^D

Kristina_Gilliam ago

There are no "authorities." They have been hijacked by criminals.

bwarren2010 ago

My bet is Madonna

carmencita ago

Please. For the Love of God. Have you not seen all of the deaths just in the last week or two. I am sure you have. They have no scruples and they hate every last one of us. Now they hate you even more. John Heard just died, his son died in his sleep at the age of 22 just a few months ago. They will stop at nothing to quiet those that get in their way. They are emboldened because nothing has happened to them. At least tell us you have a Kill Switch. I am praying for you to #ReleaseNow

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I don't think he is that stupid. Probably has some contingencies set up.

carmencita ago

I am hoping with all my heart that he has. I know that he is a good researcher and so probably has but the fact that he is giving them so much time. I support him for anyone that has so much courage, should be respected.

fogdryer ago

You gave them too much time

carmencita ago

My exact feeling. A Kill Switch is in order, at the least.

HillBoulder ago

Bless your heart you don't smell like a shill. You're either the best shill I've ever seen or you really are an insider with some teeth. Your info is amazing.

Dauphin ago

WHAT info? He hasn't shown us ANYTHING... if he has something he needs to show at least a PIECE of it or no one will take it seriously.

HillBoulder ago

Look through his/her submission history. Of course I could be wrong. I have been a thousand times before.

daddysdarlin ago

Why even give them a chance? They didn't give the children a chance! Release all the info you have, these bastards deserve all they gave out and nothing more!!!

HumbleAlien ago

He's now under the protection of Mossad.

0fsgivin ago

Because he doesn't have anything...He is an idiot. This is just delusions of some moron or a bullshit post to get some attention or troll people.

0fsgivin ago

You see the people who put THAT together...they are doing great work.

But im sure im wrong...I am sure arrests will be made now that you have brought out this amazing information.

You may also want to check this out its right up your ally.

Gorillion ago

I imagine you mean Lady Gaga.

Tanngrisnir ago

Swordfish69 is one of the best researchers among us. I'm curious to see where this is going.

If I was a betting man I would put money on Elton John.

AngB23 ago

Elton John? I was think more like Gaga. She seems to like Pizza

Tanngrisnir ago

It appears I was wrong and it was Miley Cyrus. Swordfish also didn't mention Ukraine or Haiti in the release so my reasons for saying Elton John were irrelevent.

carmencita ago

Elton John is in this Big Time. His little boys. So sad. The Naked Child picture he was caught with at the Airport and there is much more.

Tanngrisnir ago

He wasn't my first guess but after looking at the context clues he is the only one that makes sense. The links to Ukraine, Haiti and art are the big tell.

carmencita ago

I also think Bono is highly suspect. All his trips to Africa with Bill Clinton are to be questioned. Is he an investor in the AIDS drug as well? Watering it down? What despicable pieces of vermin.

Tanngrisnir ago

I need to look into him. His list of charities he donates to is interesting. Several that I see that I am suspicious of (not the least of which is CGI).

carmencita ago

Well right off the bat, Oxfam, Red Cross, Unicef have been mentioned on here as suspicious, and Amnesty International as well. I am sure there are more. Who can you trust anymore. Not too many if any. We have given up giving. We give money to our local food group and that is it. I have even heard something about Salvation Army and that really upset me. IDK if that is for sure so no one should take it as gospel unless they check it out. We always gave $50 at Christmas time. Now all requests go in the garbage. We do have more money. It is so sad we cannot even help out the Children's Charities. They are suspect AFAIK until they are proven not to be. We can trust no one right now.

carmencita ago

Thank you I am looking into it now. I am so mad the post about who started the banks has been deleted. OOOOHHHH!!!

HillBoulder ago

That's a good one. I've heard stuff about Tom Jones, Katy Perry for obvious reasons and of course we already know about r Kelly. I bet there's Birdman and his niggerfaggot crew are all over this shit also

carmencita ago


followthedolla ago

oh dog please don't act you single-serving, kid diddling, communist fucking hazmat pieces of yesterdays placenta.


SayWhatNOWAY ago

Do it now release that info! Fuck the 48 hrs! Don't let them go looking for you first! Release it now!

carmencita ago

I agree. They gave no warning. #ReleaseNow

remedy4reality ago

Given the interest in this post, I think it's pretty clear that Swordfish's trial balloon was a savvy move.

carmencita ago

I know, but I am so afraid for his/her safety. Why not a Kill Switch? Or some type of insurance. I am sick of the bashing. I trust him.

DonKeyhote ago

Because no ones been this melodramatic LOL, few people are XD

angry_mob ago


carmencita ago

Kudos to you for taking control and demanding action and some kind of response. There have been way too many unexplained deaths withing the Industry. Prince, MJ Bennington, Cordell, not to mention all the Hip Hop deaths as well, The Hip Hop Community has spoken out and they have been punished. Yes, It needs to Stop Now.

ZardoZ2017 ago

WTF are you waiting for? Destroy them! Why the fuck would you want to warn them?

orbitoll ago

Giving them an opportunity for a Billy Martin.

FuckNazis ago

Because this person has no evidence and is full of shit.

palmitespo910 ago

Forgiveness is necessary in this time. It's time to help out an end to it or go down with the rest of them. For the people that choose the former, forgiveness is key.

9929022? ago

A payout, obviously.

angry_mob ago

yeah that is what i was wondering

windsse ago

If I were more paranoid, I would think all of these people who claim to have information, yet just continue to tease it were there to try to cast doubt on actual victims and real pedophile rings.

remedy4reality ago

Or you could just look at OP's submissions to PG and realize he is trustworthy...

windsse ago

If you were Corey Feldman and you knew the names of people who abused both you and Corey Haim, what would you do? Would you constantly say that you know yet never name them? Would you tease the information? Or would you find some way to get the info out?

He could write a letter claiming to be from corey haim naming names. He could tell someone and have them tell the media that Corey Haim told him. Would you or many others in this community take on that risk to expose some pedophiles, even if it meant a lawsuit? He could fucking get on a vpn and make a post on 4chan or reddit, ffs. Something. Anything.

I'm sure he and haim were molested, I'm sure it's going on still, I think there must be pedo rings in DC and hollywood, but more and more it seems like the people who talk about it openly in public are using it for PR to advance their own career or just get attention. Like this swordfish guy.

remedy4reality ago

another shitbag who's submissions are primarily to subs like v/niggers walking into the PG sub and acting like a fucking CEO. but not a single submission to Pizzagate.

just fuck off already, . you fake fuck racist shit bags / You're all fucking Jew shill fuckwads..

windsse ago

"How dare you hate niggers, you fucking jew!" You didn't answer, btw. What would you do if you were Corey Feldman?

awakenaware ago

If I were corey I would do what he did.. say as much as he can.. he wants people to know.. to connect the dots, but he knows that if he named names then he would be dead. Its a simple as that! And saying what he said isnt good for his career, thats a ridiculous statement. His career is virtually non existent because hes already said too much. No way talking about that stuff would help him. It simply means less controlled media will even mention him.

dassaer ago

Yup agreed, I recall in one of his interviews he said just that. He was "reminded" not to name names directly,or he would be harmed and then it was alluded to, that his wife and newborn son (at the time) may have something happen to them if he continued talking on the subject. Very tough position to be put in, absolutely responsible for the wellbeing of friends, family and/or love ones potentially on account of giving first hand truthful witness.

swordfish69 ago

I'm giving authorities a chance to do something because they have not acted on this before.

missyshimmy ago

Well where is your proof? Did you archive it?

0fsgivin ago

So a phil collins interview...thats the big news. Jesus fucking christ pal. Put down the weed for a few days.

Haldelos ago


Bluebirdsolitud ago

Formerly on here as bluebirdsolitude. Took a break from all that's pizzagate cuz my soul just could not stand anymore but I'm back. Swordfish69, if you got it, drop it. Just do it. Dox em all. No trickle here and trickle there, just put it all out and let the chips fall where they may. As you say, #ItEndsNow, so make it end now. Just do it.

wokethefkup ago

Please print tangible copies of your information and give it to 10 or more trusted people. You got this.

ThePedoHunter ago

Full of shit....a true SRA / Pizzagate / Pedogate would know you cant trust the fcking authorities. Drama bitch.

rocket_robin_hood ago

So what makes you think they will act now? lol

Jobew1 ago

Hope u can expose this. However as im sure ur aware, the industry has deep n powerful ties. All u need to do is read dave mcgowan a lil to see many powerful ppl have been killed for real or perceived threats to the power players....sounds like a dangerous game 2 play

LUCIF3Rv ago

The authorities won't do a thing. They have people in power in every law enforcement agency in this country. You should at least release some of what you have to point other researchers in the direction of what you have found incase your identity or information gets compromised. You've gone about this in a very risky way, I hope you understand that. Goodluck marlin

HumbleAlien ago

Want a bet?

Pictures and videos talk.

greyhunter4 ago

Authorities need proof right? Do they have anything to go on?

Jem777 ago

They won't act they are complicit and will all go to prison. The only way for action is to provide the evidence to the people. Provide it in numerous ways, provide it to numerous sources.

Dressage2 ago

I agree. As JFK kind of said, break them into a thousand pieces and scatter in the wind. He was talking about the CIA, but that probably includes the pedos as one and of the same in blk ops.

carmencita ago

I love that quote. It is one of my favorites. He had such Courage.

2impendingdoom ago

Authorities aren't going to arrest themselves, and the judges are just going to let them off anyway. wtf are we really going to have to do?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Seriously man, they will wait you out! The authorities will call your bluff. Go to as many websites as possible, open up multiple windows & start loading up the info with proof! Then hit send on all of them. Don't know if its too late, but protect your IP.

Get the info to AG Sessions and Trump ASAP! Tweet it out also!

BIGLY17 ago

Make sure whatever info you have is stored in multiple places as well; most crucially it should be stored on at least one device that is offline. Lastly, if you're tech savvy you could set this up for automatic distribution at sites you deem appropriate. It just seems quite a bit of potentially explosive evidence has not seen the light of day because once they become privy to the sources/collection methods of the information they act on it.

Wishing you well on all this OP - will be checking back in.

Konran ago

Seconded. If OP has rock solid evidence then they need to get it out to multiple sources as soon as.

fogdryer ago

They are implicated

Trs0817 ago

What a fucking asshole. Either you're going to get murdered or you actually don't have anything. Just say who it is and release your info. Then they might act after

cthulian_axioms ago

Then you're a damned fool. The authorities have not acted BECAUSE THEY ARE IN ON IT.

Assuming you're not bluffing and you actually do have something, you've just given them 48 hours to find you and kill you, both of which they will do.

If you have any sense at all, if you have any instinct toward self-preservation, you need to go public with the information right now. They may well kill you anyway, but at least they won't be able to stop the signal.

The demon elite deserves no quarter from you or any of us. Don't give any. Put up or shut up.

EDIT: Further, the only way the authorities can do anything is if they have evidence to proceed in the first place. The best thing you can do is to provide that evidence publicly.

BlissNarwhal ago

GrannyPI ago

Maybe swordfish is in authority or govt?? As an ex investigator of 25 yrs specialising in Paedo's and priest Paedo's I find this believable. I'm praying for safety of swordfish and truth to blow out the vermin

HumbleAlien ago

Just be rest assured some very powerful people have swordfish's back.

Far more powerful than politicians or law enforcement.

Amino69 ago

Amen, it beggars belief that this individual and thread is even real?!

HumbleAlien ago

It's very very real.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Why? To what end? The so-called authorities have hidden evidence, covered up, and lied. Now just because you've made an undefined threat they are all going to jump up and admit all this? I don't see any benefit to playing this game.

remedy4reality ago

It's his research and his information. He can send it out any way he likes. I know he has spent many weeks on this single topic.

ThePedoHunter ago

His research? fcking what. ...what's he waiting for - more kids to get orgy raped in a killroom by these degenerate kiddie fckers?

SurfinMindWaves ago

Unless it is actual evidence that can prove something then it is an empty threat. There is no publicly available "research" that is going to make them do anything, since it is all already out there and made no difference. Many weeks? There are people who have been fighting for exposure and police involvement for DECADES to no avail.

angry_mob ago


FeLpZ187 ago

This moron couldn't even make sure the image is free from spelling mistakes. No authorities are going to do shit. This guy doesn't have anything.

orbitoll ago

It's an image, not a pdf or word doc.

FeLpZ187 ago

I... said it was an image?

DonutofShame ago

Agreed, posts like this just discourage people after their hopes are initially high.

DonutofShame ago

I'm new here. How is this related to me?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Seen some past post from him. He is not one to bluff! Imperative he gets his info out b4 it can "disappear"

remedy4reality ago

oh yes... he does... better take a seat because Swordfish has some stunning and rock solid information.

Tallest_Skil ago

Your evidence is where?

Nrgiseternal ago

He "has the gooda" but will settle for one of his demands = he's full of shit

redditsuckz ago

Same Thread on reddit rapidly moving toward r/all and gets removed due to "being a meme"...:(



Possible Jew OP/LARP - urge caution everyone

(((David Seaman))) on SwordFish before his twitter went dark;

remedy4reality ago

some great stuff on the repost... mod looks like a complete jackass and so does Reddit

0fsgivin ago

Lol...yah buddy. In 48 hours the internet will be ablaze with all these shocking revelations. People will start storming city halls demanding action. Arrests of prominent figures will happen one after another...

But before all that happens. This means land is about to be worth so much more. Think of how much US property prices will increase after this good fortune! A country free of pedophiles corrupting high seats of power!

SO I'm willing to sell you my house now at the low low price of 500k. Sure it's only worth 80k right now. But it will be worth 10X that in a few months after all this settles out. And I have another investment idea just for me sorry I wont share that one. So 500k now isn't a real loss for me. So it's a WIN WIN! whatta ya say?

remedy4reality ago

all time cunt comment

0fsgivin ago

Well, im sorry that this sub has degraded to people getting off on this shit...It's fucked up. You guys post this kinda shit and then upvote it and go "Oooh THIS IS IT"

You having fun? is this fun for you? Quaint little hobby? While kids are getting murdered and raped?

Cuz this shits obviously fucking bullshit. Reads like the ramblings of a god damn mad man. This fuck could have a kid or two in his basement and it wouldn't shock me.

But I tell ya what...I'll eat my words if 48 hours later "shocking and previously unknown hard evidence shows up on /pol." I fucking doubt it.

wokethefkup ago

I always notice trolls say stupid shit then when its not well received they comment again and turn the blame on to the person who's here doing research. "Be careful if ur here you're the reason kids are being hurt and killed" like shut the fuck up you're here to spread disinfo and think we can't see through this cheap guise. Hint: pay attention to the threads these trolls choose to act up in.

0fsgivin ago

Well I guesse we find out the "big news!" tommorow huh. I mean it's going to be big right?

Glad your having fun.

remedy4reality ago

what a miserable piece of shit you are...

0fsgivin ago

Yah right back at you...Have fun playing cops and robbers kid.

remedy4reality ago

Isn't it time you got back to posting gif's on VOAT, you stupid cunt ?

0fsgivin ago

See you in 48 then. I'm sure it will be shocking...Arrests will be made correct?

listentoreason2017 ago

48 hours later and.....nothing.

0fsgivin ago

Yah, i mean i certainly think there are people taking this shit seriously and who knows they might break some big shit on thier own.

Honestly, one dude made a video of 9-11 conspiracy for example still to this day best one ive ever seen. Dude just combed media outlets themselves and peiced together a compelling story implicating pakistan as the money handler. That guys the real deal.

Some people on POL really doing good work on pizzagate.

This kinda shit...It's disgusting. This is clearly some asshole just getting off on attention. And look normaly IDGAF. But dude you getting your little attention whoring off the backs of dead kids man...Pick another topic for the love of god.

I'm glad this sub exists. I think most of any legwork being done will be done by /pol but hey /v/pizzagate could have some real postive impact on disseminating info and possibly some dudes on here might discover something.

But this shit is shameful...This guy obviously just needed an ego boost and posted this because he can't find anything new.

But whatever also based on how this guy wrote the letter. And his alt-account talks. He is 13.

remedy4reality ago

cunt with the stinky loud cunt on his face where his mouth used to be..

will you be fucking off soon ?

Please advise, cunt.

0fsgivin ago

A fucking phil Collins interview and a tweet about #standwithcomet from some guy who bought his book...

TONY PODESTA HAS PICS OF NAKED KIDS IN HIS HOUSE NUMBNUTS... You think this shit is gunna blow the lid off this when that fucking didn't? How is THIS arrest inducing?

Jeesus christ.

listentoreason2017 ago

Remind me in 48 hours, July 24.

remedy4reality ago

I won't have to.

listentoreason2017 ago

So 2 days have passed... did he expose all the a-list popstar pedos?

I saw a 30 second video of Phil Collins, a screenshot of a social media post, and a timeline of Lady Gaga's career. Am I missing the smoking gun?

remedy4reality ago

that was not Swordfish69 with all those bogus leaks...

oh snap, now it really looks like he has something, doesn't it ?

listentoreason2017 ago

Oh snap! Where are his leaks? He hasn't posted for 43 hours.

remedy4reality ago

you dumb cunt....

this disinfo attack is just a coincidence, is that it?

You fucking jew faggot.

listentoreason2017 ago

And a bunch of LARPers piggybacking off this guys vague post makes way more sense than disinfo but you do you.

remedy4reality ago

you dumb cunt... I've known this guy and communicated with him for months..

You are talking right out your ass and I will be stomping on your fucking head when this shit breaks. OK faggot ?

listentoreason2017 ago

I'll look forward to it in 6ish hours.

And when nothing happens, you fucking better not come at me with Excuse 1 or 2.

remedy4reality ago

What's funny here, you little shitbag.. Is that you probably could have got some teaser information from me if you were not such a cunt... But it's more important for you and your pathetic ego to demonstrate control and superiority. You are a worthless critic with no ideas of his own.

listentoreason2017 ago

HAHAHAHAHA Is this the teaser info that's gonna rock the TPTB?

Jesus Christ dude. So pathetic. Instagram posts/music videos and bands nobody's heard of before. Try harder with your bombshells.

listentoreason2017 ago

Some teaser info?! HOLY FUCKING SHIT!


Now I'm embarrassed that I won't get a teaser of non-existent info that won't lead to arrests or even media coverage.

Can't wait for you to blame this on disinfo or the guy getting threatened!


listentoreason2017 ago

When nothing happens, just stop and think for a second.

I guarantee that you'll come to one of three conclusions.

  1. It was disinfo from the REAL stuff that's right around the corner.
  2. He was suicided or threatened or taken hostage from realizing the very real, very damning information taking down TPTB.
  3. He was a LARPer that didn't have any information at all and you fell for it anyway.

I'm positive I know which one you won't choose.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I am worried for your life. You have given these guys 48 hours to silence you. I hope you have insurance. Please stay safe. And keep us updated on here.

MossadMadManIQ180 ago

Grow some balls re'em

tapsnapornap ago

@swordfish69 needs a dead man switch.

0fsgivin ago

He...He doesn't have anything. This guys a fucking moron.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Certain are you? Go take your negativity elsewhere instead of bashing people trying to FIGHT PAEDOPHILIA. Jesus.

remedy4reality ago

You can actually shut that cunt on your face and look into his submissions to the sub to find he is a top 10 investigator.

cthulian_axioms ago

Insightfulness and naïveté are not mutually exclusive. One can be a brilliant investigator and still have no Goddamn sense of OPSEC.

If Swordfish is for real--which I have trouble believing but will reserve judgment on until he puts his money where his mouth is--he has signed his own death warrant. He needs to move very quickly, because they are going to kill him and destroy the evidence; and if he's very lucky, they'll do the former with a "suicide" to the back of the head, not by feeding him to whatever's inside Skippy.

I hope to fucking God he's taken at least some precautions with whatever he's got, if he's got anything in the first place. It would be a terrible, terrible tragedy if we were to get so close and still lose.

Consider Edward Snowden. He didn't give the bastards any warning. Swordfish needs to put his fucking ego aside for a little while and just let the evidence speak for itself. We can all thank him later, but again, we will not get the chance if they kill him first.

DonKeyhote ago

My shit > his. One kabbalist family HO HO, its ALL KABBALISTS

0fsgivin ago

No investigator with half a fucking brain writes a fucking letter to the fucking criminal.

remedy4reality ago

what the fuck do you know? you don't have a single fucking submission to this sub, you stupid cunt.

0fsgivin ago

Yah faggot? See in you 48 hours huh?

Oh but it wont matter then will it...Still the journey bro. still the journey! we gotta keep plugging...

And yah thats fine..keep plugging. But fuck this circle jerk attention shit.

You are using raped and dead kids for internet attention at that point.

remedy4reality ago

wow... this thread really sent your female hormones into a tailspin !!

not a single submission to Pizzagate, but here you are.. just like the cunt shill you're paid to be..

0fsgivin ago

No... It looks like I struck a nerve pointing out. You are having FUN with play investigating of raped and dead kids.

Someday these fucks might be brought to justice...But it's not gunna be by you. You are clearly just using this to inflate your own ego and sick twisted desire for attention. As a clear "hype post" of which im sure wont be shit. I doubt I see any of it on fucking /pol.

And now that's someones called you out on how fucked up that actually is. You're having REEEE fit.

STOP...HAVING...FUN...TALKING ABOUT DEAD KIDS ASSHOLE. It is indeed shitty...and i think you might just now be realizing that and are having a bit of a meltdown arn't ya?

Again, I see breaking news...I see ONE arrest...Shit dude...If I see shit more damning that mother fucking tony podesta having pics of naked kids in his HOUSE...I'll eat my words. But you don't have anything like that do you? Or you wouldn't "hype post" youd just fucking post.

remedy4reality ago

wow.. that cunt just keeps flapping its saggy lips..

it's like it has a mind of its own

0fsgivin ago

Yah, well have fun fake investigating dead kids because you like internet attention. Good thing those kids were raped and murdered so you could have some fun with it. Nothing fucked up about that at all.

remedy4reality ago

the cunt just keeps cunting on...

carmencita ago

Yes, I thought of this too. OP must take precautions. A Switch of Sorts. They have no soul.

MossadMadManIQ180 ago


DonKeyhote ago

Comes off pretentious without breadcrumbs bro.

PedoStomper ago

Do you ever have anything positive to say DonKeyHomo? All you do is pop up to shit all over everyone's posts, and then you slink back into your Jew Cave.

DonKeyhote ago

LOL it's a suggestion with four upvoats, so suck our 10 balls, FAGGIT!

PedoStomper ago

So shills get together to upvoat/downvoat things? I'M SHOCKED. You're terrible at hiding your faggotry.

DonKeyhote ago

I bet I got better info that swordfish, LOL. Satanist Jew entertainers, in LA??? BOMBSHELL

PedoStomper ago

That's a common topic among people like us, but not among the normies. Breaking through the wall of "antisemitism" is key to getting through to the masses. They have to understand that organized Jewry is the cause of all the world's woes.

EricKaliberhall ago


carmencita ago

YES. Upvoats are in order. They must own this. A response is and should be demanded from them. I love your #.